
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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lnchannel.py (71718B)

      1 # Copyright (C) 2018 The Electrum developers
      2 #
      3 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
      4 # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
      5 # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
      6 # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
      7 # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
      8 # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
      9 #
     10 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
     11 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
     12 #
     19 # THE SOFTWARE.
     21 import os
     22 from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
     23 import binascii
     24 import json
     25 from enum import IntEnum
     26 from typing import (Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Set, Callable,
     27                     Iterable, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Union)
     28 import time
     29 import threading
     30 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
     31 import itertools
     33 from aiorpcx import NetAddress
     34 import attr
     36 from . import ecc
     37 from . import constants, util
     38 from .util import bfh, bh2u, chunks, TxMinedInfo
     39 from .invoices import PR_PAID
     40 from .bitcoin import redeem_script_to_address
     41 from .crypto import sha256, sha256d
     42 from .transaction import Transaction, PartialTransaction, TxInput
     43 from .logging import Logger
     44 from .lnonion import decode_onion_error, OnionFailureCode, OnionRoutingFailure
     45 from . import lnutil
     46 from .lnutil import (Outpoint, LocalConfig, RemoteConfig, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints,
     47                      get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed, secret_to_pubkey, derive_privkey, make_closing_tx,
     48                      sign_and_get_sig_string, RevocationStore, derive_blinded_pubkey, Direction, derive_pubkey,
     49                      make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, make_commitment, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc,
     50                      HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT, extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan, UpdateAddHtlc,
     51                      funding_output_script, SENT, RECEIVED, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, make_commitment_outputs,
     52                      ScriptHtlc, PaymentFailure, calc_fees_for_commitment_tx, RemoteMisbehaving, make_htlc_output_witness_script,
     53                      ShortChannelID, map_htlcs_to_ctx_output_idxs, LNPeerAddr,
     54                      LN_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_MSAT, fee_for_htlc_output, offered_htlc_trim_threshold_sat,
     55                      received_htlc_trim_threshold_sat, make_commitment_output_to_remote_address)
     56 from .lnsweep import create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx, create_sweeptxs_for_their_ctx
     57 from .lnsweep import create_sweeptx_for_their_revoked_htlc, SweepInfo
     58 from .lnhtlc import HTLCManager
     59 from .lnmsg import encode_msg, decode_msg
     60 from .address_synchronizer import TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL
     61 from .lnutil import CHANNEL_OPENING_TIMEOUT
     62 from .lnutil import ChannelBackupStorage
     63 from .lnutil import format_short_channel_id
     65 if TYPE_CHECKING:
     66     from .lnworker import LNWallet
     67     from .json_db import StoredDict
     68     from .lnrouter import RouteEdge
     71 # lightning channel states
     72 # Note: these states are persisted by name (for a given channel) in the wallet file,
     73 #       so consider doing a wallet db upgrade when changing them.
     74 class ChannelState(IntEnum):
     75     PREOPENING      = 0  # Initial negotiation. Channel will not be reestablished
     76     OPENING         = 1  # Channel will be reestablished. (per BOLT2)
     77                          #  - Funding node: has received funding_signed (can broadcast the funding tx)
     78                          #  - Non-funding node: has sent the funding_signed message.
     79     FUNDED          = 2  # Funding tx was mined (requires min_depth and tx verification)
     80     OPEN            = 3  # both parties have sent funding_locked
     81     SHUTDOWN        = 4  # shutdown has been sent.
     82     CLOSING         = 5  # closing negotiation done. we have a fully signed tx.
     83     FORCE_CLOSING   = 6  # we force-closed, and closing tx is unconfirmed. Note that if the
     84                          # remote force-closes then we remain OPEN until it gets mined -
     85                          # the server could be lying to us with a fake tx.
     86     CLOSED          = 7  # closing tx has been mined
     87     REDEEMED        = 8  # we can stop watching
     90 class PeerState(IntEnum):
     91     DISCONNECTED   = 0
     92     REESTABLISHING = 1
     93     GOOD           = 2
     94     BAD            = 3
     97 cs = ChannelState
     98 state_transitions = [
     99     (cs.PREOPENING, cs.OPENING),
    100     (cs.OPENING, cs.FUNDED),
    101     (cs.FUNDED, cs.OPEN),
    102     (cs.OPENING, cs.SHUTDOWN),
    103     (cs.FUNDED, cs.SHUTDOWN),
    104     (cs.OPEN, cs.SHUTDOWN),
    105     (cs.SHUTDOWN, cs.SHUTDOWN),  # if we reestablish
    106     (cs.SHUTDOWN, cs.CLOSING),
    107     (cs.CLOSING, cs.CLOSING),
    108     # we can force close almost any time
    109     (cs.OPENING,  cs.FORCE_CLOSING),
    110     (cs.FUNDED,   cs.FORCE_CLOSING),
    111     (cs.OPEN,     cs.FORCE_CLOSING),
    112     (cs.SHUTDOWN, cs.FORCE_CLOSING),
    113     (cs.CLOSING,  cs.FORCE_CLOSING),
    114     # we can get force closed almost any time
    115     (cs.OPENING,  cs.CLOSED),
    116     (cs.FUNDED,   cs.CLOSED),
    117     (cs.OPEN,     cs.CLOSED),
    118     (cs.SHUTDOWN, cs.CLOSED),
    119     (cs.CLOSING,  cs.CLOSED),
    120     #
    121     (cs.FORCE_CLOSING, cs.FORCE_CLOSING),  # allow multiple attempts
    122     (cs.FORCE_CLOSING, cs.CLOSED),
    123     (cs.FORCE_CLOSING, cs.REDEEMED),
    124     (cs.CLOSED, cs.REDEEMED),
    125     (cs.OPENING, cs.REDEEMED),  # channel never funded (dropped from mempool)
    126     (cs.PREOPENING, cs.REDEEMED),  # channel never funded
    127 ]
    128 del cs  # delete as name is ambiguous without context
    131 class RevokeAndAck(NamedTuple):
    132     per_commitment_secret: bytes
    133     next_per_commitment_point: bytes
    136 class RemoteCtnTooFarInFuture(Exception): pass
    139 def htlcsum(htlcs: Iterable[UpdateAddHtlc]):
    140     return sum([x.amount_msat for x in htlcs])
    143 class AbstractChannel(Logger, ABC):
    144     storage: Union['StoredDict', dict]
    145     config: Dict[HTLCOwner, Union[LocalConfig, RemoteConfig]]
    146     _sweep_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, 'SweepInfo']]
    147     lnworker: Optional['LNWallet']
    148     _fallback_sweep_address: str
    149     channel_id: bytes
    150     funding_outpoint: Outpoint
    151     node_id: bytes
    152     _state: ChannelState
    154     def set_short_channel_id(self, short_id: ShortChannelID) -> None:
    155         self.short_channel_id = short_id
    156         self.storage["short_channel_id"] = short_id
    158     def get_id_for_log(self) -> str:
    159         scid = self.short_channel_id
    160         if scid:
    161             return str(scid)
    162         return self.channel_id.hex()
    164     def short_id_for_GUI(self) -> str:
    165         return format_short_channel_id(self.short_channel_id)
    167     def set_state(self, state: ChannelState) -> None:
    168         """ set on-chain state """
    169         old_state = self._state
    170         if (old_state, state) not in state_transitions:
    171             raise Exception(f"Transition not allowed: {old_state.name} -> {state.name}")
    172         self.logger.debug(f'Setting channel state: {old_state.name} -> {state.name}')
    173         self._state = state
    174         self.storage['state'] = self._state.name
    175         if self.lnworker:
    176             self.lnworker.channel_state_changed(self)
    178     def get_state(self) -> ChannelState:
    179         return self._state
    181     def is_funded(self):
    182         return self.get_state() >= ChannelState.FUNDED
    184     def is_open(self):
    185         return self.get_state() == ChannelState.OPEN
    187     def is_closing(self):
    188         return ChannelState.SHUTDOWN <= self.get_state() <= ChannelState.FORCE_CLOSING
    190     def is_closed(self):
    191         # the closing txid has been saved
    192         return self.get_state() >= ChannelState.CLOSING
    194     def is_redeemed(self):
    195         return self.get_state() == ChannelState.REDEEMED
    197     def save_funding_height(self, *, txid: str, height: int, timestamp: Optional[int]) -> None:
    198         self.storage['funding_height'] = txid, height, timestamp
    200     def get_funding_height(self):
    201         return self.storage.get('funding_height')
    203     def delete_funding_height(self):
    204         self.storage.pop('funding_height', None)
    206     def save_closing_height(self, *, txid: str, height: int, timestamp: Optional[int]) -> None:
    207         self.storage['closing_height'] = txid, height, timestamp
    209     def get_closing_height(self):
    210         return self.storage.get('closing_height')
    212     def delete_closing_height(self):
    213         self.storage.pop('closing_height', None)
    215     def create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx(self, ctx):
    216         return create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx(chan=self, ctx=ctx, sweep_address=self.sweep_address)
    218     def create_sweeptxs_for_their_ctx(self, ctx):
    219         return create_sweeptxs_for_their_ctx(chan=self, ctx=ctx, sweep_address=self.sweep_address)
    221     def is_backup(self):
    222         return False
    224     def sweep_ctx(self, ctx: Transaction) -> Dict[str, SweepInfo]:
    225         txid = ctx.txid()
    226         if self._sweep_info.get(txid) is None:
    227             our_sweep_info = self.create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx(ctx)
    228             their_sweep_info = self.create_sweeptxs_for_their_ctx(ctx)
    229             if our_sweep_info is not None:
    230                 self._sweep_info[txid] = our_sweep_info
    231                 self.logger.info(f'we force closed')
    232             elif their_sweep_info is not None:
    233                 self._sweep_info[txid] = their_sweep_info
    234                 self.logger.info(f'they force closed.')
    235             else:
    236                 self._sweep_info[txid] = {}
    237                 self.logger.info(f'not sure who closed.')
    238         return self._sweep_info[txid]
    240     def update_onchain_state(self, *, funding_txid: str, funding_height: TxMinedInfo,
    241                              closing_txid: str, closing_height: TxMinedInfo, keep_watching: bool) -> None:
    242         # note: state transitions are irreversible, but
    243         # save_funding_height, save_closing_height are reversible
    244         if funding_height.height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
    245             self.update_unfunded_state()
    246         elif closing_height.height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
    247             self.update_funded_state(funding_txid=funding_txid, funding_height=funding_height)
    248         else:
    249             self.update_closed_state(funding_txid=funding_txid,
    250                                      funding_height=funding_height,
    251                                      closing_txid=closing_txid,
    252                                      closing_height=closing_height,
    253                                      keep_watching=keep_watching)
    255     def update_unfunded_state(self):
    256         self.delete_funding_height()
    257         self.delete_closing_height()
    258         if self.get_state() in [ChannelState.PREOPENING, ChannelState.OPENING, ChannelState.FORCE_CLOSING] and self.lnworker:
    259             if self.is_initiator():
    260                 # set channel state to REDEEMED so that it can be removed manually
    261                 # to protect ourselves against a server lying by omission,
    262                 # we check that funding_inputs have been double spent and deeply mined
    263                 inputs = self.storage.get('funding_inputs', [])
    264                 if not inputs:
    265                     self.logger.info(f'channel funding inputs are not provided')
    266                     self.set_state(ChannelState.REDEEMED)
    267                 for i in inputs:
    268                     spender_txid = self.lnworker.wallet.db.get_spent_outpoint(*i)
    269                     if spender_txid is None:
    270                         continue
    271                     if spender_txid != self.funding_outpoint.txid:
    272                         tx_mined_height = self.lnworker.wallet.get_tx_height(spender_txid)
    273                         if tx_mined_height.conf > lnutil.REDEEM_AFTER_DOUBLE_SPENT_DELAY:
    274                             self.logger.info(f'channel is double spent {inputs}')
    275                             self.set_state(ChannelState.REDEEMED)
    276                             break
    277             else:
    278                 now = int(time.time())
    279                 if now - self.storage.get('init_timestamp', 0) > CHANNEL_OPENING_TIMEOUT:
    280                     self.lnworker.remove_channel(self.channel_id)
    282     def update_funded_state(self, *, funding_txid: str, funding_height: TxMinedInfo) -> None:
    283         self.save_funding_height(txid=funding_txid, height=funding_height.height, timestamp=funding_height.timestamp)
    284         self.delete_closing_height()
    285         if funding_height.conf>0:
    286             self.set_short_channel_id(ShortChannelID.from_components(
    287                 funding_height.height, funding_height.txpos, self.funding_outpoint.output_index))
    288         if self.get_state() == ChannelState.OPENING:
    289             if self.is_funding_tx_mined(funding_height):
    290                 self.set_state(ChannelState.FUNDED)
    292     def update_closed_state(self, *, funding_txid: str, funding_height: TxMinedInfo,
    293                             closing_txid: str, closing_height: TxMinedInfo, keep_watching: bool) -> None:
    294         self.save_funding_height(txid=funding_txid, height=funding_height.height, timestamp=funding_height.timestamp)
    295         self.save_closing_height(txid=closing_txid, height=closing_height.height, timestamp=closing_height.timestamp)
    296         if funding_height.conf>0:
    297             self.set_short_channel_id(ShortChannelID.from_components(
    298                 funding_height.height, funding_height.txpos, self.funding_outpoint.output_index))
    299         if self.get_state() < ChannelState.CLOSED:
    300             conf = closing_height.conf
    301             if conf > 0:
    302                 self.set_state(ChannelState.CLOSED)
    303             else:
    304                 # we must not trust the server with unconfirmed transactions
    305                 # if the remote force closed, we remain OPEN until the closing tx is confirmed
    306                 pass
    307         if self.get_state() == ChannelState.CLOSED and not keep_watching:
    308             self.set_state(ChannelState.REDEEMED)
    310     @property
    311     def sweep_address(self) -> str:
    312         # TODO: in case of unilateral close with pending HTLCs, this address will be reused
    313         addr = None
    314         if self.is_static_remotekey_enabled():
    315             our_payment_pubkey = self.config[LOCAL].payment_basepoint.pubkey
    316             addr = make_commitment_output_to_remote_address(our_payment_pubkey)
    317         if addr is None:
    318             addr = self._fallback_sweep_address
    319         assert addr
    320         if self.lnworker:
    321             assert self.lnworker.wallet.is_mine(addr)
    322         return addr
    324     @abstractmethod
    325     def is_initiator(self) -> bool:
    326         pass
    328     @abstractmethod
    329     def is_funding_tx_mined(self, funding_height: TxMinedInfo) -> bool:
    330         pass
    332     @abstractmethod
    333     def get_funding_address(self) -> str:
    334         pass
    336     @abstractmethod
    337     def get_state_for_GUI(self) -> str:
    338         pass
    340     @abstractmethod
    341     def get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
    342         pass
    344     @abstractmethod
    345     def included_htlcs(self, subject: HTLCOwner, direction: Direction, ctn: int = None) -> Sequence[UpdateAddHtlc]:
    346         pass
    348     @abstractmethod
    349     def funding_txn_minimum_depth(self) -> int:
    350         pass
    352     @abstractmethod
    353     def balance(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *, ctx_owner=HTLCOwner.LOCAL, ctn: int = None) -> int:
    354         """This balance (in msat) only considers HTLCs that have been settled by ctn.
    355         It disregards reserve, fees, and pending HTLCs (in both directions).
    356         """
    357         pass
    359     @abstractmethod
    360     def balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *,
    361                                      ctx_owner: HTLCOwner = HTLCOwner.LOCAL,
    362                                      ctn: int = None) -> int:
    363         """This balance (in msat), which includes the value of
    364         pending outgoing HTLCs, is used in the UI.
    365         """
    366         pass
    368     @abstractmethod
    369     def is_frozen_for_sending(self) -> bool:
    370         """Whether the user has marked this channel as frozen for sending.
    371         Frozen channels are not supposed to be used for new outgoing payments.
    372         (note that payment-forwarding ignores this option)
    373         """
    374         pass
    376     @abstractmethod
    377     def is_frozen_for_receiving(self) -> bool:
    378         """Whether the user has marked this channel as frozen for receiving.
    379         Frozen channels are not supposed to be used for new incoming payments.
    380         (note that payment-forwarding ignores this option)
    381         """
    382         pass
    384     @abstractmethod
    385     def is_static_remotekey_enabled(self) -> bool:
    386         pass
    389 class ChannelBackup(AbstractChannel):
    390     """
    391     current capabilities:
    392       - detect force close
    393       - request force close
    394       - sweep my ctx to_local
    395     future:
    396       - will need to sweep their ctx to_remote
    397     """
    399     def __init__(self, cb: ChannelBackupStorage, *, sweep_address=None, lnworker=None):
    400         self.name = None
    401         Logger.__init__(self)
    402         self.cb = cb
    403         self._sweep_info = {}
    404         self._fallback_sweep_address = sweep_address
    405         self.storage = {} # dummy storage
    406         self._state = ChannelState.OPENING
    407         self.config = {}
    408         self.config[LOCAL] = LocalConfig.from_seed(
    409             channel_seed=cb.channel_seed,
    410             to_self_delay=cb.local_delay,
    411             # dummy values
    412             static_remotekey=None,
    413             dust_limit_sat=None,
    414             max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat=None,
    415             max_accepted_htlcs=None,
    416             initial_msat=None,
    417             reserve_sat=None,
    418             funding_locked_received=False,
    419             was_announced=False,
    420             current_commitment_signature=None,
    421             current_htlc_signatures=b'',
    422             htlc_minimum_msat=1,
    423             upfront_shutdown_script='')
    424         self.config[REMOTE] = RemoteConfig(
    425             # payment_basepoint needed to deobfuscate ctn in our_ctx
    426             payment_basepoint=OnlyPubkeyKeypair(cb.remote_payment_pubkey),
    427             # revocation_basepoint is used to claim to_local in our ctx
    428             revocation_basepoint=OnlyPubkeyKeypair(cb.remote_revocation_pubkey),
    429             to_self_delay=cb.remote_delay,
    430             # dummy values
    431             multisig_key=OnlyPubkeyKeypair(None),
    432             htlc_basepoint=OnlyPubkeyKeypair(None),
    433             delayed_basepoint=OnlyPubkeyKeypair(None),
    434             dust_limit_sat=None,
    435             max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat=None,
    436             max_accepted_htlcs=None,
    437             initial_msat = None,
    438             reserve_sat = None,
    439             htlc_minimum_msat=None,
    440             next_per_commitment_point=None,
    441             current_per_commitment_point=None,
    442             upfront_shutdown_script='')
    443         self.node_id = cb.node_id
    444         self.channel_id = cb.channel_id()
    445         self.funding_outpoint = cb.funding_outpoint()
    446         self.lnworker = lnworker
    447         self.short_channel_id = None
    449     def get_capacity(self):
    450         return self.lnworker.lnwatcher.get_tx_delta(self.funding_outpoint.txid, self.cb.funding_address)
    452     def is_backup(self):
    453         return True
    455     def create_sweeptxs_for_their_ctx(self, ctx):
    456         return {}
    458     def get_funding_address(self):
    459         return self.cb.funding_address
    461     def is_initiator(self):
    462         return self.cb.is_initiator
    464     def short_id_for_GUI(self) -> str:
    465         if self.short_channel_id:
    466             return 'BACKUP of ' + format_short_channel_id(self.short_channel_id)
    467         else:
    468             return 'BACKUP'
    470     def get_state_for_GUI(self):
    471         cs = self.get_state()
    472         return cs.name
    474     def get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(self, who):
    475         return -1
    477     def included_htlcs(self, subject, direction, ctn=None):
    478         return []
    480     def funding_txn_minimum_depth(self):
    481         return 1
    483     def is_funding_tx_mined(self, funding_height):
    484         return funding_height.conf > 1
    486     def balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *, ctx_owner: HTLCOwner = HTLCOwner.LOCAL, ctn: int = None):
    487         return 0
    489     def balance(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *, ctx_owner=HTLCOwner.LOCAL, ctn: int = None) -> int:
    490         return 0
    492     def is_frozen_for_sending(self) -> bool:
    493         return False
    495     def is_frozen_for_receiving(self) -> bool:
    496         return False
    498     def is_static_remotekey_enabled(self) -> bool:
    499         # Return False so that self.sweep_address will return self._fallback_sweep_address
    500         # Since channel backups do not save the static_remotekey, payment_basepoint in
    501         # their local config is not static)
    502         return False
    506 class Channel(AbstractChannel):
    507     # note: try to avoid naming ctns/ctxs/etc as "current" and "pending".
    508     #       they are ambiguous. Use "oldest_unrevoked" or "latest" or "next".
    509     #       TODO enforce this ^
    511     # our forwarding parameters for forwarding HTLCs through this channel
    512     forwarding_cltv_expiry_delta = 144
    513     forwarding_fee_base_msat = 1000
    514     forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths = 1
    516     def __init__(self, state: 'StoredDict', *, sweep_address=None, name=None, lnworker=None, initial_feerate=None):
    517         self.name = name
    518         Logger.__init__(self)
    519         self.lnworker = lnworker
    520         self._fallback_sweep_address = sweep_address
    521         self.storage = state
    522         self.db_lock = self.storage.db.lock if self.storage.db else threading.RLock()
    523         self.config = {}
    524         self.config[LOCAL] = state["local_config"]
    525         self.config[REMOTE] = state["remote_config"]
    526         self.channel_id = bfh(state["channel_id"])
    527         self.constraints = state["constraints"]  # type: ChannelConstraints
    528         self.funding_outpoint = state["funding_outpoint"]
    529         self.node_id = bfh(state["node_id"])
    530         self.short_channel_id = ShortChannelID.normalize(state["short_channel_id"])
    531         self.onion_keys = state['onion_keys']  # type: Dict[int, bytes]
    532         self.data_loss_protect_remote_pcp = state['data_loss_protect_remote_pcp']
    533         self.hm = HTLCManager(log=state['log'], initial_feerate=initial_feerate)
    534         self._state = ChannelState[state['state']]
    535         self.peer_state = PeerState.DISCONNECTED
    536         self._sweep_info = {}
    537         self._outgoing_channel_update = None  # type: Optional[bytes]
    538         self._chan_ann_without_sigs = None  # type: Optional[bytes]
    539         self.revocation_store = RevocationStore(state["revocation_store"])
    540         self._can_send_ctx_updates = True  # type: bool
    541         self._receive_fail_reasons = {}  # type: Dict[int, (bytes, OnionRoutingFailure)]
    542         self._ignore_max_htlc_value = False  # used in tests
    544     def get_capacity(self):
    545         return self.constraints.capacity
    547     def is_initiator(self):
    548         return self.constraints.is_initiator
    550     def is_active(self):
    551         return self.get_state() == ChannelState.OPEN and self.peer_state == PeerState.GOOD
    553     def funding_txn_minimum_depth(self):
    554         return self.constraints.funding_txn_minimum_depth
    556     def diagnostic_name(self):
    557         if self.name:
    558             return str(self.name)
    559         try:
    560             return f"lnchannel_{bh2u(self.channel_id[-4:])}"
    561         except:
    562             return super().diagnostic_name()
    564     def set_onion_key(self, key: int, value: bytes):
    565         self.onion_keys[key] = value
    567     def get_onion_key(self, key: int) -> bytes:
    568         return self.onion_keys.get(key)
    570     def set_data_loss_protect_remote_pcp(self, key, value):
    571         self.data_loss_protect_remote_pcp[key] = value
    573     def get_data_loss_protect_remote_pcp(self, key):
    574         return self.data_loss_protect_remote_pcp.get(key)
    576     def get_local_pubkey(self) -> bytes:
    577         if not self.lnworker:
    578             raise Exception('lnworker not set for channel!')
    579         return self.lnworker.node_keypair.pubkey
    581     def set_remote_update(self, raw: bytes) -> None:
    582         self.storage['remote_update'] = raw.hex()
    584     def get_remote_update(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
    585         return bfh(self.storage.get('remote_update')) if self.storage.get('remote_update') else None
    587     def add_or_update_peer_addr(self, peer: LNPeerAddr) -> None:
    588         if 'peer_network_addresses' not in self.storage:
    589             self.storage['peer_network_addresses'] = {}
    590         now = int(time.time())
    591         self.storage['peer_network_addresses'][peer.net_addr_str()] = now
    593     def get_peer_addresses(self) -> Iterator[LNPeerAddr]:
    594         # sort by timestamp: most recent first
    595         addrs = sorted(self.storage.get('peer_network_addresses', {}).items(),
    596                        key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    597         for net_addr_str, ts in addrs:
    598             net_addr = NetAddress.from_string(net_addr_str)
    599             yield LNPeerAddr(host=str(net_addr.host), port=net_addr.port, pubkey=self.node_id)
    601     def get_outgoing_gossip_channel_update(self) -> bytes:
    602         if self._outgoing_channel_update is not None:
    603             return self._outgoing_channel_update
    604         if not self.lnworker:
    605             raise Exception('lnworker not set for channel!')
    606         sorted_node_ids = list(sorted([self.node_id, self.get_local_pubkey()]))
    607         channel_flags = b'\x00' if sorted_node_ids[0] == self.get_local_pubkey() else b'\x01'
    608         now = int(time.time())
    609         htlc_maximum_msat = min(self.config[REMOTE].max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, 1000 * self.constraints.capacity)
    611         chan_upd = encode_msg(
    612             "channel_update",
    613             short_channel_id=self.short_channel_id,
    614             channel_flags=channel_flags,
    615             message_flags=b'\x01',
    616             cltv_expiry_delta=self.forwarding_cltv_expiry_delta,
    617             htlc_minimum_msat=self.config[REMOTE].htlc_minimum_msat,
    618             htlc_maximum_msat=htlc_maximum_msat,
    619             fee_base_msat=self.forwarding_fee_base_msat,
    620             fee_proportional_millionths=self.forwarding_fee_proportional_millionths,
    621             chain_hash=constants.net.rev_genesis_bytes(),
    622             timestamp=now,
    623         )
    624         sighash = sha256d(chan_upd[2 + 64:])
    625         sig = ecc.ECPrivkey(self.lnworker.node_keypair.privkey).sign(sighash, ecc.sig_string_from_r_and_s)
    626         message_type, payload = decode_msg(chan_upd)
    627         payload['signature'] = sig
    628         chan_upd = encode_msg(message_type, **payload)
    630         self._outgoing_channel_update = chan_upd
    631         return chan_upd
    633     def construct_channel_announcement_without_sigs(self) -> bytes:
    634         if self._chan_ann_without_sigs is not None:
    635             return self._chan_ann_without_sigs
    636         if not self.lnworker:
    637             raise Exception('lnworker not set for channel!')
    639         bitcoin_keys = [self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey,
    640                         self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.pubkey]
    641         node_ids = [self.node_id, self.get_local_pubkey()]
    642         sorted_node_ids = list(sorted(node_ids))
    643         if sorted_node_ids != node_ids:
    644             node_ids = sorted_node_ids
    645             bitcoin_keys.reverse()
    647         chan_ann = encode_msg(
    648             "channel_announcement",
    649             len=0,
    650             features=b'',
    651             chain_hash=constants.net.rev_genesis_bytes(),
    652             short_channel_id=self.short_channel_id,
    653             node_id_1=node_ids[0],
    654             node_id_2=node_ids[1],
    655             bitcoin_key_1=bitcoin_keys[0],
    656             bitcoin_key_2=bitcoin_keys[1],
    657         )
    659         self._chan_ann_without_sigs = chan_ann
    660         return chan_ann
    662     def is_static_remotekey_enabled(self) -> bool:
    663         return bool(self.storage.get('static_remotekey_enabled'))
    665     def get_wallet_addresses_channel_might_want_reserved(self) -> Sequence[str]:
    666         ret = []
    667         if self.is_static_remotekey_enabled():
    668             our_payment_pubkey = self.config[LOCAL].payment_basepoint.pubkey
    669             to_remote_address = make_commitment_output_to_remote_address(our_payment_pubkey)
    670             ret.append(to_remote_address)
    671         return ret
    673     def get_feerate(self, subject: HTLCOwner, *, ctn: int) -> int:
    674         # returns feerate in sat/kw
    675         return self.hm.get_feerate(subject, ctn)
    677     def get_oldest_unrevoked_feerate(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
    678         return self.hm.get_feerate_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx(subject)
    680     def get_latest_feerate(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
    681         return self.hm.get_feerate_in_latest_ctx(subject)
    683     def get_next_feerate(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
    684         return self.hm.get_feerate_in_next_ctx(subject)
    686     def get_payments(self, status=None):
    687         out = defaultdict(list)
    688         for direction, htlc in self.hm.all_htlcs_ever():
    689             htlc_proposer = LOCAL if direction is SENT else REMOTE
    690             if self.hm.was_htlc_failed(htlc_id=htlc.htlc_id, htlc_proposer=htlc_proposer):
    691                 _status = 'failed'
    692             elif self.hm.was_htlc_preimage_released(htlc_id=htlc.htlc_id, htlc_proposer=htlc_proposer):
    693                 _status = 'settled'
    694             else:
    695                 _status = 'inflight'
    696             if status and status != _status:
    697                 continue
    698             out[htlc.payment_hash].append((self.channel_id, htlc, direction, _status))
    699         return out
    701     def open_with_first_pcp(self, remote_pcp: bytes, remote_sig: bytes) -> None:
    702         with self.db_lock:
    703             self.config[REMOTE].current_per_commitment_point = remote_pcp
    704             self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point = None
    705             self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature = remote_sig
    706             self.hm.channel_open_finished()
    707             self.peer_state = PeerState.GOOD
    709     def get_state_for_GUI(self):
    710         # status displayed in the GUI
    711         cs = self.get_state()
    712         if self.is_closed():
    713             return cs.name
    714         ps = self.peer_state
    715         if ps != PeerState.GOOD:
    716             return ps.name
    717         return cs.name
    719     def set_can_send_ctx_updates(self, b: bool) -> None:
    720         self._can_send_ctx_updates = b
    722     def can_send_ctx_updates(self) -> bool:
    723         """Whether we can send update_fee, update_*_htlc changes to the remote."""
    724         if not (self.is_open() or self.is_closing()):
    725             return False
    726         if self.peer_state != PeerState.GOOD:
    727             return False
    728         if not self._can_send_ctx_updates:
    729             return False
    730         return True
    732     def can_send_update_add_htlc(self) -> bool:
    733         return self.can_send_ctx_updates() and not self.is_closing()
    735     def is_frozen_for_sending(self) -> bool:
    736         if self.lnworker and self.lnworker.channel_db is None and not self.lnworker.is_trampoline_peer(self.node_id):
    737             return True
    738         return self.storage.get('frozen_for_sending', False)
    740     def set_frozen_for_sending(self, b: bool) -> None:
    741         self.storage['frozen_for_sending'] = bool(b)
    742         util.trigger_callback('channel', self.lnworker.wallet, self)
    744     def is_frozen_for_receiving(self) -> bool:
    745         return self.storage.get('frozen_for_receiving', False)
    747     def set_frozen_for_receiving(self, b: bool) -> None:
    748         self.storage['frozen_for_receiving'] = bool(b)
    749         util.trigger_callback('channel', self.lnworker.wallet, self)
    751     def _assert_can_add_htlc(self, *, htlc_proposer: HTLCOwner, amount_msat: int,
    752                              ignore_min_htlc_value: bool = False) -> None:
    753         """Raises PaymentFailure if the htlc_proposer cannot add this new HTLC.
    754         (this is relevant both for forwarding and endpoint)
    755         """
    756         htlc_receiver = htlc_proposer.inverted()
    757         # note: all these tests are about the *receiver's* *next* commitment transaction,
    758         #       and the constraints are the ones imposed by their config
    759         ctn = self.get_next_ctn(htlc_receiver)
    760         chan_config = self.config[htlc_receiver]
    761         if self.get_state() != ChannelState.OPEN:
    762             raise PaymentFailure('Channel not open', self.get_state())
    763         if htlc_proposer == LOCAL:
    764             if not self.can_send_ctx_updates():
    765                 raise PaymentFailure('Channel cannot send ctx updates')
    766             if not self.can_send_update_add_htlc():
    767                 raise PaymentFailure('Channel cannot add htlc')
    769         # If proposer is LOCAL we apply stricter checks as that is behaviour we can control.
    770         # This should lead to fewer disagreements (i.e. channels failing).
    771         strict = (htlc_proposer == LOCAL)
    773         # check htlc raw value
    774         if not ignore_min_htlc_value:
    775             if amount_msat <= 0:
    776                 raise PaymentFailure("HTLC value must be positive")
    777             if amount_msat < chan_config.htlc_minimum_msat:
    778                 raise PaymentFailure(f'HTLC value too small: {amount_msat} msat')
    779         if amount_msat > LN_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_MSAT and not self._ignore_max_htlc_value:
    780             raise PaymentFailure(f"HTLC value over protocol maximum: {amount_msat} > {LN_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_MSAT} msat")
    782         # check proposer can afford htlc
    783         max_can_send_msat = self.available_to_spend(htlc_proposer, strict=strict)
    784         if max_can_send_msat < amount_msat:
    785             raise PaymentFailure(f'Not enough balance. can send: {max_can_send_msat}, tried: {amount_msat}')
    787         # check "max_accepted_htlcs"
    788         # this is the loose check BOLT-02 specifies:
    789         if len(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(htlc_receiver, direction=RECEIVED, ctn=ctn)) + 1 > chan_config.max_accepted_htlcs:
    790             raise PaymentFailure('Too many HTLCs already in channel')
    791         # however, c-lightning is a lot stricter, so extra checks:
    792         # https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/4dcd4ca1556b13b6964a10040ba1d5ef82de4788/channeld/full_channel.c#L581
    793         if strict:
    794             max_concurrent_htlcs = min(self.config[htlc_proposer].max_accepted_htlcs,
    795                                        self.config[htlc_receiver].max_accepted_htlcs)
    796             if len(self.hm.htlcs(htlc_receiver, ctn=ctn)) + 1 > max_concurrent_htlcs:
    797                 raise PaymentFailure('Too many HTLCs already in channel')
    799         # check "max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat"
    800         current_htlc_sum = htlcsum(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(htlc_receiver, direction=RECEIVED, ctn=ctn).values())
    801         if current_htlc_sum + amount_msat > chan_config.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat:
    802             raise PaymentFailure(f'HTLC value sum (sum of pending htlcs: {current_htlc_sum/1000} sat '
    803                                  f'plus new htlc: {amount_msat/1000} sat) '
    804                                  f'would exceed max allowed: {chan_config.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat/1000} sat')
    806     def can_pay(self, amount_msat: int, *, check_frozen=False) -> bool:
    807         """Returns whether we can add an HTLC of given value."""
    808         if check_frozen and self.is_frozen_for_sending():
    809             return False
    810         try:
    811             self._assert_can_add_htlc(htlc_proposer=LOCAL, amount_msat=amount_msat)
    812         except PaymentFailure:
    813             return False
    814         return True
    816     def can_receive(self, amount_msat: int, *, check_frozen=False,
    817                     ignore_min_htlc_value: bool = False) -> bool:
    818         """Returns whether the remote can add an HTLC of given value."""
    819         if check_frozen and self.is_frozen_for_receiving():
    820             return False
    821         try:
    822             self._assert_can_add_htlc(htlc_proposer=REMOTE,
    823                                       amount_msat=amount_msat,
    824                                       ignore_min_htlc_value=ignore_min_htlc_value)
    825         except PaymentFailure:
    826             return False
    827         return True
    829     def should_try_to_reestablish_peer(self) -> bool:
    830         return ChannelState.PREOPENING < self._state < ChannelState.CLOSING and self.peer_state == PeerState.DISCONNECTED
    832     def get_funding_address(self):
    833         script = funding_output_script(self.config[LOCAL], self.config[REMOTE])
    834         return redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', script)
    836     def add_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc) -> UpdateAddHtlc:
    837         """Adds a new LOCAL HTLC to the channel.
    838         Action must be initiated by LOCAL.
    839         """
    840         if isinstance(htlc, dict):  # legacy conversion  # FIXME remove
    841             htlc = UpdateAddHtlc(**htlc)
    842         assert isinstance(htlc, UpdateAddHtlc)
    843         self._assert_can_add_htlc(htlc_proposer=LOCAL, amount_msat=htlc.amount_msat)
    844         if htlc.htlc_id is None:
    845             htlc = attr.evolve(htlc, htlc_id=self.hm.get_next_htlc_id(LOCAL))
    846         with self.db_lock:
    847             self.hm.send_htlc(htlc)
    848         self.logger.info("add_htlc")
    849         return htlc
    851     def receive_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, onion_packet:bytes = None) -> UpdateAddHtlc:
    852         """Adds a new REMOTE HTLC to the channel.
    853         Action must be initiated by REMOTE.
    854         """
    855         if isinstance(htlc, dict):  # legacy conversion  # FIXME remove
    856             htlc = UpdateAddHtlc(**htlc)
    857         assert isinstance(htlc, UpdateAddHtlc)
    858         try:
    859             self._assert_can_add_htlc(htlc_proposer=REMOTE, amount_msat=htlc.amount_msat)
    860         except PaymentFailure as e:
    861             raise RemoteMisbehaving(e) from e
    862         if htlc.htlc_id is None:  # used in unit tests
    863             htlc = attr.evolve(htlc, htlc_id=self.hm.get_next_htlc_id(REMOTE))
    864         with self.db_lock:
    865             self.hm.recv_htlc(htlc)
    866             local_ctn = self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)
    867             remote_ctn = self.get_latest_ctn(REMOTE)
    868             if onion_packet:
    869                 # TODO neither local_ctn nor remote_ctn are used anymore... no point storing them.
    870                 self.hm.log['unfulfilled_htlcs'][htlc.htlc_id] = local_ctn, remote_ctn, onion_packet.hex(), False
    872         self.logger.info("receive_htlc")
    873         return htlc
    875     def sign_next_commitment(self) -> Tuple[bytes, Sequence[bytes]]:
    876         """Returns signatures for our next remote commitment tx.
    877         Action must be initiated by LOCAL.
    878         Finally, the next remote ctx becomes the latest remote ctx.
    879         """
    880         next_remote_ctn = self.get_next_ctn(REMOTE)
    881         self.logger.info(f"sign_next_commitment {next_remote_ctn}")
    883         pending_remote_commitment = self.get_next_commitment(REMOTE)
    884         sig_64 = sign_and_get_sig_string(pending_remote_commitment, self.config[LOCAL], self.config[REMOTE])
    886         their_remote_htlc_privkey_number = derive_privkey(
    887             int.from_bytes(self.config[LOCAL].htlc_basepoint.privkey, 'big'),
    888             self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point)
    889         their_remote_htlc_privkey = their_remote_htlc_privkey_number.to_bytes(32, 'big')
    891         htlcsigs = []
    892         htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map = map_htlcs_to_ctx_output_idxs(chan=self,
    893                                                                   ctx=pending_remote_commitment,
    894                                                                   pcp=self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point,
    895                                                                   subject=REMOTE,
    896                                                                   ctn=next_remote_ctn)
    897         for (direction, htlc), (ctx_output_idx, htlc_relative_idx) in htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map.items():
    898             _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan=self,
    899                                                               pcp=self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point,
    900                                                               subject=REMOTE,
    901                                                               ctn=next_remote_ctn,
    902                                                               htlc_direction=direction,
    903                                                               commit=pending_remote_commitment,
    904                                                               ctx_output_idx=ctx_output_idx,
    905                                                               htlc=htlc)
    906             sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, their_remote_htlc_privkey))
    907             htlc_sig = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(sig[:-1])
    908             htlcsigs.append((ctx_output_idx, htlc_sig))
    909         htlcsigs.sort()
    910         htlcsigs = [x[1] for x in htlcsigs]
    911         with self.db_lock:
    912             self.hm.send_ctx()
    913         return sig_64, htlcsigs
    915     def receive_new_commitment(self, sig: bytes, htlc_sigs: Sequence[bytes]) -> None:
    916         """Processes signatures for our next local commitment tx, sent by the REMOTE.
    917         Action must be initiated by REMOTE.
    918         If all checks pass, the next local ctx becomes the latest local ctx.
    919         """
    920         # TODO in many failure cases below, we should "fail" the channel (force-close)
    921         next_local_ctn = self.get_next_ctn(LOCAL)
    922         self.logger.info(f"receive_new_commitment. ctn={next_local_ctn}, len(htlc_sigs)={len(htlc_sigs)}")
    924         assert len(htlc_sigs) == 0 or type(htlc_sigs[0]) is bytes
    926         pending_local_commitment = self.get_next_commitment(LOCAL)
    927         preimage_hex = pending_local_commitment.serialize_preimage(0)
    928         pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(preimage_hex))
    929         if not ecc.verify_signature(self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey, sig, pre_hash):
    930             raise Exception(f'failed verifying signature of our updated commitment transaction: {bh2u(sig)} preimage is {preimage_hex}')
    932         htlc_sigs_string = b''.join(htlc_sigs)
    934         _secret, pcp = self.get_secret_and_point(subject=LOCAL, ctn=next_local_ctn)
    936         htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map = map_htlcs_to_ctx_output_idxs(chan=self,
    937                                                                   ctx=pending_local_commitment,
    938                                                                   pcp=pcp,
    939                                                                   subject=LOCAL,
    940                                                                   ctn=next_local_ctn)
    941         if len(htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map) != len(htlc_sigs):
    942             raise Exception(f'htlc sigs failure. recv {len(htlc_sigs)} sigs, expected {len(htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map)}')
    943         for (direction, htlc), (ctx_output_idx, htlc_relative_idx) in htlc_to_ctx_output_idx_map.items():
    944             htlc_sig = htlc_sigs[htlc_relative_idx]
    945             self._verify_htlc_sig(htlc=htlc,
    946                                   htlc_sig=htlc_sig,
    947                                   htlc_direction=direction,
    948                                   pcp=pcp,
    949                                   ctx=pending_local_commitment,
    950                                   ctx_output_idx=ctx_output_idx,
    951                                   ctn=next_local_ctn)
    952         with self.db_lock:
    953             self.hm.recv_ctx()
    954             self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature=sig
    955             self.config[LOCAL].current_htlc_signatures=htlc_sigs_string
    957     def _verify_htlc_sig(self, *, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, htlc_sig: bytes, htlc_direction: Direction,
    958                          pcp: bytes, ctx: Transaction, ctx_output_idx: int, ctn: int) -> None:
    959         _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan=self,
    960                                                           pcp=pcp,
    961                                                           subject=LOCAL,
    962                                                           ctn=ctn,
    963                                                           htlc_direction=htlc_direction,
    964                                                           commit=ctx,
    965                                                           ctx_output_idx=ctx_output_idx,
    966                                                           htlc=htlc)
    967         pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(htlc_tx.serialize_preimage(0)))
    968         remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(self.config[REMOTE].htlc_basepoint.pubkey, pcp)
    969         if not ecc.verify_signature(remote_htlc_pubkey, htlc_sig, pre_hash):
    970             raise Exception(f'failed verifying HTLC signatures: {htlc} {htlc_direction}')
    972     def get_remote_htlc_sig_for_htlc(self, *, htlc_relative_idx: int) -> bytes:
    973         data = self.config[LOCAL].current_htlc_signatures
    974         htlc_sigs = list(chunks(data, 64))
    975         htlc_sig = htlc_sigs[htlc_relative_idx]
    976         remote_htlc_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(htlc_sig) + b'\x01'
    977         return remote_htlc_sig
    979     def revoke_current_commitment(self):
    980         self.logger.info("revoke_current_commitment")
    981         new_ctn = self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)
    982         new_ctx = self.get_latest_commitment(LOCAL)
    983         if not self.signature_fits(new_ctx):
    984             # this should never fail; as receive_new_commitment already did this test
    985             raise Exception("refusing to revoke as remote sig does not fit")
    986         with self.db_lock:
    987             self.hm.send_rev()
    988         last_secret, last_point = self.get_secret_and_point(LOCAL, new_ctn - 1)
    989         next_secret, next_point = self.get_secret_and_point(LOCAL, new_ctn + 1)
    990         return RevokeAndAck(last_secret, next_point)
    992     def receive_revocation(self, revocation: RevokeAndAck):
    993         self.logger.info("receive_revocation")
    994         new_ctn = self.get_latest_ctn(REMOTE)
    995         cur_point = self.config[REMOTE].current_per_commitment_point
    996         derived_point = ecc.ECPrivkey(revocation.per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    997         if cur_point != derived_point:
    998             raise Exception('revoked secret not for current point')
    999         with self.db_lock:
   1000             self.revocation_store.add_next_entry(revocation.per_commitment_secret)
   1001             ##### start applying fee/htlc changes
   1002             self.hm.recv_rev()
   1003             self.config[REMOTE].current_per_commitment_point=self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point
   1004             self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point=revocation.next_per_commitment_point
   1005         assert new_ctn == self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(REMOTE)
   1006         # lnworker callbacks
   1007         if self.lnworker:
   1008             sent = self.hm.sent_in_ctn(new_ctn)
   1009             for htlc in sent:
   1010                 self.lnworker.htlc_fulfilled(self, htlc.payment_hash, htlc.htlc_id)
   1011             failed = self.hm.failed_in_ctn(new_ctn)
   1012             for htlc in failed:
   1013                 try:
   1014                     error_bytes, failure_message = self._receive_fail_reasons.pop(htlc.htlc_id)
   1015                 except KeyError:
   1016                     error_bytes, failure_message = None, None
   1017                 # if we are forwarding, save error message to disk
   1018                 if self.lnworker.get_payment_info(htlc.payment_hash) is None:
   1019                     self.save_fail_htlc_reason(htlc.htlc_id, error_bytes, failure_message)
   1020                 else:
   1021                     self.lnworker.htlc_failed(self, htlc.payment_hash, htlc.htlc_id, error_bytes, failure_message)
   1023     def save_fail_htlc_reason(
   1024             self,
   1025             htlc_id: int,
   1026             error_bytes: Optional[bytes],
   1027             failure_message: Optional['OnionRoutingFailure']):
   1028         error_hex = error_bytes.hex() if error_bytes else None
   1029         failure_hex = failure_message.to_bytes().hex() if failure_message else None
   1030         self.hm.log['fail_htlc_reasons'][htlc_id] = (error_hex, failure_hex)
   1032     def pop_fail_htlc_reason(self, htlc_id):
   1033         error_hex, failure_hex = self.hm.log['fail_htlc_reasons'].pop(htlc_id, (None, None))
   1034         error_bytes = bytes.fromhex(error_hex) if error_hex else None
   1035         failure_message = OnionRoutingFailure.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(failure_hex)) if failure_hex else None
   1036         return error_bytes, failure_message
   1038     def extract_preimage_from_htlc_txin(self, txin: TxInput) -> None:
   1039         witness = txin.witness_elements()
   1040         if len(witness) == 5:  # HTLC success tx
   1041             preimage = witness[3]
   1042         elif len(witness) == 3:  # spending offered HTLC directly from ctx
   1043             preimage = witness[1]
   1044         else:
   1045             return
   1046         payment_hash = sha256(preimage)
   1047         for direction, htlc in itertools.chain(self.hm.get_htlcs_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx(REMOTE),
   1048                                                self.hm.get_htlcs_in_latest_ctx(REMOTE)):
   1049             if htlc.payment_hash == payment_hash:
   1050                 is_sent = direction == RECEIVED
   1051                 break
   1052         else:
   1053             for direction, htlc in itertools.chain(self.hm.get_htlcs_in_oldest_unrevoked_ctx(LOCAL),
   1054                                                    self.hm.get_htlcs_in_latest_ctx(LOCAL)):
   1055                 if htlc.payment_hash == payment_hash:
   1056                     is_sent = direction == SENT
   1057                     break
   1058             else:
   1059                 return
   1060         if self.lnworker.get_preimage(payment_hash) is None:
   1061             self.logger.info(f'found preimage for {payment_hash.hex()} in witness of length {len(witness)}')
   1062             self.lnworker.save_preimage(payment_hash, preimage)
   1063         info = self.lnworker.get_payment_info(payment_hash)
   1064         if info is not None and info.status != PR_PAID:
   1065             if is_sent:
   1066                 self.lnworker.htlc_fulfilled(self, payment_hash, htlc.htlc_id)
   1067             else:
   1068                 # FIXME
   1069                 #self.lnworker.htlc_received(self, payment_hash)
   1070                 pass
   1072     def balance(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *, ctx_owner=HTLCOwner.LOCAL, ctn: int = None) -> int:
   1073         assert type(whose) is HTLCOwner
   1074         initial = self.config[whose].initial_msat
   1075         return self.hm.get_balance_msat(whose=whose,
   1076                                         ctx_owner=ctx_owner,
   1077                                         ctn=ctn,
   1078                                         initial_balance_msat=initial)
   1080     def balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(self, whose: HTLCOwner, *, ctx_owner: HTLCOwner = HTLCOwner.LOCAL,
   1081                                      ctn: int = None) -> int:
   1082         assert type(whose) is HTLCOwner
   1083         if ctn is None:
   1084             ctn = self.get_next_ctn(ctx_owner)
   1085         committed_balance = self.balance(whose, ctx_owner=ctx_owner, ctn=ctn)
   1086         direction = RECEIVED if whose != ctx_owner else SENT
   1087         balance_in_htlcs = self.balance_tied_up_in_htlcs_by_direction(ctx_owner, ctn=ctn, direction=direction)
   1088         return committed_balance - balance_in_htlcs
   1090     def balance_tied_up_in_htlcs_by_direction(self, ctx_owner: HTLCOwner = LOCAL, *, ctn: int = None,
   1091                                               direction: Direction):
   1092         # in msat
   1093         if ctn is None:
   1094             ctn = self.get_next_ctn(ctx_owner)
   1095         return htlcsum(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(ctx_owner, direction, ctn).values())
   1097     def available_to_spend(self, subject: HTLCOwner, *, strict: bool = True) -> int:
   1098         """The usable balance of 'subject' in msat, after taking reserve and fees into
   1099         consideration. Note that fees (and hence the result) fluctuate even without user interaction.
   1100         """
   1101         assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
   1102         sender = subject
   1103         receiver = subject.inverted()
   1104         initiator = LOCAL if self.constraints.is_initiator else REMOTE  # the initiator/funder pays on-chain fees
   1106         def consider_ctx(*, ctx_owner: HTLCOwner, is_htlc_dust: bool) -> int:
   1107             ctn = self.get_next_ctn(ctx_owner)
   1108             sender_balance_msat = self.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(whose=sender, ctx_owner=ctx_owner, ctn=ctn)
   1109             receiver_balance_msat = self.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(whose=receiver, ctx_owner=ctx_owner, ctn=ctn)
   1110             sender_reserve_msat = self.config[receiver].reserve_sat * 1000
   1111             receiver_reserve_msat = self.config[sender].reserve_sat * 1000
   1112             num_htlcs_in_ctx = len(self.included_htlcs(ctx_owner, SENT, ctn=ctn) + self.included_htlcs(ctx_owner, RECEIVED, ctn=ctn))
   1113             feerate = self.get_feerate(ctx_owner, ctn=ctn)
   1114             ctx_fees_msat = calc_fees_for_commitment_tx(
   1115                 num_htlcs=num_htlcs_in_ctx,
   1116                 feerate=feerate,
   1117                 is_local_initiator=self.constraints.is_initiator,
   1118                 round_to_sat=False,
   1119             )
   1120             htlc_fee_msat = fee_for_htlc_output(feerate=feerate)
   1121             htlc_trim_func = received_htlc_trim_threshold_sat if ctx_owner == receiver else offered_htlc_trim_threshold_sat
   1122             htlc_trim_threshold_msat = htlc_trim_func(dust_limit_sat=self.config[ctx_owner].dust_limit_sat, feerate=feerate) * 1000
   1123             if sender == initiator == LOCAL:  # see https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/pull/740
   1124                 fee_spike_buffer = calc_fees_for_commitment_tx(
   1125                     num_htlcs=num_htlcs_in_ctx + int(not is_htlc_dust) + 1,
   1126                     feerate=2 * feerate,
   1127                     is_local_initiator=self.constraints.is_initiator,
   1128                     round_to_sat=False,
   1129                 )[sender]
   1130                 max_send_msat = sender_balance_msat - sender_reserve_msat - fee_spike_buffer
   1131             else:
   1132                 max_send_msat = sender_balance_msat - sender_reserve_msat - ctx_fees_msat[sender]
   1133             if is_htlc_dust:
   1134                 return min(max_send_msat, htlc_trim_threshold_msat - 1)
   1135             else:
   1136                 if sender == initiator:
   1137                     return max_send_msat - htlc_fee_msat
   1138                 else:
   1139                     # the receiver is the initiator, so they need to be able to pay tx fees
   1140                     if receiver_balance_msat - receiver_reserve_msat - ctx_fees_msat[receiver] - htlc_fee_msat < 0:
   1141                         return 0
   1142                     return max_send_msat
   1144         max_send_msat = min(
   1145                             max(
   1146                                 consider_ctx(ctx_owner=receiver, is_htlc_dust=True),
   1147                                 consider_ctx(ctx_owner=receiver, is_htlc_dust=False),
   1148                             ),
   1149                             max(
   1150                                 consider_ctx(ctx_owner=sender, is_htlc_dust=True),
   1151                                 consider_ctx(ctx_owner=sender, is_htlc_dust=False),
   1152                             ),
   1153         )
   1154         max_send_msat = max(max_send_msat, 0)
   1155         return max_send_msat
   1158     def included_htlcs(self, subject: HTLCOwner, direction: Direction, ctn: int = None, *,
   1159                        feerate: int = None) -> Sequence[UpdateAddHtlc]:
   1160         """Returns list of non-dust HTLCs for subject's commitment tx at ctn,
   1161         filtered by direction (of HTLCs).
   1162         """
   1163         assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
   1164         assert type(direction) is Direction
   1165         if ctn is None:
   1166             ctn = self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(subject)
   1167         if feerate is None:
   1168             feerate = self.get_feerate(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1169         conf = self.config[subject]
   1170         if direction == RECEIVED:
   1171             threshold_sat = received_htlc_trim_threshold_sat(dust_limit_sat=conf.dust_limit_sat, feerate=feerate)
   1172         else:
   1173             threshold_sat = offered_htlc_trim_threshold_sat(dust_limit_sat=conf.dust_limit_sat, feerate=feerate)
   1174         htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, direction, ctn=ctn).values()
   1175         return list(filter(lambda htlc: htlc.amount_msat // 1000 >= threshold_sat, htlcs))
   1177     def get_secret_and_point(self, subject: HTLCOwner, ctn: int) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], bytes]:
   1178         assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
   1179         assert ctn >= 0, ctn
   1180         offset = ctn - self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(subject)
   1181         if subject == REMOTE:
   1182             if offset > 1:
   1183                 raise RemoteCtnTooFarInFuture(f"offset: {offset}")
   1184             conf = self.config[REMOTE]
   1185             if offset == 1:
   1186                 secret = None
   1187                 point = conf.next_per_commitment_point
   1188             elif offset == 0:
   1189                 secret = None
   1190                 point = conf.current_per_commitment_point
   1191             else:
   1192                 secret = self.revocation_store.retrieve_secret(RevocationStore.START_INDEX - ctn)
   1193                 point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(secret, 'big'))
   1194         else:
   1195             secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(self.config[LOCAL].per_commitment_secret_seed, RevocationStore.START_INDEX - ctn)
   1196             point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(secret, 'big'))
   1197         return secret, point
   1199     def get_secret_and_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner, *, ctn: int) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], PartialTransaction]:
   1200         secret, point = self.get_secret_and_point(subject, ctn)
   1201         ctx = self.make_commitment(subject, point, ctn)
   1202         return secret, ctx
   1204     def get_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner, *, ctn: int) -> PartialTransaction:
   1205         secret, ctx = self.get_secret_and_commitment(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1206         return ctx
   1208     def get_next_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> PartialTransaction:
   1209         ctn = self.get_next_ctn(subject)
   1210         return self.get_commitment(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1212     def get_latest_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> PartialTransaction:
   1213         ctn = self.get_latest_ctn(subject)
   1214         return self.get_commitment(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1216     def get_oldest_unrevoked_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> PartialTransaction:
   1217         ctn = self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(subject)
   1218         return self.get_commitment(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1220     def create_sweeptxs(self, ctn: int) -> List[Transaction]:
   1221         from .lnsweep import create_sweeptxs_for_watchtower
   1222         secret, ctx = self.get_secret_and_commitment(REMOTE, ctn=ctn)
   1223         return create_sweeptxs_for_watchtower(self, ctx, secret, self.sweep_address)
   1225     def get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
   1226         return self.hm.ctn_oldest_unrevoked(subject)
   1228     def get_latest_ctn(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
   1229         return self.hm.ctn_latest(subject)
   1231     def get_next_ctn(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
   1232         return self.hm.ctn_latest(subject) + 1
   1234     def total_msat(self, direction: Direction) -> int:
   1235         """Return the cumulative total msat amount received/sent so far."""
   1236         assert type(direction) is Direction
   1237         return htlcsum(self.hm.all_settled_htlcs_ever_by_direction(LOCAL, direction))
   1239     def settle_htlc(self, preimage: bytes, htlc_id: int) -> None:
   1240         """Settle/fulfill a pending received HTLC.
   1241         Action must be initiated by LOCAL.
   1242         """
   1243         self.logger.info("settle_htlc")
   1244         assert self.can_send_ctx_updates(), f"cannot update channel. {self.get_state()!r} {self.peer_state!r}"
   1245         htlc = self.hm.get_htlc_by_id(REMOTE, htlc_id)
   1246         assert htlc.payment_hash == sha256(preimage)
   1247         assert htlc_id not in self.hm.log[REMOTE]['settles']
   1248         self.hm.send_settle(htlc_id)
   1250     def get_payment_hash(self, htlc_id: int) -> bytes:
   1251         htlc = self.hm.get_htlc_by_id(LOCAL, htlc_id)
   1252         return htlc.payment_hash
   1254     def decode_onion_error(self, reason: bytes, route: Sequence['RouteEdge'],
   1255                            htlc_id: int) -> Tuple[OnionRoutingFailure, int]:
   1256         failure_msg, sender_idx = decode_onion_error(
   1257             reason,
   1258             [x.node_id for x in route],
   1259             self.onion_keys[htlc_id])
   1260         return failure_msg, sender_idx
   1262     def receive_htlc_settle(self, preimage: bytes, htlc_id: int) -> None:
   1263         """Settle/fulfill a pending offered HTLC.
   1264         Action must be initiated by REMOTE.
   1265         """
   1266         self.logger.info("receive_htlc_settle")
   1267         htlc = self.hm.get_htlc_by_id(LOCAL, htlc_id)
   1268         assert htlc.payment_hash == sha256(preimage)
   1269         assert htlc_id not in self.hm.log[LOCAL]['settles']
   1270         with self.db_lock:
   1271             self.hm.recv_settle(htlc_id)
   1273     def fail_htlc(self, htlc_id: int) -> None:
   1274         """Fail a pending received HTLC.
   1275         Action must be initiated by LOCAL.
   1276         """
   1277         self.logger.info("fail_htlc")
   1278         assert self.can_send_ctx_updates(), f"cannot update channel. {self.get_state()!r} {self.peer_state!r}"
   1279         with self.db_lock:
   1280             self.hm.send_fail(htlc_id)
   1282     def receive_fail_htlc(self, htlc_id: int, *,
   1283                           error_bytes: Optional[bytes],
   1284                           reason: Optional[OnionRoutingFailure] = None) -> None:
   1285         """Fail a pending offered HTLC.
   1286         Action must be initiated by REMOTE.
   1287         """
   1288         self.logger.info("receive_fail_htlc")
   1289         with self.db_lock:
   1290             self.hm.recv_fail(htlc_id)
   1291         self._receive_fail_reasons[htlc_id] = (error_bytes, reason)
   1293     def get_next_fee(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
   1294         return self.constraints.capacity - sum(x.value for x in self.get_next_commitment(subject).outputs())
   1296     def get_latest_fee(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> int:
   1297         return self.constraints.capacity - sum(x.value for x in self.get_latest_commitment(subject).outputs())
   1299     def update_fee(self, feerate: int, from_us: bool) -> None:
   1300         # feerate uses sat/kw
   1301         if self.constraints.is_initiator != from_us:
   1302             raise Exception(f"Cannot update_fee: wrong initiator. us: {from_us}")
   1303         sender = LOCAL if from_us else REMOTE
   1304         ctx_owner = -sender
   1305         ctn = self.get_next_ctn(ctx_owner)
   1306         sender_balance_msat = self.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(whose=sender, ctx_owner=ctx_owner, ctn=ctn)
   1307         sender_reserve_msat = self.config[-sender].reserve_sat * 1000
   1308         num_htlcs_in_ctx = len(self.included_htlcs(ctx_owner, SENT, ctn=ctn, feerate=feerate) +
   1309                                self.included_htlcs(ctx_owner, RECEIVED, ctn=ctn, feerate=feerate))
   1310         ctx_fees_msat = calc_fees_for_commitment_tx(
   1311             num_htlcs=num_htlcs_in_ctx,
   1312             feerate=feerate,
   1313             is_local_initiator=self.constraints.is_initiator,
   1314         )
   1315         remainder = sender_balance_msat - sender_reserve_msat - ctx_fees_msat[sender]
   1316         if remainder < 0:
   1317             raise Exception(f"Cannot update_fee. {sender} tried to update fee but they cannot afford it. "
   1318                             f"Their balance would go below reserve: {remainder} msat missing.")
   1319         with self.db_lock:
   1320             if from_us:
   1321                 assert self.can_send_ctx_updates(), f"cannot update channel. {self.get_state()!r} {self.peer_state!r}"
   1322                 self.hm.send_update_fee(feerate)
   1323             else:
   1324                 self.hm.recv_update_fee(feerate)
   1326     def make_commitment(self, subject: HTLCOwner, this_point: bytes, ctn: int) -> PartialTransaction:
   1327         assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
   1328         feerate = self.get_feerate(subject, ctn=ctn)
   1329         other = subject.inverted()
   1330         local_msat = self.balance(subject, ctx_owner=subject, ctn=ctn)
   1331         remote_msat = self.balance(other, ctx_owner=subject, ctn=ctn)
   1332         received_htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, RECEIVED, ctn).values()
   1333         sent_htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, SENT, ctn).values()
   1334         remote_msat -= htlcsum(received_htlcs)
   1335         local_msat -= htlcsum(sent_htlcs)
   1336         assert remote_msat >= 0
   1337         assert local_msat >= 0
   1338         # same htlcs as before, but now without dust.
   1339         received_htlcs = self.included_htlcs(subject, RECEIVED, ctn)
   1340         sent_htlcs = self.included_htlcs(subject, SENT, ctn)
   1342         this_config = self.config[subject]
   1343         other_config = self.config[-subject]
   1344         other_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
   1345         this_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(this_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
   1346         other_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_config.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
   1347         htlcs = []  # type: List[ScriptHtlc]
   1348         for is_received_htlc, htlc_list in zip((True, False), (received_htlcs, sent_htlcs)):
   1349             for htlc in htlc_list:
   1350                 htlcs.append(ScriptHtlc(make_htlc_output_witness_script(
   1351                     is_received_htlc=is_received_htlc,
   1352                     remote_revocation_pubkey=other_revocation_pubkey,
   1353                     remote_htlc_pubkey=other_htlc_pubkey,
   1354                     local_htlc_pubkey=this_htlc_pubkey,
   1355                     payment_hash=htlc.payment_hash,
   1356                     cltv_expiry=htlc.cltv_expiry), htlc))
   1357         # note: maybe flip initiator here for fee purposes, we want LOCAL and REMOTE
   1358         #       in the resulting dict to correspond to the to_local and to_remote *outputs* of the ctx
   1359         onchain_fees = calc_fees_for_commitment_tx(
   1360             num_htlcs=len(htlcs),
   1361             feerate=feerate,
   1362             is_local_initiator=self.constraints.is_initiator == (subject == LOCAL),
   1363         )
   1365         if self.is_static_remotekey_enabled():
   1366             payment_pubkey = other_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey
   1367         else:
   1368             payment_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
   1370         return make_commitment(
   1371             ctn=ctn,
   1372             local_funding_pubkey=this_config.multisig_key.pubkey,
   1373             remote_funding_pubkey=other_config.multisig_key.pubkey,
   1374             remote_payment_pubkey=payment_pubkey,
   1375             funder_payment_basepoint=self.config[LOCAL if     self.constraints.is_initiator else REMOTE].payment_basepoint.pubkey,
   1376             fundee_payment_basepoint=self.config[LOCAL if not self.constraints.is_initiator else REMOTE].payment_basepoint.pubkey,
   1377             revocation_pubkey=other_revocation_pubkey,
   1378             delayed_pubkey=derive_pubkey(this_config.delayed_basepoint.pubkey, this_point),
   1379             to_self_delay=other_config.to_self_delay,
   1380             funding_txid=self.funding_outpoint.txid,
   1381             funding_pos=self.funding_outpoint.output_index,
   1382             funding_sat=self.constraints.capacity,
   1383             local_amount=local_msat,
   1384             remote_amount=remote_msat,
   1385             dust_limit_sat=this_config.dust_limit_sat,
   1386             fees_per_participant=onchain_fees,
   1387             htlcs=htlcs,
   1388         )
   1390     def make_closing_tx(self, local_script: bytes, remote_script: bytes,
   1391                         fee_sat: int, *, drop_remote = False) -> Tuple[bytes, PartialTransaction]:
   1392         """ cooperative close """
   1393         _, outputs = make_commitment_outputs(
   1394                 fees_per_participant={
   1395                     LOCAL:  fee_sat * 1000 if     self.constraints.is_initiator else 0,
   1396                     REMOTE: fee_sat * 1000 if not self.constraints.is_initiator else 0,
   1397                 },
   1398                 local_amount_msat=self.balance(LOCAL),
   1399                 remote_amount_msat=self.balance(REMOTE) if not drop_remote else 0,
   1400                 local_script=bh2u(local_script),
   1401                 remote_script=bh2u(remote_script),
   1402                 htlcs=[],
   1403                 dust_limit_sat=self.config[LOCAL].dust_limit_sat)
   1405         closing_tx = make_closing_tx(self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.pubkey,
   1406                                      self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey,
   1407                                      funding_txid=self.funding_outpoint.txid,
   1408                                      funding_pos=self.funding_outpoint.output_index,
   1409                                      funding_sat=self.constraints.capacity,
   1410                                      outputs=outputs)
   1412         der_sig = bfh(closing_tx.sign_txin(0, self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.privkey))
   1413         sig = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(der_sig[:-1])
   1414         return sig, closing_tx
   1416     def signature_fits(self, tx: PartialTransaction) -> bool:
   1417         remote_sig = self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature
   1418         preimage_hex = tx.serialize_preimage(0)
   1419         msg_hash = sha256d(bfh(preimage_hex))
   1420         assert remote_sig
   1421         res = ecc.verify_signature(self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey, remote_sig, msg_hash)
   1422         return res
   1424     def force_close_tx(self) -> PartialTransaction:
   1425         tx = self.get_latest_commitment(LOCAL)
   1426         assert self.signature_fits(tx)
   1427         tx.sign({bh2u(self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.pubkey): (self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.privkey, True)})
   1428         remote_sig = self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature
   1429         remote_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(remote_sig) + b"\x01"
   1430         tx.add_signature_to_txin(txin_idx=0,
   1431                                  signing_pubkey=self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey.hex(),
   1432                                  sig=remote_sig.hex())
   1433         assert tx.is_complete()
   1434         return tx
   1436     def maybe_sweep_revoked_htlc(self, ctx: Transaction, htlc_tx: Transaction) -> Optional[SweepInfo]:
   1437         # look at the output address, check if it matches
   1438         return create_sweeptx_for_their_revoked_htlc(self, ctx, htlc_tx, self.sweep_address)
   1440     def has_pending_changes(self, subject: HTLCOwner) -> bool:
   1441         next_htlcs = self.hm.get_htlcs_in_next_ctx(subject)
   1442         latest_htlcs = self.hm.get_htlcs_in_latest_ctx(subject)
   1443         return not (next_htlcs == latest_htlcs and self.get_next_feerate(subject) == self.get_latest_feerate(subject))
   1445     def should_be_closed_due_to_expiring_htlcs(self, local_height) -> bool:
   1446         htlcs_we_could_reclaim = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[Direction, int], UpdateAddHtlc]
   1447         # If there is a received HTLC for which we already released the preimage
   1448         # but the remote did not revoke yet, and the CLTV of this HTLC is dangerously close
   1449         # to the present, then unilaterally close channel
   1450         recv_htlc_deadline = lnutil.NBLOCK_DEADLINE_BEFORE_EXPIRY_FOR_RECEIVED_HTLCS
   1451         for sub, dir, ctn in ((LOCAL, RECEIVED, self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)),
   1452                               (REMOTE, SENT, self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(LOCAL)),
   1453                               (REMOTE, SENT, self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)),):
   1454             for htlc_id, htlc in self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject=sub, direction=dir, ctn=ctn).items():
   1455                 if not self.hm.was_htlc_preimage_released(htlc_id=htlc_id, htlc_proposer=REMOTE):
   1456                     continue
   1457                 if htlc.cltv_expiry - recv_htlc_deadline > local_height:
   1458                     continue
   1459                 htlcs_we_could_reclaim[(RECEIVED, htlc_id)] = htlc
   1460         # If there is an offered HTLC which has already expired (+ some grace period after), we
   1461         # will unilaterally close the channel and time out the HTLC
   1462         offered_htlc_deadline = lnutil.NBLOCK_DEADLINE_AFTER_EXPIRY_FOR_OFFERED_HTLCS
   1463         for sub, dir, ctn in ((LOCAL, SENT, self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)),
   1464                               (REMOTE, RECEIVED, self.get_oldest_unrevoked_ctn(LOCAL)),
   1465                               (REMOTE, RECEIVED, self.get_latest_ctn(LOCAL)),):
   1466             for htlc_id, htlc in self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject=sub, direction=dir, ctn=ctn).items():
   1467                 if htlc.cltv_expiry + offered_htlc_deadline > local_height:
   1468                     continue
   1469                 htlcs_we_could_reclaim[(SENT, htlc_id)] = htlc
   1471         total_value_sat = sum([htlc.amount_msat // 1000 for htlc in htlcs_we_could_reclaim.values()])
   1472         num_htlcs = len(htlcs_we_could_reclaim)
   1473         min_value_worth_closing_channel_over_sat = max(num_htlcs * 10 * self.config[REMOTE].dust_limit_sat,
   1474                                                        500_000)
   1475         return total_value_sat > min_value_worth_closing_channel_over_sat
   1477     def is_funding_tx_mined(self, funding_height):
   1478         funding_txid = self.funding_outpoint.txid
   1479         funding_idx = self.funding_outpoint.output_index
   1480         conf = funding_height.conf
   1481         if conf < self.funding_txn_minimum_depth():
   1482             self.logger.info(f"funding tx is still not at sufficient depth. actual depth: {conf}")
   1483             return False
   1484         assert conf > 0
   1485         # check funding_tx amount and script
   1486         funding_tx = self.lnworker.lnwatcher.db.get_transaction(funding_txid)
   1487         if not funding_tx:
   1488             self.logger.info(f"no funding_tx {funding_txid}")
   1489             return False
   1490         outp = funding_tx.outputs()[funding_idx]
   1491         redeem_script = funding_output_script(self.config[REMOTE], self.config[LOCAL])
   1492         funding_address = redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', redeem_script)
   1493         funding_sat = self.constraints.capacity
   1494         if not (outp.address == funding_address and outp.value == funding_sat):
   1495             self.logger.info('funding outpoint mismatch')
   1496             return False
   1497         return True