
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
acm-proxyacm library proxy parazyd2020-03-31 10:29
amprolladevuan's apt repo merger parazyd2019-06-17 21:20
aocAdvent of Code parazyd2022-12-01 17:24
aoc222022 Advent of Code parazyd2022-12-04 13:59
arm-sdkos build toolkit for various embedded devices parazyd2021-12-12 13:02
autohella simple replacement for GNU autoconf parazyd2018-02-25 10:53
blckephemeral pastebin/url shortener parazyd2021-04-19 22:04
btctickereInk Bitcoin price ticker parazyd2021-05-04 14:11
cancelfree software for cancelling people and organizations parazyd2021-03-29 22:16
coffinsecure lan file storage on a device parazyd2016-10-10 11:46
counterfactosmall software tool to analyze twitter and highlight counterfactual statements parazyd2017-03-08 23:14
devuan-keyringDevuan keyring package parazyd2020-11-09 23:51
devuan-releasebotdevuan's releasebot reimplemented (scorsh version) parazyd2017-07-27 12:55
dmtsource code for the kunsthal art installation parazyd2017-11-29 09:59
docker2shConvert Dockerfiles into shell scripts parazyd2019-11-20 22:28
dotga bitreich fosdem adventure parazyd2020-02-05 17:59
droid4-sysDroid4 tools parazyd2019-06-12 10:58
dwmdynamic window manager parazyd2023-11-02 11:15
electrum-personal-serverMaximally lightweight electrum server for a single user belcher2021-04-16 11:04
electrumElectrum Bitcoin wallet parazyd2021-03-12 22:41
geoipshort golang utility to fetch geoip data from an API parazyd2020-03-03 18:59
git-restrictsimple utility for git repo permission management parazyd2022-05-22 13:03
gitzonegit-based zone management tool for static and dynamic domains parazyd2019-06-10 07:29
google-fontsGoogle Fonts portage overlay parazyd2023-09-07 07:11
gopherbayA Gopher interface to The Pirate Bay parazyd2022-03-25 10:43
gtombtomb gtk frontend in zenity parazyd2016-06-16 19:19
libdevuansdkcommon library for devuan's simple distro kits parazyd2021-04-12 14:10
marssuperminimal static website framework parazyd2018-02-07 23:48
mixmastermixmaster 3.0 patched for libressl parazyd2016-09-19 13:33
obeliskElectrum server using libbitcoin as its backend parazyd2021-05-06 16:45
paraportsparazyd's aports parazyd2019-07-31 08:53
parlayyet another gentoo overlay parazyd2025-01-28 14:14
pi3-aoeATA over Ethernet setup for Raspberry Pi 3 parazyd2021-01-28 16:47
pinephone-bootBootloader and kernel build for the PinePhone devkit parazyd2019-04-30 20:18
plumbersimple plumber tool parazyd2021-05-28 19:23
proofbughalo2 proof bug parazyd2022-04-30 22:50
qemu-wrapperqemu wrapper used for specifying args to qemu-user in chroots parazyd2016-06-16 20:24
saccsacc(omys), simple console gopher client (mirror) parazyd2021-04-06 11:24
scrapersscrapers for various sites parazyd2021-02-07 14:18
scriptsrandom scripts parazyd2020-05-19 11:21
sdk-vmBlend repository for building a Devuan SDK VM parazyd2019-11-04 12:40
sraftsimple raft implementation parazyd2022-03-31 00:00
stsimple terminal parazyd2022-04-26 18:50
supsmall tool for privilege escalation parazyd2021-04-03 11:34
system76-toolscollection of utilities for system76 laptops parazyd2022-10-21 13:29
tarotA Tarot engine parazyd2019-11-29 11:20
timesheetpysimple timesheet generator parazyd2016-12-19 21:17
tlstunsimple go program to add tls support to other listeners parazyd2021-04-26 08:38
tombthe crypto undertaker parazyd2017-08-08 07:55
tordamA library for peer discovery inside the Tor network parazyd2021-03-29 21:07
unix-socketunix socket C example parazyd2021-01-04 22:35
uwuhardware bitcoin wallet software and build system parazyd2021-02-03 00:10
wallpaperscollection of wallpapers i found nice parazyd2016-10-10 14:01
wasm-runtimeA wasm runtime parazyd2022-03-11 18:09
wikiknowledgebase of randomness parazyd2018-02-05 17:21