
devuan's releasebot reimplemented (scorsh version)
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
      2 # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
      4 """
      5 Module to add or modify Jenkins build jobs
      6 """
      8 import sys
      9 from os import environ as env
     10 from os.path import basename
     11 import jenkins
     13 from config import (jenkins_user, jenkins_pass, jenkins_host, jobtypes,
     14                     arches_qemusys, arches_any, architectures, dryrun,
     15                     allowed_distros)
     16 from funcs import fill_template
     19 def main():
     20     """
     21     Main function
     22     """
     23     # Used to differ whether we're adding or modifying
     24     progname = basename(sys.argv[0])
     26     if progname == '':
     27         print('* Requested job creation')
     28     elif progname == '':
     29         print('* Requested job modification')
     30     else:
     31         print('Invalid basename. Exiting...')
     32         sys.exit(1)
     34     print('- Connecting to Jenkins...')
     35     jenk = jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_host, jenkins_user, jenkins_pass)
     37     try:
     38         jenk.get_whoami()
     39     except jenkins.JenkinsException:
     40         print('Error in request. Possible authentication fail.')
     41         sys.exit(1)
     43     # the -4 cuts off '.git' from the path
     44     pkgname = basename(env['SCORSH_REPO'])[:-4]
     46     # the distro owning the job, e.g. "maemo/jessie", or "devuan/ascii-proposed"
     47     distro = env['SCORSH_BRANCH'].split("/")[0]
     48     if distro not in allowed_distros:
     49         print('Error: This distribution is not supported. Exiting.')
     50         sys.exit(1)
     51     # devuan's reserved namespace
     52     elif distro == 'suites':
     53         distro = 'devuan'
     55     for jobt in jobtypes:
     56         # jobname = '-'.join([pkgname, jobt])
     57         jobname = distro+':'+pkgname+'-'+jobt
     59         print('* Trying to create %s job for %s' % (jobt, pkgname))
     61         if jenk.job_exists(jobname) and progname == '':
     62             print('* %s already exists')
     63             continue
     64         elif not jenk.job_exists(jobname) and progname == '':
     65             print('* %s does not exist in Jenkins')
     66             continue
     68         build_sequential = 'false'
     69         arches = []
     70         qemusys = []
     71         jlabels = []
     72         for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
     73             if arg == 'sequential':
     74                 build_sequential = 'true'
     75             elif arg == 'pbuilder_network':
     76                 add_buildvar = 'export PBUILDER_USENETWORK=true'
     77             elif arg == 'any':
     78                 arches = arches_any
     79             elif arg == 'any_qemusys':
     80                 qemusys = arches_qemusys
     81             elif arg in architectures:
     82                 arches.append(arg)
     83             elif arg in arches_qemusys:
     84                 qemusys.append(arg)
     85             # in original releasebot, no arch specified implies all of them
     86             # not sure if we should imply this. explicitly declaring our
     87             # architectures brings readability and better understanding
     89         # set is to remove dupes
     90         jlabels = list(set(arches + qemusys))
     92         # XXX: now there is some mention of description
     93         # which seems the gitlab issue description. did we ever pass this?
     95         # Here we use the XML template
     96         pxml = fill_template(pkgname, jobt, distro, arches,
     97                              git_uri=env['SCORSH_GITURL'],
     98                              buildvar=add_buildvar,
     99                              sequential=build_sequential, jlabels=jlabels)
    101         if pxml and progname == '':
    102             print('- Creating job')
    103             if not dryrun:
    104                 jenk.create_job(jobname, pxml)
    105         elif pxml and progname == '':
    106             print('- Modifying job')
    107             if not dryrun:
    108                 jenk.reconfig_job(jobname, pxml)
    109         else:
    110             print('* Internal error. Check your XML files and the exe name')
    111             sys.exit(1)
    114 if __name__ == '__main__':
    115     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    116         main()
    117     else:
    118         print('Error: not enough arguments')
    119         sys.exit(1)