
Maximally lightweight electrum server for a single user
git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum-personal-server
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common.py (23598B)

      1 import socket
      2 import time
      3 from datetime import datetime
      4 import ssl
      5 import os
      6 import os.path
      7 import logging
      8 import tempfile
      9 import platform
     10 import json
     11 import traceback
     12 from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
     13 from configparser import RawConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
     14 from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
     16 from electrumpersonalserver.server.jsonrpc import JsonRpc, JsonRpcError
     17 import electrumpersonalserver.server.hashes as hashes
     18 import electrumpersonalserver.server.deterministicwallet as deterministicwallet
     19 import electrumpersonalserver.server.transactionmonitor as transactionmonitor
     20 from electrumpersonalserver.server.electrumprotocol import (
     22     UnknownScripthashError,
     23     ElectrumProtocol,
     24     get_block_header,
     25     get_current_header,
     26     get_block_headers_hex,
     27     DONATION_ADDR,
     28 )
     29 from electrumpersonalserver.server.mempoolhistogram import (
     30     MempoolSync,
     31     PollIntervalChange
     32 )
     34 ##python has demented rules for variable scope, so these
     35 ## global variables are actually mutable lists
     36 bestblockhash = [None]
     38 last_heartbeat_listening = [datetime.now()]
     39 last_heartbeat_connected = [datetime.now()]
     41 def on_heartbeat_listening(poll_interval_listening, txmonitor):
     42     if ((datetime.now() - last_heartbeat_listening[0]).total_seconds()
     43             < poll_interval_listening):
     44         return True
     45     last_heartbeat_listening[0] = datetime.now()
     46     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
     47     try:
     48         txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes()
     49         is_node_reachable = True
     50     except JsonRpcError:
     51         is_node_reachable = False
     52     return is_node_reachable
     54 def on_heartbeat_connected(poll_interval_connected, rpc, txmonitor, protocol):
     55     if ((datetime.now() - last_heartbeat_connected[0]).total_seconds()
     56             < poll_interval_connected):
     57         return
     58     last_heartbeat_connected[0] = datetime.now()
     59     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
     60     is_tip_updated, header = check_for_new_blockchain_tip(rpc,
     61         protocol.are_headers_raw)
     62     if is_tip_updated:
     63         logger.debug("Blockchain tip updated " + (str(header["height"]) if
     64             "height" in header else ""))
     65         protocol.on_blockchain_tip_updated(header)
     66     updated_scripthashes = txmonitor.check_for_updated_txes()
     67     protocol.on_updated_scripthashes(updated_scripthashes)
     69 def check_for_new_blockchain_tip(rpc, raw):
     70     new_bestblockhash, header = get_current_header(rpc, raw)
     71     is_tip_new = bestblockhash[0] != new_bestblockhash
     72     bestblockhash[0] = new_bestblockhash
     73     return is_tip_new, header
     75 def create_server_socket(hostport):
     76     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
     77     server_sock = socket.socket()
     78     server_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
     79     server_sock.bind(hostport)
     80     server_sock.listen(1)
     81     logger.info("Listening for Electrum Wallet on " + str(hostport) + "\n\n"
     82         + "If this project is valuable to you please consider donating:\n\t"
     83         + DONATION_ADDR)
     84     return server_sock
     86 def run_electrum_server(rpc, txmonitor, config):
     87     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
     88     logger.debug("Starting electrum server")
     90     hostport = (config.get("electrum-server", "host"),
     91             int(config.get("electrum-server", "port")))
     92     ip_whitelist = []
     93     for ip in config.get("electrum-server", "ip_whitelist").split(" "):
     94         if ip == "*":
     95             #matches everything
     96             ip_whitelist.append(ip_network(""))
     97             ip_whitelist.append(ip_network("::0/0"))
     98         else:
     99             ip_whitelist.append(ip_network(ip, strict=False))
    100     poll_interval_listening = int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc",
    101         "poll_interval_listening"))
    102     poll_interval_connected = int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc",
    103         "poll_interval_connected"))
    104     certfile, keyfile = get_certs(config)
    105     logger.debug('using cert: {}, key: {}'.format(certfile, keyfile))
    106     disable_mempool_fee_histogram = config.getboolean("electrum-server",
    107         "disable_mempool_fee_histogram", fallback=False)
    108     mempool_update_interval = int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc",
    109         "mempool_update_interval", fallback=60))
    110     broadcast_method = config.get("electrum-server", "broadcast_method",
    111         fallback="own-node")
    112     tor_host = config.get("electrum-server", "tor_host", fallback="localhost")
    113     tor_port = int(config.get("electrum-server", "tor_port", fallback="9050"))
    114     tor_hostport = (tor_host, tor_port)
    116     mempool_sync = MempoolSync(rpc,
    117         disable_mempool_fee_histogram, mempool_update_interval)
    118     mempool_sync.initial_sync(logger)
    120     protocol = ElectrumProtocol(rpc, txmonitor, logger, broadcast_method,
    121         tor_hostport, mempool_sync)
    123     normal_listening_timeout = min(poll_interval_listening,
    124         mempool_update_interval)
    125     fast_listening_timeout = 0.5
    126     server_sock = create_server_socket(hostport)
    127     server_sock.settimeout(normal_listening_timeout)
    128     accepting_clients = True
    129     while True:
    130         # main server loop, runs forever
    131         sock = None
    132         while sock == None:
    133             # loop waiting for a successful connection from client
    134             try:
    135                 sock, addr = server_sock.accept()
    136                 if not accepting_clients:
    137                     logger.debug("Refusing connection from client because"
    138                         + " Bitcoin node isnt reachable")
    139                     raise ConnectionRefusedError()
    140                 if not any([ip_address(addr[0]) in ipnet
    141                         for ipnet in ip_whitelist]):
    142                     logger.debug(addr[0] + " not in whitelist, closing")
    143                     raise ConnectionRefusedError()
    144                 sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=True,
    145                     certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile,
    146                     ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
    147             except socket.timeout:
    148                 poll_interval_change = mempool_sync.poll_update(1)
    149                 if poll_interval_change == PollIntervalChange.FAST_POLLING:
    150                     server_sock.settimeout(fast_listening_timeout)
    151                 elif poll_interval_change == PollIntervalChange.NORMAL_POLLING:
    152                     server_sock.settimeout(normal_listening_timeout)
    154                 is_node_reachable = on_heartbeat_listening(
    155                     poll_interval_listening, txmonitor)
    156                 accepting_clients = is_node_reachable
    157             except (ConnectionRefusedError, ssl.SSLError, IOError):
    158                 sock.close()
    159                 sock = None
    160         logger.debug('Electrum connected from ' + str(addr[0]))
    162         def send_reply_fun(reply):
    163             line = json.dumps(reply)
    164             sock.sendall(line.encode('utf-8') + b'\n')
    165             logger.debug('<= ' + line)
    166         protocol.set_send_reply_fun(send_reply_fun)
    168         try:
    169             normal_connected_timeout = min(poll_interval_connected,
    170                 mempool_update_interval)
    171             fast_connected_timeout = 0.5
    172             sock.settimeout(normal_connected_timeout)
    173             recv_buffer = bytearray()
    174             while True:
    175                 # loop for replying to client queries
    176                 try:
    177                     recv_data = sock.recv(4096)
    178                     if not recv_data or len(recv_data) == 0:
    179                         raise EOFError()
    180                     recv_buffer.extend(recv_data)
    181                     lb = recv_buffer.find(b'\n')
    182                     if lb == -1:
    183                         continue
    184                     while lb != -1:
    185                         line = recv_buffer[:lb].rstrip()
    186                         recv_buffer = recv_buffer[lb + 1:]
    187                         lb = recv_buffer.find(b'\n')
    188                         try:
    189                             line = line.decode("utf-8")
    190                             query = json.loads(line)
    191                         except (UnicodeDecodeError, JSONDecodeError) as e:
    192                             raise IOError(repr(e))
    193                         logger.debug("=> " + line)
    194                         protocol.handle_query(query)
    195                 except socket.timeout:
    196                     poll_interval_change = mempool_sync.poll_update(1)
    197                     if poll_interval_change == PollIntervalChange.FAST_POLLING:
    198                         sock.settimeout(fast_connected_timeout)
    199                     elif (poll_interval_change
    200                             == PollIntervalChange.NORMAL_POLLING):
    201                         sock.settimeout(normal_connected_timeout)
    203                     on_heartbeat_connected(poll_interval_connected, rpc,
    204                         txmonitor, protocol)
    205         except JsonRpcError as e:
    206             logger.debug("Error with node connection, e = " + repr(e)
    207                 + "\ntraceback = " + str(traceback.format_exc()))
    208             accepting_clients = False
    209         except UnknownScripthashError as e:
    210             logger.debug("Disconnecting client due to misconfiguration. User"
    211                 + " must correctly configure master public key(s)")
    212         except (IOError, EOFError) as e:
    213             if isinstance(e, (EOFError, ConnectionRefusedError)):
    214                 logger.debug("Electrum wallet disconnected")
    215             else:
    216                 logger.debug("IOError: " + repr(e))
    217         try:
    218             if sock != None:
    219                 sock.close()
    220         except IOError:
    221             pass
    222         protocol.on_disconnect()
    223         time.sleep(0.2)
    225 def is_address_imported(rpc, address):
    226     return rpc.call("getaddressinfo", [address])["iswatchonly"]
    228 def get_scriptpubkeys_to_monitor(rpc, config):
    229     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
    230     st = time.time()
    232     deterministic_wallets = []
    233     for key in config.options("master-public-keys"):
    234         mpk = config.get("master-public-keys", key)
    235         gaplimit = int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "gap_limit"))
    236         chain = rpc.call("getblockchaininfo", [])["chain"]
    237         try:
    238             wal = deterministicwallet.parse_electrum_master_public_key(mpk,
    239                 gaplimit, rpc, chain)
    240         except ValueError:
    241             raise ValueError("Bad master public key format. Get it from " +
    242                 "Electrum menu `Wallet` -> `Information`")
    243         deterministic_wallets.append(wal)
    244     #check whether these deterministic wallets have already been imported
    245     import_needed = False
    246     wallets_to_import = []
    247     TEST_ADDR_COUNT = 3
    248     logger.info("Displaying first " + str(TEST_ADDR_COUNT) + " addresses of " +
    249         "each master public key:")
    250     for config_mpk_key, wal in zip(config.options("master-public-keys"),
    251             deterministic_wallets):
    252         first_addrs, first_spk = wal.get_addresses(change=0, from_index=0,
    253             count=TEST_ADDR_COUNT)
    254         logger.info("\n" + config_mpk_key + " =>\n\t" + "\n\t".join(
    255             first_addrs))
    256         last_addr, last_spk = wal.get_addresses(change=0, from_index=int(
    257             config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "initial_import_count")) - 1, count=1)
    258         if not all((is_address_imported(rpc, a) for a in (first_addrs
    259                 + last_addr))):
    260             import_needed = True
    261             wallets_to_import.append(wal)
    262     logger.info("Obtaining bitcoin addresses to monitor . . .")
    263     #check whether watch-only addresses have been imported
    264     watch_only_addresses = []
    265     for key in config.options("watch-only-addresses"):
    266         watch_only_addresses.extend(config.get("watch-only-addresses",
    267             key).split(' '))
    268     watch_only_addresses_to_import = [a for a in watch_only_addresses
    269         if not is_address_imported(rpc, a)]
    270     if len(watch_only_addresses_to_import) > 0:
    271         import_needed = True
    273     if len(deterministic_wallets) == 0 and len(watch_only_addresses) == 0:
    274         logger.error("No master public keys or watch-only addresses have " +
    275             "been configured at all. Exiting..")
    276         #import = true and none other params means exit
    277         return (True, None, None)
    279     #if addresses need to be imported then return them
    280     if import_needed:
    281         logger.info("Importing " + str(len(wallets_to_import))
    282             + " wallets and " + str(len(watch_only_addresses_to_import))
    283             + " watch-only addresses into the Bitcoin node")
    284         time.sleep(5)
    285         return True, watch_only_addresses_to_import, wallets_to_import
    287     #test
    288     # importing one det wallet and no addrs, two det wallets and no addrs
    289     # no det wallets and some addrs, some det wallets and some addrs
    291     #at this point we know we dont need to import any addresses
    292     #find which index the deterministic wallets are up to
    293     spks_to_monitor = []
    294     for wal in deterministic_wallets:
    295         for change in [0, 1]:
    296             addrs, spks = wal.get_addresses(change, 0,
    297                 int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "initial_import_count")))
    298             spks_to_monitor.extend(spks)
    299             #loop until one address found that isnt imported
    300             while True:
    301                 addrs, spks = wal.get_new_addresses(change, count=1)
    302                 if not is_address_imported(rpc, addrs[0]):
    303                     break
    304                 spks_to_monitor.append(spks[0])
    305             wal.rewind_one(change)
    307     spks_to_monitor.extend([hashes.address_to_script(addr, rpc)
    308         for addr in watch_only_addresses])
    309     et = time.time()
    310     logger.info("Obtained list of addresses to monitor in " + str(et - st)
    311         + "sec")
    312     return False, spks_to_monitor, deterministic_wallets
    314 def get_certs(config):
    315     from pkg_resources import resource_filename
    316     from electrumpersonalserver import __certfile__, __keyfile__
    318     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
    319     certfile = config.get('electrum-server', 'certfile', fallback=None)
    320     keyfile = config.get('electrum-server', 'keyfile', fallback=None)
    321     if (certfile and keyfile) and \
    322        (os.path.exists(certfile) and os.path.exists(keyfile)):
    323         return certfile, keyfile
    324     else:
    325         certfile = resource_filename('electrumpersonalserver', __certfile__)
    326         keyfile = resource_filename('electrumpersonalserver', __keyfile__)
    327         if os.path.exists(certfile) and os.path.exists(keyfile):
    328             return certfile, keyfile
    329         else:
    330             raise ValueError('invalid cert: {}, key: {}'.format(
    331                 certfile, keyfile))
    333 def obtain_cookie_file_path(datadir):
    334     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
    335     if len(datadir.strip()) == 0:
    336         logger.debug("no datadir configuration, checking in default location")
    337         systemname = platform.system()
    338         #paths from https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Data_directory
    339         if systemname == "Linux":
    340             datadir = os.path.expanduser("~/.bitcoin")
    341         elif systemname == "Windows":
    342             datadir = os.path.expandvars("%APPDATA%\Bitcoin")
    343         elif systemname == "Darwin": #mac os
    344             datadir = os.path.expanduser(
    345                 "~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/")
    346     cookie_path = os.path.join(datadir, ".cookie")
    347     if not os.path.exists(cookie_path):
    348         logger.warning("Unable to find .cookie file, try setting `datadir`" +
    349             " config")
    350         return None
    351     return cookie_path
    353 def parse_args():
    354     from argparse import ArgumentParser
    356     parser = ArgumentParser(description='Electrum Personal Server daemon')
    357     parser.add_argument('config_file',
    358                         help='configuration file (mandatory)')
    359     parser.add_argument("--rescan", action="store_true", help="Start the " +
    360         " rescan script instead")
    361     parser.add_argument("--rescan-date", action="store", dest="rescan_date",
    362         default=None, help="Earliest wallet creation date (DD/MM/YYYY) or "
    363         + "block height to rescan from")
    364     parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=
    365         "%(prog)s " + SERVER_VERSION_NUMBER)
    366     return parser.parse_args()
    368 #log for checking up/seeing your wallet, debug for when something has gone wrong
    369 def logger_config(logger, config):
    370     formatter = logging.Formatter(config.get("logging", "log_format",
    371         fallback="%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: %(message)s"))
    372     logstream = logging.StreamHandler()
    373     logstream.setFormatter(formatter)
    374     logstream.setLevel(config.get("logging", "log_level_stdout", fallback=
    375         "INFO"))
    376     logger.addHandler(logstream)
    377     filename = config.get("logging", "log_file_location", fallback="")
    378     if len(filename.strip()) == 0:
    379         filename= tempfile.gettempdir() + "/electrumpersonalserver.log"
    380     logfile = logging.FileHandler(filename, mode=('a' if
    381         config.get("logging", "append_log", fallback="false") else 'w'))
    382     logfile.setFormatter(formatter)
    383     logfile.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    384     logger.addHandler(logfile)
    385     logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    386     return logger, filename
    388 # returns non-zero status code on failure
    389 def main():
    390     opts = parse_args()
    392     try:
    393         config = RawConfigParser()
    394         config.read(opts.config_file)
    395         config.options("master-public-keys")
    396     except NoSectionError:
    397         print("ERROR: Non-existant configuration file {}".format(
    398             opts.config_file))
    399         return 1
    400     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
    401     logger, logfilename = logger_config(logger, config)
    402     logger.info('Starting Electrum Personal Server ' + str(
    403         SERVER_VERSION_NUMBER))
    404     logger.info('Logging to ' + logfilename)
    405     logger.debug("Process ID (PID) = " + str(os.getpid()))
    406     rpc_u = None
    407     rpc_p = None
    408     cookie_path = None
    409     try:
    410         rpc_u = config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "rpc_user")
    411         rpc_p = config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "rpc_password")
    412         logger.debug("obtaining auth from rpc_user/pass")
    413     except NoOptionError:
    414         cookie_path = obtain_cookie_file_path(config.get(
    415             "bitcoin-rpc", "datadir"))
    416         logger.debug("obtaining auth from .cookie")
    417     if rpc_u == None and cookie_path == None:
    418         return 1
    419     rpc = JsonRpc(host = config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "host"),
    420         port = int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "port")),
    421         user = rpc_u, password = rpc_p, cookie_path = cookie_path,
    422         wallet_filename=config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "wallet_filename").strip(),
    423         logger=logger)
    425     #TODO somewhere here loop until rpc works and fully sync'd, to allow
    426     # people to run this script without waiting for their node to fully
    427     # catch up sync'd when getblockchaininfo blocks == headers, or use
    428     # verificationprogress
    429     printed_error_msg = False
    430     while bestblockhash[0] == None:
    431         try:
    432             bestblockhash[0] = rpc.call("getbestblockhash", [])
    433         except JsonRpcError as e:
    434             if not printed_error_msg:
    435                 logger.error("Error with bitcoin json-rpc: " + repr(e))
    436                 printed_error_msg = True
    437             time.sleep(5)
    438     try:
    439         rpc.call("listunspent", [])
    440     except JsonRpcError as e:
    441         logger.error(repr(e))
    442         logger.error("Wallet related RPC call failed, possibly the " +
    443             "bitcoin node was compiled with the disable wallet flag")
    444         return 1
    446     test_keydata = (
    447     "2 tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4YVMVzC7wZeRfz3bhqcHvV8M3UiULCfzFtLtp5nwvi6LnBQegrkx" +
    448     "YGPkSzXUEvcPEHcKdda8W1YShVBkhFBGkLxjSQ1Nx3cJ tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4WjgNYq2nF" +
    449     "TbiSLW2SZAzs4g5JHLqwQ3AmR3tCWpqsZJJEoZuP5HAEBNxgYQhtWMezszoaeTCg6FWGQB" +
    450     "T74sszGaxaf64o5s")
    451     chain = rpc.call("getblockchaininfo", [])["chain"]
    452     try:
    453         gaplimit = 5
    454         deterministicwallet.parse_electrum_master_public_key(test_keydata,
    455             gaplimit, rpc, chain)
    456     except ValueError as e:
    457         logger.error(repr(e))
    458         logger.error("Descriptor related RPC call failed. Bitcoin Core 0.20.0"
    459             + " or higher required. Exiting..")
    460         return 1
    461     if opts.rescan:
    462         rescan_script(logger, rpc, opts.rescan_date)
    463         return 0
    464     while True:
    465         logger.debug("Checking whether rescan is in progress")
    466         walletinfo = rpc.call("getwalletinfo", [])
    467         if "scanning" in walletinfo and walletinfo["scanning"]:
    468             logger.debug("Waiting for Core wallet rescan to finish")
    469             time.sleep(300)
    470             continue
    471         break
    472     import_needed, relevant_spks_addrs, deterministic_wallets = \
    473         get_scriptpubkeys_to_monitor(rpc, config)
    474     if import_needed:
    475         if not relevant_spks_addrs and not deterministic_wallets:
    476             #import = true and no addresses means exit
    477             return 0
    478         deterministicwallet.import_addresses(rpc, relevant_spks_addrs,
    479             deterministic_wallets, change_param=-1,
    480             count=int(config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "initial_import_count")))
    481         logger.info("Done.\nIf recovering a wallet which already has existing" +
    482             " transactions, then\nrun the rescan script. If you're confident" +
    483             " that the wallets are new\nand empty then there's no need to" +
    484             " rescan, just restart this script")
    485     else:
    486         txmonitor = transactionmonitor.TransactionMonitor(rpc,
    487             deterministic_wallets, logger)
    488         if not txmonitor.build_address_history(relevant_spks_addrs):
    489             return 1
    490         try:
    491             run_electrum_server(rpc, txmonitor, config)
    492         except KeyboardInterrupt:
    493             logger.info('Received KeyboardInterrupt, quitting')
    494             return 1
    495     return 0
    497 def search_for_block_height_of_date(datestr, rpc):
    498     logger = logging.getLogger('ELECTRUMPERSONALSERVER')
    499     target_time = datetime.strptime(datestr, "%d/%m/%Y")
    500     bestblockhash = rpc.call("getbestblockhash", [])
    501     best_head = rpc.call("getblockheader", [bestblockhash])
    502     if target_time > datetime.fromtimestamp(best_head["time"]):
    503         logger.error("date in the future")
    504         return -1
    505     genesis_block = rpc.call("getblockheader", [rpc.call("getblockhash", [0])])
    506     if target_time < datetime.fromtimestamp(genesis_block["time"]):
    507         logger.warning("date is before the creation of bitcoin")
    508         return 0
    509     first_height = 0
    510     last_height = best_head["height"]
    511     while True:
    512         m = (first_height + last_height) // 2
    513         m_header = rpc.call("getblockheader", [rpc.call("getblockhash", [m])])
    514         m_header_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(m_header["time"])
    515         m_time_diff = (m_header_time - target_time).total_seconds()
    516         if abs(m_time_diff) < 60*60*2: #2 hours
    517             return m_header["height"]
    518         elif m_time_diff < 0:
    519             first_height = m
    520         elif m_time_diff > 0:
    521             last_height = m
    522         else:
    523             return -1
    525 def rescan_script(logger, rpc, rescan_date):
    526     if rescan_date:
    527         user_input = rescan_date
    528     else:
    529         user_input = input("Enter earliest wallet creation date (DD/MM/YYYY) "
    530             "or block height to rescan from: ")
    531     try:
    532         height = int(user_input)
    533     except ValueError:
    534         height = search_for_block_height_of_date(user_input, rpc)
    535         if height == -1:
    536             return
    537         height -= 2016 #go back two weeks for safety
    539     if not rescan_date:
    540         if input("Rescan from block height " + str(height) + " ? (y/n):") \
    541                 != 'y':
    542             return
    543     logger.info("Rescanning. . . for progress indicator see the bitcoin node's"
    544         + " debug.log file")
    545     rpc.call("rescanblockchain", [height])
    546     logger.info("end")
    548 if __name__ == "__main__":
    549     #entry point for pyinstaller executable
    550     try:
    551         res = main()
    552     except:
    553         res = 1
    555     # only relevant for pyinstaller executables (on Windows):
    556     if os.name == 'nt':
    557         os.system("pause")
    559     sys.exit(res)