pull_locale (1885B)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 import os 3 import subprocess 4 import io 5 import zipfile 6 import sys 7 8 try: 9 import requests 10 except ImportError as e: 11 sys.exit(f"Error: {str(e)}. Try 'sudo python3 -m pip install <module-name>'") 12 13 os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) 14 os.chdir('..') 15 16 cmd = "find electrum -type f -name '*.py' -o -name '*.kv'" 17 18 files = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) 19 20 with open("app.fil", "wb") as f: 21 f.write(files) 22 23 print("Found {} files to translate".format(len(files.splitlines()))) 24 25 # Generate fresh translation template 26 if not os.path.exists('electrum/locale'): 27 os.mkdir('electrum/locale') 28 cmd = 'xgettext -s --from-code UTF-8 --language Python --no-wrap -f app.fil --output=electrum/locale/messages.pot' 29 print('Generate template') 30 os.system(cmd) 31 32 os.chdir('electrum') 33 34 crowdin_identifier = 'electrum' 35 crowdin_file_name = 'files[electrum-client/messages.pot]' 36 locale_file_name = 'locale/messages.pot' 37 38 # Download & unzip 39 print('Download translations') 40 s = requests.request('GET', 'https://crowdin.com/backend/download/project/' + crowdin_identifier + '.zip').content 41 zfobj = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(s)) 42 43 print('Unzip translations') 44 for name in zfobj.namelist(): 45 if not name.startswith('electrum-client/locale'): 46 continue 47 if name.endswith('/'): 48 if not os.path.exists(name[16:]): 49 os.mkdir(name[16:]) 50 else: 51 with open(name[16:], 'wb') as output: 52 output.write(zfobj.read(name)) 53 54 # Convert .po to .mo 55 print('Installing') 56 for lang in os.listdir('locale'): 57 if lang.startswith('messages'): 58 continue 59 # Check LC_MESSAGES folder 60 mo_dir = 'locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES' % lang 61 if not os.path.exists(mo_dir): 62 os.mkdir(mo_dir) 63 cmd = 'msgfmt --output-file="%s/electrum.mo" "locale/%s/electrum.po"' % (mo_dir,lang) 64 print('Installing', lang) 65 os.system(cmd)