
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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README.md (1476B)

      1 # udev rules
      3 This directory contains all of the udev rules for the supported devices
      4 as retrieved from vendor websites and repositories.
      5 These are necessary for the devices to be usable on Linux environments.
      7  - `20-hw1.rules` (Ledger): https://github.com/LedgerHQ/udev-rules/blob/master/20-hw1.rules
      8  - `51-coinkite.rules` (Coldcard): https://github.com/Coldcard/ckcc-protocol/blob/master/51-coinkite.rules
      9  - `51-hid-digitalbitbox.rules`, `52-hid-digitalbitbox.rules` (Digital Bitbox): https://github.com/digitalbitbox/bitbox-wallet-app/blob/master/frontends/qt/resources/deb-afterinstall.sh
     10  - `53-hid-bitbox02.rules`, `54-hid-bitbox02.rules` (BitBox02): https://github.com/digitalbitbox/bitbox-wallet-app/blob/master/frontends/qt/resources/deb-afterinstall.sh
     11  - `51-trezor.rules` (Trezor): https://github.com/trezor/trezor-common/blob/master/udev/51-trezor.rules
     12  - `51-usb-keepkey.rules` (Keepkey): https://github.com/keepkey/udev-rules/blob/master/51-usb-keepkey.rules
     13  - `51-safe-t.rules` (Archos): https://github.com/archos-safe-t/safe-t-common/blob/master/udev/51-safe-t.rules
     15 # Usage
     17 Apply these rules by copying them to `/etc/udev/rules.d/` and notifying `udevadm`.
     18 Your user will need to be added to the `plugdev` group, which needs to be created if it does not already exist.
     20 ```
     21 $ sudo groupadd plugdev
     22 $ sudo usermod -aG plugdev $(whoami)
     23 $ sudo cp contrib/udev/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
     24 $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
     25 ```