
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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bip32.py (16298B)

      1 # Copyright (C) 2018 The Electrum developers
      2 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
      3 # file LICENCE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
      5 import hashlib
      6 from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Union, Iterable, Sequence, Optional
      8 from .util import bfh, bh2u, BitcoinException
      9 from . import constants
     10 from . import ecc
     11 from .crypto import hash_160, hmac_oneshot
     12 from .bitcoin import rev_hex, int_to_hex, EncodeBase58Check, DecodeBase58Check
     13 from .logging import get_logger
     16 _logger = get_logger(__name__)
     17 BIP32_PRIME = 0x80000000
     18 UINT32_MAX = (1 << 32) - 1
     21 def protect_against_invalid_ecpoint(func):
     22     def func_wrapper(*args):
     23         child_index = args[-1]
     24         while True:
     25             is_prime = child_index & BIP32_PRIME
     26             try:
     27                 return func(*args[:-1], child_index=child_index)
     28             except ecc.InvalidECPointException:
     29                 _logger.warning('bip32 protect_against_invalid_ecpoint: skipping index')
     30                 child_index += 1
     31                 is_prime2 = child_index & BIP32_PRIME
     32                 if is_prime != is_prime2: raise OverflowError()
     33     return func_wrapper
     36 @protect_against_invalid_ecpoint
     37 def CKD_priv(parent_privkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: int) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
     38     """Child private key derivation function (from master private key)
     39     If n is hardened (i.e. the 32nd bit is set), the resulting private key's
     40     corresponding public key can NOT be determined without the master private key.
     41     However, if n is not hardened, the resulting private key's corresponding
     42     public key can be determined without the master private key.
     43     """
     44     if child_index < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
     45     is_hardened_child = bool(child_index & BIP32_PRIME)
     46     return _CKD_priv(parent_privkey=parent_privkey,
     47                      parent_chaincode=parent_chaincode,
     48                      child_index=bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(child_index, 4))),
     49                      is_hardened_child=is_hardened_child)
     52 def _CKD_priv(parent_privkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes,
     53               child_index: bytes, is_hardened_child: bool) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
     54     try:
     55         keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_privkey)
     56     except ecc.InvalidECPointException as e:
     57         raise BitcoinException('Impossible xprv (not within curve order)') from e
     58     parent_pubkey = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
     59     if is_hardened_child:
     60         data = bytes([0]) + parent_privkey + child_index
     61     else:
     62         data = parent_pubkey + child_index
     63     I = hmac_oneshot(parent_chaincode, data, hashlib.sha512)
     64     I_left = ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32])
     65     child_privkey = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(parent_privkey)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
     66     if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or child_privkey == 0:
     67         raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
     68     child_privkey = int.to_bytes(child_privkey, length=32, byteorder='big', signed=False)
     69     child_chaincode = I[32:]
     70     return child_privkey, child_chaincode
     74 @protect_against_invalid_ecpoint
     75 def CKD_pub(parent_pubkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: int) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
     76     """Child public key derivation function (from public key only)
     77     This function allows us to find the nth public key, as long as n is
     78     not hardened. If n is hardened, we need the master private key to find it.
     79     """
     80     if child_index < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
     81     if child_index & BIP32_PRIME: raise Exception('not possible to derive hardened child from parent pubkey')
     82     return _CKD_pub(parent_pubkey=parent_pubkey,
     83                     parent_chaincode=parent_chaincode,
     84                     child_index=bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(child_index, 4))))
     87 # helper function, callable with arbitrary 'child_index' byte-string.
     88 # i.e.: 'child_index' does not need to fit into 32 bits here! (c.f. trustedcoin billing)
     89 def _CKD_pub(parent_pubkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
     90     I = hmac_oneshot(parent_chaincode, parent_pubkey + child_index, hashlib.sha512)
     91     pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(parent_pubkey)
     92     if pubkey.is_at_infinity():
     93         raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
     94     child_pubkey = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
     95     child_chaincode = I[32:]
     96     return child_pubkey, child_chaincode
     99 def xprv_header(xtype: str, *, net=None) -> bytes:
    100     if net is None:
    101         net = constants.net
    102     return net.XPRV_HEADERS[xtype].to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
    105 def xpub_header(xtype: str, *, net=None) -> bytes:
    106     if net is None:
    107         net = constants.net
    108     return net.XPUB_HEADERS[xtype].to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
    111 class InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes(BitcoinException): pass
    114 class BIP32Node(NamedTuple):
    115     xtype: str
    116     eckey: Union[ecc.ECPubkey, ecc.ECPrivkey]
    117     chaincode: bytes
    118     depth: int = 0
    119     fingerprint: bytes = b'\x00'*4  # as in serialized format, this is the *parent's* fingerprint
    120     child_number: bytes = b'\x00'*4
    122     @classmethod
    123     def from_xkey(cls, xkey: str, *, net=None) -> 'BIP32Node':
    124         if net is None:
    125             net = constants.net
    126         xkey = DecodeBase58Check(xkey)
    127         if len(xkey) != 78:
    128             raise BitcoinException('Invalid length for extended key: {}'
    129                                    .format(len(xkey)))
    130         depth = xkey[4]
    131         fingerprint = xkey[5:9]
    132         child_number = xkey[9:13]
    133         chaincode = xkey[13:13 + 32]
    134         header = int.from_bytes(xkey[0:4], byteorder='big')
    135         if header in net.XPRV_HEADERS_INV:
    136             headers_inv = net.XPRV_HEADERS_INV
    137             is_private = True
    138         elif header in net.XPUB_HEADERS_INV:
    139             headers_inv = net.XPUB_HEADERS_INV
    140             is_private = False
    141         else:
    142             raise InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes(f'Invalid extended key format: {hex(header)}')
    143         xtype = headers_inv[header]
    144         if is_private:
    145             eckey = ecc.ECPrivkey(xkey[13 + 33:])
    146         else:
    147             eckey = ecc.ECPubkey(xkey[13 + 32:])
    148         return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
    149                          eckey=eckey,
    150                          chaincode=chaincode,
    151                          depth=depth,
    152                          fingerprint=fingerprint,
    153                          child_number=child_number)
    155     @classmethod
    156     def from_rootseed(cls, seed: bytes, *, xtype: str) -> 'BIP32Node':
    157         I = hmac_oneshot(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512)
    158         master_k = I[0:32]
    159         master_c = I[32:]
    160         return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
    161                          eckey=ecc.ECPrivkey(master_k),
    162                          chaincode=master_c)
    164     @classmethod
    165     def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes) -> 'BIP32Node':
    166         if len(b) != 78:
    167             raise Exception(f"unexpected xkey raw bytes len {len(b)} != 78")
    168         xkey = EncodeBase58Check(b)
    169         return cls.from_xkey(xkey)
    171     def to_xprv(self, *, net=None) -> str:
    172         payload = self.to_xprv_bytes(net=net)
    173         return EncodeBase58Check(payload)
    175     def to_xprv_bytes(self, *, net=None) -> bytes:
    176         if not self.is_private():
    177             raise Exception("cannot serialize as xprv; private key missing")
    178         payload = (xprv_header(self.xtype, net=net) +
    179                    bytes([self.depth]) +
    180                    self.fingerprint +
    181                    self.child_number +
    182                    self.chaincode +
    183                    bytes([0]) +
    184                    self.eckey.get_secret_bytes())
    185         assert len(payload) == 78, f"unexpected xprv payload len {len(payload)}"
    186         return payload
    188     def to_xpub(self, *, net=None) -> str:
    189         payload = self.to_xpub_bytes(net=net)
    190         return EncodeBase58Check(payload)
    192     def to_xpub_bytes(self, *, net=None) -> bytes:
    193         payload = (xpub_header(self.xtype, net=net) +
    194                    bytes([self.depth]) +
    195                    self.fingerprint +
    196                    self.child_number +
    197                    self.chaincode +
    198                    self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True))
    199         assert len(payload) == 78, f"unexpected xpub payload len {len(payload)}"
    200         return payload
    202     def to_xkey(self, *, net=None) -> str:
    203         if self.is_private():
    204             return self.to_xprv(net=net)
    205         else:
    206             return self.to_xpub(net=net)
    208     def to_bytes(self, *, net=None) -> bytes:
    209         if self.is_private():
    210             return self.to_xprv_bytes(net=net)
    211         else:
    212             return self.to_xpub_bytes(net=net)
    214     def convert_to_public(self) -> 'BIP32Node':
    215         if not self.is_private():
    216             return self
    217         pubkey = ecc.ECPubkey(self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes())
    218         return self._replace(eckey=pubkey)
    220     def is_private(self) -> bool:
    221         return isinstance(self.eckey, ecc.ECPrivkey)
    223     def subkey_at_private_derivation(self, path: Union[str, Iterable[int]]) -> 'BIP32Node':
    224         if path is None:
    225             raise Exception("derivation path must not be None")
    226         if isinstance(path, str):
    227             path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(path)
    228         if not self.is_private():
    229             raise Exception("cannot do bip32 private derivation; private key missing")
    230         if not path:
    231             return self
    232         depth = self.depth
    233         chaincode = self.chaincode
    234         privkey = self.eckey.get_secret_bytes()
    235         for child_index in path:
    236             parent_privkey = privkey
    237             privkey, chaincode = CKD_priv(privkey, chaincode, child_index)
    238             depth += 1
    239         parent_pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_privkey).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    240         fingerprint = hash_160(parent_pubkey)[0:4]
    241         child_number = child_index.to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
    242         return BIP32Node(xtype=self.xtype,
    243                          eckey=ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey),
    244                          chaincode=chaincode,
    245                          depth=depth,
    246                          fingerprint=fingerprint,
    247                          child_number=child_number)
    249     def subkey_at_public_derivation(self, path: Union[str, Iterable[int]]) -> 'BIP32Node':
    250         if path is None:
    251             raise Exception("derivation path must not be None")
    252         if isinstance(path, str):
    253             path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(path)
    254         if not path:
    255             return self.convert_to_public()
    256         depth = self.depth
    257         chaincode = self.chaincode
    258         pubkey = self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
    259         for child_index in path:
    260             parent_pubkey = pubkey
    261             pubkey, chaincode = CKD_pub(pubkey, chaincode, child_index)
    262             depth += 1
    263         fingerprint = hash_160(parent_pubkey)[0:4]
    264         child_number = child_index.to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
    265         return BIP32Node(xtype=self.xtype,
    266                          eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(pubkey),
    267                          chaincode=chaincode,
    268                          depth=depth,
    269                          fingerprint=fingerprint,
    270                          child_number=child_number)
    272     def calc_fingerprint_of_this_node(self) -> bytes:
    273         """Returns the fingerprint of this node.
    274         Note that self.fingerprint is of the *parent*.
    275         """
    276         # TODO cache this
    277         return hash_160(self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True))[0:4]
    280 def xpub_type(x):
    281     return BIP32Node.from_xkey(x).xtype
    284 def is_xpub(text):
    285     try:
    286         node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(text)
    287         return not node.is_private()
    288     except:
    289         return False
    292 def is_xprv(text):
    293     try:
    294         node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(text)
    295         return node.is_private()
    296     except:
    297         return False
    300 def xpub_from_xprv(xprv):
    301     return BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).to_xpub()
    304 def convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(n: str) -> List[int]:
    305     """Convert bip32 path to list of uint32 integers with prime flags
    306     m/0/-1/1' -> [0, 0x80000001, 0x80000001]
    308     based on code in trezorlib
    309     """
    310     if not n:
    311         return []
    312     if n.endswith("/"):
    313         n = n[:-1]
    314     n = n.split('/')
    315     # cut leading "m" if present, but do not require it
    316     if n[0] == "m":
    317         n = n[1:]
    318     path = []
    319     for x in n:
    320         if x == '':
    321             # gracefully allow repeating "/" chars in path.
    322             # makes concatenating paths easier
    323             continue
    324         prime = 0
    325         if x.endswith("'") or x.endswith("h"):
    326             x = x[:-1]
    327             prime = BIP32_PRIME
    328         if x.startswith('-'):
    329             if prime:
    330                 raise ValueError(f"bip32 path child index is signalling hardened level in multiple ways")
    331             prime = BIP32_PRIME
    332         child_index = abs(int(x)) | prime
    333         if child_index > UINT32_MAX:
    334             raise ValueError(f"bip32 path child index too large: {child_index} > {UINT32_MAX}")
    335         path.append(child_index)
    336     return path
    339 def convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(path: Sequence[int]) -> str:
    340     s = "m/"
    341     for child_index in path:
    342         if not isinstance(child_index, int):
    343             raise TypeError(f"bip32 path child index must be int: {child_index}")
    344         if not (0 <= child_index <= UINT32_MAX):
    345             raise ValueError(f"bip32 path child index out of range: {child_index}")
    346         prime = ""
    347         if child_index & BIP32_PRIME:
    348             prime = "'"
    349             child_index = child_index ^ BIP32_PRIME
    350         s += str(child_index) + prime + '/'
    351     # cut trailing "/"
    352     s = s[:-1]
    353     return s
    356 def is_bip32_derivation(s: str) -> bool:
    357     try:
    358         if not (s == 'm' or s.startswith('m/')):
    359             return False
    360         convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(s)
    361     except:
    362         return False
    363     else:
    364         return True
    367 def normalize_bip32_derivation(s: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
    368     if s is None:
    369         return None
    370     if not is_bip32_derivation(s):
    371         raise ValueError(f"invalid bip32 derivation: {s}")
    372     ints = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(s)
    373     return convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath(ints)
    376 def is_all_public_derivation(path: Union[str, Iterable[int]]) -> bool:
    377     """Returns whether all levels in path use non-hardened derivation."""
    378     if isinstance(path, str):
    379         path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(path)
    380     for child_index in path:
    381         if child_index < 0:
    382             raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
    383         if child_index & BIP32_PRIME:
    384             return False
    385     return True
    388 def root_fp_and_der_prefix_from_xkey(xkey: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
    389     """Returns the root bip32 fingerprint and the derivation path from the
    390     root to the given xkey, if they can be determined. Otherwise (None, None).
    391     """
    392     node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xkey)
    393     derivation_prefix = None
    394     root_fingerprint = None
    395     assert node.depth >= 0, node.depth
    396     if node.depth == 0:
    397         derivation_prefix = 'm'
    398         root_fingerprint = node.calc_fingerprint_of_this_node().hex().lower()
    399     elif node.depth == 1:
    400         child_number_int = int.from_bytes(node.child_number, 'big')
    401         derivation_prefix = convert_bip32_intpath_to_strpath([child_number_int])
    402         root_fingerprint = node.fingerprint.hex()
    403     return root_fingerprint, derivation_prefix
    406 def is_xkey_consistent_with_key_origin_info(xkey: str, *,
    407                                             derivation_prefix: str = None,
    408                                             root_fingerprint: str = None) -> bool:
    409     bip32node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xkey)
    410     int_path = None
    411     if derivation_prefix is not None:
    412         int_path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(derivation_prefix)
    413     if int_path is not None and len(int_path) != bip32node.depth:
    414         return False
    415     if bip32node.depth == 0:
    416         if bfh(root_fingerprint) != bip32node.calc_fingerprint_of_this_node():
    417             return False
    418         if bip32node.child_number != bytes(4):
    419             return False
    420     if int_path is not None and bip32node.depth > 0:
    421         if int.from_bytes(bip32node.child_number, 'big') != int_path[-1]:
    422             return False
    423     if bip32node.depth == 1:
    424         if bfh(root_fingerprint) != bip32node.fingerprint:
    425             return False
    426     return True