
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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amount_dialog.py (5256B)

      1 from kivy.app import App
      2 from kivy.factory import Factory
      3 from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
      4 from kivy.lang import Builder
      5 from decimal import Decimal
      7 Builder.load_string('''
      9 <AmountDialog@Popup>
     10     id: popup
     11     title: _('Amount')
     12     AnchorLayout:
     13         anchor_x: 'center'
     14         BoxLayout:
     15             orientation: 'vertical'
     16             size_hint: 0.9, 1
     17             Widget:
     18                 size_hint: 1, 0.2
     19             BoxLayout:
     20                 size_hint: 1, None
     21                 height: '80dp'
     22                 Button:
     23                     background_color: 0, 0, 0, 0
     24                     id: btc
     25                     text: kb.amount + ' ' + app.base_unit
     26                     color: (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1) if kb.is_fiat else (1, 1, 1, 1)
     27                     halign: 'right'
     28                     size_hint: 1, None
     29                     font_size: '20dp'
     30                     height: '48dp'
     31                     on_release:
     32                         kb.is_fiat = False
     33                 Button:
     34                     background_color: 0, 0, 0, 0
     35                     id: fiat
     36                     text: kb.fiat_amount + ' ' + app.fiat_unit
     37                     color: (1, 1, 1, 1) if kb.is_fiat else (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1)
     38                     halign: 'right'
     39                     size_hint: 1, None
     40                     font_size: '20dp'
     41                     height: '48dp'
     42                     disabled: not app.fx.is_enabled()
     43                     on_release:
     44                         kb.is_fiat = True
     45             Widget:
     46                 size_hint: 1, 0.2
     47             GridLayout:
     48                 id: kb
     49                 amount: ''
     50                 fiat_amount: ''
     51                 is_fiat: False
     52                 is_max: False
     53                 on_fiat_amount: if self.is_fiat: self.amount = app.fiat_to_btc(self.fiat_amount)
     54                 on_amount: if not self.is_fiat: self.fiat_amount = app.btc_to_fiat(self.amount)
     55                 size_hint: 1, None
     56                 update_amount: popup.update_amount
     57                 height: '300dp'
     58                 cols: 3
     59                 KButton:
     60                     text: '1'
     61                 KButton:
     62                     text: '2'
     63                 KButton:
     64                     text: '3'
     65                 KButton:
     66                     text: '4'
     67                 KButton:
     68                     text: '5'
     69                 KButton:
     70                     text: '6'
     71                 KButton:
     72                     text: '7'
     73                 KButton:
     74                     text: '8'
     75                 KButton:
     76                     text: '9'
     77                 KButton:
     78                     text: '.'
     79                 KButton:
     80                     text: '0'
     81                 KButton:
     82                     text: '<'
     83                 Widget:
     84                     size_hint: 1, None
     85                     height: '48dp'
     86                 Button:
     87                     id: but_max
     88                     opacity: 1 if root.show_max else 0
     89                     disabled: not root.show_max
     90                     size_hint: 1, None
     91                     height: '48dp'
     92                     text: 'Max'
     93                     on_release:
     94                         kb.is_fiat = False
     95                         kb.amount = app.get_max_amount()
     96                         kb.is_max = True
     97                 Button:
     98                     size_hint: 1, None
     99                     height: '48dp'
    100                     text: 'Clear'
    101                     on_release:
    102                         kb.amount = ''
    103                         kb.fiat_amount = ''
    104                         kb.is_max = False
    105             Widget:
    106                 size_hint: 1, 0.2
    107             BoxLayout:
    108                 size_hint: 1, None
    109                 height: '48dp'
    110                 Widget:
    111                     size_hint: 1, None
    112                     height: '48dp'
    113                 Button:
    114                     size_hint: 1, None
    115                     height: '48dp'
    116                     text: _('OK')
    117                     on_release:
    118                         root.callback('!' if kb.is_max else btc.text if kb.amount else '')
    119                         popup.dismiss()
    120 ''')
    122 from kivy.properties import BooleanProperty
    124 class AmountDialog(Factory.Popup):
    125     show_max = BooleanProperty(False)
    126     app = App.get_running_app()
    128     def __init__(self, show_max, amount, cb):
    129         Factory.Popup.__init__(self)
    130         self.show_max = show_max
    131         self.callback = cb
    132         if amount:
    133             self.ids.kb.amount = amount
    135     def update_amount(self, c):
    136         kb = self.ids.kb
    137         amount = kb.fiat_amount if kb.is_fiat else kb.amount  # type: str
    138         if c == '<':  # delete
    139             amount = amount[:-1]
    140         elif c == '.' and amount in ['0', '']:
    141             amount = '0.'
    142         elif amount == '0':
    143             amount = c
    144         else:
    145             try:
    146                 Decimal(amount+c)
    147                 amount += c
    148             except:
    149                 pass
    150             # truncate btc amounts to max precision:
    151             if not kb.is_fiat and '.' in amount:
    152                 p = amount.find('.')
    153                 amount = amount.replace('.', '')
    154                 amount = amount[:p] + '.' + amount[p:p + self.app.decimal_point()]
    155         if kb.is_fiat:
    156             kb.fiat_amount = amount
    157         else:
    158             kb.amount = amount