
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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fee_dialog.py (4865B)

      1 from kivy.app import App
      2 from kivy.factory import Factory
      3 from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
      4 from kivy.lang import Builder
      6 from electrum.gui.kivy.i18n import _
      8 Builder.load_string('''
      9 <FeeDialog@Popup>
     10     id: popup
     11     title: _('Transaction Fees')
     12     size_hint: 0.8, 0.8
     13     pos_hint: {'top':0.9}
     14     method: 0
     15     BoxLayout:
     16         orientation: 'vertical'
     17         BoxLayout:
     18             orientation: 'horizontal'
     19             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     20             Label:
     21                 text: _('Method') + ':'
     22             Button:
     23                 text: _('Mempool') if root.method == 2 else _('ETA') if root.method == 1 else _('Static')
     24                 background_color: (0,0,0,0)
     25                 bold: True
     26                 on_release:
     27                     root.method  = (root.method + 1) % 3
     28                     root.update_slider()
     29                     root.update_text()
     30         BoxLayout:
     31             orientation: 'horizontal'
     32             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     33             Label:
     34                 text: (_('Target') if root.method > 0 else _('Fee')) + ':'
     35             Label:
     36                 id: fee_target
     37                 text: ''
     38         Slider:
     39             id: slider
     40             range: 0, 4
     41             step: 1
     42             on_value: root.on_slider(self.value)
     43         Widget:
     44             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     45         BoxLayout:
     46             orientation: 'horizontal'
     47             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     48             TopLabel:
     49                 id: fee_estimate
     50                 text: ''
     51                 font_size: '14dp'
     52         Widget:
     53             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     54         BoxLayout:
     55             orientation: 'horizontal'
     56             size_hint: 1, 0.5
     57             Button:
     58                 text: 'Cancel'
     59                 size_hint: 0.5, None
     60                 height: '48dp'
     61                 on_release: popup.dismiss()
     62             Button:
     63                 text: 'OK'
     64                 size_hint: 0.5, None
     65                 height: '48dp'
     66                 on_release:
     67                     root.on_ok()
     68                     root.dismiss()
     69 ''')
     74 class FeeSliderDialog:
     76     def __init__(self, config, slider):
     77         self.config = config
     78         self.slider = slider
     79         self.read_config()
     80         self.update_slider()
     82     def get_method(self):
     83         dynfees = self.method > 0
     84         mempool = self.method == 2
     85         return dynfees, mempool
     87     def update_slider(self):
     88         dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()
     89         maxp, pos, fee_rate = self.config.get_fee_slider(dynfees, mempool)
     90         self.slider.range = (0, maxp)
     91         self.slider.step = 1
     92         self.slider.value = pos
     94     def read_config(self):
     95         mempool = self.config.use_mempool_fees()
     96         dynfees = self.config.is_dynfee()
     97         self.method = (2 if mempool else 1) if dynfees else 0
     99     def save_config(self):
    100         value = int(self.slider.value)
    101         dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()
    102         self.config.set_key('dynamic_fees', dynfees, False)
    103         self.config.set_key('mempool_fees', mempool, False)
    104         if dynfees:
    105             if mempool:
    106                 self.config.set_key('depth_level', value, True)
    107             else:
    108                 self.config.set_key('fee_level', value, True)
    109         else:
    110             self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', self.config.static_fee(value), True)
    112     def update_text(self):
    113         pass
    116 class FeeDialog(FeeSliderDialog, Factory.Popup):
    118     def __init__(self, app, config, callback):
    119         Factory.Popup.__init__(self)
    120         FeeSliderDialog.__init__(self, config, self.ids.slider)
    121         self.app = app
    122         self.config = config
    123         self.callback = callback
    124         self.update_text()
    126     def on_ok(self):
    127         self.save_config()
    128         self.callback()
    130     def on_slider(self, value):
    131         self.update_text()
    133     def update_text(self):
    134         pos = int(self.ids.slider.value)
    135         dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()
    136         if self.method == 2:
    137             fee_rate = self.config.depth_to_fee(pos)
    138             target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, mempool, fee_rate)
    139             msg = 'In the current network conditions, in order to be positioned %s, a transaction will require a fee of %s.' % (target, estimate)
    140         elif self.method == 1:
    141             fee_rate = self.config.eta_to_fee(pos)
    142             target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, mempool, fee_rate)
    143             msg = 'In the last few days, transactions that confirmed %s usually paid a fee of at least %s.' % (target.lower(), estimate)
    144         else:
    145             fee_rate = self.config.static_fee(pos)
    146             target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, True, fee_rate)
    147             msg = 'In the current network conditions, a transaction paying %s would be positioned %s.' % (target, estimate)
    148         self.ids.fee_target.text = target
    149         self.ids.fee_estimate.text = msg