
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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fx_dialog.py (4298B)

      1 from kivy.app import App
      2 from kivy.factory import Factory
      3 from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, BooleanProperty
      4 from kivy.lang import Builder
      6 Builder.load_string('''
      7 <FxDialog@Popup>
      8     id: popup
      9     title: 'Fiat Currency'
     10     size_hint: 0.8, 0.8
     11     pos_hint: {'top':0.9}
     12     BoxLayout:
     13         orientation: 'vertical'
     15         Widget:
     16             size_hint: 1, 0.1
     18         BoxLayout:
     19             orientation: 'horizontal'
     20             size_hint: 1, 0.1
     21             Label:
     22                 text: _('Currency')
     23                 height: '48dp'
     24             Spinner:
     25                 height: '48dp'
     26                 id: ccy
     27                 on_text: popup.on_currency(self.text)
     29         Widget:
     30             size_hint: 1, 0.05
     32         BoxLayout:
     33             orientation: 'horizontal'
     34             size_hint: 1, 0.2
     35             Label:
     36                 text: _('History rates')
     37             CheckBox:
     38                 id:hist
     39                 active: popup.has_history_rates
     40                 on_active: popup.on_checkbox_history(self.active)
     42         Widget:
     43             size_hint: 1, 0.05
     45         BoxLayout:
     46             orientation: 'horizontal'
     47             size_hint: 1, 0.1
     48             Label:
     49                 text: _('Source')
     50                 height: '48dp'
     51             Spinner:
     52                 height: '48dp'
     53                 id: exchanges
     54                 on_text: popup.on_exchange(self.text)
     56         Widget:
     57             size_hint: 1, 0.1
     59         BoxLayout:
     60             orientation: 'horizontal'
     61             size_hint: 1, 0.2
     62             Button:
     63                 text: 'Cancel'
     64                 size_hint: 0.5, None
     65                 height: '48dp'
     66                 on_release: popup.dismiss()
     67             Button:
     68                 text: 'OK'
     69                 size_hint: 0.5, None
     70                 height: '48dp'
     71                 on_release:
     72                     root.callback()
     73                     popup.dismiss()
     74 ''')
     77 from kivy.uix.label import Label
     78 from kivy.uix.checkbox import CheckBox
     79 from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
     80 from kivy.clock import Clock
     82 from electrum.gui.kivy.i18n import _
     83 from functools import partial
     85 class FxDialog(Factory.Popup):
     87     def __init__(self, app, plugins, config, callback):
     88         self.app = app
     89         self.config = config
     90         self.callback = callback
     91         self.fx = self.app.fx
     92         if self.fx.get_history_config(allow_none=True) is None:
     93             # If nothing is set, force-enable it. (Note that as fiat rates itself
     94             # are disabled by default, it is enough to set this here. If they
     95             # were enabled by default, this would be too late.)
     96             self.fx.set_history_config(True)
     97         self.has_history_rates = self.fx.get_history_config()
     99         Factory.Popup.__init__(self)
    100         self.add_currencies()
    102     def add_exchanges(self):
    103         ex = self.ids.exchanges
    104         if self.fx.is_enabled():
    105             exchanges = sorted(self.fx.get_exchanges_by_ccy(self.fx.get_currency(), self.has_history_rates))
    106             mx = self.fx.exchange.name()
    107             if mx in exchanges:
    108                 ex.text = mx
    109             elif exchanges:
    110                 ex.text = exchanges[0]
    111             else:
    112                 ex.text = ''
    113         else:
    114             exchanges = []
    115             ex.text = ''
    116         ex.values = exchanges
    118     def on_exchange(self, text):
    119         if not text:
    120             return
    121         if self.fx.is_enabled() and text != self.fx.exchange.name():
    122             self.fx.set_exchange(text)
    124     def add_currencies(self):
    125         currencies = [_('None')] + self.fx.get_currencies(self.has_history_rates)
    126         my_ccy = self.fx.get_currency() if self.fx.is_enabled() else _('None')
    127         self.ids.ccy.values = currencies
    128         self.ids.ccy.text = my_ccy
    130     def on_checkbox_history(self, checked):
    131         self.fx.set_history_config(checked)
    132         self.has_history_rates = checked
    133         self.add_currencies()
    134         self.on_currency(self.ids.ccy.text)
    136     def on_currency(self, ccy):
    137         b = (ccy != _('None'))
    138         self.fx.set_enabled(b)
    139         if b:
    140             if ccy != self.fx.get_currency():
    141                 self.fx.set_currency(ccy)
    142             self.app.fiat_unit = ccy
    143         else:
    144             self.app.is_fiat = False
    145         Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.add_exchanges())