
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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invoice_dialog.py (5307B)

      1 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
      3 from kivy.factory import Factory
      4 from kivy.lang import Builder
      5 from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard
      6 from kivy.app import App
      7 from kivy.clock import Clock
      9 from electrum.gui.kivy.i18n import _
     10 from electrum.invoices import pr_tooltips, pr_color
     11 from electrum.invoices import PR_UNKNOWN, PR_UNPAID, PR_FAILED, PR_TYPE_LN
     13 if TYPE_CHECKING:
     14     from electrum.gui.kivy.main_window import ElectrumWindow
     17 Builder.load_string('''
     18 #:import KIVY_GUI_PATH electrum.gui.kivy.KIVY_GUI_PATH
     20 <InvoiceDialog@Popup>
     21     id: popup
     22     amount_str: ''
     23     title: ''
     24     data: ''
     25     description:''
     26     status_color: 1,1,1,1
     27     status_str:''
     28     warning: ''
     29     can_pay: True
     30     shaded: False
     31     show_text: False
     32     AnchorLayout:
     33         anchor_x: 'center'
     34         BoxLayout:
     35             orientation: 'vertical'
     36             size_hint: 1, 1
     37             padding: '10dp'
     38             spacing: '10dp'
     39             TopLabel:
     40                 text: _('Invoice data')+ ':'
     41             RefLabel:
     42                 data: root.data
     43                 text: root.data[:40] + "..."
     44                 name: _('Data')
     45                 show_text_with_qr: False
     46             TopLabel:
     47                 text: _('Description') + ':'
     48             RefLabel:
     49                 data: root.description or _('No description')
     50             TopLabel:
     51                 text: _('Amount') + ': ' + root.amount_str
     52             TopLabel:
     53                 text: _('Status') + ': ' + root.status_str
     54                 color: root.status_color
     55                 on_touch_down:
     56                     touch = args[1]
     57                     touched = bool(self.collide_point(*touch.pos))
     58                     if touched: root.show_log()
     59             TopLabel:
     60                 text: root.warning
     61                 color: (0.9, 0.6, 0.3, 1)
     62             Widget:
     63                 size_hint: 1, 0.2
     64             BoxLayout:
     65                 size_hint: 1, None
     66                 height: '48dp'
     67                 Button:
     68                     size_hint: 1, None
     69                     height: '48dp'
     70                     text: _('Delete')
     71                     on_release: root.delete_dialog()
     72                 IconButton:
     73                     icon: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/copy'
     74                     size_hint: 0.5, None
     75                     height: '48dp'
     76                     on_release: root.copy_to_clipboard()
     77                 IconButton:
     78                     icon: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/share'
     79                     size_hint: 0.5, None
     80                     height: '48dp'
     81                     on_release: root.do_share()
     82                 Button:
     83                     size_hint: 1, None
     84                     height: '48dp'
     85                     text: _('Pay')
     86                     on_release: root.do_pay()
     87                     disabled: not root.can_pay
     88 ''')
     90 class InvoiceDialog(Factory.Popup):
     92     def __init__(self, title, data, key):
     93         self.status = PR_UNKNOWN
     94         Factory.Popup.__init__(self)
     95         self.app = App.get_running_app()  # type: ElectrumWindow
     96         self.title = title
     97         self.data = data
     98         self.key = key
     99         invoice = self.app.wallet.get_invoice(key)
    100         self.amount_sat = invoice.get_amount_sat()
    101         self.amount_str = self.app.format_amount_and_units(self.amount_sat)
    102         self.description = invoice.message
    103         self.is_lightning = invoice.is_lightning()
    104         self.update_status()
    105         self.log = self.app.wallet.lnworker.logs[self.key] if self.is_lightning and self.app.wallet.lnworker else []
    107     def update_status(self):
    108         invoice = self.app.wallet.get_invoice(self.key)
    109         self.status = self.app.wallet.get_invoice_status(invoice)
    110         self.status_str = invoice.get_status_str(self.status)
    111         self.status_color = pr_color[self.status]
    112         self.can_pay = self.status in [PR_UNPAID, PR_FAILED]
    113         if self.can_pay and self.is_lightning and self.app.wallet.lnworker:
    114             if self.amount_sat and self.amount_sat > self.app.wallet.lnworker.num_sats_can_send():
    115                 self.warning = _('Warning') + ': ' + _('This amount exceeds the maximum you can currently send with your channels')
    117     def on_dismiss(self):
    118         self.app.request_popup = None
    120     def copy_to_clipboard(self):
    121         Clipboard.copy(self.data)
    122         msg = _('Text copied to clipboard.')
    123         Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.app.show_info(msg))
    125     def do_share(self):
    126         self.app.do_share(self.data, _("Share Invoice"))
    127         self.dismiss()
    129     def do_pay(self):
    130         invoice = self.app.wallet.get_invoice(self.key)
    131         self.app.send_screen.do_pay_invoice(invoice)
    132         self.dismiss()
    134     def delete_dialog(self):
    135         from .question import Question
    136         def cb(result):
    137             if result:
    138                 self.dismiss()
    139                 self.app.wallet.delete_invoice(self.key)
    140                 self.app.send_screen.update()
    141         d = Question(_('Delete invoice?'), cb)
    142         d.open()
    144     def show_log(self):
    145         if self.log:
    146             log_str = _('Payment log:') + '\n\n'
    147             for payment_attempt_log in self.log:
    148                 route_str, chan_str, message = payment_attempt_log.formatted_tuple()
    149                 log_str += chan_str + '  ---  ' + message + '\n'
    150             self.app.show_info(log_str)