
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
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settings.py (12163B)

      1 from kivy.app import App
      2 from kivy.factory import Factory
      3 from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
      4 from kivy.lang import Builder
      6 from electrum.util import base_units_list
      7 from electrum.i18n import languages
      8 from electrum.gui.kivy.i18n import _
      9 from electrum.plugin import run_hook
     10 from electrum import coinchooser
     12 from electrum.gui.kivy import KIVY_GUI_PATH
     14 from .choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog
     16 Builder.load_string('''
     17 #:import partial functools.partial
     18 #:import _ electrum.gui.kivy.i18n._
     20 <SettingsDialog@Popup>
     21     id: settings
     22     title: _('Electrum Settings')
     23     has_pin_code: False
     24     use_encryption: False
     25     BoxLayout:
     26         orientation: 'vertical'
     27         ScrollView:
     28             GridLayout:
     29                 id: scrollviewlayout
     30                 cols:1
     31                 size_hint: 1, None
     32                 height: self.minimum_height
     33                 padding: '10dp'
     34                 SettingsItem:
     35                     lang: settings.get_language_name()
     36                     title: 'Language' + ': ' + str(self.lang)
     37                     description: _('Language')
     38                     action: partial(root.language_dialog, self)
     39                 CardSeparator
     40                 SettingsItem:
     41                     status: 'ON' if root.has_pin_code else 'OFF'
     42                     title: _('PIN code') + ': ' + self.status
     43                     description: _("Change your PIN code.") if root.has_pin_code else _("Add PIN code")
     44                     action: partial(root.change_pin_code, self)
     45                 CardSeparator
     46                 SettingsItem:
     47                     bu: app.base_unit
     48                     title: _('Denomination') + ': ' + self.bu
     49                     description: _("Base unit for Bitcoin amounts.")
     50                     action: partial(root.unit_dialog, self)
     51                 CardSeparator
     52                 SettingsItem:
     53                     title: _('Onchain fees') + ': ' + app.fee_status
     54                     description: _('Choose how transaction fees are estimated')
     55                     action: lambda dt: app.fee_dialog()
     56                 CardSeparator
     57                 SettingsItem:
     58                     status: root.fx_status()
     59                     title: _('Fiat Currency') + ': ' + self.status
     60                     description: _("Display amounts in fiat currency.")
     61                     action: partial(root.fx_dialog, self)
     62                 CardSeparator
     63                 SettingsItem:
     64                     status: 'ON' if bool(app.plugins.get('labels')) else 'OFF'
     65                     title: _('Labels Sync') + ': ' + self.status
     66                     description: _("Save and synchronize your labels.")
     67                     action: partial(root.plugin_dialog, 'labels', self)
     68                 CardSeparator
     69                 SettingsItem:
     70                     status: 'ON' if app.use_rbf else 'OFF'
     71                     title: _('Replace-by-fee') + ': ' + self.status
     72                     description: _("Create replaceable transactions.")
     73                     message:
     74                         _('If you check this box, your transactions will be marked as non-final,') \
     75                         + ' ' + _('and you will have the possibility, while they are unconfirmed, to replace them with transactions that pays higher fees.') \
     76                         + ' ' + _('Note that some merchants do not accept non-final transactions until they are confirmed.')
     77                     action: partial(root.boolean_dialog, 'use_rbf', _('Replace by fee'), self.message)
     78                 CardSeparator
     79                 SettingsItem:
     80                     status: _('Yes') if app.use_unconfirmed else _('No')
     81                     title: _('Spend unconfirmed') + ': ' + self.status
     82                     description: _("Use unconfirmed coins in transactions.")
     83                     message: _('Spend unconfirmed coins')
     84                     action: partial(root.boolean_dialog, 'use_unconfirmed', _('Use unconfirmed'), self.message)
     85                 CardSeparator
     86                 SettingsItem:
     87                     status: _('Yes') if app.use_change else _('No')
     88                     title: _('Use change addresses') + ': ' + self.status
     89                     description: _("Send your change to separate addresses.")
     90                     message: _('Send excess coins to change addresses')
     91                     action: partial(root.boolean_dialog, 'use_change', _('Use change addresses'), self.message)
     92                 CardSeparator
     93                 SettingsItem:
     94                     title: _('Password')
     95                     description: _('Change your password') if app._use_single_password else _("Change your password for this wallet.")
     96                     action: root.change_password
     97                 CardSeparator
     98                 SettingsItem:
     99                     status: _('Trampoline') if not app.use_gossip else _('Gossip')
    100                     title: _('Lightning Routing') + ': ' + self.status
    101                     description: _("Use trampoline routing or gossip.")
    102                     action: partial(root.routing_dialog, self)
    103                 CardSeparator
    104                 SettingsItem:
    105                     status: _('Yes') if app.android_backups else _('No')
    106                     title: _('Backups') + ': ' + self.status
    107                     description: _("Backup wallet to external storage.")
    108                     message: _("If this option is checked, a backup of your wallet will be written to external storage everytime you create a new channel. Make sure your wallet is protected with a strong password before you enable this option.")
    109                     action: partial(root.boolean_dialog, 'android_backups', _('Backups'), self.message)
    111                 # disabled: there is currently only one coin selection policy
    112                 #CardSeparator
    113                 #SettingsItem:
    114                 #    status: root.coinselect_status()
    115                 #    title: _('Coin selection') + ': ' + self.status
    116                 #    description: "Coin selection method"
    117                 #    action: partial(root.coinselect_dialog, self)
    118 ''')
    122 class SettingsDialog(Factory.Popup):
    124     def __init__(self, app):
    125         self.app = app
    126         self.plugins = self.app.plugins
    127         self.config = self.app.electrum_config
    128         Factory.Popup.__init__(self)
    129         layout = self.ids.scrollviewlayout
    130         layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter('height'))
    131         # cached dialogs
    132         self._fx_dialog = None
    133         self._proxy_dialog = None
    134         self._language_dialog = None
    135         self._unit_dialog = None
    136         self._coinselect_dialog = None
    138     def update(self):
    139         self.wallet = self.app.wallet
    140         self.use_encryption = self.wallet.has_password() if self.wallet else False
    141         self.has_pin_code = self.app.has_pin_code()
    143     def get_language_name(self):
    144         return languages.get(self.config.get('language', 'en_UK'), '')
    146     def change_password(self, dt):
    147         self.app.change_password(self.update)
    149     def change_pin_code(self, label, dt):
    150         self.app.change_pin_code(self.update)
    152     def language_dialog(self, item, dt):
    153         if self._language_dialog is None:
    154             l = self.config.get('language', 'en_UK')
    155             def cb(key):
    156                 self.config.set_key("language", key, True)
    157                 item.lang = self.get_language_name()
    158                 self.app.language = key
    159             self._language_dialog = ChoiceDialog(_('Language'), languages, l, cb)
    160         self._language_dialog.open()
    162     def unit_dialog(self, item, dt):
    163         if self._unit_dialog is None:
    164             def cb(text):
    165                 self.app._set_bu(text)
    166                 item.bu = self.app.base_unit
    167             self._unit_dialog = ChoiceDialog(_('Denomination'), base_units_list,
    168                                              self.app.base_unit, cb, keep_choice_order=True)
    169         self._unit_dialog.open()
    171     def routing_dialog(self, item, dt):
    172         description = \
    173             _('Lightning payments require finding a path through the Lightning Network.')\
    174             + ' ' + ('You may use trampoline routing, or local routing (gossip).')\
    175             + ' ' + ('Downloading the network gossip uses quite some bandwidth and storage, and is not recommended on mobile devices.')\
    176             + ' ' + ('If you use trampoline, you can only open channels with trampoline nodes.')
    177         def cb(text):
    178             self.app.use_gossip = (text == 'Gossip')
    179         dialog = ChoiceDialog(
    180             _('Lightning Routing'),
    181             ['Trampoline', 'Gossip'],
    182             'Gossip' if self.app.use_gossip else 'Trampoline',
    183             cb, description=description,
    184             keep_choice_order=True)
    185         dialog.open()
    187     def coinselect_status(self):
    188         return coinchooser.get_name(self.app.electrum_config)
    190     def coinselect_dialog(self, item, dt):
    191         if self._coinselect_dialog is None:
    192             choosers = sorted(coinchooser.COIN_CHOOSERS.keys())
    193             chooser_name = coinchooser.get_name(self.config)
    194             def cb(text):
    195                 self.config.set_key('coin_chooser', text)
    196                 item.status = text
    197             self._coinselect_dialog = ChoiceDialog(_('Coin selection'), choosers, chooser_name, cb)
    198         self._coinselect_dialog.open()
    200     def proxy_status(self):
    201         net_params = self.app.network.get_parameters()
    202         proxy = net_params.proxy
    203         return proxy.get('host') +':' + proxy.get('port') if proxy else _('None')
    205     def proxy_dialog(self, item, dt):
    206         network = self.app.network
    207         if self._proxy_dialog is None:
    208             net_params = network.get_parameters()
    209             proxy = net_params.proxy
    210             def callback(popup):
    211                 nonlocal net_params
    212                 if popup.ids.mode.text != 'None':
    213                     proxy = {
    214                         'mode':popup.ids.mode.text,
    215                         'host':popup.ids.host.text,
    216                         'port':popup.ids.port.text,
    217                         'user':popup.ids.user.text,
    218                         'password':popup.ids.password.text
    219                     }
    220                 else:
    221                     proxy = None
    222                 net_params = net_params._replace(proxy=proxy)
    223                 network.run_from_another_thread(network.set_parameters(net_params))
    224                 item.status = self.proxy_status()
    225             popup = Builder.load_file(KIVY_GUI_PATH + '/uix/ui_screens/proxy.kv')
    226             popup.ids.mode.text = proxy.get('mode') if proxy else 'None'
    227             popup.ids.host.text = proxy.get('host') if proxy else ''
    228             popup.ids.port.text = proxy.get('port') if proxy else ''
    229             popup.ids.user.text = proxy.get('user') if proxy else ''
    230             popup.ids.password.text = proxy.get('password') if proxy else ''
    231             popup.on_dismiss = lambda: callback(popup)
    232             self._proxy_dialog = popup
    233         self._proxy_dialog.open()
    235     def plugin_dialog(self, name, label, dt):
    236         from .checkbox_dialog import CheckBoxDialog
    237         def callback(status):
    238             self.plugins.enable(name) if status else self.plugins.disable(name)
    239             label.status = 'ON' if status else 'OFF'
    240         status = bool(self.plugins.get(name))
    241         dd = self.plugins.descriptions.get(name)
    242         descr = dd.get('description')
    243         fullname = dd.get('fullname')
    244         d = CheckBoxDialog(fullname, descr, status, callback)
    245         d.open()
    247     def boolean_dialog(self, name, title, message, dt):
    248         from .checkbox_dialog import CheckBoxDialog
    249         CheckBoxDialog(title, message, getattr(self.app, name), lambda x: setattr(self.app, name, x)).open()
    251     def fx_status(self):
    252         fx = self.app.fx
    253         if fx.is_enabled():
    254             source = fx.exchange.name()
    255             ccy = fx.get_currency()
    256             return '%s [%s]' %(ccy, source)
    257         else:
    258             return _('None')
    260     def fx_dialog(self, label, dt):
    261         if self._fx_dialog is None:
    262             from .fx_dialog import FxDialog
    263             def cb():
    264                 label.status = self.fx_status()
    265             self._fx_dialog = FxDialog(self.app, self.plugins, self.config, cb)
    266         self._fx_dialog.open()