
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
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send.kv (5712B)

      1 #:import _ electrum.gui.kivy.i18n._
      2 #:import KIVY_GUI_PATH electrum.gui.kivy.KIVY_GUI_PATH
      3 #:import pr_color electrum.invoices.pr_color
      4 #:import PR_UNKNOWN electrum.invoices.PR_UNKNOWN
      5 #:import Factory kivy.factory.Factory
      6 #:import Decimal decimal.Decimal
      7 #:set btc_symbol chr(171)
      8 #:set mbtc_symbol chr(187)
      9 #:set font_light f'{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf'
     11 <PaymentLabel@Label>
     12     #color: .305, .309, .309, 1
     13     text_size: self.width, None
     14     halign: 'left'
     15     valign: 'top'
     17 <PaymentItem@CardItem>
     18     key: ''
     19     address: ''
     20     memo: ''
     21     amount: ''
     22     status: PR_UNKNOWN
     23     status_str: ''
     24     date: ''
     25     BoxLayout:
     26         spacing: '8dp'
     27         height: '32dp'
     28         orientation: 'vertical'
     29         Widget
     30         PaymentLabel:
     31             text: root.memo
     32             shorten: True
     33             shorten_from: 'right'
     34         Widget
     35         PaymentLabel:
     36             text: root.address
     37             color: .699, .699, .699, 1
     38             font_size: '13sp'
     39             shorten: True
     40         Widget
     41     BoxLayout:
     42         spacing: '8dp'
     43         height: '32dp'
     44         orientation: 'vertical'
     45         Widget
     46         PaymentLabel:
     47             text: root.amount
     48             halign: 'right'
     49             font_size: '15sp'
     50         Widget
     51         PaymentLabel:
     52             text: root.status_str
     53             halign: 'right'
     54             font_size: '13sp'
     55             color: pr_color[root.status]
     56         Widget
     58 <PaymentRecycleView>:
     59     viewclass: 'PaymentItem'
     60     RecycleBoxLayout:
     61         default_size: None, dp(56)
     62         default_size_hint: 1, None
     63         size_hint: 1, None
     64         height: self.minimum_height
     65         orientation: 'vertical'
     67 <SendScreen>:
     68     id: s
     69     name: 'send'
     70     address: ''
     71     amount: ''
     72     message: ''
     73     is_bip70: False
     74     is_lightning: False
     75     is_locked: self.is_lightning or self.is_bip70
     76     BoxLayout
     77         padding: '12dp', '12dp', '12dp', '12dp'
     78         spacing: '12dp'
     79         orientation: 'vertical'
     80         SendReceiveBlueBottom:
     81             id: blue_bottom
     82             size_hint: 1, None
     83             height: self.minimum_height
     84             BoxLayout:
     85                 size_hint: 1, None
     86                 height: blue_bottom.item_height
     87                 spacing: '5dp'
     88                 Image:
     89                     source: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/lightning' if root.is_lightning else f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/globe'
     90                     size_hint: None, None
     91                     size: '22dp', '22dp'
     92                     pos_hint: {'center_y': .5}
     93                 BlueButton:
     94                     id: payto_e
     95                     text: s.address if s.address else _('Recipient')
     96                     shorten: True
     97                     on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.show_info(_('Copy and paste the recipient address using the Paste button, or use the camera to scan a QR code.')))
     98                     #on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.popup_dialog('contacts'))
     99             CardSeparator:
    100                 color: blue_bottom.foreground_color
    101             BoxLayout:
    102                 size_hint: 1, None
    103                 height: blue_bottom.item_height
    104                 spacing: '5dp'
    105                 Image:
    106                     source: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/calculator'
    107                     opacity: 0.7
    108                     size_hint: None, None
    109                     size: '22dp', '22dp'
    110                     pos_hint: {'center_y': .5}
    111                 BlueButton:
    112                     id: amount_e
    113                     default_text: _('Amount')
    114                     text: s.amount if s.amount else _('Amount')
    115                     disabled: root.is_bip70 or (root.is_lightning and s.amount)
    116                     on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.amount_dialog(s, not root.is_lightning))
    117             CardSeparator:
    118                 color: blue_bottom.foreground_color
    119             BoxLayout:
    120                 id: message_selection
    121                 size_hint: 1, None
    122                 height: blue_bottom.item_height
    123                 spacing: '5dp'
    124                 Image:
    125                     source: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/pen'
    126                     size_hint: None, None
    127                     size: '22dp', '22dp'
    128                     pos_hint: {'center_y': .5}
    129                 BlueButton:
    130                     id: description
    131                     text: s.message if s.message else (_('No Description') if root.is_locked else _('Description'))
    132                     disabled: root.is_locked
    133                     on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.description_dialog(s))
    134         BoxLayout:
    135             size_hint: 1, None
    136             height: '48dp'
    137             IconButton:
    138                 size_hint: 0.5, 1
    139                 on_release: s.do_save()
    140                 icon: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/save'
    141             IconButton:
    142                 size_hint: 0.5, 1
    143                 on_release: s.do_clear()
    144                 icon: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/closebutton'
    145             IconButton:
    146                 size_hint: 0.5, 1
    147                 icon: f'atlas://{KIVY_GUI_PATH}/theming/light/copy'
    148                 on_release: s.do_paste()
    149             Button:
    150                 id: qr
    151                 text:_('Scan')
    152                 size_hint: 1, 1
    153                 on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.scan_qr(on_complete=app.on_qr))
    154             Button:
    155                 text: _('Pay')
    156                 size_hint: 1, 1
    157                 on_release: s.do_pay()
    158         Widget:
    159             size_hint: 1, 0.1
    160         PaymentRecycleView:
    161             id: payments_container
    162             scroll_type: ['bars', 'content']
    163             bar_width: '25dp'