util.py (709B)
1 from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex 2 3 4 def address_colors(wallet, addr): 5 """ 6 Chooses the appropriate text color and background color to 7 mark receiving, change and billing addresses. 8 9 Returns: color, background_color 10 """ 11 12 # modified colors (textcolor, background_color) from electrum/gui/qt/util.py 13 GREEN = ("#000000", "#8af296") 14 YELLOW = ("#000000", "#ffff00") 15 BLUE = ("#000000", "#8cb3f2") 16 DEFAULT = ('#ffffff', '#4c4c4c') 17 18 colors = DEFAULT 19 if wallet.is_mine(addr): 20 colors = YELLOW if wallet.is_change(addr) else GREEN 21 elif wallet.is_billing_address(addr): 22 colors = BLUE 23 return (get_color_from_hex(color) for color in colors)