
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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swap_dialog.py (12371B)

      1 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
      3 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QPushButton
      5 from electrum.i18n import _
      6 from electrum.util import NotEnoughFunds, NoDynamicFeeEstimates
      7 from electrum.lnutil import ln_dummy_address
      8 from electrum.transaction import PartialTxOutput, PartialTransaction
     10 from .util import (WindowModalDialog, Buttons, OkButton, CancelButton,
     11                    EnterButton, ColorScheme, WWLabel, read_QIcon, IconLabel)
     12 from .amountedit import BTCAmountEdit
     13 from .fee_slider import FeeSlider, FeeComboBox
     15 if TYPE_CHECKING:
     16     from .main_window import ElectrumWindow
     19 The requested amount is higher than what you can receive in your currently open channels.
     20 If you continue, your funds will be locked until the remote server can find a path to pay you.
     21 If the swap cannot be performed after 24h, you will be refunded.
     22 Do you want to continue?
     23 """
     26 class SwapDialog(WindowModalDialog):
     28     tx: Optional[PartialTransaction]
     30     def __init__(self, window: 'ElectrumWindow'):
     31         WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, window, _('Submarine Swap'))
     32         self.window = window
     33         self.config = window.config
     34         self.lnworker = self.window.wallet.lnworker
     35         self.swap_manager = self.lnworker.swap_manager
     36         self.network = window.network
     37         self.tx = None  # for the forward-swap only
     38         self.is_reverse = True
     39         vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
     40         self.description_label = WWLabel(self.get_description())
     41         self.send_amount_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.window.get_decimal_point)
     42         self.recv_amount_e = BTCAmountEdit(self.window.get_decimal_point)
     43         self.max_button = EnterButton(_("Max"), self.spend_max)
     44         self.max_button.setFixedWidth(100)
     45         self.max_button.setCheckable(True)
     46         self.toggle_button = QPushButton(u'\U000021c4')
     47         # send_follows is used to know whether the send amount field / receive
     48         # amount field should be adjusted after the fee slider was moved
     49         self.send_follows = False
     50         self.send_amount_e.follows = False
     51         self.recv_amount_e.follows = False
     52         self.toggle_button.clicked.connect(self.toggle_direction)
     53         # textChanged is triggered for both user and automatic action
     54         self.send_amount_e.textChanged.connect(self.on_send_edited)
     55         self.recv_amount_e.textChanged.connect(self.on_recv_edited)
     56         # textEdited is triggered only for user editing of the fields
     57         self.send_amount_e.textEdited.connect(self.uncheck_max)
     58         self.recv_amount_e.textEdited.connect(self.uncheck_max)
     59         fee_slider = FeeSlider(self.window, self.config, self.fee_slider_callback)
     60         fee_combo = FeeComboBox(fee_slider)
     61         fee_slider.update()
     62         self.fee_label = QLabel()
     63         self.server_fee_label = QLabel()
     64         vbox.addWidget(self.description_label)
     65         h = QGridLayout()
     66         self.send_label = IconLabel(text=_('You send')+':')
     67         self.recv_label = IconLabel(text=_('You receive')+':')
     68         h.addWidget(self.send_label, 1, 0)
     69         h.addWidget(self.send_amount_e, 1, 1)
     70         h.addWidget(self.max_button, 1, 2)
     71         h.addWidget(self.toggle_button, 1, 3)
     72         h.addWidget(self.recv_label, 2, 0)
     73         h.addWidget(self.recv_amount_e, 2, 1)
     74         h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Server fee')+':'), 4, 0)
     75         h.addWidget(self.server_fee_label, 4, 1, 1, 2)
     76         h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Mining fee')+':'), 5, 0)
     77         h.addWidget(self.fee_label, 5, 1, 1, 2)
     78         h.addWidget(fee_slider, 6, 1)
     79         h.addWidget(fee_combo, 6, 2)
     80         vbox.addLayout(h)
     81         vbox.addStretch(1)
     82         self.ok_button = OkButton(self)
     83         self.ok_button.setDefault(True)
     84         self.ok_button.setEnabled(False)
     85         vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(self), self.ok_button))
     86         self.update()
     88     def fee_slider_callback(self, dyn, pos, fee_rate):
     89         if dyn:
     90             if self.config.use_mempool_fees():
     91                 self.config.set_key('depth_level', pos, False)
     92             else:
     93                 self.config.set_key('fee_level', pos, False)
     94         else:
     95             self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee_rate, False)
     96         if self.send_follows:
     97             self.on_recv_edited()
     98         else:
     99             self.on_send_edited()
    100         self.update()
    102     def toggle_direction(self):
    103         self.is_reverse = not self.is_reverse
    104         self.send_amount_e.setAmount(None)
    105         self.recv_amount_e.setAmount(None)
    106         self.max_button.setChecked(False)
    107         self.update()
    109     def spend_max(self):
    110         if self.max_button.isChecked():
    111             if self.is_reverse:
    112                 self._spend_max_reverse_swap()
    113             else:
    114                 self._spend_max_forward_swap()
    115         else:
    116             self.send_amount_e.setAmount(None)
    117         self.update_fee()
    118         self.update_ok_button()
    120     def uncheck_max(self):
    121         self.max_button.setChecked(False)
    122         self.update()
    124     def _spend_max_forward_swap(self):
    125         self._update_tx('!')
    126         if self.tx:
    127             amount = self.tx.output_value_for_address(ln_dummy_address())
    128             max_swap_amt = self.swap_manager.get_max_amount()
    129             max_recv_amt = int(self.lnworker.num_sats_can_receive())
    130             max_amt = min(max_swap_amt, max_recv_amt)
    131             if amount > max_amt:
    132                 amount = max_amt
    133                 self._update_tx(amount)
    134             if self.tx:
    135                 amount = self.tx.output_value_for_address(ln_dummy_address())
    136                 assert amount <= max_amt
    137                 self.send_amount_e.setAmount(amount)
    139     def _spend_max_reverse_swap(self):
    140         amount = min(self.lnworker.num_sats_can_send(), self.swap_manager.get_max_amount())
    141         self.send_amount_e.setAmount(amount)
    143     def on_send_edited(self):
    144         if self.send_amount_e.follows:
    145             return
    146         self.send_amount_e.setStyleSheet(ColorScheme.DEFAULT.as_stylesheet())
    147         send_amount = self.send_amount_e.get_amount()
    148         recv_amount = self.swap_manager.get_recv_amount(send_amount, self.is_reverse)
    149         if self.is_reverse and send_amount and send_amount > self.lnworker.num_sats_can_send():
    150             # cannot send this much on lightning
    151             recv_amount = None
    152         if (not self.is_reverse) and recv_amount and recv_amount > self.lnworker.num_sats_can_receive():
    153             # cannot receive this much on lightning
    154             recv_amount = None
    155         self.recv_amount_e.follows = True
    156         self.recv_amount_e.setAmount(recv_amount)
    157         self.recv_amount_e.setStyleSheet(ColorScheme.BLUE.as_stylesheet())
    158         self.recv_amount_e.follows = False
    159         self.send_follows = False
    160         self._update_tx(send_amount)
    161         self.update_fee()
    162         self.update_ok_button()
    164     def on_recv_edited(self):
    165         if self.recv_amount_e.follows:
    166             return
    167         self.recv_amount_e.setStyleSheet(ColorScheme.DEFAULT.as_stylesheet())
    168         recv_amount = self.recv_amount_e.get_amount()
    169         send_amount = self.swap_manager.get_send_amount(recv_amount, self.is_reverse)
    170         if self.is_reverse and send_amount and send_amount > self.lnworker.num_sats_can_send():
    171             send_amount = None
    172         self.send_amount_e.follows = True
    173         self.send_amount_e.setAmount(send_amount)
    174         self.send_amount_e.setStyleSheet(ColorScheme.BLUE.as_stylesheet())
    175         self.send_amount_e.follows = False
    176         self.send_follows = True
    177         self._update_tx(send_amount)
    178         self.update_fee()
    179         self.update_ok_button()
    181     def update(self):
    182         from .util import IconLabel
    183         sm = self.swap_manager
    184         send_icon = read_QIcon("lightning.png" if self.is_reverse else "bitcoin.png")
    185         self.send_label.setIcon(send_icon)
    186         recv_icon = read_QIcon("lightning.png" if not self.is_reverse else "bitcoin.png")
    187         self.recv_label.setIcon(recv_icon)
    188         self.description_label.setText(self.get_description())
    189         self.description_label.repaint()  # macOS hack for #6269
    190         server_mining_fee = sm.lockup_fee if self.is_reverse else sm.normal_fee
    191         server_fee_str = '%.2f'%sm.percentage + '%  +  '  + self.window.format_amount(server_mining_fee) + ' ' + self.window.base_unit()
    192         self.server_fee_label.setText(server_fee_str)
    193         self.server_fee_label.repaint()  # macOS hack for #6269
    194         self.update_tx()
    195         self.update_fee()
    196         self.update_ok_button()
    198     def update_fee(self):
    199         """Updates self.fee_label. No other side-effects."""
    200         if self.is_reverse:
    201             sm = self.swap_manager
    202             fee = sm.get_claim_fee()
    203         else:
    204             fee = self.tx.get_fee() if self.tx else None
    205         fee_text = self.window.format_amount(fee) + ' ' + self.window.base_unit() if fee else ''
    206         self.fee_label.setText(fee_text)
    207         self.fee_label.repaint()  # macOS hack for #6269
    209     def run(self):
    210         if not self.network:
    211             self.window.show_error(_("You are offline."))
    212             return
    213         self.window.run_coroutine_from_thread(self.swap_manager.get_pairs(), lambda x: self.update())
    214         if not self.exec_():
    215             return
    216         if self.is_reverse:
    217             lightning_amount = self.send_amount_e.get_amount()
    218             onchain_amount = self.recv_amount_e.get_amount()
    219             if lightning_amount is None or onchain_amount is None:
    220                 return
    221             coro = self.swap_manager.reverse_swap(
    222                 lightning_amount_sat=lightning_amount,
    223                 expected_onchain_amount_sat=onchain_amount + self.swap_manager.get_claim_fee(),
    224             )
    225             self.window.run_coroutine_from_thread(coro)
    226         else:
    227             lightning_amount = self.recv_amount_e.get_amount()
    228             onchain_amount = self.send_amount_e.get_amount()
    229             if lightning_amount is None or onchain_amount is None:
    230                 return
    231             if lightning_amount > self.lnworker.num_sats_can_receive():
    232                 if not self.window.question(CANNOT_RECEIVE_WARNING):
    233                     return
    234             self.window.protect(self.do_normal_swap, (lightning_amount, onchain_amount))
    236     def update_tx(self):
    237         if self.is_reverse:
    238             return
    239         is_max = self.max_button.isChecked()
    240         if is_max:
    241             self._spend_max_forward_swap()
    242         else:
    243             onchain_amount = self.send_amount_e.get_amount()
    244             self._update_tx(onchain_amount)
    246     def _update_tx(self, onchain_amount):
    247         """Updates self.tx. No other side-effects."""
    248         if self.is_reverse:
    249             return
    250         if onchain_amount is None:
    251             self.tx = None
    252             return
    253         outputs = [PartialTxOutput.from_address_and_value(ln_dummy_address(), onchain_amount)]
    254         coins = self.window.get_coins()
    255         try:
    256             self.tx = self.window.wallet.make_unsigned_transaction(
    257                 coins=coins,
    258                 outputs=outputs)
    259         except (NotEnoughFunds, NoDynamicFeeEstimates) as e:
    260             self.tx = None
    262     def update_ok_button(self):
    263         """Updates self.ok_button. No other side-effects."""
    264         send_amount = self.send_amount_e.get_amount()
    265         recv_amount = self.recv_amount_e.get_amount()
    266         self.ok_button.setEnabled(
    267             (send_amount is not None)
    268             and (recv_amount is not None)
    269             and (self.tx is not None or self.is_reverse)
    270         )
    272     def do_normal_swap(self, lightning_amount, onchain_amount, password):
    273         tx = self.tx
    274         assert tx
    275         coro = self.swap_manager.normal_swap(
    276             lightning_amount_sat=lightning_amount,
    277             expected_onchain_amount_sat=onchain_amount,
    278             password=password,
    279             tx=tx,
    280         )
    281         self.window.run_coroutine_from_thread(coro)
    283     def get_description(self):
    284         onchain_funds = "onchain funds"
    285         lightning_funds = "lightning funds"
    287         return "Swap {fromType} for {toType}. This will increase your {capacityType} capacity. This service is powered by the Boltz backend.".format(
    288             fromType=lightning_funds if self.is_reverse else onchain_funds,
    289             toType=onchain_funds if self.is_reverse else lightning_funds,
    290             capacityType="receiving" if self.is_reverse else "sending",
    291         )