
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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lnwatcher.py (18166B)

      1 # Copyright (C) 2018 The Electrum developers
      2 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
      3 # file LICENCE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
      5 from typing import NamedTuple, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING
      6 import os
      7 import asyncio
      8 from enum import IntEnum, auto
      9 from typing import NamedTuple, Dict
     11 from . import util
     12 from .sql_db import SqlDB, sql
     13 from .wallet_db import WalletDB
     14 from .util import bh2u, bfh, log_exceptions, ignore_exceptions, TxMinedInfo, random_shuffled_copy
     15 from .address_synchronizer import AddressSynchronizer, TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL, TX_HEIGHT_UNCONF_PARENT, TX_HEIGHT_UNCONFIRMED
     16 from .transaction import Transaction, TxOutpoint
     18 if TYPE_CHECKING:
     19     from .network import Network
     20     from .lnsweep import SweepInfo
     21     from .lnworker import LNWallet
     23 class ListenerItem(NamedTuple):
     24     # this is triggered when the lnwatcher is all done with the outpoint used as index in LNWatcher.tx_progress
     25     all_done : asyncio.Event
     26     # txs we broadcast are put on this queue so that the test can wait for them to get mined
     27     tx_queue : asyncio.Queue
     29 class TxMinedDepth(IntEnum):
     30     """ IntEnum because we call min() in get_deepest_tx_mined_depth_for_txids """
     31     DEEP = auto()
     32     SHALLOW = auto()
     33     MEMPOOL = auto()
     34     FREE = auto()
     37 create_sweep_txs="""
     38 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sweep_txs (
     39 funding_outpoint VARCHAR(34) NOT NULL,
     40 ctn INTEGER NOT NULL,
     41 prevout VARCHAR(34),
     42 tx VARCHAR
     43 )"""
     45 create_channel_info="""
     46 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channel_info (
     47 outpoint VARCHAR(34) NOT NULL,
     48 address VARCHAR(32),
     49 PRIMARY KEY(outpoint)
     50 )"""
     53 class SweepStore(SqlDB):
     55     def __init__(self, path, network):
     56         super().__init__(network.asyncio_loop, path)
     58     def create_database(self):
     59         c = self.conn.cursor()
     60         c.execute(create_channel_info)
     61         c.execute(create_sweep_txs)
     62         self.conn.commit()
     64     @sql
     65     def get_sweep_tx(self, funding_outpoint, prevout):
     66         c = self.conn.cursor()
     67         c.execute("SELECT tx FROM sweep_txs WHERE funding_outpoint=? AND prevout=?", (funding_outpoint, prevout))
     68         return [Transaction(bh2u(r[0])) for r in c.fetchall()]
     70     @sql
     71     def list_sweep_tx(self):
     72         c = self.conn.cursor()
     73         c.execute("SELECT funding_outpoint FROM sweep_txs")
     74         return set([r[0] for r in c.fetchall()])
     76     @sql
     77     def add_sweep_tx(self, funding_outpoint, ctn, prevout, raw_tx):
     78         c = self.conn.cursor()
     79         assert Transaction(raw_tx).is_complete()
     80         c.execute("""INSERT INTO sweep_txs (funding_outpoint, ctn, prevout, tx) VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", (funding_outpoint, ctn, prevout, bfh(raw_tx)))
     81         self.conn.commit()
     83     @sql
     84     def get_num_tx(self, funding_outpoint):
     85         c = self.conn.cursor()
     86         c.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM sweep_txs WHERE funding_outpoint=?", (funding_outpoint,))
     87         return int(c.fetchone()[0])
     89     @sql
     90     def get_ctn(self, outpoint, addr):
     91         if not self._has_channel(outpoint):
     92             self._add_channel(outpoint, addr)
     93         c = self.conn.cursor()
     94         c.execute("SELECT max(ctn) FROM sweep_txs WHERE funding_outpoint=?", (outpoint,))
     95         return int(c.fetchone()[0] or 0)
     97     @sql
     98     def remove_sweep_tx(self, funding_outpoint):
     99         c = self.conn.cursor()
    100         c.execute("DELETE FROM sweep_txs WHERE funding_outpoint=?", (funding_outpoint,))
    101         self.conn.commit()
    103     def _add_channel(self, outpoint, address):
    104         c = self.conn.cursor()
    105         c.execute("INSERT INTO channel_info (address, outpoint) VALUES (?,?)", (address, outpoint))
    106         self.conn.commit()
    108     @sql
    109     def remove_channel(self, outpoint):
    110         c = self.conn.cursor()
    111         c.execute("DELETE FROM channel_info WHERE outpoint=?", (outpoint,))
    112         self.conn.commit()
    114     def _has_channel(self, outpoint):
    115         c = self.conn.cursor()
    116         c.execute("SELECT * FROM channel_info WHERE outpoint=?", (outpoint,))
    117         r = c.fetchone()
    118         return r is not None
    120     @sql
    121     def get_address(self, outpoint):
    122         c = self.conn.cursor()
    123         c.execute("SELECT address FROM channel_info WHERE outpoint=?", (outpoint,))
    124         r = c.fetchone()
    125         return r[0] if r else None
    127     @sql
    128     def list_channels(self):
    129         c = self.conn.cursor()
    130         c.execute("SELECT outpoint, address FROM channel_info")
    131         return [(r[0], r[1]) for r in c.fetchall()]
    135 class LNWatcher(AddressSynchronizer):
    136     LOGGING_SHORTCUT = 'W'
    138     def __init__(self, network: 'Network'):
    139         AddressSynchronizer.__init__(self, WalletDB({}, manual_upgrades=False))
    140         self.config = network.config
    141         self.callbacks = {} # address -> lambda: coroutine
    142         self.network = network
    143         util.register_callback(
    144             self.on_network_update,
    145             ['network_updated', 'blockchain_updated', 'verified', 'wallet_updated', 'fee'])
    147         # status gets populated when we run
    148         self.channel_status = {}
    150     async def stop(self):
    151         await super().stop()
    152         util.unregister_callback(self.on_network_update)
    154     def get_channel_status(self, outpoint):
    155         return self.channel_status.get(outpoint, 'unknown')
    157     def add_channel(self, outpoint: str, address: str) -> None:
    158         assert isinstance(outpoint, str)
    159         assert isinstance(address, str)
    160         cb = lambda: self.check_onchain_situation(address, outpoint)
    161         self.add_callback(address, cb)
    163     async def unwatch_channel(self, address, funding_outpoint):
    164         self.logger.info(f'unwatching {funding_outpoint}')
    165         self.remove_callback(address)
    167     def remove_callback(self, address):
    168         self.callbacks.pop(address, None)
    170     def add_callback(self, address, callback):
    171         self.add_address(address)
    172         self.callbacks[address] = callback
    174     @log_exceptions
    175     async def on_network_update(self, event, *args):
    176         if event in ('verified', 'wallet_updated'):
    177             if args[0] != self:
    178                 return
    179         if not self.synchronizer:
    180             self.logger.info("synchronizer not set yet")
    181             return
    182         for address, callback in list(self.callbacks.items()):
    183             await callback()
    185     async def check_onchain_situation(self, address, funding_outpoint):
    186         # early return if address has not been added yet
    187         if not self.is_mine(address):
    188             return
    189         spenders = self.inspect_tx_candidate(funding_outpoint, 0)
    190         # inspect_tx_candidate might have added new addresses, in which case we return ealy
    191         if not self.is_up_to_date():
    192             return
    193         funding_txid = funding_outpoint.split(':')[0]
    194         funding_height = self.get_tx_height(funding_txid)
    195         closing_txid = spenders.get(funding_outpoint)
    196         closing_height = self.get_tx_height(closing_txid)
    197         if closing_txid:
    198             closing_tx = self.db.get_transaction(closing_txid)
    199             if closing_tx:
    200                 keep_watching = await self.do_breach_remedy(funding_outpoint, closing_tx, spenders)
    201             else:
    202                 self.logger.info(f"channel {funding_outpoint} closed by {closing_txid}. still waiting for tx itself...")
    203                 keep_watching = True
    204         else:
    205             keep_watching = True
    206         await self.update_channel_state(
    207             funding_outpoint=funding_outpoint,
    208             funding_txid=funding_txid,
    209             funding_height=funding_height,
    210             closing_txid=closing_txid,
    211             closing_height=closing_height,
    212             keep_watching=keep_watching)
    213         if not keep_watching:
    214             await self.unwatch_channel(address, funding_outpoint)
    216     async def do_breach_remedy(self, funding_outpoint, closing_tx, spenders) -> bool:
    217         raise NotImplementedError()  # implemented by subclasses
    219     async def update_channel_state(self, *, funding_outpoint: str, funding_txid: str,
    220                                    funding_height: TxMinedInfo, closing_txid: str,
    221                                    closing_height: TxMinedInfo, keep_watching: bool) -> None:
    222         raise NotImplementedError()  # implemented by subclasses
    224     def inspect_tx_candidate(self, outpoint, n):
    225         prev_txid, index = outpoint.split(':')
    226         txid = self.db.get_spent_outpoint(prev_txid, int(index))
    227         result = {outpoint:txid}
    228         if txid is None:
    229             self.channel_status[outpoint] = 'open'
    230             return result
    231         if n == 0 and not self.is_deeply_mined(txid):
    232             self.channel_status[outpoint] = 'closed (%d)' % self.get_tx_height(txid).conf
    233         else:
    234             self.channel_status[outpoint] = 'closed (deep)'
    235         tx = self.db.get_transaction(txid)
    236         for i, o in enumerate(tx.outputs()):
    237             if not self.is_mine(o.address):
    238                 self.add_address(o.address)
    239             elif n < 2:
    240                 r = self.inspect_tx_candidate(txid+':%d'%i, n+1)
    241                 result.update(r)
    242         return result
    244     def get_tx_mined_depth(self, txid: str):
    245         if not txid:
    246             return TxMinedDepth.FREE
    247         tx_mined_depth = self.get_tx_height(txid)
    248         height, conf = tx_mined_depth.height, tx_mined_depth.conf
    249         if conf > 100:
    250             return TxMinedDepth.DEEP
    251         elif conf > 0:
    252             return TxMinedDepth.SHALLOW
    253         elif height in (TX_HEIGHT_UNCONFIRMED, TX_HEIGHT_UNCONF_PARENT):
    254             return TxMinedDepth.MEMPOOL
    255         elif height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
    256             return TxMinedDepth.FREE
    257         elif height > 0 and conf == 0:
    258             # unverified but claimed to be mined
    259             return TxMinedDepth.MEMPOOL
    260         else:
    261             raise NotImplementedError()
    263     def is_deeply_mined(self, txid):
    264         return self.get_tx_mined_depth(txid) == TxMinedDepth.DEEP
    267 class WatchTower(LNWatcher):
    269     LOGGING_SHORTCUT = 'W'
    271     def __init__(self, network):
    272         LNWatcher.__init__(self, network)
    273         self.network = network
    274         self.sweepstore = SweepStore(os.path.join(self.network.config.path, "watchtower_db"), network)
    275         # this maps funding_outpoints to ListenerItems, which have an event for when the watcher is done,
    276         # and a queue for seeing which txs are being published
    277         self.tx_progress = {} # type: Dict[str, ListenerItem]
    279     def diagnostic_name(self):
    280         return "local_tower"
    282     async def start_watching(self):
    283         # I need to watch the addresses from sweepstore
    284         lst = await self.sweepstore.list_channels()
    285         for outpoint, address in random_shuffled_copy(lst):
    286             self.add_channel(outpoint, address)
    288     async def do_breach_remedy(self, funding_outpoint, closing_tx, spenders):
    289         keep_watching = False
    290         for prevout, spender in spenders.items():
    291             if spender is not None:
    292                 keep_watching |= not self.is_deeply_mined(spender)
    293                 continue
    294             sweep_txns = await self.sweepstore.get_sweep_tx(funding_outpoint, prevout)
    295             for tx in sweep_txns:
    296                 await self.broadcast_or_log(funding_outpoint, tx)
    297                 keep_watching = True
    298         return keep_watching
    300     async def broadcast_or_log(self, funding_outpoint: str, tx: Transaction):
    301         height = self.get_tx_height(tx.txid()).height
    302         if height != TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
    303             return
    304         try:
    305             txid = await self.network.broadcast_transaction(tx)
    306         except Exception as e:
    307             self.logger.info(f'broadcast failure: txid={tx.txid()}, funding_outpoint={funding_outpoint}: {repr(e)}')
    308         else:
    309             self.logger.info(f'broadcast success: txid={tx.txid()}, funding_outpoint={funding_outpoint}')
    310             if funding_outpoint in self.tx_progress:
    311                 await self.tx_progress[funding_outpoint].tx_queue.put(tx)
    312             return txid
    314     def get_ctn(self, outpoint, addr):
    315         async def f():
    316             return await self.sweepstore.get_ctn(outpoint, addr)
    317         return self.network.run_from_another_thread(f())
    319     def get_num_tx(self, outpoint):
    320         async def f():
    321             return await self.sweepstore.get_num_tx(outpoint)
    322         return self.network.run_from_another_thread(f())
    324     def list_sweep_tx(self):
    325         async def f():
    326             return await self.sweepstore.list_sweep_tx()
    327         return self.network.run_from_another_thread(f())
    329     def list_channels(self):
    330         async def f():
    331             return await self.sweepstore.list_channels()
    332         return self.network.run_from_another_thread(f())
    334     async def unwatch_channel(self, address, funding_outpoint):
    335         await super().unwatch_channel(address, funding_outpoint)
    336         await self.sweepstore.remove_sweep_tx(funding_outpoint)
    337         await self.sweepstore.remove_channel(funding_outpoint)
    338         if funding_outpoint in self.tx_progress:
    339             self.tx_progress[funding_outpoint].all_done.set()
    341     async def update_channel_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
    342         pass
    347 class LNWalletWatcher(LNWatcher):
    349     def __init__(self, lnworker: 'LNWallet', network: 'Network'):
    350         self.network = network
    351         self.lnworker = lnworker
    352         LNWatcher.__init__(self, network)
    354     def diagnostic_name(self):
    355         return f"{self.lnworker.wallet.diagnostic_name()}-LNW"
    357     @ignore_exceptions
    358     @log_exceptions
    359     async def update_channel_state(self, *, funding_outpoint: str, funding_txid: str,
    360                                    funding_height: TxMinedInfo, closing_txid: str,
    361                                    closing_height: TxMinedInfo, keep_watching: bool) -> None:
    362         chan = self.lnworker.channel_by_txo(funding_outpoint)
    363         if not chan:
    364             return
    365         chan.update_onchain_state(funding_txid=funding_txid,
    366                                   funding_height=funding_height,
    367                                   closing_txid=closing_txid,
    368                                   closing_height=closing_height,
    369                                   keep_watching=keep_watching)
    370         await self.lnworker.on_channel_update(chan)
    372     async def do_breach_remedy(self, funding_outpoint, closing_tx, spenders):
    373         chan = self.lnworker.channel_by_txo(funding_outpoint)
    374         if not chan:
    375             return False
    376         # detect who closed and set sweep_info
    377         sweep_info_dict = chan.sweep_ctx(closing_tx)
    378         keep_watching = False if sweep_info_dict else not self.is_deeply_mined(closing_tx.txid())
    379         self.logger.info(f'(chan {chan.get_id_for_log()}) sweep_info_dict {[x.name for x in sweep_info_dict.values()]}')
    380         # create and broadcast transaction
    381         for prevout, sweep_info in sweep_info_dict.items():
    382             name = sweep_info.name + ' ' + chan.get_id_for_log()
    383             spender_txid = spenders.get(prevout)
    384             if spender_txid is not None:
    385                 spender_tx = self.db.get_transaction(spender_txid)
    386                 if not spender_tx:
    387                     keep_watching = True
    388                     continue
    389                 e_htlc_tx = chan.maybe_sweep_revoked_htlc(closing_tx, spender_tx)
    390                 if e_htlc_tx:
    391                     spender2 = spenders.get(spender_txid+':0')
    392                     if spender2:
    393                         self.logger.info(f'(chan {chan.get_id_for_log()}) htlc is already spent {name}: {prevout}')
    394                         keep_watching |= not self.is_deeply_mined(spender2)
    395                     else:
    396                         self.logger.info(f'(chan {chan.get_id_for_log()}) trying to redeem htlc {name}: {prevout}')
    397                         await self.try_redeem(spender_txid+':0', e_htlc_tx, name)
    398                         keep_watching = True
    399                 else:
    400                     self.logger.info(f'(chan {chan.get_id_for_log()}) outpoint already spent {name}: {prevout}')
    401                     keep_watching |= not self.is_deeply_mined(spender_txid)
    402                     txin_idx = spender_tx.get_input_idx_that_spent_prevout(TxOutpoint.from_str(prevout))
    403                     assert txin_idx is not None
    404                     spender_txin = spender_tx.inputs()[txin_idx]
    405                     chan.extract_preimage_from_htlc_txin(spender_txin)
    406             else:
    407                 self.logger.info(f'(chan {chan.get_id_for_log()}) trying to redeem {name}: {prevout}')
    408                 await self.try_redeem(prevout, sweep_info, name)
    409                 keep_watching = True
    410         return keep_watching
    412     @log_exceptions
    413     async def try_redeem(self, prevout: str, sweep_info: 'SweepInfo', name: str) -> None:
    414         prev_txid, prev_index = prevout.split(':')
    415         broadcast = True
    416         if sweep_info.cltv_expiry:
    417             local_height = self.network.get_local_height()
    418             remaining = sweep_info.cltv_expiry - local_height
    419             if remaining > 0:
    420                 self.logger.info('waiting for {}: CLTV ({} > {}), prevout {}'
    421                                  .format(name, local_height, sweep_info.cltv_expiry, prevout))
    422                 broadcast = False
    423         if sweep_info.csv_delay:
    424             prev_height = self.get_tx_height(prev_txid)
    425             remaining = sweep_info.csv_delay - prev_height.conf
    426             if remaining > 0:
    427                 self.logger.info('waiting for {}: CSV ({} >= {}), prevout: {}'
    428                                  .format(name, prev_height.conf, sweep_info.csv_delay, prevout))
    429                 broadcast = False
    430         tx = sweep_info.gen_tx()
    431         if tx is None:
    432             self.logger.info(f'{name} could not claim output: {prevout}, dust')
    433         self.lnworker.wallet.set_label(tx.txid(), name)
    434         if broadcast:
    435             await self.network.try_broadcasting(tx, name)
    436         else:
    437             # it's OK to add local transaction, the fee will be recomputed
    438             try:
    439                 tx_was_added = self.lnworker.wallet.add_future_tx(tx, remaining)
    440             except Exception as e:
    441                 self.logger.info(f'could not add future tx: {name}. prevout: {prevout} {str(e)}')
    442                 tx_was_added = False
    443             if tx_was_added:
    444                 self.logger.info(f'added future tx: {name}. prevout: {prevout}')
    445                 util.trigger_callback('wallet_updated', self.lnworker.wallet)