
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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mpp_split.py (10308B)

      1 import random
      2 import math
      3 from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Sequence, Dict
      4 from collections import defaultdict
      6 from .util import profiler
      7 from .lnutil import NoPathFound
      9 PART_PENALTY = 1.0  # 1.0 results in avoiding splits
     10 MIN_PART_MSAT = 10_000_000  # we don't want to split indefinitely
     11 EXHAUST_DECAY_FRACTION = 10  # fraction of the local balance that should be reserved if possible
     13 # these parameters determine the granularity of the newly suggested configurations
     15 SPLIT_FRACTION = 50
     17 # these parameters affect the computational work in the probabilistic algorithm
     20 REDISTRIBUTE = 20
     22 # maximum number of parts for splitting
     23 MAX_PARTS = 5
     26 def unique_hierarchy(hierarchy: Dict[int, List[Dict[bytes, int]]]) -> Dict[int, List[Dict[bytes, int]]]:
     27     new_hierarchy = defaultdict(list)
     28     for number_parts, configs in hierarchy.items():
     29         unique_configs = set()
     30         for config in configs:
     31             # config dict can be out of order, so sort, otherwise not unique
     32             unique_configs.add(tuple((c, config[c]) for c in sorted(config.keys())))
     33         for unique_config in sorted(unique_configs):
     34             new_hierarchy[number_parts].append(
     35                 {t[0]: t[1] for t in unique_config})
     36     return new_hierarchy
     39 def number_nonzero_parts(configuration: Dict[bytes, int]):
     40     return len([v for v in configuration.values() if v])
     43 def create_starting_split_hierarchy(amount_msat: int, channels_with_funds: Dict[bytes, int]):
     44     """Distributes the amount to send to a single or more channels in several
     45     ways (randomly)."""
     46     # TODO: find all possible starting configurations deterministically
     47     # could try all permutations
     49     split_hierarchy = defaultdict(list)
     50     channels_order = list(channels_with_funds.keys())
     52     for _ in range(STARTING_CONFIGS):
     53         # shuffle to have different starting points
     54         random.shuffle(channels_order)
     56         configuration = {}
     57         amount_added = 0
     58         for c in channels_order:
     59             s = channels_with_funds[c]
     60             if amount_added == amount_msat:
     61                 configuration[c] = 0
     62             else:
     63                 amount_to_add = amount_msat - amount_added
     64                 amt = min(s, amount_to_add)
     65                 configuration[c] = amt
     66                 amount_added += amt
     67         if amount_added != amount_msat:
     68             raise NoPathFound("Channels don't have enough sending capacity.")
     69         split_hierarchy[number_nonzero_parts(configuration)].append(configuration)
     71     return unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy)
     74 def balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
     75     check = (
     76             proposed_balance_to < MIN_PART_MSAT or
     77             proposed_balance_to > channels_with_funds[channel_to] or
     78             proposed_balance_from < MIN_PART_MSAT or
     79             proposed_balance_from > channels_with_funds[channel_from]
     80     )
     81     return check
     84 def propose_new_configuration(channels_with_funds: Dict[bytes, int], configuration: Dict[bytes, int],
     85                               amount_msat: int, preserve_number_parts=True) -> Dict[bytes, int]:
     86     """Randomly alters a split configuration. If preserve_number_parts, the
     87     configuration stays within the same class of number of splits."""
     89     # there are three basic operations to reach different split configurations:
     90     # redistribute, split, swap
     92     def redistribute(config: dict):
     93         # we redistribute the amount from a nonzero channel to a nonzero channel
     94         redistribution_amount = amount_msat // REDISTRIBUTION_FRACTION
     95         nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if
     96                    cv >= redistribution_amount]
     97         if len(nonzero) == 1:  # we only have a single channel, so we can't redistribute
     98             return config
    100         channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
    101         channel_to = random.choice(nonzero)
    102         if channel_from == channel_to:
    103             return config
    104         proposed_balance_from = config[channel_from] - redistribution_amount
    105         proposed_balance_to = config[channel_to] + redistribution_amount
    106         if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
    107             return config
    108         else:
    109             config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
    110             config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
    111         assert sum([cv for cv in config.values()]) == amount_msat
    112         return config
    114     def split(config: dict):
    115         # we split off a certain amount from a nonzero channel and put it into a
    116         # zero channel
    117         nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv != 0]
    118         zero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv == 0]
    119         try:
    120             channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
    121             channel_to = random.choice(zero)
    122         except IndexError:
    123             return config
    124         delta = config[channel_from] // SPLIT_FRACTION
    125         proposed_balance_from = config[channel_from] - delta
    126         proposed_balance_to = config[channel_to] + delta
    127         if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
    128             return config
    129         else:
    130             config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
    131             config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
    132             assert sum([cv for cv in config.values()]) == amount_msat
    133         return config
    135     def swap(config: dict):
    136         # we swap the amounts from a single channel with another channel
    137         nonzero = [ck for ck, cv in config.items() if cv != 0]
    138         all = list(config.keys())
    140         channel_from = random.choice(nonzero)
    141         channel_to = random.choice(all)
    143         proposed_balance_to = config[channel_from]
    144         proposed_balance_from = config[channel_to]
    145         if balances_are_not_ok(proposed_balance_from, channel_from, proposed_balance_to, channel_to, channels_with_funds):
    146             return config
    147         else:
    148             config[channel_to] = proposed_balance_to
    149             config[channel_from] = proposed_balance_from
    150         return config
    152     initial_number_parts = number_nonzero_parts(configuration)
    154     for _ in range(REDISTRIBUTE):
    155         configuration = redistribute(configuration)
    156     if not preserve_number_parts and number_nonzero_parts(
    157             configuration) == initial_number_parts:
    158         configuration = split(configuration)
    159     configuration = swap(configuration)
    161     return configuration
    164 @profiler
    165 def suggest_splits(amount_msat: int, channels_with_funds, exclude_single_parts=True) -> Sequence[Tuple[Dict[bytes, int], float]]:
    166     """Creates split configurations for a payment over channels. Single channel
    167     payments are excluded by default."""
    168     def rate_configuration(config: dict) -> float:
    169         """Defines an objective function to rate a split configuration.
    171         We calculate the normalized L2 norm for a split configuration and
    172         add a part penalty for each nonzero amount. The consequence is that
    173         amounts that are equally distributed and have less parts are rated
    174         lowest."""
    175         F = 0
    176         total_amount = sum([v for v in config.values()])
    178         for channel, amount in config.items():
    179             funds = channels_with_funds[channel]
    180             if amount:
    181                 F += amount * amount / (total_amount * total_amount)  # a penalty to favor distribution of amounts
    182                 F += PART_PENALTY * PART_PENALTY  # a penalty for each part
    183                 decay = funds / EXHAUST_DECAY_FRACTION
    184                 F += math.exp((amount - funds) / decay)  # a penalty for channel saturation
    186         return F
    188     def rated_sorted_configurations(hierarchy: dict) -> Sequence[Tuple[Dict[bytes, int], float]]:
    189         """Cleans up duplicate splittings, rates and sorts them according to
    190         the rating. A lower rating is a better configuration."""
    191         hierarchy = unique_hierarchy(hierarchy)
    192         rated_configs = []
    193         for level, configs in hierarchy.items():
    194             for config in configs:
    195                 rated_configs.append((config, rate_configuration(config)))
    196         sorted_rated_configs = sorted(rated_configs, key=lambda c: c[1], reverse=False)
    197         return sorted_rated_configs
    199     # create initial guesses
    200     split_hierarchy = create_starting_split_hierarchy(amount_msat, channels_with_funds)
    202     # randomize initial guesses and generate splittings of different split
    203     # levels up to number of channels
    204     for level in range(2, min(MAX_PARTS, len(channels_with_funds) + 1)):
    205         # generate a set of random configurations for each level
    206         for _ in range(CANDIDATES_PER_LEVEL):
    207             configurations = unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy).get(level, None)
    208             if configurations:  # we have a splitting of the desired number of parts
    209                 configuration = random.choice(configurations)
    210                 # generate new splittings preserving the number of parts
    211                 configuration = propose_new_configuration(
    212                     channels_with_funds, configuration, amount_msat,
    213                     preserve_number_parts=True)
    214             else:
    215                 # go one level lower and look for valid splittings,
    216                 # try to go one level higher by splitting a single outgoing amount
    217                 configurations = unique_hierarchy(split_hierarchy).get(level - 1, None)
    218                 if not configurations:
    219                     continue
    220                 configuration = random.choice(configurations)
    221                 # generate new splittings going one level higher in the number of parts
    222                 configuration = propose_new_configuration(
    223                     channels_with_funds, configuration, amount_msat,
    224                     preserve_number_parts=False)
    226             # add the newly found configuration (doesn't matter if nothing changed)
    227             split_hierarchy[number_nonzero_parts(configuration)].append(configuration)
    229     if exclude_single_parts:
    230         # we only want to return configurations that have at least two parts
    231         try:
    232             del split_hierarchy[1]
    233         except:
    234             pass
    236     return rated_sorted_configurations(split_hierarchy)