
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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paymentrequest.proto (2373B)

      1 //
      2 // Simple Bitcoin Payment Protocol messages
      3 //
      4 // Use fields 1000+ for extensions;
      5 // to avoid conflicts, register extensions via pull-req at
      6 // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/bip-0070/extensions.mediawiki
      7 //
      9 syntax = "proto2";
     10 package payments;
     11 option java_package = "org.bitcoin.protocols.payments";
     12 option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
     14 // Generalized form of "send payment to this/these bitcoin addresses"
     15 message Output {
     16         optional uint64 amount = 1 [default = 0]; // amount is integer-number-of-satoshis
     17         required bytes script = 2; // usually one of the standard Script forms
     18 }
     19 message PaymentDetails {
     20         optional string network = 1 [default = "main"]; // "main" or "test"
     21         repeated Output outputs = 2;        // Where payment should be sent
     22         required uint64 time = 3;           // Timestamp; when payment request created
     23         optional uint64 expires = 4;        // Timestamp; when this request should be considered invalid
     24         optional string memo = 5;           // Human-readable description of request for the customer
     25         optional string payment_url = 6;    // URL to send Payment and get PaymentACK
     26         optional bytes merchant_data = 7;   // Arbitrary data to include in the Payment message
     27 }
     28 message PaymentRequest {
     29         optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];
     30         optional string pki_type = 2 [default = "none"];  // none / x509+sha256 / x509+sha1
     31         optional bytes pki_data = 3;                      // depends on pki_type
     32         required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4;    // PaymentDetails
     33         optional bytes signature = 5;                     // pki-dependent signature
     34 }
     35 message X509Certificates {
     36         repeated bytes certificate = 1;    // DER-encoded X.509 certificate chain
     37 }
     38 message Payment {
     39         optional bytes merchant_data = 1;  // From PaymentDetails.merchant_data
     40         repeated bytes transactions = 2;   // Signed transactions that satisfy PaymentDetails.outputs
     41         repeated Output refund_to = 3;     // Where to send refunds, if a refund is necessary
     42         optional string memo = 4;          // Human-readable message for the merchant
     43 }
     44 message PaymentACK {
     45         required Payment payment = 1;      // Payment message that triggered this ACK
     46         optional string memo = 2;          // human-readable message for customer
     47 }