
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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plot.py (1878B)

      1 import datetime
      2 from collections import defaultdict
      4 import matplotlib
      5 matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg')
      6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      7 import matplotlib.dates as md
      9 from .i18n import _
     10 from .bitcoin import COIN
     13 class NothingToPlotException(Exception):
     14     def __str__(self):
     15         return _("Nothing to plot.")
     18 def plot_history(history):
     19     if len(history) == 0:
     20         raise NothingToPlotException()
     21     hist_in = defaultdict(int)
     22     hist_out = defaultdict(int)
     23     for item in history:
     24         if not item['confirmations']:
     25             continue
     26         if item['timestamp'] is None:
     27             continue
     28         value = item['value'].value/COIN
     29         date = item['date']
     30         datenum = int(md.date2num(datetime.date(date.year, date.month, 1)))
     31         if value > 0:
     32             hist_in[datenum] += value
     33         else:
     34             hist_out[datenum] -= value
     36     f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
     37     plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2)
     38     plt.xticks( rotation=25 )
     39     ax = plt.gca()
     40     plt.ylabel('BTC')
     41     plt.xlabel('Month')
     42     xfmt = md.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
     43     ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt)
     44     axarr[0].set_title('Monthly Volume')
     45     xfmt = md.DateFormatter('%Y-%m')
     46     ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xfmt)
     47     width = 20
     49     r1 = None
     50     r2 = None
     51     dates_values = list(zip(*sorted(hist_in.items())))
     52     if dates_values and len(dates_values) == 2:
     53         dates, values = dates_values
     54         r1 = axarr[0].bar(dates, values, width, label='incoming')
     55         axarr[0].legend(loc='upper left')
     56     dates_values = list(zip(*sorted(hist_out.items())))
     57     if dates_values and len(dates_values) == 2:
     58         dates, values = dates_values
     59         r2 = axarr[1].bar(dates, values, width, color='r', label='outgoing')
     60         axarr[1].legend(loc='upper left')
     61     if r1 is None and r2 is None:
     62         raise NothingToPlotException()
     63     return plt