
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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clientbase.py (9904B)

      1 import time
      2 from struct import pack
      3 from typing import Optional
      5 from electrum import ecc
      6 from electrum.i18n import _
      7 from electrum.util import UserCancelled
      8 from electrum.keystore import bip39_normalize_passphrase
      9 from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32
     10 from electrum.logging import Logger
     11 from electrum.plugin import runs_in_hwd_thread
     12 from electrum.plugins.hw_wallet.plugin import HardwareClientBase, HardwareHandlerBase
     15 class GuiMixin(object):
     16     # Requires: self.proto, self.device
     17     handler: Optional[HardwareHandlerBase]
     19     messages = {
     20         3: _("Confirm the transaction output on your {} device"),
     21         4: _("Confirm internal entropy on your {} device to begin"),
     22         5: _("Write down the seed word shown on your {}"),
     23         6: _("Confirm on your {} that you want to wipe it clean"),
     24         7: _("Confirm on your {} device the message to sign"),
     25         8: _("Confirm the total amount spent and the transaction fee on your "
     26              "{} device"),
     27         10: _("Confirm wallet address on your {} device"),
     28         'default': _("Check your {} device to continue"),
     29     }
     31     def callback_Failure(self, msg):
     32         # BaseClient's unfortunate call() implementation forces us to
     33         # raise exceptions on failure in order to unwind the stack.
     34         # However, making the user acknowledge they cancelled
     35         # gets old very quickly, so we suppress those.  The NotInitialized
     36         # one is misnamed and indicates a passphrase request was cancelled.
     37         if msg.code in (self.types.Failure_PinCancelled,
     38                         self.types.Failure_ActionCancelled,
     39                         self.types.Failure_NotInitialized):
     40             raise UserCancelled()
     41         raise RuntimeError(msg.message)
     43     def callback_ButtonRequest(self, msg):
     44         message = self.msg
     45         if not message:
     46             message = self.messages.get(msg.code, self.messages['default'])
     47         self.handler.show_message(message.format(self.device), self.cancel)
     48         return self.proto.ButtonAck()
     50     def callback_PinMatrixRequest(self, msg):
     51         show_strength = True
     52         if msg.type == 2:
     53             msg = _("Enter a new PIN for your {}:")
     54         elif msg.type == 3:
     55             msg = (_("Re-enter the new PIN for your {}.\n\n"
     56                      "NOTE: the positions of the numbers have changed!"))
     57         else:
     58             msg = _("Enter your current {} PIN:")
     59             show_strength = False
     60         pin = self.handler.get_pin(msg.format(self.device), show_strength=show_strength)
     61         if len(pin) > 9:
     62             self.handler.show_error(_('The PIN cannot be longer than 9 characters.'))
     63             pin = ''  # to cancel below
     64         if not pin:
     65             return self.proto.Cancel()
     66         return self.proto.PinMatrixAck(pin=pin)
     68     def callback_PassphraseRequest(self, req):
     69         if self.creating_wallet:
     70             msg = _("Enter a passphrase to generate this wallet.  Each time "
     71                     "you use this wallet your {} will prompt you for the "
     72                     "passphrase.  If you forget the passphrase you cannot "
     73                     "access the bitcoins in the wallet.").format(self.device)
     74         else:
     75             msg = _("Enter the passphrase to unlock this wallet:")
     76         passphrase = self.handler.get_passphrase(msg, self.creating_wallet)
     77         if passphrase is None:
     78             return self.proto.Cancel()
     79         passphrase = bip39_normalize_passphrase(passphrase)
     81         ack = self.proto.PassphraseAck(passphrase=passphrase)
     82         length = len(ack.passphrase)
     83         if length > 50:
     84             self.handler.show_error(_("Too long passphrase ({} > 50 chars).").format(length))
     85             return self.proto.Cancel()
     86         return ack
     88     def callback_WordRequest(self, msg):
     89         self.step += 1
     90         msg = _("Step {}/24.  Enter seed word as explained on "
     91                 "your {}:").format(self.step, self.device)
     92         word = self.handler.get_word(msg)
     93         # Unfortunately the device can't handle self.proto.Cancel()
     94         return self.proto.WordAck(word=word)
     96     def callback_CharacterRequest(self, msg):
     97         char_info = self.handler.get_char(msg)
     98         if not char_info:
     99             return self.proto.Cancel()
    100         return self.proto.CharacterAck(**char_info)
    103 class KeepKeyClientBase(HardwareClientBase, GuiMixin, Logger):
    105     def __init__(self, handler, plugin, proto):
    106         assert hasattr(self, 'tx_api')  # ProtocolMixin already constructed?
    107         HardwareClientBase.__init__(self, plugin=plugin)
    108         self.proto = proto
    109         self.device = plugin.device
    110         self.handler = handler
    111         self.tx_api = plugin
    112         self.types = plugin.types
    113         self.msg = None
    114         self.creating_wallet = False
    115         Logger.__init__(self)
    116         self.used()
    118     def __str__(self):
    119         return "%s/%s" % (self.label(), self.features.device_id)
    121     def label(self):
    122         return self.features.label
    124     def get_soft_device_id(self):
    125         return self.features.device_id
    127     def is_initialized(self):
    128         return self.features.initialized
    130     def is_pairable(self):
    131         return not self.features.bootloader_mode
    133     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    134     def has_usable_connection_with_device(self):
    135         try:
    136             res = self.ping("electrum pinging device")
    137             assert res == "electrum pinging device"
    138         except BaseException:
    139             return False
    140         return True
    142     def used(self):
    143         self.last_operation = time.time()
    145     def prevent_timeouts(self):
    146         self.last_operation = float('inf')
    148     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    149     def timeout(self, cutoff):
    150         '''Time out the client if the last operation was before cutoff.'''
    151         if self.last_operation < cutoff:
    152             self.logger.info("timed out")
    153             self.clear_session()
    155     @staticmethod
    156     def expand_path(n):
    157         return convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(n)
    159     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    160     def cancel(self):
    161         '''Provided here as in keepkeylib but not trezorlib.'''
    162         self.transport.write(self.proto.Cancel())
    164     def i4b(self, x):
    165         return pack('>I', x)
    167     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    168     def get_xpub(self, bip32_path, xtype):
    169         address_n = self.expand_path(bip32_path)
    170         creating = False
    171         node = self.get_public_node(address_n, creating).node
    172         return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
    173                          eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(node.public_key),
    174                          chaincode=node.chain_code,
    175                          depth=node.depth,
    176                          fingerprint=self.i4b(node.fingerprint),
    177                          child_number=self.i4b(node.child_num)).to_xpub()
    179     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    180     def toggle_passphrase(self):
    181         if self.features.passphrase_protection:
    182             self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to disable passphrases")
    183         else:
    184             self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to enable passphrases")
    185         enabled = not self.features.passphrase_protection
    186         self.apply_settings(use_passphrase=enabled)
    188     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    189     def change_label(self, label):
    190         self.msg = _("Confirm the new label on your {} device")
    191         self.apply_settings(label=label)
    193     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    194     def change_homescreen(self, homescreen):
    195         self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to change your home screen")
    196         self.apply_settings(homescreen=homescreen)
    198     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    199     def set_pin(self, remove):
    200         if remove:
    201             self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to disable PIN protection")
    202         elif self.features.pin_protection:
    203             self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to change your PIN")
    204         else:
    205             self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to set a PIN")
    206         self.change_pin(remove)
    208     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    209     def clear_session(self):
    210         '''Clear the session to force pin (and passphrase if enabled)
    211         re-entry.  Does not leak exceptions.'''
    212         self.logger.info(f"clear session: {self}")
    213         self.prevent_timeouts()
    214         try:
    215             super(KeepKeyClientBase, self).clear_session()
    216         except BaseException as e:
    217             # If the device was removed it has the same effect...
    218             self.logger.info(f"clear_session: ignoring error {e}")
    220     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    221     def get_public_node(self, address_n, creating):
    222         self.creating_wallet = creating
    223         return super(KeepKeyClientBase, self).get_public_node(address_n)
    225     @runs_in_hwd_thread
    226     def close(self):
    227         '''Called when Our wallet was closed or the device removed.'''
    228         self.logger.info("closing client")
    229         self.clear_session()
    230         # Release the device
    231         self.transport.close()
    233     def firmware_version(self):
    234         f = self.features
    235         return (f.major_version, f.minor_version, f.patch_version)
    237     def atleast_version(self, major, minor=0, patch=0):
    238         return self.firmware_version() >= (major, minor, patch)
    240     @staticmethod
    241     def wrapper(func):
    242         '''Wrap methods to clear any message box they opened.'''
    244         def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
    245             try:
    246                 self.prevent_timeouts()
    247                 return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
    248             finally:
    249                 self.used()
    250                 self.handler.finished()
    251                 self.creating_wallet = False
    252                 self.msg = None
    254         return wrapped
    256     @staticmethod
    257     def wrap_methods(cls):
    258         for method in ['apply_settings', 'change_pin',
    259                        'get_address', 'get_public_node',
    260                        'load_device_by_mnemonic', 'load_device_by_xprv',
    261                        'recovery_device', 'reset_device', 'sign_message',
    262                        'sign_tx', 'wipe_device']:
    263             setattr(cls, method, cls.wrapper(getattr(cls, method)))