
Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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auth2fa.py (7138B)

      1 import copy
      2 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
      4 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QVBoxLayout, QLabel,
      5                              QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QComboBox)
      7 from btchip.btchip import BTChipException
      9 from electrum.gui.qt.util import PasswordLineEdit
     11 from electrum.i18n import _
     12 from electrum import constants, bitcoin
     13 from electrum.logging import get_logger
     15 if TYPE_CHECKING:
     16     from .ledger import Ledger_Client
     19 _logger = get_logger(__name__)
     22 DEBUG = False
     24 helpTxt = [_("Your Ledger Wallet wants to tell you a one-time PIN code.<br><br>" \
     25             "For best security you should unplug your device, open a text editor on another computer, " \
     26             "put your cursor into it, and plug your device into that computer. " \
     27             "It will output a summary of the transaction being signed and a one-time PIN.<br><br>" \
     28             "Verify the transaction summary and type the PIN code here.<br><br>" \
     29             "Before pressing enter, plug the device back into this computer.<br>" ),
     30         _("Verify the address below.<br>Type the character from your security card corresponding to the <u><b>BOLD</b></u> character."),
     31         ]
     33 class LedgerAuthDialog(QDialog):
     34     def __init__(self, handler, data, *, client: 'Ledger_Client'):
     35         '''Ask user for 2nd factor authentication. Support text and security card methods.
     36         Use last method from settings, but support downgrade.
     37         '''
     38         QDialog.__init__(self, handler.top_level_window())
     39         self.handler = handler
     40         self.txdata = data
     41         self.idxs = self.txdata['keycardData'] if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1 else ''
     42         self.setMinimumWidth(650)
     43         self.setWindowTitle(_("Ledger Wallet Authentication"))
     44         self.cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.handler.win.wallet.get_keystore().cfg)
     45         self.dongle = client.dongleObject.dongle
     46         self.pin = ''
     48         self.devmode = self.getDevice2FAMode()
     49         if self.devmode == 0x11 or self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1:
     50             self.cfg['mode'] = 0
     52         vbox = QVBoxLayout()
     53         self.setLayout(vbox)
     55         def on_change_mode(idx):
     56             self.cfg['mode'] = 0 if self.devmode == 0x11 else idx if idx > 0 else 1
     57             if self.cfg['mode'] > 0:
     58                 self.handler.win.wallet.get_keystore().cfg = self.cfg
     59                 self.handler.win.wallet.save_keystore()
     60             self.update_dlg()
     61         def return_pin():
     62             self.pin = self.pintxt.text() if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else self.cardtxt.text() 
     63             if self.cfg['mode'] == 1:
     64                 self.pin = ''.join(chr(int(str(i),16)) for i in self.pin)
     65             self.accept()
     67         self.modebox = QWidget()
     68         modelayout = QHBoxLayout()
     69         self.modebox.setLayout(modelayout)
     70         modelayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Method:")))
     71         self.modes = QComboBox()
     72         modelayout.addWidget(self.modes, 2)
     73         modelayout.addStretch(1)
     74         self.modebox.setMaximumHeight(50)
     75         vbox.addWidget(self.modebox)
     77         self.populate_modes()
     78         self.modes.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_mode)
     80         self.helpmsg = QTextEdit()
     81         self.helpmsg.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { color:black; background-color: lightgray; }")
     82         self.helpmsg.setReadOnly(True)
     83         vbox.addWidget(self.helpmsg)
     85         self.pinbox = QWidget()
     86         pinlayout = QHBoxLayout()
     87         self.pinbox.setLayout(pinlayout)
     88         self.pintxt = PasswordLineEdit()
     89         self.pintxt.setMaxLength(4)
     90         self.pintxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin)
     91         pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:")))
     92         pinlayout.addWidget(self.pintxt)
     93         pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above")))
     94         pinlayout.addStretch(1)
     95         self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0)
     96         vbox.addWidget(self.pinbox)
     98         self.cardbox = QWidget()
     99         card = QVBoxLayout()
    100         self.cardbox.setLayout(card)
    101         self.addrtext = QTextEdit()
    102         self.addrtext.setStyleSheet('''
    103             QTextEdit {
    104                 color:blue; background-color:lightgray; padding:15px 10px; border:none;
    105                 font-size:20pt; font-family: "Courier New", monospace; }
    106         ''')
    107         self.addrtext.setReadOnly(True)
    108         self.addrtext.setMaximumHeight(130)
    109         card.addWidget(self.addrtext)
    111         def pin_changed(s):
    112             if len(s) < len(self.idxs):
    113                 i = self.idxs[len(s)]
    114                 addr = self.txdata['address']
    115                 if not constants.net.TESTNET:
    116                     text = addr[:i] + '<u><b>' + addr[i:i+1] + '</u></b>' + addr[i+1:]
    117                 else:
    118                     # pin needs to be created from mainnet address
    119                     addr_mainnet = bitcoin.script_to_address(bitcoin.address_to_script(addr), net=constants.BitcoinMainnet)
    120                     addr_mainnet = addr_mainnet[:i] + '<u><b>' + addr_mainnet[i:i+1] + '</u></b>' + addr_mainnet[i+1:]
    121                     text = str(addr) + '\n' + str(addr_mainnet)
    122                 self.addrtext.setHtml(str(text))
    123             else:
    124                 self.addrtext.setHtml(_("Press Enter"))
    126         pin_changed('')    
    127         cardpin = QHBoxLayout()
    128         cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:")))
    129         self.cardtxt = PasswordLineEdit()
    130         self.cardtxt.setMaxLength(len(self.idxs))
    131         self.cardtxt.textChanged.connect(pin_changed)
    132         self.cardtxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin)
    133         cardpin.addWidget(self.cardtxt)
    134         cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above")))
    135         cardpin.addStretch(1)
    136         card.addLayout(cardpin)
    137         self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1)
    138         vbox.addWidget(self.cardbox)
    140         self.update_dlg()
    142     def populate_modes(self):
    143         self.modes.blockSignals(True)
    144         self.modes.clear()
    145         self.modes.addItem(_("Summary Text PIN (requires dongle replugging)") if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else _("Summary Text PIN is Disabled"))
    146         if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1:
    147             self.modes.addItem(_("Security Card Challenge"))
    148         self.modes.blockSignals(False)
    150     def update_dlg(self):
    151         self.modes.setCurrentIndex(self.cfg['mode'])
    152         self.modebox.setVisible(True)
    153         self.helpmsg.setText(helpTxt[self.cfg['mode']])
    154         self.helpmsg.setMinimumHeight(180 if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else 100)
    155         self.helpmsg.setVisible(True)
    156         self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0)
    157         self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1)
    158         self.pintxt.setFocus(True) if self.cfg['mode'] == 0 else self.cardtxt.setFocus(True)
    159         self.setMaximumHeight(400)
    161     def getDevice2FAMode(self):
    162         apdu = [0xe0, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01] # get 2fa mode
    163         try:
    164             mode = self.dongle.exchange( bytearray(apdu) )
    165             return mode
    166         except BTChipException as e:
    167             _logger.debug('Device getMode Failed')
    168         return 0x11