
a commandline tool to easily and privately handle your e-mail
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messaging.sh (5683B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env zsh
      3 init_commandline() {
      4     ### Options configuration
      5     #
      6     # Hi, dear developer!  Are you trying to add a new subcommand, or
      7     # to add some options?  Well, keep in mind that option names are
      8     # global: they cannot bear a different meaning or behaviour across
      9     # subcommands.
     10     #
     11     # For example, "-s" means "size" and accepts one argument. If you
     12     # are tempted to add an alternate option "-s" (e.g., to mean
     13     # "silent", and that doesn't accept any argument) DON'T DO IT!
     14     #
     15     # There are two reasons for that:
     16     #    I. Usability; users expect that "-s" is "size"
     17     #   II. Option parsing WILL EXPLODE if you do this kind of bad
     18     #       things (it will complain: "option defined more than once")
     19     #
     20     # If you want to use the same option in multiple commands then you
     21     # can only use the non-abbreviated long-option version like:
     22     # -force and NOT -f
     23     #
     26     ### Detect subcommand
     27     local -aU every_opts #every_opts behave like a set; that is, an array with unique elements
     28     for optspec in $subcommands_opts$main_opts; do
     29         for opt in ${=optspec}; do
     30             every_opts+=${opt}
     31         done
     32     done
     33     local -a oldstar
     34     oldstar=($argv)
     35     #### detect early: useful for --optiion-parsing
     36     zparseopts -M -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts}
     37     if [[ -n ${(k)discardme[--option-parsing]} ]]; then
     38         echo $1
     39         if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
     40             return 1
     41         fi
     42         return 0
     43     fi
     44     unset discardme
     45     if ! zparseopts -M -E -D -Adiscardme ${every_opts}; then
     46         _failure "Error parsing."
     47         return 127
     48     fi
     49     unset discardme
     50     subcommand=$1
     51     if [[ -z $subcommand ]]; then
     52         subcommand="__default"
     53     fi
     55     if [[ -z ${(k)subcommands_opts[$subcommand]} ]]; then
     56         _warning "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"." $subcommand
     57         exitv=127 _failure "Please try -h for help."
     58     fi
     59     argv=(${oldstar})
     60     unset oldstar
     62     ### Parsing global + command-specific options
     63     # zsh magic: ${=string} will split to multiple arguments when spaces occur
     64     set -A cmd_opts ${main_opts} ${=subcommands_opts[$subcommand]}
     65     # if there is no option, we don't need parsing
     66     if [[ -n $cmd_opts ]]; then
     67         # here is declared opts=
     68         zparseopts -M -E -D -Aopts ${cmd_opts}
     69         if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
     70             _warning "Some error occurred during option processing."
     71             exitv=127 _failure "See \"tomb help\" for more info."
     72         fi
     73     fi
     74     #build PARAM (array of arguments) and check if there are unrecognized options
     75     ok=0
     76     PARAM=()
     77     for arg in $*; do
     78         if [[ $arg == '--' || $arg == '-' ]]; then
     79             ok=1
     80             continue #it shouldnt be appended to PARAM
     81         elif [[ $arg[1] == '-'  ]]; then
     82             if [[ $ok == 0 ]]; then
     83                 exitv=127 _failure "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::" $arg $subcommand
     84             fi
     85         fi
     86         PARAM+=$arg
     87     done
     88     #first parameter actually is the subcommand: delete it and shift
     89     if [[ $subcommand != '__default' ]]; then
     90         PARAM[1]=()
     91         shift
     92     fi
     93     ### End parsing command-specific options
     94     if ! option_is_set --no-color; then
     95         autoload colors; colors
     96     fi
     98 }
    100 # Check an option
    101 option_is_set() {
    102     # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s").
    103     # Return 0 if is set, 1 otherwise
    105     [[ -n ${(k)opts[$1]} ]];
    106     return $?;
    108 }
    110 # Get an option value
    111 option_value() {
    112     # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s").
    113     print -n - "${opts[$1]}"
    114 }
    116 # Messaging function with pretty coloring
    117 function _msg() {
    118     local msg="$(gettext -s "$2")"
    119     for i in $(seq 3 ${#});
    120     do
    121         msg=${(S)msg//::$(($i - 2))*::/$*[$i]}
    122     done
    124     local command="print -P"
    125     local progname="$fg[magenta]${TOMBEXEC##*/}$reset_color"
    126     local message="$fg_bold[normal]$fg_no_bold[normal]$msg$reset_color"
    127     local -i returncode
    129     case "$1" in
    130         inline)
    131             command+=" -n"; pchars=" > "; pcolor="yellow"
    132             ;;
    133         message)
    134             pchars=" . "; pcolor="white"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]$msg$reset_color"
    135             ;;
    136         verbose)
    137             pchars="[D]"; pcolor="blue"
    138             ;;
    139         success)
    140             pchars="(*)"; pcolor="green"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]$msg$reset_color"
    141             ;;
    142         warning)
    143             pchars="[W]"; pcolor="yellow"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]$msg$reset_color"
    144             ;;
    145         failure)
    146             pchars="[E]"; pcolor="red"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]$msg$reset_color"
    147             returncode=1
    148             ;;
    149         print)
    150             progname=""
    151             ;;
    152         *)
    153             pchars="[F]"; pcolor="red"
    154             message="Developer oops!  Usage: _msg MESSAGE_TYPE \"MESSAGE_CONTENT\""
    155             returncode=127
    156             ;;
    157     esac
    158     ${=command} "${progname} $fg_bold[$pcolor]$pchars$reset_color ${message}$color[reset_color]" >&2
    159     return $returncode
    160 }
    162 function _message say act() {
    163     local notice="message"
    164     [[ "$1" = "-n" ]] && shift && notice="inline"
    165     option_is_set -q || _msg "$notice" $@
    166     return 0
    167 }
    169 function _verbose xxx func() {
    170     option_is_set -D || [[ $DEBUG = 1 ]] && _msg verbose $@
    171     return 0
    172 }
    174 function _success yes notice() {
    175     option_is_set -q || _msg success $@
    176     return 0
    177 }
    179 function _warning no  warning() {
    180     option_is_set -q || _msg warning $@
    181     return 1
    182 }
    184 function _failure fatal die error() {
    185     typeset -i exitcode=${exitv:-1}
    186     option_is_set -q || _msg failure $@
    187     return 1
    188 }
    190 function _print() {
    191     option_is_set -q || _msg print $@
    192     return 0
    193 }