
mixmaster 3.0 patched for libressl
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rfc822.c (13497B)

      1 /* Mixmaster version 3.0  --  (C) 1999 - 2006 Anonymizer Inc. and others.
      3    Mixmaster may be redistributed and modified under certain conditions.
      4    This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
      5    ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the file COPYRIGHT for
      6    details.
      8    Parse RFC 822 headers
      9    $Id: rfc822.c 934 2006-06-24 13:40:39Z rabbi $ */
     12 #include "mix3.h"
     14 static int is_specials(int c);
     15 static int is_qtext(char c);
     16 static int is_ctext(char c);
     17 static void wsc(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *xomment);
     18 static int word(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *word, BUFFER *x);
     19 static int atom(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *atom, BUFFER *x);
     20 static int quoted_string(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *string, BUFFER *x);
     21 static int comment(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *string);
     22 static int local_part(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x);
     23 static int domain(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *domain, BUFFER *x);
     24 static int sub_domain(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *sub, BUFFER *x);
     25 static int domain_ref(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *dom, BUFFER *x);
     26 static int domain_literal(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *dom, BUFFER *x);
     27 static int addr_spec(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x);
     28 static int route_addr(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x);
     29 static int phrase(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *phr, BUFFER *x);
     30 static int mailbox(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *mailbox, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x);
     31 static int group(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *group, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x);
     33 static void backtrack(BUFFER *b, int len)
     34 {
     35   if (b) {
     36     b->length = len;
     37     b->data[b->length] = '\0';
     38   }
     39 }
     41 /* white space and comments */
     42 static void wsc(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *string)
     43 {
     44   int c;
     46   for (;;) {
     47     c = buf_getc(in);
     48     if (c == -1)
     49       break;
     50     else if (c == '\n') {
     51       c = buf_getc(in);
     52       if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
     53 	if (c != -1)
     54 	  buf_ungetc(in), buf_ungetc(in);
     55 	break;
     56       }
     57     } else {
     58       if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
     59 	buf_ungetc(in);
     60 	if (!comment(in, string))
     61 	  break;
     62       }
     63     }
     64   }
     65 }
     67 /*          specials    =  "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@"  ; Must be in quoted-
     68  *                      /  "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <">  ;  string, to use
     69  *                      /  "." / "[" / "]"              ;  within a word.
     70  */
     72 static int is_specials(int c)
     73 {
     74   return (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '@' ||
     75 	  c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == '\"' ||
     76 	  c == '.' || c == '[' || c == ']');
     77 }
     79 /*           qtext       =  <any CHAR excepting <">,     ; => may be folded
     80  *                          "\" & CR, and including
     81  *                          linear-white-space>
     82  */
     83 static int is_qtext(char c)
     84 {
     85   return (c != '\"' && c != '\\' && c != '\n');
     86 }
     88 /*           ctext       =  <any CHAR excluding "(",     ; => may be folded
     89  *                          ")", "\" & CR, & including
     90  *                          linear-white-space>
     91  */
     92 static int is_ctext(char c)
     93 {
     94   return (c != '(' && c != ')' && c != '\\' && c != '\n');
     95 }
     97 /*           word        =  atom / quoted-string
     98  */
     99 static int word(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *word, BUFFER *x)
    100 {
    101   return (atom(in, word, x) || quoted_string(in, word, x));
    102 }
    104 /*          atom        =  1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
    105  */
    106 static int atom(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *atom, BUFFER *x)
    107 {
    108   int c;
    110   buf_clear(atom);
    111   wsc(in, x);
    112   for (;;) {
    113     c = buf_getc(in);
    114     if (c == -1)
    115       break;
    116     else if (is_specials(c) || c == ' ' || c < 32 || c == 127) {
    117       buf_ungetc(in);
    118       break;
    119     } else
    120       buf_appendc(atom, c);
    121   }
    122   if (atom->length)
    123     wsc(in, x);
    124   return (atom->length);
    125 }
    127 /*           quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or
    128  *                                                       ;   quoted chars.
    129  */
    130 static int quoted_string(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *string, BUFFER *x)
    131 {
    132   int ptr, xlen;
    133   int c;
    135   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    136   buf_clear(string);
    137   wsc(in, NULL);
    138   c = buf_getc(in);
    139   if (c == '\"') {
    140 #if 0
    141     buf_appendc(string, c);
    142 #endif
    143     for (;;) {
    144       c = buf_getc(in);
    145       if (c == -1)              /* catch unterminated quoted string */
    146 	break;
    147       if (is_qtext(c))
    148 	buf_appendc(string, c);
    149       else if (c == '\n') {
    150 	c = buf_getc(in);
    151 	if (c != ' ' && c != '\n')
    152 	  break;
    153       } else if (c == '\\') {
    154 	c = buf_getc(in);
    155 	if (c == -1)
    156 	  break;
    157 	else
    158 	  buf_appendc(string, c);
    159       } else if (c == '\"') {
    160 #if 0
    161 	buf_appendc(string, c);
    162 #endif
    163 	wsc(in, NULL);
    164 	return (1);
    165       } else
    166 	break;
    167     }
    168   }
    169   in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    170   return (0);
    171 }
    173 /*           comment     =  "(" *(ctext / quoted-pair / comment) ")"
    174  */
    175 static int comment(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *string)
    176 {
    177   int ptr, xlen;
    178   int separator = 0;
    179   int c;
    181   ptr = in->ptr;
    182   xlen = string ? string->length : 0;
    183   if (xlen)
    184     separator = 1;
    185   c = buf_getc(in);
    186   if (c == '(') {
    187     for (;;) {
    188       c = buf_getc(in);
    189       if (c == -1)
    190 	return(1); /* unterminated comment, bail out */
    191       if (is_ctext(c)) {
    192 	if (string != NULL) {
    193 	  if (separator)
    194 	    buf_appendc(string, ' '), separator = 0;
    195 	  buf_appendc(string, c);
    196 	}
    197       } else if (c == '\n') {
    198 	c = buf_getc(in);
    199 	if (c != ' ' && c != '\n')
    200 	  break;
    201       } else if (c == '\\') {
    202 	c = buf_getc(in);
    203 	if (c != -1) {
    204 	  if (string != NULL) {
    205 	    if (separator)
    206 	      buf_appendc(string, ' '), separator = 0;
    207 	    buf_appendc(string, c);
    208 	  }
    209 	}
    210       } else if (c == ')')
    211 	return (1);
    212       else {
    213 	BUFFER *s;
    214 	int o;
    216 	s = buf_new();
    217 	buf_ungetc(in);
    218 	o = comment(in, s);
    219 	if (o && string != NULL) {
    220 	  if (separator)
    221 	    buf_appendc(string, ' '), separator = 0;
    222 	  buf_cat(string, s);
    223 	}
    224 	buf_free(s);
    225 	if (!o)
    226 	  break;
    227       }
    228     }
    229   }
    230   in->ptr = ptr;
    231   backtrack(string, xlen);
    232   return (0);
    233 }
    235 /*          local-part  =  word *("." word)             ; uninterpreted
    236  *                                                      ; case-preserved
    237  */
    238 static int local_part(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x)
    239 {
    240   BUFFER *w;
    241   int c;
    243   buf_clear(addr);
    244   if (!word(in, addr, x))
    245     return (0);
    246   w = buf_new();
    247   for (;;) {
    248     c = buf_getc(in);
    249     if (c == -1)
    250       break;
    251     if (c == '.' && (word(in, w, x)))
    252       buf_appendc(addr, '.'), buf_cat(addr, w);
    253     else {
    254       buf_ungetc(in);
    255       break;
    256     }
    257   }
    258   buf_free(w);
    259   return (addr->length);
    260 }
    262 /*           domain      =  sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
    263  */
    264 static int domain(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *domain, BUFFER *x)
    265 {
    266   BUFFER *sub;
    267   int c;
    269   if (!sub_domain(in, domain, x))
    270     return (0);
    271   sub = buf_new();
    272   for (;;) {
    273     c = buf_getc(in);
    274     if (c == -1)
    275       break;
    276     if (c == '.' && (sub_domain(in, sub, x)))
    277       buf_appendc(domain, '.'), buf_cat(domain, sub);
    278     else {
    279       buf_ungetc(in);
    280       break;
    281     }
    282   }
    283   buf_free(sub);
    284   return (domain->length);
    285 }
    287 /*             sub-domain  =  domain-ref / domain-literal
    288  */
    289 static int sub_domain(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *sub, BUFFER *x)
    290 {
    291   return (domain_ref(in, sub, x) || domain_literal(in, sub, x));
    292 }
    294 /*           domain-ref  =  atom                         ; symbolic reference
    295  */
    296 static int domain_ref(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *d, BUFFER *x)
    297 {
    298   return (atom(in, d, x));
    299 }
    301 /*           addr-spec   =  local-part "@" domain        ; global address
    302  */
    303 static int addr_spec(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x)
    304 {
    305   BUFFER *dom;
    306   int ptr, xlen;
    308   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    309   dom = buf_new();
    310   buf_clear(addr);
    311   if (local_part(in, addr, x) && buf_getc(in) == '@' && domain(in, dom, x))
    312     buf_appendc(addr, '@'), buf_cat(addr, dom);
    313   else
    314     buf_clear(addr), in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    315   buf_free(dom);
    316   return (addr->length);
    317 }
    319 /*           route-addr  =  "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
    320  */
    321 static int route_addr(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x)
    322 {
    323   int c;
    324   int ptr, xlen;
    326   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    327   c = buf_getc(in);
    328   if (c == -1)
    329     return (0);
    330   if (c != '<') {
    331     buf_ungetc(in);
    332     return (0);
    333   }
    334   if (addr_spec(in, addr, x) && buf_getc(in) == '>')
    335     return (1);
    336   in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    337   return (0);
    338 }
    340 /*           phrase      =  1*word                       ; Sequence of words
    341  */
    342 static int phrase(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *phr, BUFFER *x)
    343 {
    344   BUFFER *w;
    346   buf_clear(phr);
    347   w = buf_new();
    348   while (word(in, w, x)) {
    349     if (phr->length)
    350       buf_appendc(phr, ' ');
    351     buf_cat(phr, w);
    352   }
    353   buf_free(w);
    354   return (phr->length);
    355 }
    357 /*          mailbox     =  addr-spec                    ; simple address
    358  *                      /  [phrase] route-addr          ; name & addr-spec
    359  *                                                        (RFC 1123)
    360  */
    361 static int mailbox(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *mailbox, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x)
    362 {
    363   int ptr, xlen, ret;
    365   buf_clear(name);
    366   if (addr_spec(in, mailbox, x))
    367     return (1);
    369   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    370   ret = phrase(in, name, x) && route_addr(in, mailbox, x);
    371   if (!ret) {
    372     in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    373     ret = route_addr(in, mailbox, x);
    374   }
    376   return (ret);
    377 }
    379 /*          address     =  mailbox                      ; one addressee
    380  *                      /  group                        ; named list
    381  */
    382 static int address(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *address, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x)
    383 {
    384   return (mailbox(in, address, name, x) || group(in, address, name, x));
    385 }
    387 /*          group       =  phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
    388  */
    389 static int group(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *group, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x)
    390 {
    391   BUFFER *addr, *tmp;
    392   int ptr, xlen, ret = 0;
    394   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    395   addr = buf_new();
    396   tmp = buf_new();
    397   buf_clear(group);
    398   if (phrase(in, name, x) && buf_getc(in) == ':') {
    399     while (mailbox(in, addr, tmp, x))
    400       buf_cat(group, addr), buf_nl(group);
    401     ret = buf_getc(in) == ';';
    402   }
    403   if (!ret)
    404     in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    405   buf_free(addr);
    406   buf_free(tmp);
    407   return (ret);
    408 }
    410 /*         domain-literal =  "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
    411  */
    412 static int domain_literal(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *dom, BUFFER *x)
    413 {
    414   return 0;			/* XXX */
    415 }
    417 /* local address without `@' is not specified in RFC 822 */
    419 /* local_addr = "<" atom ">" */
    420 static int local_addr(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *addr, BUFFER *x)
    421 {
    422   int c;
    423   int ptr, xlen;
    425   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    426   c = buf_getc(in);
    427   if (c == -1)
    428     return (0);
    429   if (c != '<') {
    430     buf_ungetc(in);
    431     return (0);
    432   }
    433   if (atom(in, addr, x) && buf_getc(in) == '>')
    434     return (1);
    435   in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    436   return (0);
    437 }
    439 static int localaddress(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *address, BUFFER *name, BUFFER *x)
    440 {
    441   int ptr, xlen;
    443   buf_clear(name);
    444   if (local_addr(in, address, x))
    445     return (1);
    446   ptr = in->ptr, xlen = x ? x->length : 0;
    447   if (phrase(in, name, x) && local_addr(in, address, x))
    448     return (1);
    449   in->ptr = ptr, backtrack(x, xlen);
    450   buf_clear(name);
    451   return (atom(in, address, x));
    452 }
    454 void rfc822_addr(BUFFER *destination, BUFFER *list)
    455 {
    456   BUFFER *addr, *name;
    458   addr = buf_new();
    459   name = buf_new();
    461   for (;;) {
    462     if (!address(destination, addr, name, NULL) &&
    463 	!localaddress(destination, addr, name, NULL))
    464       break;
    465     buf_cat(list, addr);
    466     buf_nl(list);
    467     if (buf_getc(destination) != ',')
    468       break;
    469   }
    470   buf_free(addr);
    471   buf_free(name);
    472 }
    474 void rfc822_name(BUFFER *line, BUFFER *name)
    475 {
    476   BUFFER *addr, *comment;
    477   int ret;
    479   addr = buf_new();
    480   comment = buf_new();
    481   ret = address(line, addr, name, comment);
    482   if (ret == 0)
    483     ret = localaddress(line, addr, name, comment);
    484   if (ret) {
    485     if (name->length == 0)
    486       buf_set(name, comment);
    487     if (name->length == 0)
    488       buf_set(name, addr);
    489   }
    490   if (ret == 0)
    491     buf_set(name, line);
    492   buf_free(addr);
    493   buf_free(comment);
    494 }
    496 /* MIME extensions. RFC 2045 */
    498 /*    tspecials :=  "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" /
    499  *                  "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <">
    500  *                  "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "="
    501  */
    503 static int is_tspecials(int c)
    504 {
    505   return (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '@' ||
    506 	  c == ',' || c == ';' || c == ':' || c == '\\' || c == '\"' ||
    507 	  c == '/' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == '?' || c == '=');
    508 }
    510 /* token := 1*<any (US-ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs,
    511  *                or tspecials>
    512  */
    513 static int token(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *token, BUFFER *x)
    514 {
    515   int c;
    517   buf_clear(token);
    518   wsc(in, x);
    519   for (;;) {
    520     c = buf_getc(in);
    521     if (c == -1)
    522       break;
    523     else if (is_tspecials(c) || c == ' ' || c < 32 || c == 127) {
    524       buf_ungetc(in);
    525       break;
    526     } else
    527       buf_appendc(token, c);
    528   }
    529   if (token->length)
    530     wsc(in, x);
    531   return (token->length);
    532 }
    534 /*   value := token / quoted-string
    535  */
    537 static int value(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *value, BUFFER *x)
    538 {
    539   return (token(in, value, x) || quoted_string(in, value, x));
    540 }
    542 /*   parameter := attribute "=" value
    543  */
    545 static int parameter(BUFFER *in, BUFFER *attribute, BUFFER *val, BUFFER *x)
    546 {
    547   int ptr;
    548   ptr = in->ptr;
    549   token(in, attribute, x);
    550   if (buf_getc(in) != '=') {
    551     in->ptr = ptr;
    552     return(0);
    553   }
    554   return(value(in, val, x));
    555 }
    557 /* get type */
    558 int get_type(BUFFER *content, BUFFER *type, BUFFER *subtype)
    559 {
    560   token(content, type, NULL);
    561   if (buf_getc(content) == '/')
    562     return (token(content, subtype, NULL));
    563   buf_ungetc(content);
    564   buf_clear(type);
    565   return (0);
    566 }
    568 /* get parameter value */
    569 void get_parameter(BUFFER *content, char *attribute, BUFFER *value)
    570 {
    571   BUFFER *tok;
    572   tok = buf_new();
    573   buf_clear(value);
    575   get_type(content, tok, tok);
    576     for (;;) {
    577       if (buf_getc(content) != ';')
    578 	break;
    579       if (parameter(content, tok, value, NULL) &&
    580 	  strieq(attribute, tok->data))
    581 	break; /* found */
    582       buf_clear(value);
    583     }
    584   buf_free(tok);
    585 }