
yet another gentoo overlay
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opal-3.10.11-r1.ebuild (7154B)

      1 # Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
      2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
      4 EAPI=6
      5 inherit autotools toolchain-funcs java-pkg-opt-2 flag-o-matic
      7 DESCRIPTION="C++ class library normalising numerous telephony protocols"
      8 HOMEPAGE=""
      9 SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/opalvoip/${P}.tar.bz2
     10 	doc? ( mirror://sourceforge/opalvoip/${P}-htmldoc.tar.bz2 )"
     12 LICENSE="MPL-1.0"
     13 SLOT="0"
     14 KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
     15 IUSE="celt debug doc +dtmf examples fax ffmpeg h224 h281 h323 iax ilbc
     16 ipv6 ivr java ldap libav lid +plugins sbc +sip +sipim +sound srtp ssl static-libs
     17 stats swig theora +video vpb vxml +wav x264 x264-static +xml"
     19 REQUIRED_USE="
     20 	x264-static? ( x264 )
     21 	h281? ( h224 )
     22 	sip? ( sipim )
     23 "
     25 RDEPEND="
     26 	>=net-libs/ptlib-2.10.10:=[stun,debug=,dtmf,http,ipv6?,ldap?,sound?,ssl?,video?,vxml?,wav?,xml?]
     27 	>=media-libs/speex-1.2_beta
     28 	fax? ( net-libs/ptlib[asn] )
     29 	h323? ( net-libs/ptlib[asn] )
     30 	ivr? ( net-libs/ptlib[http,xml,vxml] )
     31 	java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.4:* )
     32 	plugins? (
     33 		media-sound/gsm
     34 		celt? ( media-libs/celt:0 )
     35 		ffmpeg? (
     36 			libav? ( media-video/libav:0=[encode] )
     37 			!libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0=[encode] ) )
     38 		ilbc? ( dev-libs/ilbc-rfc3951 )
     39 		sbc? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
     40 		theora? ( media-libs/libtheora )
     41 		x264? (	virtual/ffmpeg
     42 			media-libs/x264 ) )
     43 	srtp? ( net-libs/libsrtp:0= )
     44 	vxml? ( net-libs/ptlib[http,vxml] )
     45 "
     46 DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
     47 	virtual/pkgconfig
     48 	java? ( swig? ( dev-lang/swig )
     49 		>=virtual/jdk-1.4 )
     50 "
     52 # NOTES:
     53 # ffmpeg[encode] is for h263 and mpeg4
     54 # ssl, xml, vxml, ipv6, ldap, sound, wav, and video are use flags
     55 #   herited from ptlib: feature is enabled if ptlib has enabled it
     56 #   however, disabling it if ptlib has it looks hard (coz of buildopts.h)
     57 #   forcing ptlib to disable it for opal is not a solution too
     58 #   atm, accepting the "auto-feature" looks like a good solution
     59 #   (asn is used for fax and config _only_ for examples)
     60 # OPALDIR should not be used anymore but if a package still need it, create it
     62 pkg_setup() {
     63 	# workaround for bug 282838
     64 	append-cxxflags "-fno-visibility-inlines-hidden"
     65 	append-cxxflags "-fno-strict-aliasing"
     67 	java-pkg-opt-2_pkg_setup
     68 }
     70 src_prepare() {
     71 	default
     73 	# remove visual studio related files from samples/
     74 	if use examples; then
     75 		rm -f samples/*/*.vcproj
     76 		rm -f samples/*/*.sln
     77 		rm -f samples/*/*.dsp
     78 		rm -f samples/*/*.dsw
     79 	fi
     81 	# LFS ffmpeg2+ fixes.
     82 	eapply "${FILESDIR}"/opal-3.10.10-ffmpeg2-1.patch
     84 	if ! use h323; then
     85 		# Without this patch, ekiga wont compile, even with
     86 		# USE=-h323.
     87 		eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.10.9-disable-h323-workaround.patch"
     88 	fi
     90 	eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-3.10.9-java-ruby-swig-fix.patch"
     92 	sed -i -e "s:\(.*HAS_H224.*\), \[OPAL_H323\]:\1:" \
     93 		|| die "sed failed"
     95 	# sed fixes for ffmpeg-3.
     96 	sed -e 's/CODEC_ID/AV_&/' \
     97 		-e 's/PIX_FMT_/AV_&/' \
     98 		-i plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263-1998.cxx \
     99 		   plugins/video/common/dyna.cxx          \
    100 		   plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264.cxx      \
    101 		   plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg4.cxx || die "sed failed"
    103 	eaclocal
    104 	eautoconf
    106 	# in plugins
    107 	cd plugins/
    108 	eaclocal
    109 	eautoconf
    110 	cd ..
    112 	# disable celt if celt is not enabled (prevent auto magic dep)
    113 	# already in repository
    114 	if ! use celt; then
    115 		sed -i -e "s/HAVE_CELT=yes/HAVE_CELT=no/" plugins/configure \
    116 			|| die "sed failed"
    117 	fi
    119 	# fix automatic swig detection, upstream bug 2712521 (upstream reject it)
    120 	if ! use swig; then
    121 		sed -i -e "/^SWIG=/d" configure || die "patching configure failed"
    122 	fi
    124 	use ilbc || { rm -r plugins/audio/iLBC/ || die "removing iLBC failed"; }
    126 	java-pkg-opt-2_src_prepare
    127 }
    129 src_configure() {
    130 	local forcedconf=""
    132 	# fix bug 277233, upstream bug 2820939
    133 	if use fax; then
    134 		forcedconf="${forcedconf} --enable-statistics"
    135 	fi
    137 	# --with-libavcodec-source-dir should _not_ be set, it's for trunk sources
    138 	# versioncheck: check for ptlib version
    139 	# shared: should always be enabled for a lib
    140 	# localspeex, localspeexdsp, localgsm, localilbc: never use bundled libs
    141 	# samples: only build some samples, useless
    142 	# libavcodec-stackalign-hack: prevent hack (default disable by upstream)
    143 	# default-to-full-capabilties: default enable by upstream
    144 	# aec: atm, only used when bundled speex, so it's painless for us
    145 	# zrtp doesn't depend on net-libs/libzrtpcpp but on libzrtp from
    146 	# wich is not in portage
    147 	# msrp: highly experimental
    148 	# spandsp: doesn't work with newest spandsp, upstream bug 2796047
    149 	# g711plc: force enable
    150 	# rfc4103: not really used, upstream bug 2795831
    151 	# t38, spandsp: merged in fax
    152 	# h450, h460, h501: merged in h323 (they are additional features of h323)
    153 	econf \
    154 		--enable-versioncheck \
    155 		--enable-shared \
    156 		--disable-zrtp \
    157 		--disable-localspeex \
    158 		--disable-localspeexdsp \
    159 		--disable-localgsm \
    160 		--disable-localilbc \
    161 		--disable-samples \
    162 		--disable-libavcodec-stackalign-hack \
    163 		--enable-default-to-full-capabilties \
    164 		--enable-aec \
    165 		--disable-msrp \
    166 		--disable-spandsp \
    167 		--enable-g711plc \
    168 		--enable-rfc4103 \
    169 		--disable-capi \
    170 		--disable-ixj \
    171 		$(use_enable debug) \
    172 		$(use_enable fax) \
    173 		$(use_enable fax t38) \
    174 		$(use_enable h224) \
    175 		$(use_enable h281) \
    176 		$(use_enable h323) \
    177 		$(use_enable h323 h450) \
    178 		$(use_enable h323 h460) \
    179 		$(use_enable h323 h501) \
    180 		$(use_enable iax) \
    181 		$(use_enable ivr) \
    182 		$(use_enable java) \
    183 		$(use_enable lid) \
    184 		$(use_enable plugins) \
    185 		$(use_enable sbc) \
    186 		$(use_enable sip) \
    187 		$(use_enable sipim) \
    188 		$(use_enable stats statistics) \
    189 		$(use_enable video) $(use_enable video rfc4175) \
    190 		$(use_enable vpb) \
    191 		$(use_enable x264 h264) \
    192 		$(use_enable x264-static x264-link-static) \
    193 		${forcedconf}
    194 }
    196 src_compile() {
    197 	local makeopts=""
    199 	use debug && makeopts="debug"
    201 	emake ${makeopts}
    202 }
    204 src_install() {
    205 	default
    207 	# Get rid of static libraries if not requested
    208 	# There seems to be no easy way to disable this in the build system
    209 	if ! use static-libs; then
    210 		rm -v "${D}"/usr/lib*/*.a || die
    211 	fi
    213 	if use doc; then
    214 		dohtml -r "${WORKDIR}"/html/* docs/* || die "dohtml failed"
    215 	fi
    217 	if use examples; then
    218 		local exampledir="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
    219 		local basedir="samples"
    220 		local sampledirs="`ls ${basedir} --hide=configure* \
    223 		# first, install files
    224 		insinto ${exampledir}/
    225 		doins ${basedir}/{configure*,opal_samples*} \
    226 			|| die "doins failed"
    228 		# now, all examples
    229 		for x in ${sampledirs}; do
    230 			insinto ${exampledir}/${x}/
    231 			doins ${basedir}/${x}/* || die "doins failed"
    232 		done
    234 		# some examples need version.h
    235 		insinto "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
    236 		doins version.h || die "doins failed"
    237 	fi
    238 }
    240 pkg_postinst() {
    241 	if use examples; then
    242 		ewarn "All examples have been installed, some of them will not work on your system"
    243 		ewarn "it will depend of the enabled USE flags in ptlib and opal"
    244 	fi
    246 	if ! use plugins || ! use sound || ! use video; then
    247 		ewarn "You have disabled sound, video or plugins USE flags."
    248 		ewarn "Most audio/video features or plugins have been disabled silently"
    249 		ewarn "even if enabled via USE flags."
    250 		ewarn "Having a feature enabled via USE flag but disabled can lead to issues."
    251 	fi
    252 }