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      1 \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
      2 \usepackage{array, xcolor, lmodern, listings}
      3 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
      4 \usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}
      7 \title{\bfseries Ivan Jelinčić}
      8 \author{}
      9 \date{}
     11 \definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.8}
     12 \newcolumntype{L}{>{\raggedleft}p{0.14\textwidth}}
     13 \newcolumntype{R}{p{0.8\textwidth}}
     14 \newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}
     17 \begin{document}
     18 \maketitle
     19 \vspace{5pt}
     20 \begin{minipage}[ht]{0.48\textwidth}
     21 Software and Systems Engineer
     22 \end{minipage}
     23 \begin{minipage}[ht]{0.48\textwidth}
     24 Willem Leevendstraat 1-2\\
     25 1055KB Amsterdam\\
     26 The Netherlands
     27 \end{minipage}
     28 \vspace{5pt}
     30 \section*{Profile}
     31 \begin{itemize}
     32 	\item Over 8 years of programming experience.
     33 	\item Around 10 years of experience using GNU/Linux-based operating systems.
     34 	\item Confident ability with using a command-line/shell to do system tasks.
     35 	\item Understanding of system design, bug tracking, and revision control systems.
     36 	\item Extensive range of computer skills from video manipulation to embedded
     37 	software development.
     38 	\item Always increasing knowledge and experience both at work and at home.
     39 \end{itemize}
     41 \section*{Professional Experience}
     42 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
     43 since 2019&{\bf SpyderMix Ltd.}\\
     44 &Software Engineer\\[3pt]
     45 &Developed and implemented a mixed network protocol consisting of nodes and
     46 relays which communicate using HTTP/2 and/or TLS. Part of the core development
     47 team, working in an agile environment.\\[3pt]
     48 &Worked on implementing various APIs for deployment of new relays, and managing
     49 DNS and infrastructure.\\[5pt]
     51 since 2015&{\bf Foundation, Amsterdam}\\
     52 &Software Engineer\\[3pt]
     53 &Development, support, and maintenance of free and open source software, along
     54 with GNU/Linux distributions, infrastructure maintenance, and decision
     55 making.\\[3pt]
     56 &Implemented a protocol and tooling for mapping nodes in the Tor network to
     57 allow communication and identification between the machines running the
     58 software.\\[3pt]
     59 &Programmed an automated build system for building the Devuan GNU/Linux
     60 distribution used to create bootable ISO images, virtual machines, and allow
     61 installation on embedded ARM boards.\\[3pt]
     62 &Designed and implemented a web-based Dockerfile build service where
     63 production-ready images are built from Dockerfiles.\\[3pt]
     64 &Designed, deployed and maintaining a Ganeti cluster where core infrastructure
     65 is held.\\[3pt]
     66 &Programmed various software interfaces and tools related, but not limited to:
     67 Blockchain, Internet of Things, Continuous Integration, networks, etc.\\[5pt]
     69 2018-2019&{\bf London Trust Media, Inc.}\\
     70 &PrivateKey (Project Maintainer)\\[3pt]
     71 &Development, design, and maintenance of a GNU/Linux distribution based on
     72 heads GNU/Linux which focuses on privacy and anonymity.\\[3pt]
     73 &Maintaining a complete build system for providing a Linux distribution.
     74 Implemented a complete Linux distribution from the ground-up, controlling
     75 all aspects from initial bringup to final userspace. Worked on VPN, and
     76 parallel network implementations.\\[5pt]
     78 2017&{\bf Prix de Rome - Kunsthal Rotterdam}\\
     79 &VoIP telephone system design for the award winning art installation for Prix de
     80 Rome 2017.\\[3pt]
     81 &Designed and implemented a VoIP system which receives external audio, makes
     82 calls triggered with MIDI, and sends back the audio from the phone translated to
     83 MIDI which is played back on a concert piano.\\[5pt]
     84 \end{tabular}
     87 \section*{Volunteer Experience}
     88 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
     89 since 2017&{\bf Maemo Leste}\\
     90 &Maintaining APT repositories, core CI infrastructure, package and image
     91 builds.\\[3pt]
     92 &Implemented software designed to merge different APT repositories into one, which
     93 is used today by various other APT-based distributions, including Devuan and
     94 heads.\\[3pt]
     95 &Debugged, tested, and installed various ARM platforms, including mobile phones
     96 like the Pinephone, Nokia N900 and Motorola Droid4, along with boards such as
     97 Olimex LIME2 and others.\\[5pt]
     99 since 2016&{\bf heads GNU/Linux distribution}\\
    100 &Founder and lead developer of a privacy and security-focused GNU/Linux
    101 distribution which uses 100\% Free and Open Source software, utilizes the Tor
    102 network to access the Internet, and implements Grsecurity kernel patches.\\[5pt]
    104 since 2016&{\bf Devuan GNU+Linux distribution}\\
    105 &Part of the lead developer team, where decision making and performing well
    106 under stress is of utmost importance for a distribution used in production
    107 globally.\\[3pt]
    108 &Developed a build system for the distribution that can be continuously
    109 integrated in a process needed to produce builds of the operating system. This
    110 includes live ISO, virtual machines, and ARM boards.\\[3pt]
    111 &Testing, deploying, and developing flashable images of Devuan for embedded ARM
    112 platforms, including their automated build system.\\[5pt]
    114 since 2016&{\bf Grsecurity}\\
    115 &Testing, reporting and fixing bugs of beta patches for x86 and ARM in the
    116 security-focused patchset designed for the Linux kernel.\\[5pt]
    118 since 2016&{\bf Pokret Otoka / Klub Mladih Split}\\
    119 &Designed, implemented, and maintained complete server infrastructure, including
    120 web servers, email, cloud storage, and backups.\\[5pt]
    121 \end{tabular}
    124 \section*{Technologies}
    125 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
    126 Programming Languages\\[2pt]&C, Go, Python, awk, POSIX Shell, ZSH\\[5pt]
    128 Protocols&FTP, HTTP, IPv4 and IPv6, TCP and UDP, SSH, POP3, SMTP, SOCKS, XMPP
    129 (Jabber), IRC, DHT, Bitcoin, Tor, BitTorrent, SIP, gopher\\[5pt]
    131 File Formats&CSS, HTML, JSON, LaTeX, UTF-8, XML, YAML, Markdown, RST\\[5pt]
    133 Storage&MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, NoSQL, Redis (key/value storage)\\[5pt]
    135 Other&Regular Expressions, musl-libc, Sphinx, Doxygen, Makefile\\[5pt]
    137 Version Control&Git\\[5pt]
    138 \end{tabular}
    141 \subsection*{Operating Systems and Interfaces}
    142 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
    143 GNU/Linux
    144 &Devuan\\
    145 &Debian\\
    146 &Gentoo\\
    147 &Alpine\\
    148 &OpenWRT/LEDE\\[5pt]
    150 Other
    151 &OpenBSD\\
    152 &TempleOS\\
    153 &9front\\
    154 &Plan 9\\[5pt]
    155 \end{tabular}
    158 \section*{Languages}
    159 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
    160 Croatian&Mother tongue\\
    161 English&Fluent\\
    162 Dutch&Fair\\
    163 \end{tabular}
    166 \section*{Education}
    167 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
    168 2015&Two semesters in Computer Science, Faculty of Natural Sciences and
    169 Mathematics Split, Croatia.\\[5pt]
    170 2010--2014&Stonemason Technician, Klesarska Škola Pučišća, Croatia.\\[5pt]
    171 2006--2010&Music School Josip Hatze, Croatia.\\
    172 \end{tabular}
    175 \section*{Publications and Talks}
    176 \begin{tabular}{L!{\VRule}R}
    177 2018&Merlijn Wajer, Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Maemo Leste}\\[5pt]
    178 2018&Denis Roio, Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Stable DECODE OS release}\\[5pt]
    179 2018&Ivan Jelinčić. \em{heads, A freedom-respecting distribution}\\[5pt]
    180 2017&Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Utilizing the Tor network to map your DECODE nodes}\\[5pt]
    181 2017&Ivan Jelinčić. \em{heads, The libre privacy distro}\\[5pt]
    182 2017&Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Inside heads, the heads developer's manual}\\[5pt]
    183 2017&Denis Roio, Vincenzo Nicosia, Ivan Jelinčić. \em{DECODE OS Software
    184 Development Kit (SDK)}\\[5pt]
    185 2016&Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Mainlining the boot process and device trees of ARM
    186 boards}\\[5pt]
    187 2016&Hellekin O. Wolf, Ivan Jelinčić. \em{Dowse, the privacy hub for the
    188 Internet of Things}
    189 \end{tabular}
    191 \end{document}