
A wasm runtime
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error.rs (1837B)

      1 use borsh::maybestd::io::Error as BorshIoError;
      2 use std::result::Result as ResultGeneric;
      4 pub type ContractResult = ResultGeneric<(), ContractError>;
      6 #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
      7 pub enum ContractError {
      8     /// Allows on-chain programs to implement contract-specific error types and
      9     /// see them returned by the runtime. A contract-specific error may be any
     10     /// type that is represented as or serialized to an u32 inteter.
     11     #[error("Custom contract error: {0:#x}")]
     12     Custom(u32),
     14     #[error("Internal error")]
     15     Internal,
     16     #[error("IO error: {0}")]
     17     BorshIoError(String),
     18 }
     20 /// Builtin return values occupy the upper 32 bits
     21 const BUILTIN_BIT_SHIFT: usize = 32;
     22 macro_rules! to_builtin {
     23     ($error:expr) => {
     24         ($error as u64) << BUILTIN_BIT_SHIFT
     25     };
     26 }
     28 pub const CUSTOM_ZERO: u64 = to_builtin!(1);
     29 pub const INTERNAL_ERROR: u64 = to_builtin!(2);
     30 pub const BORSH_IO_ERROR: u64 = to_builtin!(3);
     32 impl From<ContractError> for u64 {
     33     fn from(err: ContractError) -> Self {
     34         match err {
     35             ContractError::Internal => INTERNAL_ERROR,
     36             ContractError::BorshIoError(_) => BORSH_IO_ERROR,
     37             ContractError::Custom(error) => {
     38                 if error == 0 {
     39                     CUSTOM_ZERO
     40                 } else {
     41                     error as u64
     42                 }
     43             }
     44         }
     45     }
     46 }
     48 impl From<u64> for ContractError {
     49     fn from(error: u64) -> Self {
     50         match error {
     51             CUSTOM_ZERO => Self::Custom(0),
     52             INTERNAL_ERROR => Self::Internal,
     53             BORSH_IO_ERROR => Self::BorshIoError("Unknown".to_string()),
     54             _ => Self::Custom(error as u32),
     55         }
     56     }
     57 }
     59 impl From<BorshIoError> for ContractError {
     60     fn from(error: BorshIoError) -> Self {
     61         Self::BorshIoError(format!("{}", error))
     62     }
     63 }