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summernote-cleaner.js (11089B)

      1 /* https://github.com/DiemenDesign/summernote-cleaner */
      2 (function (factory) {
      3   if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
      4     define(['jquery'], factory);
      5   } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
      6     module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
      7   } else {
      8     factory(window.jQuery);
      9   }
     10 }
     11 (function ($) {
     12   $.extend(true, $.summernote.lang, {
     13     'en-US': {
     14       cleaner: {
     15         tooltip: 'Cleaner',
     16         not: 'Text has been Cleaned!!!',
     17         limitText: 'Text',
     18         limitHTML: 'HTML'
     19       }
     20     }
     21   });
     22   $.extend($.summernote.options, {
     23     cleaner: {
     24       action: 'both', // both|button|paste 'button' only cleans via toolbar button, 'paste' only clean when pasting content, both does both options.
     25       newline: '<br>', // Summernote's default is to use '<p><br></p>'
     26       notStyle: 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0',
     27       icon: '<i class="note-icon"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="libre-paintbrush" viewBox="0 0 14 14" width="14" height="14"><path d="m 11.821425,1 q 0.46875,0 0.82031,0.311384 0.35157,0.311384 0.35157,0.780134 0,0.421875 -0.30134,1.01116 -2.22322,4.212054 -3.11384,5.035715 -0.64956,0.609375 -1.45982,0.609375 -0.84375,0 -1.44978,-0.61942 -0.60603,-0.61942 -0.60603,-1.469866 0,-0.857143 0.61608,-1.419643 l 4.27232,-3.877232 Q 11.345985,1 11.821425,1 z m -6.08705,6.924107 q 0.26116,0.508928 0.71317,0.870536 0.45201,0.361607 1.00781,0.508928 l 0.007,0.475447 q 0.0268,1.426339 -0.86719,2.32366 Q 5.700895,13 4.261155,13 q -0.82366,0 -1.45982,-0.311384 -0.63616,-0.311384 -1.0212,-0.853795 -0.38505,-0.54241 -0.57924,-1.225446 -0.1942,-0.683036 -0.1942,-1.473214 0.0469,0.03348 0.27455,0.200893 0.22768,0.16741 0.41518,0.29799 0.1875,0.130581 0.39509,0.24442 0.20759,0.113839 0.30804,0.113839 0.27455,0 0.3683,-0.247767 0.16741,-0.441965 0.38505,-0.753349 0.21763,-0.311383 0.4654,-0.508928 0.24776,-0.197545 0.58928,-0.31808 0.34152,-0.120536 0.68974,-0.170759 0.34821,-0.05022 0.83705,-0.07031 z"/></svg></i>',
     28       keepHtml: true, //Remove all Html formats
     29       keepOnlyTags: [], // If keepHtml is true, remove all tags except these
     30       keepClasses: false, //Remove Classes
     31       badTags: ['style', 'script', 'applet', 'embed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'html'], //Remove full tags with contents
     32       badAttributes: ['style', 'start'], //Remove attributes from remaining tags
     33       limitChars: 520, // 0|# 0 disables option
     34       limitDisplay: 'both', // none|text|html|both
     35       limitStop: false // true/false
     36     }
     37   });
     38   $.extend($.summernote.plugins, {
     39     'cleaner':function (context) {
     40       var self = this,
     41             ui = $.summernote.ui,
     42          $note = context.layoutInfo.note,
     43        $editor = context.layoutInfo.editor,
     44        options = context.options,
     45           lang = options.langInfo;
     46       var cleanText = function (txt, nlO) {
     47         var out = txt;
     48         if (!options.cleaner.keepClasses) {
     49           var sS = /(\n|\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g;
     50              out = txt.replace(sS, ' ');
     51         }
     52         var nL = /(\n)+/g;
     53            out = out.replace(nL, nlO);
     54         if (options.cleaner.keepHtml) {
     55           var cS = new RegExp('<!--(.*?)-->', 'gi');
     56              out = out.replace(cS, '');
     57           var tS = new RegExp('<(/)*(meta|link|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|font)(.*?)>', 'gi');
     58              out = out.replace(tS, '');
     59           var bT = options.cleaner.badTags;
     60           for (var i = 0; i < bT.length; i++) {
     61             tS = new RegExp('<' + bT[i] + '\\b.*>.*</' + bT[i] + '>', 'gi');
     62             out = out.replace(tS, '');
     63           }
     64           var allowedTags = options.cleaner.keepOnlyTags;
     65           if (typeof(allowedTags) == "undefined") allowedTags = [];
     66           if (allowedTags.length > 0) {
     67             allowedTags = (((allowedTags||'') + '').toLowerCase().match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []).join('');
     68                var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi;
     69                     out = out.replace(tags, function($0, $1) {
     70               return allowedTags.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : ''
     71             });
     72           }
     73           var bA = options.cleaner.badAttributes;
     74           for (var ii = 0; ii < bA.length; ii++ ) {
     75             //var aS=new RegExp(' ('+bA[ii]+'="(.*?)")|('+bA[ii]+'=\'(.*?)\')', 'gi');
     76             var aS = new RegExp(' ' + bA[ii] + '=[\'|"](.*?)[\'|"]', 'gi');
     77                out = out.replace(aS, '');
     78           }
     79         }
     80         return out;
     81       };
     82       if (options.cleaner.action == 'both' || options.cleaner.action == 'button') {
     83         context.memo('button.cleaner', function () {
     84           var button = ui.button({
     85             contents: options.cleaner.icon,
     86             tooltip: lang.cleaner.tooltip,
     87             container: 'body',
     88             click:function () {
     89               if ($note.summernote('createRange').toString())
     90                 $note.summernote('pasteHTML', $note.summernote('createRange').toString());
     91               else
     92                 $note.summernote('code', cleanText($note.summernote('code')));
     93               if ($editor.find('.note-status-output').length > 0)
     94                 $editor.find('.note-status-output').html('<div class="alert alert-success">' + lang.cleaner.not + '</div>');
     95               else
     96                 $editor.find('.note-editing-area').append('<div class="alert alert-success" style="' + options.cleaner.notStyle + '">' + lang.cleaner.not + '</div>');
     97             }
     98           });
     99           return button.render();
    100         });
    101       }
    102       this.events = {
    103         'summernote.init':function () {
    104           if ($editor.find('.note-status-output').length < 1) {
    105             $editor.find('.note-statusbar').prepend('<output class="note-status-output"></output>');
    106             $("head").append('<style>.note-statusbar .note-status-output{display:block;padding-top:7px;width:100%;font-size:14px;line-height:1.42857143;height:25px;color:#000}.note-statusbar .pull-right{float:right!important}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-muted{color:#777}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-primary{color:#286090}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-success{color:#3c763d}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-info{color:#31708f}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-warning{color:#8a6d3b}.note-statusbar .note-status-output .text-danger{color:#a94442}.note-statusbar .alert{margin:-7px 0 0 0;padding:2px 10px;border:1px solid transparent;border-radius:0}.note-statusbar .alert .note-icon{margin-right:5px}.note-statusbar .alert-success{color:#3c763d!important;background-color: #dff0d8 !important;border-color:#d6e9c6}.note-statusbar .alert-info{color:#31708f;background-color:#d9edf7;border-color:#bce8f1}.note-statusbar .alert-warning{color:#8a6d3b;background-color:#fcf8e3;border-color:#faebcc}.note-statusbar .alert-danger{color:#a94442;background-color:#f2dede;border-color:#ebccd1}</style>');
    107           }
    108           if (options.cleaner.limitChars != 0 || options.cleaner.limitDisplay != 'none') {
    109               var textLength = $editor.find(".note-editable").text().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "").replace(/( )/, " ");
    110               var codeLength = $editor.find('.note-editable').html();
    111             var lengthStatus = '';
    112             if (textLength.length > options.cleaner.limitChars && options.cleaner.limitChars > 0)
    113               lengthStatus += 'text-danger">';
    114             else
    115               lengthStatus += '">';
    116             if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'text' || options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both') lengthStatus += lang.cleaner.limitText + ': ' + textLength.length;
    117             if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both') lengthStatus += ' / ';
    118             if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'html' || options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both') lengthStatus += lang.cleaner.limitHTML + ': ' + codeLength.length;
    119             $editor.find('.note-status-output').html('<small class="pull-right ' + lengthStatus + '&nbsp;</small>');
    120           }
    121         },
    122         'summernote.keydown':function (we, e) {
    123           if (options.cleaner.limitChars != 0 || options.cleaner.limitDisplay != 'none') {
    124               var textLength =  $editor.find(".note-editable").text().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "").replace(/( )/, " ");
    125               var codeLength =  $editor.find('.note-editable').html();
    126             var lengthStatus = '';
    127             if (options.cleaner.limitStop == true && textLength.length >= options.cleaner.limitChars) {
    128                    var key = e.keyCode;
    129               allowed_keys = [8, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46]
    130               if ($.inArray(key, allowed_keys) != -1) {
    131                 $editor.find('.cleanerLimit').removeClass('text-danger');
    132                 return true;
    133               } else {
    134                 $editor.find('.cleanerLimit').addClass('text-danger');
    135                 e.preventDefault();
    136                 e.stopPropagation();
    137               }
    138             } else {
    139               if (textLength.length > options.cleaner.limitChars && options.cleaner.limitChars > 0)
    140                 lengthStatus += 'text-danger">';
    141               else
    142                 lengthStatus += '">';
    143               if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'text' || options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both')
    144                 lengthStatus += lang.cleaner.limitText + ': ' + textLength.length;
    145               if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both')
    146                 lengthStatus += ' / ';
    147               if (options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'html' || options.cleaner.limitDisplay == 'both')
    148                 lengthStatus += lang.cleaner.limitHTML + ': ' + codeLength.length;
    149               $editor.find('.note-status-output').html('<small class="cleanerLimit pull-right ' + lengthStatus + '&nbsp;</small>');
    150             }
    151           }
    152         },
    153         'summernote.paste':function (we, e) {
    154           if (options.cleaner.action == 'both' || options.cleaner.action == 'paste') {
    155             e.preventDefault();
    156               var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
    157             var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE ");
    158                 msie = msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./);
    159             var ffox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
    160             if (msie)
    161               var text = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");
    162             else
    163               var text = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData(options.cleaner.keepHtml ? 'Text' : 'text/plain');
    164             if (text) {
    165               if (msie || ffox)
    166                 setTimeout(function(){$note.summernote('pasteHTML', cleanText(text, options.cleaner.newline));}, 1);
    167               else
    168                 $note.summernote('pasteHTML', cleanText(text, options.cleaner.newline));
    169               if ($editor.find('.note-status-output').length > 0)
    170                 $editor.find('.note-status-output').html('<div class="summernote-cleanerAlert alert alert-success">' + lang.cleaner.not + '</div>');
    171               else
    172                 $editor.find('.note-resizebar').append('<div class="summernote-cleanerAlert alert alert-success" style="' + options.cleaner.notStyle + '">' + lang.cleaner.not + '</div>');
    173             }
    174           }
    175         }
    176       }
    177     }
    178   });
    179 }));