commit 2be906fde2c48c74a2fa0ee17e10ec82db0d7ba9
parent e9cc1d30be1c1841f3b282031e567f787ce16ede
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 10:59:39 +0100
remove merchant script; it is now replaced by daemon and jsonrpc
3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 352 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/merchant/merchant.conf.template b/scripts/merchant/merchant.conf.template
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-host = hostname of the machine where you run this program
-port = choose a port number
-password = choose a password
-database = database filename
-xpub = the master public key of your wallet
-wallet_path = path where the script will save the wallet
-received = URL where we POST json data when payment has been received
-expired = URL where we POST json data if payment has expired
-password = password sent in the json data, for authentication
diff --git a/scripts/merchant/ b/scripts/merchant/
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
-# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import time, sys, socket, os
-import threading
-import urllib2
-import json
-import Queue
-import sqlite3
-import electrum
-import ConfigParser
-config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"merchant.conf")
-my_password = config.get('main','password')
-my_host = config.get('main','host')
-my_port = config.getint('main','port')
-database = config.get('sqlite3','database')
-received_url = config.get('callback','received')
-expired_url = config.get('callback','expired')
-cb_password = config.get('callback','password')
-wallet_path = config.get('electrum','wallet_path')
-xpub = config.get('electrum','xpub')
-pending_requests = {}
-num = 0
-def check_create_table(conn):
- global num
- c = conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='electrum_payments';")
- data = c.fetchall()
- if not data:
- c.execute("""CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, confirmations INT(8), received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));""")
- conn.commit()
- c.execute("SELECT Count(address) FROM 'electrum_payments'")
- num = c.fetchone()[0]
- print "num rows", num
-def row_to_dict(x):
- return {
- 'id':x[0],
- 'address':x[1],
- 'amount':x[2],
- 'confirmations':x[3],
- 'received_at':x[4],
- 'expires_at':x[5],
- 'paid':x[6],
- 'processed':x[7]
- }
-# this process detects when addresses have received payments
-def on_wallet_update(event):
- for addr, v in pending_requests.items():
- h = wallet.history.get(addr, [])
- requested_amount = v.get('requested')
- requested_confs = v.get('confirmations')
- value = 0
- for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
- tx = wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
- if not tx: continue
- if wallet.get_confirmations(tx_hash)[0] < requested_confs: continue
- for o in tx.outputs:
- o_type, o_address, o_value = o
- if o_address == addr:
- value += o_value
- s = (value)/1.e8
- print "balance for %s:"%addr, s, requested_amount
- if s>= requested_amount:
- print "payment accepted", addr
- out_queue.put( ('payment', addr))
-stopping = False
-def do_stop(password):
- global stopping
- if password != my_password:
- return "wrong password"
- stopping = True
- return "ok"
-def process_request(amount, confirmations, expires_in, password):
- global num
- if password != my_password:
- return "wrong password"
- try:
- amount = float(amount)
- confirmations = int(confirmations)
- expires_in = float(expires_in)
- except Exception:
- return "incorrect parameters"
- account = wallet.default_account()
- pubkeys = account.derive_pubkeys(0, num)
- addr = account.pubkeys_to_address(pubkeys)
- num += 1
- out_queue.put( ('request', (addr, amount, confirmations, expires_in) ))
- return addr
-def do_dump(password):
- if password != my_password:
- return "wrong password"
- conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
- cur = conn.cursor()
- # read pending requests from table
- cur.execute("SELECT oid, * FROM electrum_payments;")
- data = cur.fetchall()
- return map(row_to_dict, data)
-def getrequest(oid, password):
- if password != my_password:
- return "wrong password"
- oid = int(oid)
- conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
- cur = conn.cursor()
- # read pending requests from table
- cur.execute("SELECT oid, * FROM electrum_payments WHERE oid=%d;"%(oid))
- data = cur.fetchone()
- return row_to_dict(data)
-def send_command(cmd, params):
- import jsonrpclib
- server = jsonrpclib.Server('http://%s:%d'%(my_host, my_port))
- try:
- f = getattr(server, cmd)
- except socket.error:
- print "Server not running"
- return 1
- try:
- out = f(*params)
- except socket.error:
- print "Server not running"
- return 1
- print json.dumps(out, indent=4)
- return 0
-def db_thread():
- conn = sqlite3.connect(database);
- # create table if needed
- check_create_table(conn)
- while not stopping:
- cur = conn.cursor()
- # read pending requests from table
- cur.execute("SELECT address, amount, confirmations FROM electrum_payments WHERE paid IS NULL;")
- data = cur.fetchall()
- # add pending requests to the wallet
- for item in data:
- addr, amount, confirmations = item
- if addr in pending_requests:
- continue
- else:
- with wallet.lock:
- print "subscribing to %s"%addr
- pending_requests[addr] = {'requested':float(amount), 'confirmations':int(confirmations)}
- wallet.synchronizer.subscribe_to_addresses([addr])
- wallet.up_to_date = False
- try:
- cmd, params = out_queue.get(True, 10)
- except Queue.Empty:
- cmd = ''
- if cmd == 'payment':
- addr = params
- # set paid=1 for received payments
- print "received payment from", addr
- cur.execute("update electrum_payments set paid=1 where address='%s'"%addr)
- elif cmd == 'request':
- # add a new request to the table.
- addr, amount, confs, minutes = params
- sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (address, amount, confirmations, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\
- + " VALUES ('%s', %.8f, %d, datetime('now'), datetime('now', '+%d Minutes'), NULL, NULL);"%(addr, amount, confs, minutes)
- print sql
- cur.execute(sql)
- # set paid=0 for expired requests
- cur.execute("""UPDATE electrum_payments set paid=0 WHERE expires_at < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and paid is NULL;""")
- # do callback for addresses that received payment or expired
- cur.execute("""SELECT oid, address, paid from electrum_payments WHERE paid is not NULL and processed is NULL;""")
- data = cur.fetchall()
- for item in data:
- oid, address, paid = item
- paid = bool(paid)
- headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
- data_json = { 'address':address, 'password':cb_password, 'paid':paid }
- data_json = json.dumps(data_json)
- url = received_url if paid else expired_url
- if not url:
- continue
- req = urllib2.Request(url, data_json, headers)
- try:
- response_stream = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- print 'Got Response for %s' % address
- cur.execute("UPDATE electrum_payments SET processed=1 WHERE oid=%d;"%(oid))
- except urllib2.HTTPError:
- print "cannot do callback", data_json
- except ValueError, e:
- print e
- print "cannot do callback", data_json
- conn.commit()
- conn.close()
- print "database closed"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- cmd = sys.argv[1]
- params = sys.argv[2:] + [my_password]
- ret = send_command(cmd, params)
- sys.exit(ret)
- # start network
- c = electrum.SimpleConfig({'wallet_path':wallet_path})
- network = electrum.Network(config)
- network.start()
- # wait until connected
- while network.is_connecting():
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if not network.is_connected():
- print "daemon is not connected"
- sys.exit(1)
- # create watching_only wallet
- storage = electrum.WalletStorage(c)
- if not storage.file_exists:
- print "creating wallet file"
- wallet = electrum.wallet.Wallet.from_xpub(xpub, storage)
- else:
- wallet = electrum.wallet.Wallet(storage)
- wallet.synchronize = lambda: None # prevent address creation by the wallet
- wallet.start_threads(network)
- network.register_callback(on_wallet_update, ['updated'])
- threading.Thread(target=db_thread, args=()).start()
- out_queue = Queue.Queue()
- # server thread
- from jsonrpclib.SimpleJSONRPCServer import SimpleJSONRPCServer
- server = SimpleJSONRPCServer(( my_host, my_port))
- server.register_function(process_request, 'request')
- server.register_function(do_dump, 'dump')
- server.register_function(getrequest, 'getrequest')
- server.register_function(do_stop, 'stop')
- server.socket.settimeout(1)
- while not stopping:
- try:
- server.handle_request()
- except socket.timeout:
- continue
diff --git a/scripts/merchant/merchant.readme b/scripts/merchant/merchant.readme
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ is a daemon that manages payments for a web server. It
-creates Bitcoin addresses using a master public key (so you do not
-leave your private keys on the server), detects when payments are
-received and notifies your web application.
-The workflow goes like this:
- - the server sends a request to the daemon via POST. the request
- contains an amount to be paid, a number of confirmations, and an
- expiration period in hours.
- - the daemon answers with a Bitcoin address, where the customer needs
- to send the coins.
- - later, the daemon will send a POST to the webserver, to notify that
- the payment has been received OR that the request has expired
-Since addresses are generated using an Electrum master public key, it
-is possible to visualize payments in the Electrum client; you will,
-however, need to manually adjust your "gap limit".
-In order to use this script, first edit and rename
-merchant.conf.template to merchant.conf
-to launch it, type:
-> python
-In another terminal, you may send a request from the command line (it
-will send the request to the running daemon via http). For example,
-here is a request for 0.1 bitcoins, that requires two confirmations,
-and expires in 120 minutes:
-> python request 0.1 2 120