commit 40dc54e8b8f5d02f490524cd5d821460b5dc5a2c
parent 54e1520ee4cce041d46a011cdef3ba9d2d4ec043
Author: SomberNight <>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 19:53:52 +0200
macOS: duplicate Qt "Preferences" menu item
There is a standardised location along with reserved hotkey for "Preferences"
in applications on macOS. Let's put *another* preferences menu item there.
The duplicate items ensure that
- an electrum user coming from a different OS,
- a macOS user used to the standardised preferences location,
will both find "Preferences" easily.
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/ b/electrum/gui/qt/
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QMessageBox, QComboBox, QSystemTrayIcon, QTabWidget
QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout, QLineEdit,
QHBoxLayout, QPushButton, QScrollArea, QTextEdit,
QShortcut, QMainWindow, QCompleter, QInputDialog,
- QWidget, QSizePolicy, QStatusBar, QToolTip, QDialog)
+ QWidget, QSizePolicy, QStatusBar, QToolTip, QDialog,
+ QMenu, QAction)
import electrum
from electrum import (keystore, ecc, constants, util, bitcoin, commands,
@@ -692,10 +693,17 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, Logger):
add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.contacts_tab)
add_toggle_action(view_menu, self.console_tab)
- tools_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&Tools"))
+ tools_menu = menubar.addMenu(_("&Tools")) # type: QMenu
+ preferences_action = tools_menu.addAction(_("Preferences"), self.settings_dialog) # type: QAction
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ # "Settings"/"Preferences" are all reserved keywords in macOS.
+ # preferences_action will get picked up based on name (and put into a standardized location,
+ # and given a standard reserved hotkey)
+ # Hence, this menu item will be at a "uniform location re macOS processes"
+ preferences_action.setMenuRole(QAction.PreferencesRole) # make sure OS recognizes it as preferences
+ # Add another preferences item, to also have a "uniform location for Electrum between different OSes"
+ tools_menu.addAction(_("Electrum preferences"), self.settings_dialog)
- # Settings / Preferences are all reserved keywords in macOS using this as work around
- tools_menu.addAction(_("Electrum preferences") if sys.platform == 'darwin' else _("Preferences"), self.settings_dialog)
tools_menu.addAction(_("&Network"), self.gui_object.show_network_dialog).setEnabled(bool(
tools_menu.addAction(_("&Lightning Network"), self.gui_object.show_lightning_dialog).setEnabled(bool(self.wallet.has_lightning() and
tools_menu.addAction(_("Local &Watchtower"), self.gui_object.show_watchtower_dialog).setEnabled(bool( and