commit 42a10164eab7690f1131ccd03fa9c15f5b9149b0
parent dc466142d3c3d1e223174de21e172778a6177c2c
Author: thomasv <thomasv@gitorious>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:56:48 +0100
make most commands available in the console
6 files changed, 380 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum b/electrum
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ options:
-b: show the balance of addresses""",
'history':"Shows the transaction history",
- 'label':'Assign a label to an item\nSyntax: label <tx_hash> <label>',
+ 'setlabel':'Assign a label to an item\nSyntax: label <tx_hash> <label>',
"""Create a signed transaction, password protected.
Syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label]
options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address -\n --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
- 'seed':
+ 'get_seed':
"Print the generation seed of your wallet.",
'Import a private key\nSyntax: importprivkey <privatekey>',
@@ -94,17 +94,18 @@ options:\n --fee, -f: set transaction fee\n --fromaddr, -s: send from address
'createrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'decoderawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
'signrawtransaction':'similar to bitcoind\'s command',
+ 'get_history': 'get history for an address'
offline_commands = [ 'password', 'mktx',
- 'label', 'contacts',
+ 'setlabel', 'contacts',
'help', 'validateaddress',
'signmessage', 'verifymessage',
'eval', 'set', 'get', 'create', 'addresses',
- 'importprivkey', 'seed',
+ 'importprivkey', 'get_seed',
@@ -113,7 +114,6 @@ offline_commands = [ 'password', 'mktx',
-protected_commands = ['payto', 'password', 'mktx', 'seed', 'importprivkey','signmessage', 'signrawtransaction','dumpprivkey' ]
# get password routine
def prompt_password(prompt, confirm=True):
@@ -367,18 +367,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if password:
wallet.update_password(wallet.seed, None, password)
- # check syntax
- if cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']:
- try:
- to_address = args[1]
- amount = int( 100000000 * Decimal(args[2]) )
- change_addr = None
- label = ' '.join(args[3:])
- if options.tx_fee:
- options.tx_fee = int( 100000000 * Decimal(options.tx_fee) )
- except:
- firstarg = cmd
- cmd = 'help'
# open session
if cmd not in offline_commands and not options.offline:
@@ -393,13 +381,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- # check if --from_addr not in wallet (for mktx/payto)
- is_temporary = False
- from_addr = None
- if options.from_addr:
- from_addr = options.from_addr
- if from_addr not in wallet.all_addresses():
- is_temporary = True
# important warning
if cmd=='addresses' and options.show_keys:
@@ -409,7 +391,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# commands needing password
if cmd in protected_commands or ( cmd=='addresses' and options.show_keys):
- if wallet.use_encryption and not is_temporary:
+ if wallet.use_encryption:
password = prompt_password('Password:', False)
if not password:
print_msg("Error: Password required")
@@ -423,20 +405,106 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
password = None
seed = wallet.seed
+ else:
+ password = None
+ # check and format the arguments
if cmd == 'importprivkey':
# See if they specificed a key on the cmd line, if not prompt
- if len(args) > 1:
- sec = args[1]
- else:
- sec = prompt_password('Enter PrivateKey (will not echo):', False)
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args[1] = prompt_password('Enter PrivateKey (will not echo):', False)
+ elif cmd == 'signmessage':
+ if len(args) < 3:
+ print_msg("Error: Invalid usage of signmessage.")
+ print_msg(known_commands[cmd])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ address = args[1]
+ message = ' '.join(args[2:])
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
+ args = [ cmd, address, message ]
+ elif cmd == 'verifymessage':
- addr = wallet.import_key(sec,password)
- print_msg("Keypair imported: ", addr)
- except BaseException as e:
- print_msg("Error: Keypair import failed: " + str(e))
+ address = args[1]
+ signature = args[2]
+ message = ' '.join(args[3:])
+ except:
+ print_msg("Error: Not all parameters were given, displaying help instead.")
+ print_msg(known_commands[cmd])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(args) > 4:
+ print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
+ args = [ cmd, address, signature, message]
+ elif cmd == 'signrawtransaction':
+ args = [ cmd, args[1], ast.literal_eval(args[2]) if len(args)>2 else [], ast.literal_eval(args[3]) if len(args)>3 else []]
+ elif cmd == 'createmultisig':
+ args = [ cmd, int(args[1]), ast.literal_eval(args[2])]
+ elif cmd == 'createrawtransaction':
+ args = [ cmd, ast.literal_eval(args[1]), ast.literal_eval(args[2])]
+ elif cmd == 'setlabel':
+ try:
+ tx = args[1]
+ label = ' '.join(args[2:])
+ except:
+ print_msg("Error. Syntax: label <tx_hash> <text>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ args = [ cmd, tx, label ]
+ elif cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']:
+ #is_temporary = False
+ from_addr = None
+ if options.from_addr:
+ from_addr = options.from_addr
+ if from_addr not in wallet.all_addresses():
+ #is_temporary = True
+ raise BaseException("address not in wallet")
+ try:
+ to_address = args[1]
+ amount = Decimal(args[2])
+ change_addr = None
+ label = ' '.join(args[3:])
+ if options.tx_fee:
+ options.tx_fee = Decimal(options.tx_fee)
+ except:
+ firstarg = cmd
+ cmd = 'help'
+ #if from_addr and is_temporary:
+ # if from_addr.find(":") == -1:
+ # keypair = from_addr + ":" + prompt_password('Private key:', False)
+ # else:
+ # keypair = from_addr
+ # from_addr = keypair.split(':')[0]
+ # if not wallet.import_key(keypair,password):
+ # print_msg("Error: Invalid key pair")
+ # exit(1)
+ # wallet.history[from_addr] = interface.retrieve_history(from_addr)
+ # wallet.update_tx_history()
+ # change_addr = from_addr
+ if options.change_addr:
+ change_addr = options.change_addr
+ args = [ 'mktx', to_address, amount, options.tx_fee, options.change_addr, from_addr ]
+ #if is_temporary:
+ # wallet.imported_keys.pop(from_addr)
+ # del(wallet.history[from_addr])
+ # run the command
if cmd == 'help':
cmd2 = firstarg
if cmd2 not in known_commands:
@@ -447,9 +515,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- elif cmd == 'seed':
- print_msg(seed + ' "' + ' '.join(mnemonic_encode(seed)) + '"')
elif cmd == 'deseed':
if not wallet.seed:
print_msg("Error: This wallet has no seed")
@@ -466,43 +531,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print_msg("Action canceled.")
- elif cmd == 'validateaddress':
- addr = args[1]
- is_valid = wallet.is_valid(addr)
- out = { 'isvalid':is_valid }
- if is_valid:
- is_mine = wallet.is_mine(addr)
- out['address'] = addr
- out['ismine'] = is_mine
- if is_mine:
- out['pubkey'] = wallet.get_public_key(addr)
- print_json(out)
- elif cmd == 'balance':
- try:
- addrs = args[1:]
- except:
- pass
- if addrs == []:
- c, u = wallet.get_balance()
- if u:
- print_msg(Decimal( c ) / 100000000 , Decimal( u ) / 100000000)
- else:
- print_msg(Decimal( c ) / 100000000)
- else:
- for addr in addrs:
- c, u = wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)
- if u:
- print_msg("%s %s, %s" % (addr, str(Decimal(c)/100000000), str(Decimal(u)/100000000)))
- else:
- print_msg("%s %s" % (addr, str(Decimal(c)/100000000)))
- elif cmd in [ 'contacts']:
- for addr in wallet.addressbook:
- print_msg(addr, " ", wallet.labels.get(addr))
elif cmd == 'eval':
@@ -541,225 +569,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
m_addr += ':' + str(wallet.get_private_key(addr, password))
print_msg(flags, m_addr, b, label)
- if cmd == 'history':
- import datetime
- balance = 0
- for item in wallet.get_tx_history():
- tx_hash, conf, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp = item
- try:
- time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3]
- except:
- time_str = "----"
- label, is_default_label = wallet.get_label(tx_hash)
- if not label: label = tx_hash
- else: label = label + ' '*(64 - len(label) )
- print_msg("%17s"%time_str, " " + label + " " + format_satoshis(value)+ " "+ format_satoshis(balance))
- print_msg("# balance: ", format_satoshis(balance))
- elif cmd == 'label':
- try:
- tx = args[1]
- label = ' '.join(args[2:])
- except:
- print_msg("Error. Syntax: label <tx_hash> <text>")
- sys.exit(1)
- wallet.labels[tx] = label
- elif cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']:
- if from_addr and is_temporary:
- if from_addr.find(":") == -1:
- keypair = from_addr + ":" + prompt_password('Private key:', False)
- else:
- keypair = from_addr
- from_addr = keypair.split(':')[0]
- if not wallet.import_key(keypair,password):
- print_msg("Error: Invalid key pair")
- exit(1)
- wallet.history[from_addr] = interface.retrieve_history(from_addr)
- wallet.update_tx_history()
- change_addr = from_addr
- if options.change_addr:
- change_addr = options.change_addr
- for k, v in wallet.labels.items():
- if v == to_address:
- to_address = k
- print_msg("alias", to_address)
- break
- if change_addr and v == change_addr:
- change_addr = k
- try:
- tx = wallet.mktx( [(to_address, amount)], label, password,
- fee = options.tx_fee, change_addr = change_addr, from_addr = from_addr )
- except:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- tx = None
- if tx and cmd=='payto':
- r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx )
- print_msg(h)
- else:
- out = {"hex":str(tx), "complete":tx.is_complete}
- if not tx.is_complete:
- import json
- out['input_info'] = repr(tx.input_info).replace(' ','')
- print_json(out)
- if is_temporary:
- wallet.imported_keys.pop(from_addr)
- del(wallet.history[from_addr])
- elif cmd == 'sendrawtransaction':
- tx = Transaction(args[1])
- r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx )
- print_msg(h)
elif cmd == 'password':
new_password = prompt_password('New password:')
wallet.update_password(seed, password, new_password)
- elif cmd == 'signmessage':
- if len(args) < 3:
- print_msg("Error: Invalid usage of signmessage.")
- print_msg(known_commands[cmd])
- sys.exit(1)
- address = args[1]
- message = ' '.join(args[2:])
- if len(args) > 3:
- print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
- print_msg(wallet.sign_message(address, message, password))
- elif cmd == 'verifymessage':
- try:
- address = args[1]
- signature = args[2]
- message = ' '.join(args[3:])
- except:
- print_msg("Error: Not all parameters were given, displaying help instead.")
- print_msg(known_commands[cmd])
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(args) > 4:
- print_msg("Warning: Message was reconstructed from several arguments:", repr(message))
- EC_KEY.verify_message(address, signature, message)
- try:
- EC_KEY.verify_message(address, signature, message)
- print_msg(True)
- except BaseException as e:
- print_error("Verification error: {0}".format(e))
- print_msg(False)
- elif cmd == 'freeze':
- addr = args[1]
- print_msg(wallet.freeze(addr))
- elif cmd == 'unfreeze':
- addr = args[1]
- print_msg(wallet.unfreeze(addr))
- elif cmd == 'prioritize':
- addr = args[1]
- print_msg(wallet.prioritize(addr))
- elif cmd == 'unprioritize':
- addr = args[1]
- print_msg(wallet.unprioritize(addr))
- elif cmd == 'dumpprivkey':
- addr = args[1]
- sec = wallet.get_private_key(addr, password)
- print_msg( sec )
- elif cmd == 'createmultisig':
- num = int(args[1])
- pubkeys = ast.literal_eval(args[2])
- assert isinstance(pubkeys,list)
- print_json( Transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, num) )
- elif cmd == 'createrawtransaction':
- inputs = ast.literal_eval(args[1])
- outputs = ast.literal_eval(args[2])
- # convert to own format
- for i in inputs:
- i['tx_hash'] = i['txid']
- i['index'] = i['vout']
- outputs = map(lambda x: (x[0],int(1e8*x[1])), outputs.items())
- tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs)
- print_msg( tx )
- elif cmd == 'decoderawtransaction':
- tx = Transaction(args[1])
- print_json( tx.deserialize() )
- elif cmd == 'signrawtransaction':
- tx = Transaction(args[1])
- input_info = ast.literal_eval(args[2]) if len(args)>2 else []
- private_keys = ast.literal_eval(args[3]) if len(args)>3 else []
- unspent_coins = wallet.get_unspent_coins()
- # convert private_keys to dict
- pk = {}
- for sec in private_keys:
- address = bitcoin.address_from_private_key(sec)
- pk[address] = sec
- private_keys = pk
- for txin in tx.inputs:
- # convert to own format
- txin['tx_hash'] = txin['prevout_hash']
- txin['index'] = txin['prevout_n']
- for item in input_info:
- if item.get('txid') == txin['tx_hash'] and item.get('vout') == txin['index']:
- txin['raw_output_script'] = item['scriptPubKey']
- txin['redeemScript'] = item.get('redeemScript')
- txin['electrumKeyID'] = item.get('electrumKeyID')
- break
- else:
- for item in unspent_coins:
- if txin['tx_hash'] == item['tx_hash'] and txin['index'] == item['index']:
- txin['raw_output_script'] = item['raw_output_script']
- break
- else:
- # if neither, we might want to get it from the server..
- raise
- # find the address:
- from lib import deserialize
- if txin.get('electrumKeyID'):
- n, for_change = txin.get('electrumKeyID')
- sec = wallet.sequence.get_private_key(n, for_change, seed)
- address = bitcoin.address_from_private_key(sec)
- txin['address'] = address
- private_keys[address] = sec
- elif txin.get("redeemScript"):
- txin['address'] = bitcoin.hash_160_to_bc_address(bitcoin.hash_160(txin.get("redeemScript").decode('hex')), 5)
- elif txin.get("raw_output_script"):
- addr = deserialize.get_address_from_output_script(txin.get("raw_output_script").decode('hex'))
- sec = wallet.get_private_key(addr, password)
- if sec:
- private_keys[addr] = sec
- txin['address'] = addr
- tx.sign( private_keys )
- print_json({ "hex":str(tx),"complete":tx.is_complete})
- elif cmd == 'listunspent':
- print_json(wallet.get_unspent_coins())
+ else:
+ cmd_runner = Commands(wallet, interface)
+ func = eval('cmd_runner.' + cmd)
+ if password:
+ args.append( password )
+ func(*args[1:])
if cmd not in offline_commands and not options.offline:
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ import bitcoin
from bitcoin import Transaction, EC_KEY
from mnemonic import mn_encode as mnemonic_encode
from mnemonic import mn_decode as mnemonic_decode
+from commands import protected_commands, Commands
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ class Transaction:
self.outputs = outputs
extras = []
for i in self.inputs:
- e = { 'txid':i['tx_hash'], 'vout':i['index'],'scriptPubKey':i['raw_output_script'] }
+ e = { 'txid':i['tx_hash'], 'vout':i['index'], 'scriptPubKey':i.get('raw_output_script') }
self.input_info = extras
return self
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
+# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from util import *
+from bitcoin import *
+from decimal import Decimal
+import bitcoin
+protected_commands = ['payto', 'password', 'mktx', 'get_seed', 'importprivkey','signmessage', 'signrawtransaction','dumpprivkey' ]
+class Commands:
+ def __init__(self, wallet, interface):
+ self.wallet = wallet
+ self.interface = interface
+ def _run(self, method, args, password_getter):
+ if method in protected_commands:
+ pw = apply(password_getter,())
+ args += (pw,)
+ f = eval('self.'+method)
+ apply(f,args)
+ def get_history(self, addr):
+ h = self.wallet.get_history(addr)
+ if h is None: h = self.wallet.interface.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_history',[addr]) ])[0]
+ print_json(h)
+ def listunspent(self):
+ print_json(self.wallet.get_unspent_coins())
+ def createrawtransaction(self, inputs, outputs):
+ # convert to own format
+ for i in inputs:
+ i['tx_hash'] = i['txid']
+ i['index'] = i['vout']
+ outputs = map(lambda x: (x[0],int(1e8*x[1])), outputs.items())
+ tx = Transaction.from_io(inputs, outputs)
+ print_msg( tx )
+ def signrawtransaction(self, raw_tx, input_info, private_keys, password):
+ tx = Transaction(raw_tx)
+ unspent_coins = self.wallet.get_unspent_coins()
+ # convert private_keys to dict
+ pk = {}
+ for sec in private_keys:
+ address = bitcoin.address_from_private_key(sec)
+ pk[address] = sec
+ private_keys = pk
+ for txin in tx.inputs:
+ # convert to own format
+ txin['tx_hash'] = txin['prevout_hash']
+ txin['index'] = txin['prevout_n']
+ for item in input_info:
+ if item.get('txid') == txin['tx_hash'] and item.get('vout') == txin['index']:
+ txin['raw_output_script'] = item['scriptPubKey']
+ txin['redeemScript'] = item.get('redeemScript')
+ txin['electrumKeyID'] = item.get('electrumKeyID')
+ break
+ else:
+ for item in unspent_coins:
+ if txin['tx_hash'] == item['tx_hash'] and txin['index'] == item['index']:
+ txin['raw_output_script'] = item['raw_output_script']
+ break
+ else:
+ # if neither, we might want to get it from the server..
+ raise
+ # find the address:
+ import deserialize
+ if txin.get('electrumKeyID'):
+ n, for_change = txin.get('electrumKeyID')
+ sec = wallet.sequence.get_private_key(n, for_change, seed)
+ address = bitcoin.address_from_private_key(sec)
+ txin['address'] = address
+ private_keys[address] = sec
+ elif txin.get("redeemScript"):
+ txin['address'] = bitcoin.hash_160_to_bc_address(bitcoin.hash_160(txin.get("redeemScript").decode('hex')), 5)
+ elif txin.get("raw_output_script"):
+ addr = deserialize.get_address_from_output_script(txin.get("raw_output_script").decode('hex'))
+ sec = wallet.get_private_key(addr, password)
+ if sec:
+ private_keys[addr] = sec
+ txin['address'] = addr
+ tx.sign( private_keys )
+ print_json({ "hex":str(tx),"complete":tx.is_complete})
+ def decoderawtransaction(self, raw):
+ tx = Transaction(raw)
+ print_json( tx.deserialize() )
+ def sendrawtransaction(self, raw):
+ tx = Transaction(raw)
+ r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx )
+ print_msg(h)
+ def createmultisig(self, num, pubkeys):
+ assert isinstance(pubkeys, list)
+ print_json( Transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, num) )
+ def freeze(self,addr):
+ print_msg(self.wallet.freeze(addr))
+ def unfreeze(self,addr):
+ print_msg(self.wallet.unfreeze(addr))
+ def prioritize(self, addr):
+ print_msg(self.wallet.prioritize(addr))
+ def unprioritize(self, addr):
+ print_msg(self.wallet.unprioritize(addr))
+ def dumpprivkey(self, addr, password):
+ sec = self.wallet.get_private_key(addr, password)
+ print_msg( sec )
+ def validateaddress(self,addr):
+ is_valid = self.wallet.is_valid(addr)
+ out = { 'isvalid':is_valid }
+ if is_valid:
+ is_mine = self.wallet.is_mine(addr)
+ out['address'] = addr
+ out['ismine'] = is_mine
+ if is_mine:
+ out['pubkey'] = self.wallet.get_public_key(addr)
+ print_json(out)
+ def balance(self, addresses = []):
+ if addresses == []:
+ c, u = self.wallet.get_balance()
+ if u:
+ print_msg(Decimal( c ) / 100000000 , Decimal( u ) / 100000000)
+ else:
+ print_msg(Decimal( c ) / 100000000)
+ else:
+ for addr in addresses:
+ c, u = wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)
+ if u:
+ print_msg("%s %s, %s" % (addr, str(Decimal(c)/100000000), str(Decimal(u)/100000000)))
+ else:
+ print_msg("%s %s" % (addr, str(Decimal(c)/100000000)))
+ def get_seed(self, password):
+ import mnemonic
+ seed = self.wallet.decode_seed(password)
+ print_msg(seed + ' "' + ' '.join(mnemonic.mn_encode(seed)) + '"')
+ def importprivkey(self, sec):
+ try:
+ addr = wallet.import_key(sec,password)
+ print_msg("Keypair imported: ", addr)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print_msg("Error: Keypair import failed: " + str(e))
+ def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
+ print_msg(self.wallet.sign_message(address, message, password))
+ def verify_message(self, address, signature, message):
+ try:
+ EC_KEY.verify_message(address, signature, message)
+ print_msg(True)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print_error("Verification error: {0}".format(e))
+ print_msg(False)
+ def mktx(self, to_address, amount, fee, change_addr, from_addr, password = None):
+ for k, v in self.wallet.labels.items():
+ if v == to_address:
+ to_address = k
+ print_msg("alias", to_address)
+ break
+ if change_addr and v == change_addr:
+ change_addr = k
+ amount = int(10000000*amount)
+ if fee: fee = int(10000000*fee)
+ tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(to_address, amount)], password, fee , change_addr, from_addr)
+ out = {"hex":str(tx), "complete":tx.is_complete}
+ if not tx.is_complete:
+ import json
+ out['input_info'] = repr(tx.input_info).replace(' ','')
+ print_json(out)
+ def payto(self, to_address, amount, fee, change_addr, from_addr, password = None):
+ amount = int(10000000*amount)
+ if fee: fee = int(10000000*fee)
+ tx = self.wallet.mktx( [(to_address, amount)], password, fee, change_addr, from_addr )
+ r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx )
+ print_msg(h)
+ def history(self):
+ import datetime
+ balance = 0
+ for item in self.wallet.get_tx_history():
+ tx_hash, conf, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp = item
+ try:
+ time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3]
+ except:
+ time_str = "----"
+ label, is_default_label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash)
+ if not label: label = tx_hash
+ else: label = label + ' '*(64 - len(label) )
+ print_msg("%17s"%time_str, " " + label + " " + format_satoshis(value)+ " "+ format_satoshis(balance))
+ print_msg("# balance: ", format_satoshis(balance))
+ def setlabel(self, tx, label):
+ self.wallet.labels[tx] = label
+ def contacts(self):
+ c = {}
+ for addr in self.wallet.addressbook:
+ c[addr] = self.wallet.labels.get(addr)
+ print_json(c)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
tabs.addTab(self.create_send_tab(), _('Send') )
tabs.addTab(self.create_receive_tab(), _('Receive') )
tabs.addTab(self.create_contacts_tab(), _('Contacts') )
- tabs.addTab(self.create_wall_tab(), _('Console') )
+ tabs.addTab(self.create_console_tab(), _('Console') )
tabs.setMinimumSize(600, 400)
tabs.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)
@@ -1263,12 +1263,22 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
- def create_wall_tab(self):
+ def create_console_tab(self):
from qt_console import Console
- import util, bitcoin
+ import util, bitcoin, commands
self.console = console = Console()
console.updateNamespace({'wallet' : self.wallet, 'interface' : self.wallet.interface, 'gui':self})
console.updateNamespace({'util' : util, 'bitcoin':bitcoin})
+ c = commands.Commands(self.wallet, self.wallet.interface)
+ methods = {}
+ def mkfunc(f, method):
+ return lambda *args: apply( f, (method, args, self.password_dialog ))
+ for m in dir(c):
+ if m[0]=='_' or m=='wallet' or m == 'interface': continue
+ methods[m] = mkfunc(c._run, m)
+ console.updateNamespace(methods)
return console
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ class Wallet:
return default_label
- def mktx(self, outputs, label, password, fee=None, change_addr=None, from_addr= None):
+ def mktx(self, outputs, password, fee=None, change_addr=None, from_addr= None):
for address, x in outputs:
assert self.is_valid(address)
@@ -682,8 +682,8 @@ class Wallet:
if address not in self.addressbook and not self.is_mine(address):
- if label:
- self.labels[tx.hash()] = label
+ #if label:
+ # self.labels[tx.hash()] = label
return tx