commit 673f89f0d2d7b0c5563361a41195d29d68e477d8
parent 5a72df2bb41b7306d360c7918597810b9f5d1974
Author: bitromortac <>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2020 10:04:09 +0100
scripts: add Lightning feature analysis script
1 file changed, 179 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/scripts/ b/electrum/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Script to analyze the graph for Lightning features.
+import asyncio
+import os
+import time
+from electrum.logging import get_logger, configure_logging
+from electrum.simple_config import SimpleConfig
+from electrum import constants
+from electrum.daemon import Daemon
+from electrum.wallet import create_new_wallet
+from electrum.util import create_and_start_event_loop, log_exceptions, bh2u, bfh
+from electrum.lnutil import LnFeatures
+logger = get_logger(__name__)
+# Configuration parameters
+TIMEOUT = 5 # for Lightning peer connections
+WORKERS = 30 # number of workers that concurrently fetch results for feature comparison
+VERBOSITY = '' # for debugging set '*', otherwise ''
+FLAG = LnFeatures.OPTION_UPFRONT_SHUTDOWN_SCRIPT_OPT # chose the 'opt' flag
+PRESYNC = False # should we sync the graph or take it from an already synced database?
+config = SimpleConfig({"testnet": IS_TESTNET, "verbosity": VERBOSITY})
+loop, stopping_fut, loop_thread = create_and_start_event_loop()
+# avoid race condition when starting network, in debug starting the asyncio loop
+# takes some time
+ constants.set_testnet()
+daemon = Daemon(config, listen_jsonrpc=False)
+network =
+assert network.asyncio_loop.is_running()
+# create empty wallet
+wallet_dir = os.path.dirname(config.get_wallet_path())
+wallet_path = os.path.join(wallet_dir, "ln_features_wallet_main")
+if not os.path.exists(wallet_path):
+ create_new_wallet(path=wallet_path, config=config)
+# open wallet
+wallet = daemon.load_wallet(wallet_path, password=None, manual_upgrades=False)
+async def worker(work_queue: asyncio.Queue, results_queue: asyncio.Queue, flag):
+ """Connects to a Lightning peer and checks whether the announced feature
+ from the gossip is equal to the feature in the init message.
+ Returns None if no connection could be made, True or False otherwise."""
+ count = 0
+ while not work_queue.empty():
+ if count > NODES_PER_WORKER:
+ return
+ work = await work_queue.get()
+ # only check non-onion addresses
+ addr = None
+ for a in work['addrs']:
+ if not "onion" in a[0]:
+ addr = a
+ if not addr:
+ await results_queue.put(None)
+ continue
+ # handle ipv4/ipv6
+ if ':' in addr[0]:
+ connect_str = f"{bh2u(work['pk'])}@[{}]:{addr.port}"
+ else:
+ connect_str = f"{bh2u(work['pk'])}@{}:{addr.port}"
+ print(f"worker connecting to {connect_str}")
+ try:
+ peer = await wallet.lnworker.add_peer(connect_str)
+ res = await asyncio.wait_for(peer.initialized, TIMEOUT)
+ if res:
+ if peer.features & flag == work['features'] & flag:
+ await results_queue.put(True)
+ else:
+ await results_queue.put(False)
+ else:
+ await results_queue.put(None)
+ except Exception as e:
+ await results_queue.put(None)
+async def node_flag_stats(opt_flag: LnFeatures, presync: False):
+ """Determines statistics for feature advertisements by nodes on the Lighting
+ network by evaluation of the public graph.
+ opt_flag: The optional-flag for a feature.
+ presync: Sync the graph. Can take a long time and depends on the quality
+ of the peers. Better to use presynced graph from regular wallet use for
+ now.
+ """
+ try:
+ await wallet.lnworker.channel_db.data_loaded.wait()
+ # optionally presync graph (not relyable)
+ if presync:
+ network.start_gossip()
+ # wait for the graph to be synchronized
+ while True:
+ await asyncio.sleep(5)
+ #
+ cur, tot, pct =
+ print(f"graph sync progress {cur}/{tot} ({pct}%) channels")
+ if pct >= 100:
+ break
+ with wallet.lnworker.channel_db.lock:
+ nodes = wallet.lnworker.channel_db._nodes.copy()
+ # check how many nodes advertize opt/req flag in the gossip
+ n_opt = 0
+ n_req = 0
+ print(f"analyzing {len(nodes.keys())} nodes")
+ # 1. statistics on graph
+ req_flag = LnFeatures(opt_flag >> 1)
+ for n, nv in nodes.items():
+ features = LnFeatures(nv.features)
+ if features & opt_flag:
+ n_opt += 1
+ if features & req_flag:
+ n_req += 1
+ # analyze numbers
+ print(
+ f"opt: {n_opt} ({100 * n_opt/len(nodes)}%) "
+ f"req: {n_req} ({100 * n_req/len(nodes)}%)")
+ # 2. compare announced and actual feature set
+ # put nodes into a work queue
+ work_queue = asyncio.Queue()
+ results_queue = asyncio.Queue()
+ # fill up work
+ for n, nv in nodes.items():
+ addrs = wallet.lnworker.channel_db._addresses[n]
+ await work_queue.put({'pk': n, 'addrs': addrs, 'features': nv.features})
+ tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(work_queue, results_queue, opt_flag)) for i in range(WORKERS)]
+ try:
+ await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ # analyze results
+ n_true = 0
+ n_false = 0
+ n_tot = 0
+ while not results_queue.empty():
+ i = results_queue.get_nowait()
+ n_tot += 1
+ if i is True:
+ n_true += 1
+ elif i is False:
+ n_false += 1
+ print(f"feature comparison - equal: {n_true} unequal: {n_false} total:{n_tot}")
+ finally:
+ stopping_fut.set_result(1)
+ node_flag_stats(FLAG, presync=PRESYNC), loop)