commit 6bf2714e3344e0116b0914936d4c2b2fd16058b9
parent 928eb886c51b284504acf1cfdd8c9ec7dd86d0aa
Author: Janus <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 15:30:50 +0200
lnbase: initial 'payment to remote' attempt
2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def make_htlc_tx_output(amount_msat, local_feerate, revocationpubkey, local_dela
fee = local_feerate * weight
final_amount_sat = (amount_msat - fee) // 1000
- assert final_amount_sat > 0
+ assert final_amount_sat > 0, final_amount_sat
output = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, p2wsh, final_amount_sat)
return output
@@ -519,8 +519,13 @@ def make_commitment(ctn, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_pay
remote_address = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address('p2wpkh', bh2u(remote_payment_pubkey))
# TODO trim htlc outputs here while also considering 2nd stage htlc transactions
fee = local_feerate * overall_weight(len(htlcs)) // 1000 # TODO incorrect if anything is trimmed
- to_local = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address, local_amount - (fee if for_us else 0))
- to_remote = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address, remote_amount - (fee if not for_us else 0))
+ assert type(fee) is int
+ to_local_amt = local_amount - (fee if for_us else 0)
+ assert type(to_local_amt) is int
+ to_local = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address, to_local_amt)
+ to_remote_amt = remote_amount - (fee if not for_us else 0)
+ assert type(to_remote_amt) is int
+ to_remote = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address, to_remote_amt)
c_outputs = [to_local, to_remote]
for script, msat_amount in htlcs:
c_outputs += [(bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(script)), msat_amount // 1000)]
@@ -565,14 +570,16 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
+ "update_fulfill_htlc",
self.channel_accepted = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.funding_signed = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.local_funding_locked = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.remote_funding_locked = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.revoke_and_ack = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
- self.commitment_signed = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.channel_reestablish = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
+ self.update_fulfill_htlc = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
+ self.commitment_signed = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.initialized = asyncio.Future()
self.localfeatures = (0x08 if request_initial_sync else 0)
# view of the network
@@ -710,7 +717,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
def on_funding_locked(self, payload):
channel_id = int.from_bytes(payload['channel_id'], 'big')
- #if channel_id not in self.funding_signed: raise Exception("Got unknown funding_locked")
+ if channel_id not in self.funding_signed: print("Got unknown funding_locked", payload)
def on_node_announcement(self, payload):
@@ -999,6 +1006,103 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
return chan._replace(remote_state=chan.remote_state._replace(next_per_commitment_point=remote_funding_locked_msg["next_per_commitment_point"]))
+ async def pay(self, wallet, chan, sat, payment_hash):
+ def derive_and_incr():
+ nonlocal chan
+ last_small_num = chan.local_state.ctn
+ next_small_num = last_small_num + 2
+ this_small_num = last_small_num + 1
+ last_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(chan.local_state.per_commitment_secret_seed, 2**48-last_small_num-1)
+ this_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(chan.local_state.per_commitment_secret_seed, 2**48-this_small_num-1)
+ this_point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(this_secret, 'big'))
+ next_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(chan.local_state.per_commitment_secret_seed, 2**48-next_small_num-1)
+ next_point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(next_secret, 'big'))
+ chan = chan._replace(
+ local_state=chan.local_state._replace(
+ ctn=chan.local_state.ctn + 1
+ )
+ )
+ return last_secret, this_point, next_point
+ sat = int(sat)
+ cltv_expiry = wallet.get_local_height() + 9
+ assert sat > 0, "sat is not positive"
+ amount_msat = sat * 1000
+ #def new_onion_packet(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes], session_key: bytes,
+ # hops_data: Sequence[OnionHopsDataSingle], associated_data: bytes) -> OnionPacket:
+ #assert type(peer.pubkey) is bytes
+ #hops_data = [OnionHopsDataSingle(OnionPerHop(derive_short_channel_id(chan).to_bytes(8, "big"), amount_msat.to_bytes(8, "big"), cltv_expiry.to_bytes(4, "big")))]
+ #associated_data = b""
+ #onion = new_onion_packet([peer.pubkey], peer.privkey, hops_data, associated_data)
+ class onion:
+ to_bytes = lambda: b"\x00" * 1366
+ self.send_message(gen_msg("update_add_htlc", channel_id=chan.channel_id, id=0, cltv_expiry=cltv_expiry, amount_msat=amount_msat, payment_hash=payment_hash, onion_routing_packet=onion.to_bytes()))
+ their_local_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(chan.remote_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point)
+ their_remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(chan.local_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point)
+ their_remote_htlc_privkey_number = derive_privkey(
+ int.from_bytes(chan.local_config.htlc_basepoint.privkey, 'big'),
+ chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point)
+ their_remote_htlc_privkey = their_remote_htlc_privkey_number.to_bytes(32, 'big')
+ # TODO check payment_hash
+ revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(chan.local_config.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point)
+ htlcs_in_remote = [(make_received_htlc(revocation_pubkey, their_remote_htlc_pubkey, their_local_htlc_pubkey, payment_hash, cltv_expiry), amount_msat)]
+ new_local = chan.local_state.amount_sat - sat
+ remote_ctx = make_commitment_using_open_channel(chan, chan.remote_state.ctn + 1, False, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point,
+ chan.remote_state.amount_sat, new_local, htlcs_in_remote)
+ sig_64 = sign_and_get_sig_string(remote_ctx, chan.local_config, chan.remote_config)
+ htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan, chan.remote_state.next_per_commitment_point, False, False, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, remote_ctx, 0)
+ # htlc_sig signs the HTLC transaction that spends from THEIR commitment transaction's offered_htlc output
+ sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, their_remote_htlc_privkey))
+ r, s = sigdecode_der(sig[:-1], SECP256k1.generator.order())
+ htlc_sig = sigencode_string_canonize(r, s, SECP256k1.generator.order())
+ self.send_message(gen_msg("commitment_signed", channel_id=chan.channel_id, signature=sig_64, num_htlcs=1, htlc_signature=htlc_sig))
+ last_secret, _, next_point = derive_and_incr()
+ self.send_message(gen_msg("revoke_and_ack",
+ channel_id=chan.channel_id,
+ per_commitment_secret=last_secret,
+ next_per_commitment_point=next_point))
+ try:
+ revoke_and_ack_msg = await self.revoke_and_ack[chan.channel_id]
+ finally:
+ del self.revoke_and_ack[chan.channel_id]
+ # TODO check revoke_and_ack results
+ next_per_commitment_point = revoke_and_ack_msg["next_per_commitment_point"]
+ try:
+ commitment_signed_msg = await self.commitment_signed[chan.channel_id]
+ finally:
+ del self.commitment_signed[chan.channel_id]
+ # TODO check commitment_signed results
+ last_secret, _, next_point = derive_and_incr()
+ self.send_message(gen_msg("revoke_and_ack",
+ channel_id=chan.channel_id,
+ per_commitment_secret=last_secret,
+ next_per_commitment_point=next_point))
+ try:
+ update_fulfill_htlc_msg = await self.update_fulfill_htlc[chan.channel_id]
+ finally:
+ del self.update_fulfill_htlc[chan.channel_id]
+ print("update_fulfill_htlc_msg", update_fulfill_htlc_msg)
+ try:
+ commitment_signed_msg = await self.commitment_signed[chan.channel_id]
+ finally:
+ del self.commitment_signed[chan.channel_id]
+ # TODO send revoke_and_ack
+ # TODO send commitment_signed
async def receive_commitment_revoke_ack(self, chan, expected_received_sat, payment_preimage):
def derive_and_incr():
nonlocal chan
@@ -1067,8 +1171,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
if not bitcoin.verify_signature(remote_htlc_pubkey, commitment_signed_msg["htlc_signature"], pre_hash):
raise Exception("failed verifying signature an HTLC tx spending from one of our commit tx'es HTLC outputs")
@@ -1134,7 +1236,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
@@ -1158,6 +1259,13 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
channel_id = int.from_bytes(payload['channel_id'], 'big')
+ def on_update_fulfill_htlc(self, payload):
+ channel_id = int.from_bytes(payload["channel_id"], 'big')
+ self.update_fulfill_htlc[channel_id].set_reuslt(payload)
+ def on_update_fail_malformed_htlc(self, payload):
+ self.on_error(payload)
def on_update_add_htlc(self, payload):
# no onion routing for the moment: we assume we are the end node
self.print_error('on_update_add_htlc', payload)
diff --git a/lib/tests/ b/lib/tests/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import asyncio
import time
import os
-from lib.bitcoin import sha256
+from lib.bitcoin import sha256, COIN
from decimal import Decimal
from lib.constants import set_testnet, set_simnet
from lib.simple_config import SimpleConfig
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from import Network
from import WalletStorage
from lib.wallet import Wallet
from lib.lnbase import Peer, node_list, Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, OpenChannel, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore
-from lib.lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr
+from lib.lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode
import lib.constants as constants
is_key = lambda k: k.endswith("_basepoint") or k.endswith("_key")
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
host, port, pubkey = node_list[0]
pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey)
port = int(port)
- if sys.argv[1] not in ["new_channel", "reestablish_channel"]:
- raise Exception("first argument must be new_channel or reestablish_channel")
+ if sys.argv[1] not in ["new_channel", "reestablish_channel", "pay"]:
+ raise Exception("first argument must be new_channel or reestablish_channel or pay")
if sys.argv[2] not in ["simnet", "testnet"]:
raise Exception("second argument must be simnet or testnet")
if sys.argv[2] == "simnet":
@@ -116,13 +116,23 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":"channels", dumped)
return openchannel.channel_id
if channels is None or len(channels) < 1:
raise Exception("Can't reestablish: No channel saved")
openchannel = channels[0]
openchannel = reconstruct_namedtuples(openchannel)
openchannel = await peer.reestablish_channel(openchannel)
+ if sys.argv[1] == "pay":
+ addr = lndecode(sys.argv[6], expected_hrp="sb" if sys.argv[2] == "simnet" else "tb")
+ payment_hash = addr.paymenthash
+ amt = int(addr.amount * COIN)
+ print("amt", amt)
+ await, openchannel, amt, payment_hash)
+ return
expected_received_sat = 200000
- pay_req = lnencode(LnAddr(RHASH, amount=Decimal("0.00000001")*expected_received_sat, tags=[('d', 'one cup of coffee')]), peer.privkey[:32])
+ pay_req = lnencode(LnAddr(RHASH, amount=1/Decimal(COIN)*expected_received_sat, tags=[('d', 'one cup of coffee')]), peer.privkey[:32])
print("payment request", pay_req)
advanced_channel = await peer.receive_commitment_revoke_ack(openchannel, expected_received_sat, payment_preimage)
dumped = serialize_channels([advanced_channel])