commit 73b11a700a7930899ce22ee248871b1d0ac2e5ef
parent e36f67aabcc87f2b0cc22705c7fbd69e69551df4
Author: SomberNight <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 15:51:01 +0200
trezor/keepkey: merge into
(remnants of separating trezor and keepkey)
4 files changed, 1068 insertions(+), 1076 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/keepkey/ b/plugins/keepkey/
@@ -1,5 +1,293 @@
-from .qt_generic import QtPlugin
-from .keepkey import KeepKeyPlugin
+from functools import partial
+import threading
+from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
+from PyQt5.Qt import QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
+from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QLabel
+from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
+from .keepkey import KeepKeyPlugin, TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER, TIM_MNEMONIC
+from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase
+from electrum.i18n import _
+from electrum.plugins import hook, DeviceMgr
+from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled, bh2u
+from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Standard_Wallet
+ "Passphrases allow you to access new wallets, each "
+ "hidden behind a particular case-sensitive passphrase.")
+ "You need to create a separate Electrum wallet for each passphrase "
+ "you use as they each generate different addresses. Changing "
+ "your passphrase does not lose other wallets, each is still "
+ "accessible behind its own passphrase.")
+ "You should enable PIN protection. Your PIN is the only protection "
+ "for your bitcoins if your device is lost or stolen.")
+ "If you forget a passphrase you will be unable to access any "
+ "bitcoins in the wallet behind it. A passphrase is not a PIN. "
+ "Only change this if you are sure you understand it.")
+ "Use the recovery cipher shown on your device to input your seed words. "
+ "The cipher changes with every keypress.\n"
+ "After at most 4 letters the device will auto-complete a word.\n"
+ "Press SPACE or the Accept Word button to accept the device's auto-"
+ "completed word and advance to the next one.\n"
+ "Press BACKSPACE to go back a character or word.\n"
+ "Press ENTER or the Seed Entered button once the last word in your "
+ "seed is auto-completed.")
+class CharacterButton(QPushButton):
+ def __init__(self, text=None):
+ QPushButton.__init__(self, text)
+ def keyPressEvent(self, event):
+ event.setAccepted(False) # Pass through Enter and Space keys
+class CharacterDialog(WindowModalDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(CharacterDialog, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.setWindowTitle(_("KeepKey Seed Recovery"))
+ self.character_pos = 0
+ self.word_pos = 0
+ self.loop = QEventLoop()
+ self.word_help = QLabel()
+ self.char_buttons = []
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
+ vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(CHARACTER_RECOVERY))
+ hbox = QHBoxLayout()
+ hbox.addWidget(self.word_help)
+ for i in range(4):
+ char_button = CharacterButton('*')
+ char_button.setMaximumWidth(36)
+ self.char_buttons.append(char_button)
+ hbox.addWidget(char_button)
+ self.accept_button = CharacterButton(_("Accept Word"))
+ self.accept_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key, 32))
+ self.rejected.connect(partial(self.loop.exit, 1))
+ hbox.addWidget(self.accept_button)
+ hbox.addStretch(1)
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ self.finished_button = QPushButton(_("Seed Entered"))
+ self.cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel"))
+ self.finished_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key,
+ Qt.Key_Return))
+ self.cancel_button.clicked.connect(self.rejected)
+ buttons = Buttons(self.finished_button, self.cancel_button)
+ vbox.addSpacing(40)
+ vbox.addLayout(buttons)
+ self.refresh()
+ def refresh(self):
+ self.word_help.setText("Enter seed word %2d:" % (self.word_pos + 1))
+ self.accept_button.setEnabled(self.character_pos >= 3)
+ self.finished_button.setEnabled((self.word_pos in (11, 17, 23)
+ and self.character_pos >= 3))
+ for n, button in enumerate(self.char_buttons):
+ button.setEnabled(n == self.character_pos)
+ if n == self.character_pos:
+ button.setFocus()
+ def is_valid_alpha_space(self, key):
+ # Auto-completion requires at least 3 characters
+ if key == ord(' ') and self.character_pos >= 3:
+ return True
+ # Firmware aborts protocol if the 5th character is non-space
+ if self.character_pos >= 4:
+ return False
+ return (key >= ord('a') and key <= ord('z')
+ or (key >= ord('A') and key <= ord('Z')))
+ def process_key(self, key):
+ = None
+ if key == Qt.Key_Return and self.finished_button.isEnabled():
+ = {'done': True}
+ elif key == Qt.Key_Backspace and (self.word_pos or self.character_pos):
+ = {'delete': True}
+ elif self.is_valid_alpha_space(key):
+ = {'character': chr(key).lower()}
+ if
+ self.loop.exit(0)
+ def keyPressEvent(self, event):
+ self.process_key(event.key())
+ if not
+ QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
+ def get_char(self, word_pos, character_pos):
+ self.word_pos = word_pos
+ self.character_pos = character_pos
+ self.refresh()
+ if self.loop.exec_():
+ = None # User cancelled
+class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase):
+ char_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
+ pin_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
+ close_char_dialog_signal = pyqtSignal()
+ def __init__(self, win, pin_matrix_widget_class, device):
+ super(QtHandler, self).__init__(win, device)
+ self.char_signal.connect(self.update_character_dialog)
+ self.pin_signal.connect(self.pin_dialog)
+ self.close_char_dialog_signal.connect(self._close_char_dialog)
+ self.pin_matrix_widget_class = pin_matrix_widget_class
+ self.character_dialog = None
+ def get_char(self, msg):
+ self.done.clear()
+ self.char_signal.emit(msg)
+ self.done.wait()
+ data =
+ if not data or 'done' in data:
+ self.close_char_dialog_signal.emit()
+ return data
+ def _close_char_dialog(self):
+ if self.character_dialog:
+ self.character_dialog.accept()
+ self.character_dialog = None
+ def get_pin(self, msg):
+ self.done.clear()
+ self.pin_signal.emit(msg)
+ self.done.wait()
+ return self.response
+ def pin_dialog(self, msg):
+ # Needed e.g. when resetting a device
+ self.clear_dialog()
+ dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Enter PIN"))
+ matrix = self.pin_matrix_widget_class()
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
+ vbox.addWidget(matrix)
+ vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog), OkButton(dialog)))
+ dialog.setLayout(vbox)
+ dialog.exec_()
+ self.response = str(matrix.get_value())
+ self.done.set()
+ def update_character_dialog(self, msg):
+ if not self.character_dialog:
+ self.character_dialog = CharacterDialog(self.top_level_window())
+ self.character_dialog.get_char(msg.word_pos, msg.character_pos)
+ self.done.set()
+class QtPlugin(QtPluginBase):
+ # Derived classes must provide the following class-static variables:
+ # icon_file
+ # pin_matrix_widget_class
+ def create_handler(self, window):
+ return QtHandler(window, self.pin_matrix_widget_class(), self.device)
+ @hook
+ def receive_menu(self, menu, addrs, wallet):
+ if type(wallet) is not Standard_Wallet:
+ return
+ keystore = wallet.get_keystore()
+ if type(keystore) == self.keystore_class and len(addrs) == 1:
+ def show_address():
+ keystore.thread.add(partial(self.show_address, wallet, addrs[0]))
+ menu.addAction(_("Show on {}").format(self.device), show_address)
+ def show_settings_dialog(self, window, keystore):
+ device_id = self.choose_device(window, keystore)
+ if device_id:
+ SettingsDialog(window, self, keystore, device_id).exec_()
+ def request_trezor_init_settings(self, wizard, method, device):
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ next_enabled = True
+ label = QLabel(_("Enter a label to name your device:"))
+ name = QLineEdit()
+ hl = QHBoxLayout()
+ hl.addWidget(label)
+ hl.addWidget(name)
+ hl.addStretch(1)
+ vbox.addLayout(hl)
+ def clean_text(widget):
+ text = widget.toPlainText().strip()
+ return ' '.join(text.split())
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ gb = QGroupBox()
+ hbox1 = QHBoxLayout()
+ gb.setLayout(hbox1)
+ # KeepKey recovery doesn't need a word count
+ if method == TIM_NEW:
+ vbox.addWidget(gb)
+ gb.setTitle(_("Select your seed length:"))
+ bg = QButtonGroup()
+ for i, count in enumerate([12, 18, 24]):
+ rb = QRadioButton(gb)
+ rb.setText(_("{} words").format(count))
+ bg.addButton(rb)
+ bg.setId(rb, i)
+ hbox1.addWidget(rb)
+ rb.setChecked(True)
+ cb_pin = QCheckBox(_('Enable PIN protection'))
+ cb_pin.setChecked(True)
+ else:
+ text = QTextEdit()
+ text.setMaximumHeight(60)
+ if method == TIM_MNEMONIC:
+ msg = _("Enter your BIP39 mnemonic:")
+ else:
+ msg = _("Enter the master private key beginning with xprv:")
+ def set_enabled():
+ from electrum.keystore import is_xprv
+ wizard.next_button.setEnabled(is_xprv(clean_text(text)))
+ text.textChanged.connect(set_enabled)
+ next_enabled = False
+ vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
+ vbox.addWidget(text)
+ pin = QLineEdit()
+ pin.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(QRegExp('[1-9]{0,9}')))
+ pin.setMaximumWidth(100)
+ hbox_pin = QHBoxLayout()
+ hbox_pin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter your PIN (digits 1-9):")))
+ hbox_pin.addWidget(pin)
+ hbox_pin.addStretch(1)
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(RECOMMEND_PIN))
+ vbox.addWidget(cb_pin)
+ else:
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox_pin)
+ passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP_SHORT)
+ passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
+ passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ cb_phrase = QCheckBox(_('Enable passphrases'))
+ cb_phrase.setChecked(False)
+ vbox.addWidget(passphrase_msg)
+ vbox.addWidget(passphrase_warning)
+ vbox.addWidget(cb_phrase)
+ wizard.exec_layout(vbox, next_enabled=next_enabled)
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ item = bg.checkedId()
+ pin = cb_pin.isChecked()
+ else:
+ item = ' '.join(str(clean_text(text)).split())
+ pin = str(pin.text())
+ return (item, name.text(), pin, cb_phrase.isChecked())
class Plugin(KeepKeyPlugin, QtPlugin):
@@ -10,3 +298,305 @@ class Plugin(KeepKeyPlugin, QtPlugin):
def pin_matrix_widget_class(self):
from keepkeylib.qt.pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget
return PinMatrixWidget
+class SettingsDialog(WindowModalDialog):
+ '''This dialog doesn't require a device be paired with a wallet.
+ We want users to be able to wipe a device even if they've forgotten
+ their PIN.'''
+ def __init__(self, window, plugin, keystore, device_id):
+ title = _("{} Settings").format(plugin.device)
+ super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(window, title)
+ self.setMaximumWidth(540)
+ devmgr = plugin.device_manager()
+ config = devmgr.config
+ handler = keystore.handler
+ thread = keystore.thread
+ hs_rows, hs_cols = (64, 128)
+ def invoke_client(method, *args, **kw_args):
+ unpair_after = kw_args.pop('unpair_after', False)
+ def task():
+ client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_id)
+ if not client:
+ raise RuntimeError("Device not connected")
+ if method:
+ getattr(client, method)(*args, **kw_args)
+ if unpair_after:
+ devmgr.unpair_id(device_id)
+ return client.features
+ thread.add(task, on_success=update)
+ def update(features):
+ self.features = features
+ set_label_enabled()
+ bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash)
+ bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]])
+ noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")]
+ endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")]
+ disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")]
+ setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")]
+ version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version,
+ features.minor_version,
+ features.patch_version)
+ coins = ", ".join(coin.coin_name for coin in features.coins)
+ device_label.setText(features.label)
+ pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection])
+ passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection])
+ bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash)
+ label_edit.setText(features.label)
+ device_id_label.setText(features.device_id)
+ initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized])
+ version_label.setText(version)
+ coins_label.setText(coins)
+ clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
+ clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
+ pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection])
+ pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection)
+ passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection])
+ language_label.setText(features.language)
+ def set_label_enabled():
+ label_apply.setEnabled(label_edit.text() != self.features.label)
+ def rename():
+ invoke_client('change_label', label_edit.text())
+ def toggle_passphrase():
+ title = _("Confirm Toggle Passphrase Protection")
+ currently_enabled = self.features.passphrase_protection
+ if currently_enabled:
+ msg = _("After disabling passphrases, you can only pair this "
+ "Electrum wallet if it had an empty passphrase. "
+ "If its passphrase was not empty, you will need to "
+ "create a new wallet with the install wizard. You "
+ "can use this wallet again at any time by re-enabling "
+ "passphrases and entering its passphrase.")
+ else:
+ msg = _("Your current Electrum wallet can only be used with "
+ "an empty passphrase. You must create a separate "
+ "wallet with the install wizard for other passphrases "
+ "as each one generates a new set of addresses.")
+ msg += "\n\n" + _("Are you sure you want to proceed?")
+ if not self.question(msg, title=title):
+ return
+ invoke_client('toggle_passphrase', unpair_after=currently_enabled)
+ def change_homescreen():
+ from PIL import Image # FIXME
+ dialog = QFileDialog(self, _("Choose Homescreen"))
+ filename, __ = dialog.getOpenFileName()
+ if filename:
+ im =
+ if im.size != (hs_cols, hs_rows):
+ raise Exception('Image must be 64 x 128 pixels')
+ im = im.convert('1')
+ pix = im.load()
+ img = ''
+ for j in range(hs_rows):
+ for i in range(hs_cols):
+ img += '1' if pix[i, j] else '0'
+ img = ''.join(chr(int(img[i:i + 8], 2))
+ for i in range(0, len(img), 8))
+ invoke_client('change_homescreen', img)
+ def clear_homescreen():
+ invoke_client('change_homescreen', '\x00')
+ def set_pin():
+ invoke_client('set_pin', remove=False)
+ def clear_pin():
+ invoke_client('set_pin', remove=True)
+ def wipe_device():
+ wallet = window.wallet
+ if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()):
+ title = _("Confirm Device Wipe")
+ msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n"
+ "Your wallet still has bitcoins in it!")
+ if not self.question(msg, title=title,
+ icon=QMessageBox.Critical):
+ return
+ invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True)
+ def slider_moved():
+ mins = timeout_slider.sliderPosition()
+ timeout_minutes.setText(_("%2d minutes") % mins)
+ def slider_released():
+ config.set_session_timeout(timeout_slider.sliderPosition() * 60)
+ # Information tab
+ info_tab = QWidget()
+ info_layout = QVBoxLayout(info_tab)
+ info_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ info_glayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1)
+ device_label = QLabel()
+ pin_set_label = QLabel()
+ passphrases_label = QLabel()
+ version_label = QLabel()
+ device_id_label = QLabel()
+ bl_hash_label = QLabel()
+ bl_hash_label.setWordWrap(True)
+ coins_label = QLabel()
+ coins_label.setWordWrap(True)
+ language_label = QLabel()
+ initialized_label = QLabel()
+ rows = [
+ (_("Device Label"), device_label),
+ (_("PIN set"), pin_set_label),
+ (_("Passphrases"), passphrases_label),
+ (_("Firmware Version"), version_label),
+ (_("Device ID"), device_id_label),
+ (_("Bootloader Hash"), bl_hash_label),
+ (_("Supported Coins"), coins_label),
+ (_("Language"), language_label),
+ (_("Initialized"), initialized_label),
+ ]
+ for row_num, (label, widget) in enumerate(rows):
+ info_glayout.addWidget(QLabel(label), row_num, 0)
+ info_glayout.addWidget(widget, row_num, 1)
+ info_layout.addLayout(info_glayout)
+ # Settings tab
+ settings_tab = QWidget()
+ settings_layout = QVBoxLayout(settings_tab)
+ settings_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ # Settings tab - Label
+ label_msg = QLabel(_("Name this {}. If you have multiple devices "
+ "their labels help distinguish them.")
+ .format(plugin.device))
+ label_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ label_label = QLabel(_("Device Label"))
+ label_edit = QLineEdit()
+ label_edit.setMinimumWidth(150)
+ label_edit.setMaxLength(plugin.MAX_LABEL_LEN)
+ label_apply = QPushButton(_("Apply"))
+ label_apply.clicked.connect(rename)
+ label_edit.textChanged.connect(set_label_enabled)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_label, 0, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_edit, 0, 1, 1, 2)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_apply, 0, 3)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_msg, 1, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - PIN
+ pin_label = QLabel(_("PIN Protection"))
+ pin_button = QPushButton()
+ pin_button.clicked.connect(set_pin)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_label, 2, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_button, 2, 1)
+ pin_msg = QLabel(_("PIN protection is strongly recommended. "
+ "A PIN is your only protection against someone "
+ "stealing your bitcoins if they obtain physical "
+ "access to your {}.").format(plugin.device))
+ pin_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ pin_msg.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_msg, 3, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - Homescreen
+ if plugin.device != 'KeepKey': # Not yet supported by KK firmware
+ homescreen_layout = QHBoxLayout()
+ homescreen_label = QLabel(_("Homescreen"))
+ homescreen_change_button = QPushButton(_("Change..."))
+ homescreen_clear_button = QPushButton(_("Reset"))
+ homescreen_change_button.clicked.connect(change_homescreen)
+ homescreen_clear_button.clicked.connect(clear_homescreen)
+ homescreen_msg = QLabel(_("You can set the homescreen on your "
+ "device to personalize it. You must "
+ "choose a {} x {} monochrome black and "
+ "white image.").format(hs_rows, hs_cols))
+ homescreen_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_label, 4, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_change_button, 4, 1)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_clear_button, 4, 2)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_msg, 5, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - Session Timeout
+ timeout_label = QLabel(_("Session Timeout"))
+ timeout_minutes = QLabel()
+ timeout_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
+ timeout_slider.setRange(1, 60)
+ timeout_slider.setSingleStep(1)
+ timeout_slider.setTickInterval(5)
+ timeout_slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow)
+ timeout_slider.setTracking(True)
+ timeout_msg = QLabel(
+ _("Clear the session after the specified period "
+ "of inactivity. Once a session has timed out, "
+ "your PIN and passphrase (if enabled) must be "
+ "re-entered to use the device."))
+ timeout_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ timeout_slider.setSliderPosition(config.get_session_timeout() // 60)
+ slider_moved()
+ timeout_slider.valueChanged.connect(slider_moved)
+ timeout_slider.sliderReleased.connect(slider_released)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_label, 6, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_slider, 6, 1, 1, 3)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_minutes, 6, 4)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_msg, 7, 1, 1, -1)
+ settings_layout.addLayout(settings_glayout)
+ settings_layout.addStretch(1)
+ # Advanced tab
+ advanced_tab = QWidget()
+ advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout(advanced_tab)
+ advanced_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ # Advanced tab - clear PIN
+ clear_pin_button = QPushButton(_("Disable PIN"))
+ clear_pin_button.clicked.connect(clear_pin)
+ clear_pin_warning = QLabel(
+ _("If you disable your PIN, anyone with physical access to your "
+ "{} device can spend your bitcoins.").format(plugin.device))
+ clear_pin_warning.setWordWrap(True)
+ clear_pin_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_button, 0, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_warning, 1, 0, 1, 5)
+ # Advanced tab - toggle passphrase protection
+ passphrase_button = QPushButton()
+ passphrase_button.clicked.connect(toggle_passphrase)
+ passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP)
+ passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
+ passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_button, 3, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_msg, 4, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_warning, 5, 0, 1, 5)
+ # Advanced tab - wipe device
+ wipe_device_button = QPushButton(_("Wipe Device"))
+ wipe_device_button.clicked.connect(wipe_device)
+ wipe_device_msg = QLabel(
+ _("Wipe the device, removing all data from it. The firmware "
+ "is left unchanged."))
+ wipe_device_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ wipe_device_warning = QLabel(
+ _("Only wipe a device if you have the recovery seed written down "
+ "and the device wallet(s) are empty, otherwise the bitcoins "
+ "will be lost forever."))
+ wipe_device_warning.setWordWrap(True)
+ wipe_device_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_button, 6, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_msg, 7, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_warning, 8, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_layout.addLayout(advanced_glayout)
+ advanced_layout.addStretch(1)
+ tabs = QTabWidget(self)
+ tabs.addTab(info_tab, _("Information"))
+ tabs.addTab(settings_tab, _("Settings"))
+ tabs.addTab(advanced_tab, _("Advanced"))
+ dialog_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
+ dialog_vbox.addWidget(tabs)
+ dialog_vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self)))
+ # Update information
+ invoke_client(None)
diff --git a/plugins/keepkey/ b/plugins/keepkey/
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-from functools import partial
-import threading
-from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
-from PyQt5.Qt import QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
-from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QLabel
-from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
-from .keepkey import TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER, TIM_MNEMONIC
-from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase
-from electrum.i18n import _
-from electrum.plugins import hook, DeviceMgr
-from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled, bh2u
-from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Standard_Wallet
- "Passphrases allow you to access new wallets, each "
- "hidden behind a particular case-sensitive passphrase.")
- "You need to create a separate Electrum wallet for each passphrase "
- "you use as they each generate different addresses. Changing "
- "your passphrase does not lose other wallets, each is still "
- "accessible behind its own passphrase.")
- "You should enable PIN protection. Your PIN is the only protection "
- "for your bitcoins if your device is lost or stolen.")
- "If you forget a passphrase you will be unable to access any "
- "bitcoins in the wallet behind it. A passphrase is not a PIN. "
- "Only change this if you are sure you understand it.")
- "Use the recovery cipher shown on your device to input your seed words. "
- "The cipher changes with every keypress.\n"
- "After at most 4 letters the device will auto-complete a word.\n"
- "Press SPACE or the Accept Word button to accept the device's auto-"
- "completed word and advance to the next one.\n"
- "Press BACKSPACE to go back a character or word.\n"
- "Press ENTER or the Seed Entered button once the last word in your "
- "seed is auto-completed.")
-class CharacterButton(QPushButton):
- def __init__(self, text=None):
- QPushButton.__init__(self, text)
- def keyPressEvent(self, event):
- event.setAccepted(False) # Pass through Enter and Space keys
-class CharacterDialog(WindowModalDialog):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- super(CharacterDialog, self).__init__(parent)
- self.setWindowTitle(_("KeepKey Seed Recovery"))
- self.character_pos = 0
- self.word_pos = 0
- self.loop = QEventLoop()
- self.word_help = QLabel()
- self.char_buttons = []
- vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
- vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(CHARACTER_RECOVERY))
- hbox = QHBoxLayout()
- hbox.addWidget(self.word_help)
- for i in range(4):
- char_button = CharacterButton('*')
- char_button.setMaximumWidth(36)
- self.char_buttons.append(char_button)
- hbox.addWidget(char_button)
- self.accept_button = CharacterButton(_("Accept Word"))
- self.accept_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key, 32))
- self.rejected.connect(partial(self.loop.exit, 1))
- hbox.addWidget(self.accept_button)
- hbox.addStretch(1)
- vbox.addLayout(hbox)
- self.finished_button = QPushButton(_("Seed Entered"))
- self.cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel"))
- self.finished_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key,
- Qt.Key_Return))
- self.cancel_button.clicked.connect(self.rejected)
- buttons = Buttons(self.finished_button, self.cancel_button)
- vbox.addSpacing(40)
- vbox.addLayout(buttons)
- self.refresh()
- def refresh(self):
- self.word_help.setText("Enter seed word %2d:" % (self.word_pos + 1))
- self.accept_button.setEnabled(self.character_pos >= 3)
- self.finished_button.setEnabled((self.word_pos in (11, 17, 23)
- and self.character_pos >= 3))
- for n, button in enumerate(self.char_buttons):
- button.setEnabled(n == self.character_pos)
- if n == self.character_pos:
- button.setFocus()
- def is_valid_alpha_space(self, key):
- # Auto-completion requires at least 3 characters
- if key == ord(' ') and self.character_pos >= 3:
- return True
- # Firmware aborts protocol if the 5th character is non-space
- if self.character_pos >= 4:
- return False
- return (key >= ord('a') and key <= ord('z')
- or (key >= ord('A') and key <= ord('Z')))
- def process_key(self, key):
- = None
- if key == Qt.Key_Return and self.finished_button.isEnabled():
- = {'done': True}
- elif key == Qt.Key_Backspace and (self.word_pos or self.character_pos):
- = {'delete': True}
- elif self.is_valid_alpha_space(key):
- = {'character': chr(key).lower()}
- if
- self.loop.exit(0)
- def keyPressEvent(self, event):
- self.process_key(event.key())
- if not
- QDialog.keyPressEvent(self, event)
- def get_char(self, word_pos, character_pos):
- self.word_pos = word_pos
- self.character_pos = character_pos
- self.refresh()
- if self.loop.exec_():
- = None # User cancelled
-class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase):
- char_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
- pin_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
- close_char_dialog_signal = pyqtSignal()
- def __init__(self, win, pin_matrix_widget_class, device):
- super(QtHandler, self).__init__(win, device)
- self.char_signal.connect(self.update_character_dialog)
- self.pin_signal.connect(self.pin_dialog)
- self.close_char_dialog_signal.connect(self._close_char_dialog)
- self.pin_matrix_widget_class = pin_matrix_widget_class
- self.character_dialog = None
- def get_char(self, msg):
- self.done.clear()
- self.char_signal.emit(msg)
- self.done.wait()
- data =
- if not data or 'done' in data:
- self.close_char_dialog_signal.emit()
- return data
- def _close_char_dialog(self):
- if self.character_dialog:
- self.character_dialog.accept()
- self.character_dialog = None
- def get_pin(self, msg):
- self.done.clear()
- self.pin_signal.emit(msg)
- self.done.wait()
- return self.response
- def pin_dialog(self, msg):
- # Needed e.g. when resetting a device
- self.clear_dialog()
- dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Enter PIN"))
- matrix = self.pin_matrix_widget_class()
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
- vbox.addWidget(matrix)
- vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog), OkButton(dialog)))
- dialog.setLayout(vbox)
- dialog.exec_()
- self.response = str(matrix.get_value())
- self.done.set()
- def update_character_dialog(self, msg):
- if not self.character_dialog:
- self.character_dialog = CharacterDialog(self.top_level_window())
- self.character_dialog.get_char(msg.word_pos, msg.character_pos)
- self.done.set()
-class QtPlugin(QtPluginBase):
- # Derived classes must provide the following class-static variables:
- # icon_file
- # pin_matrix_widget_class
- def create_handler(self, window):
- return QtHandler(window, self.pin_matrix_widget_class(), self.device)
- @hook
- def receive_menu(self, menu, addrs, wallet):
- if type(wallet) is not Standard_Wallet:
- return
- keystore = wallet.get_keystore()
- if type(keystore) == self.keystore_class and len(addrs) == 1:
- def show_address():
- keystore.thread.add(partial(self.show_address, wallet, addrs[0]))
- menu.addAction(_("Show on {}").format(self.device), show_address)
- def show_settings_dialog(self, window, keystore):
- device_id = self.choose_device(window, keystore)
- if device_id:
- SettingsDialog(window, self, keystore, device_id).exec_()
- def request_trezor_init_settings(self, wizard, method, device):
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- next_enabled = True
- label = QLabel(_("Enter a label to name your device:"))
- name = QLineEdit()
- hl = QHBoxLayout()
- hl.addWidget(label)
- hl.addWidget(name)
- hl.addStretch(1)
- vbox.addLayout(hl)
- def clean_text(widget):
- text = widget.toPlainText().strip()
- return ' '.join(text.split())
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- gb = QGroupBox()
- hbox1 = QHBoxLayout()
- gb.setLayout(hbox1)
- # KeepKey recovery doesn't need a word count
- if method == TIM_NEW:
- vbox.addWidget(gb)
- gb.setTitle(_("Select your seed length:"))
- bg = QButtonGroup()
- for i, count in enumerate([12, 18, 24]):
- rb = QRadioButton(gb)
- rb.setText(_("{} words").format(count))
- bg.addButton(rb)
- bg.setId(rb, i)
- hbox1.addWidget(rb)
- rb.setChecked(True)
- cb_pin = QCheckBox(_('Enable PIN protection'))
- cb_pin.setChecked(True)
- else:
- text = QTextEdit()
- text.setMaximumHeight(60)
- if method == TIM_MNEMONIC:
- msg = _("Enter your BIP39 mnemonic:")
- else:
- msg = _("Enter the master private key beginning with xprv:")
- def set_enabled():
- from electrum.keystore import is_xprv
- wizard.next_button.setEnabled(is_xprv(clean_text(text)))
- text.textChanged.connect(set_enabled)
- next_enabled = False
- vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
- vbox.addWidget(text)
- pin = QLineEdit()
- pin.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(QRegExp('[1-9]{0,9}')))
- pin.setMaximumWidth(100)
- hbox_pin = QHBoxLayout()
- hbox_pin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter your PIN (digits 1-9):")))
- hbox_pin.addWidget(pin)
- hbox_pin.addStretch(1)
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(RECOMMEND_PIN))
- vbox.addWidget(cb_pin)
- else:
- vbox.addLayout(hbox_pin)
- passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP_SHORT)
- passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
- passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- cb_phrase = QCheckBox(_('Enable passphrases'))
- cb_phrase.setChecked(False)
- vbox.addWidget(passphrase_msg)
- vbox.addWidget(passphrase_warning)
- vbox.addWidget(cb_phrase)
- wizard.exec_layout(vbox, next_enabled=next_enabled)
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- item = bg.checkedId()
- pin = cb_pin.isChecked()
- else:
- item = ' '.join(str(clean_text(text)).split())
- pin = str(pin.text())
- return (item, name.text(), pin, cb_phrase.isChecked())
-class SettingsDialog(WindowModalDialog):
- '''This dialog doesn't require a device be paired with a wallet.
- We want users to be able to wipe a device even if they've forgotten
- their PIN.'''
- def __init__(self, window, plugin, keystore, device_id):
- title = _("{} Settings").format(plugin.device)
- super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(window, title)
- self.setMaximumWidth(540)
- devmgr = plugin.device_manager()
- config = devmgr.config
- handler = keystore.handler
- thread = keystore.thread
- hs_rows, hs_cols = (64, 128)
- def invoke_client(method, *args, **kw_args):
- unpair_after = kw_args.pop('unpair_after', False)
- def task():
- client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_id)
- if not client:
- raise RuntimeError("Device not connected")
- if method:
- getattr(client, method)(*args, **kw_args)
- if unpair_after:
- devmgr.unpair_id(device_id)
- return client.features
- thread.add(task, on_success=update)
- def update(features):
- self.features = features
- set_label_enabled()
- bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash)
- bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]])
- noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")]
- endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")]
- disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")]
- setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")]
- version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version,
- features.minor_version,
- features.patch_version)
- coins = ", ".join(coin.coin_name for coin in features.coins)
- device_label.setText(features.label)
- pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection])
- passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection])
- bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash)
- label_edit.setText(features.label)
- device_id_label.setText(features.device_id)
- initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized])
- version_label.setText(version)
- coins_label.setText(coins)
- clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
- clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
- pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection])
- pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection)
- passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection])
- language_label.setText(features.language)
- def set_label_enabled():
- label_apply.setEnabled(label_edit.text() != self.features.label)
- def rename():
- invoke_client('change_label', label_edit.text())
- def toggle_passphrase():
- title = _("Confirm Toggle Passphrase Protection")
- currently_enabled = self.features.passphrase_protection
- if currently_enabled:
- msg = _("After disabling passphrases, you can only pair this "
- "Electrum wallet if it had an empty passphrase. "
- "If its passphrase was not empty, you will need to "
- "create a new wallet with the install wizard. You "
- "can use this wallet again at any time by re-enabling "
- "passphrases and entering its passphrase.")
- else:
- msg = _("Your current Electrum wallet can only be used with "
- "an empty passphrase. You must create a separate "
- "wallet with the install wizard for other passphrases "
- "as each one generates a new set of addresses.")
- msg += "\n\n" + _("Are you sure you want to proceed?")
- if not self.question(msg, title=title):
- return
- invoke_client('toggle_passphrase', unpair_after=currently_enabled)
- def change_homescreen():
- from PIL import Image # FIXME
- dialog = QFileDialog(self, _("Choose Homescreen"))
- filename, __ = dialog.getOpenFileName()
- if filename:
- im =
- if im.size != (hs_cols, hs_rows):
- raise Exception('Image must be 64 x 128 pixels')
- im = im.convert('1')
- pix = im.load()
- img = ''
- for j in range(hs_rows):
- for i in range(hs_cols):
- img += '1' if pix[i, j] else '0'
- img = ''.join(chr(int(img[i:i + 8], 2))
- for i in range(0, len(img), 8))
- invoke_client('change_homescreen', img)
- def clear_homescreen():
- invoke_client('change_homescreen', '\x00')
- def set_pin():
- invoke_client('set_pin', remove=False)
- def clear_pin():
- invoke_client('set_pin', remove=True)
- def wipe_device():
- wallet = window.wallet
- if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()):
- title = _("Confirm Device Wipe")
- msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n"
- "Your wallet still has bitcoins in it!")
- if not self.question(msg, title=title,
- icon=QMessageBox.Critical):
- return
- invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True)
- def slider_moved():
- mins = timeout_slider.sliderPosition()
- timeout_minutes.setText(_("%2d minutes") % mins)
- def slider_released():
- config.set_session_timeout(timeout_slider.sliderPosition() * 60)
- # Information tab
- info_tab = QWidget()
- info_layout = QVBoxLayout(info_tab)
- info_glayout = QGridLayout()
- info_glayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1)
- device_label = QLabel()
- pin_set_label = QLabel()
- passphrases_label = QLabel()
- version_label = QLabel()
- device_id_label = QLabel()
- bl_hash_label = QLabel()
- bl_hash_label.setWordWrap(True)
- coins_label = QLabel()
- coins_label.setWordWrap(True)
- language_label = QLabel()
- initialized_label = QLabel()
- rows = [
- (_("Device Label"), device_label),
- (_("PIN set"), pin_set_label),
- (_("Passphrases"), passphrases_label),
- (_("Firmware Version"), version_label),
- (_("Device ID"), device_id_label),
- (_("Bootloader Hash"), bl_hash_label),
- (_("Supported Coins"), coins_label),
- (_("Language"), language_label),
- (_("Initialized"), initialized_label),
- ]
- for row_num, (label, widget) in enumerate(rows):
- info_glayout.addWidget(QLabel(label), row_num, 0)
- info_glayout.addWidget(widget, row_num, 1)
- info_layout.addLayout(info_glayout)
- # Settings tab
- settings_tab = QWidget()
- settings_layout = QVBoxLayout(settings_tab)
- settings_glayout = QGridLayout()
- # Settings tab - Label
- label_msg = QLabel(_("Name this {}. If you have multiple devices "
- "their labels help distinguish them.")
- .format(plugin.device))
- label_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- label_label = QLabel(_("Device Label"))
- label_edit = QLineEdit()
- label_edit.setMinimumWidth(150)
- label_edit.setMaxLength(plugin.MAX_LABEL_LEN)
- label_apply = QPushButton(_("Apply"))
- label_apply.clicked.connect(rename)
- label_edit.textChanged.connect(set_label_enabled)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_label, 0, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_edit, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_apply, 0, 3)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_msg, 1, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - PIN
- pin_label = QLabel(_("PIN Protection"))
- pin_button = QPushButton()
- pin_button.clicked.connect(set_pin)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_label, 2, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_button, 2, 1)
- pin_msg = QLabel(_("PIN protection is strongly recommended. "
- "A PIN is your only protection against someone "
- "stealing your bitcoins if they obtain physical "
- "access to your {}.").format(plugin.device))
- pin_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- pin_msg.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_msg, 3, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - Homescreen
- if plugin.device != 'KeepKey': # Not yet supported by KK firmware
- homescreen_layout = QHBoxLayout()
- homescreen_label = QLabel(_("Homescreen"))
- homescreen_change_button = QPushButton(_("Change..."))
- homescreen_clear_button = QPushButton(_("Reset"))
- homescreen_change_button.clicked.connect(change_homescreen)
- homescreen_clear_button.clicked.connect(clear_homescreen)
- homescreen_msg = QLabel(_("You can set the homescreen on your "
- "device to personalize it. You must "
- "choose a {} x {} monochrome black and "
- "white image.").format(hs_rows, hs_cols))
- homescreen_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_label, 4, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_change_button, 4, 1)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_clear_button, 4, 2)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_msg, 5, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - Session Timeout
- timeout_label = QLabel(_("Session Timeout"))
- timeout_minutes = QLabel()
- timeout_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
- timeout_slider.setRange(1, 60)
- timeout_slider.setSingleStep(1)
- timeout_slider.setTickInterval(5)
- timeout_slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow)
- timeout_slider.setTracking(True)
- timeout_msg = QLabel(
- _("Clear the session after the specified period "
- "of inactivity. Once a session has timed out, "
- "your PIN and passphrase (if enabled) must be "
- "re-entered to use the device."))
- timeout_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- timeout_slider.setSliderPosition(config.get_session_timeout() // 60)
- slider_moved()
- timeout_slider.valueChanged.connect(slider_moved)
- timeout_slider.sliderReleased.connect(slider_released)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_label, 6, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_slider, 6, 1, 1, 3)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_minutes, 6, 4)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_msg, 7, 1, 1, -1)
- settings_layout.addLayout(settings_glayout)
- settings_layout.addStretch(1)
- # Advanced tab
- advanced_tab = QWidget()
- advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout(advanced_tab)
- advanced_glayout = QGridLayout()
- # Advanced tab - clear PIN
- clear_pin_button = QPushButton(_("Disable PIN"))
- clear_pin_button.clicked.connect(clear_pin)
- clear_pin_warning = QLabel(
- _("If you disable your PIN, anyone with physical access to your "
- "{} device can spend your bitcoins.").format(plugin.device))
- clear_pin_warning.setWordWrap(True)
- clear_pin_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_button, 0, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_warning, 1, 0, 1, 5)
- # Advanced tab - toggle passphrase protection
- passphrase_button = QPushButton()
- passphrase_button.clicked.connect(toggle_passphrase)
- passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP)
- passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
- passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_button, 3, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_msg, 4, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_warning, 5, 0, 1, 5)
- # Advanced tab - wipe device
- wipe_device_button = QPushButton(_("Wipe Device"))
- wipe_device_button.clicked.connect(wipe_device)
- wipe_device_msg = QLabel(
- _("Wipe the device, removing all data from it. The firmware "
- "is left unchanged."))
- wipe_device_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- wipe_device_warning = QLabel(
- _("Only wipe a device if you have the recovery seed written down "
- "and the device wallet(s) are empty, otherwise the bitcoins "
- "will be lost forever."))
- wipe_device_warning.setWordWrap(True)
- wipe_device_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_button, 6, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_msg, 7, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_warning, 8, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_layout.addLayout(advanced_glayout)
- advanced_layout.addStretch(1)
- tabs = QTabWidget(self)
- tabs.addTab(info_tab, _("Information"))
- tabs.addTab(settings_tab, _("Settings"))
- tabs.addTab(advanced_tab, _("Advanced"))
- dialog_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
- dialog_vbox.addWidget(tabs)
- dialog_vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self)))
- # Update information
- invoke_client(None)
diff --git a/plugins/trezor/ b/plugins/trezor/
@@ -1,5 +1,168 @@
-from ..trezor.qt_generic import QtPlugin
-from .trezor import TrezorPlugin
+from functools import partial
+import threading
+from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
+from PyQt5.Qt import QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
+from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QLabel
+from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
+from .trezor import TrezorPlugin, TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER, TIM_MNEMONIC
+from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase
+from electrum.i18n import _
+from electrum.plugins import hook, DeviceMgr
+from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled, bh2u
+from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Standard_Wallet
+ "Passphrases allow you to access new wallets, each "
+ "hidden behind a particular case-sensitive passphrase.")
+ "You need to create a separate Electrum wallet for each passphrase "
+ "you use as they each generate different addresses. Changing "
+ "your passphrase does not lose other wallets, each is still "
+ "accessible behind its own passphrase.")
+ "You should enable PIN protection. Your PIN is the only protection "
+ "for your bitcoins if your device is lost or stolen.")
+ "If you forget a passphrase you will be unable to access any "
+ "bitcoins in the wallet behind it. A passphrase is not a PIN. "
+ "Only change this if you are sure you understand it.")
+class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase):
+ pin_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
+ def __init__(self, win, pin_matrix_widget_class, device):
+ super(QtHandler, self).__init__(win, device)
+ self.pin_signal.connect(self.pin_dialog)
+ self.pin_matrix_widget_class = pin_matrix_widget_class
+ def get_pin(self, msg):
+ self.done.clear()
+ self.pin_signal.emit(msg)
+ self.done.wait()
+ return self.response
+ def pin_dialog(self, msg):
+ # Needed e.g. when resetting a device
+ self.clear_dialog()
+ dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Enter PIN"))
+ matrix = self.pin_matrix_widget_class()
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
+ vbox.addWidget(matrix)
+ vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog), OkButton(dialog)))
+ dialog.setLayout(vbox)
+ dialog.exec_()
+ self.response = str(matrix.get_value())
+ self.done.set()
+class QtPlugin(QtPluginBase):
+ # Derived classes must provide the following class-static variables:
+ # icon_file
+ # pin_matrix_widget_class
+ def create_handler(self, window):
+ return QtHandler(window, self.pin_matrix_widget_class(), self.device)
+ @hook
+ def receive_menu(self, menu, addrs, wallet):
+ if len(addrs) != 1:
+ return
+ for keystore in wallet.get_keystores():
+ if type(keystore) == self.keystore_class:
+ def show_address():
+ keystore.thread.add(partial(self.show_address, wallet, addrs[0], keystore))
+ menu.addAction(_("Show on {}").format(self.device), show_address)
+ break
+ def show_settings_dialog(self, window, keystore):
+ device_id = self.choose_device(window, keystore)
+ if device_id:
+ SettingsDialog(window, self, keystore, device_id).exec_()
+ def request_trezor_init_settings(self, wizard, method, device):
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ next_enabled = True
+ label = QLabel(_("Enter a label to name your device:"))
+ name = QLineEdit()
+ hl = QHBoxLayout()
+ hl.addWidget(label)
+ hl.addWidget(name)
+ hl.addStretch(1)
+ vbox.addLayout(hl)
+ def clean_text(widget):
+ text = widget.toPlainText().strip()
+ return ' '.join(text.split())
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ gb = QGroupBox()
+ hbox1 = QHBoxLayout()
+ gb.setLayout(hbox1)
+ vbox.addWidget(gb)
+ gb.setTitle(_("Select your seed length:"))
+ bg = QButtonGroup()
+ for i, count in enumerate([12, 18, 24]):
+ rb = QRadioButton(gb)
+ rb.setText(_("%d words") % count)
+ bg.addButton(rb)
+ bg.setId(rb, i)
+ hbox1.addWidget(rb)
+ rb.setChecked(True)
+ cb_pin = QCheckBox(_('Enable PIN protection'))
+ cb_pin.setChecked(True)
+ else:
+ text = QTextEdit()
+ text.setMaximumHeight(60)
+ if method == TIM_MNEMONIC:
+ msg = _("Enter your BIP39 mnemonic:")
+ else:
+ msg = _("Enter the master private key beginning with xprv:")
+ def set_enabled():
+ from electrum.keystore import is_xprv
+ wizard.next_button.setEnabled(is_xprv(clean_text(text)))
+ text.textChanged.connect(set_enabled)
+ next_enabled = False
+ vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
+ vbox.addWidget(text)
+ pin = QLineEdit()
+ pin.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(QRegExp('[1-9]{0,9}')))
+ pin.setMaximumWidth(100)
+ hbox_pin = QHBoxLayout()
+ hbox_pin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter your PIN (digits 1-9):")))
+ hbox_pin.addWidget(pin)
+ hbox_pin.addStretch(1)
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(RECOMMEND_PIN))
+ vbox.addWidget(cb_pin)
+ else:
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox_pin)
+ passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP_SHORT)
+ passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
+ passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ cb_phrase = QCheckBox(_('Enable passphrases'))
+ cb_phrase.setChecked(False)
+ vbox.addWidget(passphrase_msg)
+ vbox.addWidget(passphrase_warning)
+ vbox.addWidget(cb_phrase)
+ wizard.exec_layout(vbox, next_enabled=next_enabled)
+ if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
+ item = bg.checkedId()
+ pin = cb_pin.isChecked()
+ else:
+ item = ' '.join(str(clean_text(text)).split())
+ pin = str(pin.text())
+ return (item, name.text(), pin, cb_phrase.isChecked())
class Plugin(TrezorPlugin, QtPlugin):
@@ -10,3 +173,314 @@ class Plugin(TrezorPlugin, QtPlugin):
def pin_matrix_widget_class(self):
from trezorlib.qt.pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget
return PinMatrixWidget
+class SettingsDialog(WindowModalDialog):
+ '''This dialog doesn't require a device be paired with a wallet.
+ We want users to be able to wipe a device even if they've forgotten
+ their PIN.'''
+ def __init__(self, window, plugin, keystore, device_id):
+ title = _("{} Settings").format(plugin.device)
+ super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(window, title)
+ self.setMaximumWidth(540)
+ devmgr = plugin.device_manager()
+ config = devmgr.config
+ handler = keystore.handler
+ thread = keystore.thread
+ hs_rows, hs_cols = (64, 128)
+ def invoke_client(method, *args, **kw_args):
+ unpair_after = kw_args.pop('unpair_after', False)
+ def task():
+ client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_id)
+ if not client:
+ raise RuntimeError("Device not connected")
+ if method:
+ getattr(client, method)(*args, **kw_args)
+ if unpair_after:
+ devmgr.unpair_id(device_id)
+ return client.features
+ thread.add(task, on_success=update)
+ def update(features):
+ self.features = features
+ set_label_enabled()
+ if features.bootloader_hash:
+ bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash)
+ bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]])
+ else:
+ bl_hash = "N/A"
+ noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")]
+ endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")]
+ disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")]
+ setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")]
+ version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version,
+ features.minor_version,
+ features.patch_version)
+ coins = ", ".join(coin.coin_name for coin in features.coins)
+ device_label.setText(features.label)
+ pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection])
+ passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection])
+ bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash)
+ label_edit.setText(features.label)
+ device_id_label.setText(features.device_id)
+ initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized])
+ version_label.setText(version)
+ coins_label.setText(coins)
+ clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
+ clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
+ pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection])
+ pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection)
+ passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection])
+ language_label.setText(features.language)
+ def set_label_enabled():
+ label_apply.setEnabled(label_edit.text() != self.features.label)
+ def rename():
+ invoke_client('change_label', label_edit.text())
+ def toggle_passphrase():
+ title = _("Confirm Toggle Passphrase Protection")
+ currently_enabled = self.features.passphrase_protection
+ if currently_enabled:
+ msg = _("After disabling passphrases, you can only pair this "
+ "Electrum wallet if it had an empty passphrase. "
+ "If its passphrase was not empty, you will need to "
+ "create a new wallet with the install wizard. You "
+ "can use this wallet again at any time by re-enabling "
+ "passphrases and entering its passphrase.")
+ else:
+ msg = _("Your current Electrum wallet can only be used with "
+ "an empty passphrase. You must create a separate "
+ "wallet with the install wizard for other passphrases "
+ "as each one generates a new set of addresses.")
+ msg += "\n\n" + _("Are you sure you want to proceed?")
+ if not self.question(msg, title=title):
+ return
+ invoke_client('toggle_passphrase', unpair_after=currently_enabled)
+ def change_homescreen():
+ dialog = QFileDialog(self, _("Choose Homescreen"))
+ filename, __ = dialog.getOpenFileName()
+ if filename.endswith('.toif'):
+ img = open(filename, 'rb').read()
+ if img[:8] != b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00':
+ raise Exception('File is not a TOIF file with size of 144x144')
+ else:
+ from PIL import Image # FIXME
+ im =
+ if im.size != (128, 64):
+ raise Exception('Image must be 128 x 64 pixels')
+ im = im.convert('1')
+ pix = im.load()
+ img = bytearray(1024)
+ for j in range(64):
+ for i in range(128):
+ if pix[i, j]:
+ o = (i + j * 128)
+ img[o // 8] |= (1 << (7 - o % 8))
+ img = bytes(img)
+ invoke_client('change_homescreen', img)
+ def clear_homescreen():
+ invoke_client('change_homescreen', b'\x00')
+ def set_pin():
+ invoke_client('set_pin', remove=False)
+ def clear_pin():
+ invoke_client('set_pin', remove=True)
+ def wipe_device():
+ wallet = window.wallet
+ if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()):
+ title = _("Confirm Device Wipe")
+ msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n"
+ "Your wallet still has bitcoins in it!")
+ if not self.question(msg, title=title,
+ icon=QMessageBox.Critical):
+ return
+ invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True)
+ def slider_moved():
+ mins = timeout_slider.sliderPosition()
+ timeout_minutes.setText(_("%2d minutes") % mins)
+ def slider_released():
+ config.set_session_timeout(timeout_slider.sliderPosition() * 60)
+ # Information tab
+ info_tab = QWidget()
+ info_layout = QVBoxLayout(info_tab)
+ info_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ info_glayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1)
+ device_label = QLabel()
+ pin_set_label = QLabel()
+ passphrases_label = QLabel()
+ version_label = QLabel()
+ device_id_label = QLabel()
+ bl_hash_label = QLabel()
+ bl_hash_label.setWordWrap(True)
+ coins_label = QLabel()
+ coins_label.setWordWrap(True)
+ language_label = QLabel()
+ initialized_label = QLabel()
+ rows = [
+ (_("Device Label"), device_label),
+ (_("PIN set"), pin_set_label),
+ (_("Passphrases"), passphrases_label),
+ (_("Firmware Version"), version_label),
+ (_("Device ID"), device_id_label),
+ (_("Bootloader Hash"), bl_hash_label),
+ (_("Supported Coins"), coins_label),
+ (_("Language"), language_label),
+ (_("Initialized"), initialized_label),
+ ]
+ for row_num, (label, widget) in enumerate(rows):
+ info_glayout.addWidget(QLabel(label), row_num, 0)
+ info_glayout.addWidget(widget, row_num, 1)
+ info_layout.addLayout(info_glayout)
+ # Settings tab
+ settings_tab = QWidget()
+ settings_layout = QVBoxLayout(settings_tab)
+ settings_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ # Settings tab - Label
+ label_msg = QLabel(_("Name this {}. If you have multiple devices "
+ "their labels help distinguish them.")
+ .format(plugin.device))
+ label_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ label_label = QLabel(_("Device Label"))
+ label_edit = QLineEdit()
+ label_edit.setMinimumWidth(150)
+ label_edit.setMaxLength(plugin.MAX_LABEL_LEN)
+ label_apply = QPushButton(_("Apply"))
+ label_apply.clicked.connect(rename)
+ label_edit.textChanged.connect(set_label_enabled)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_label, 0, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_edit, 0, 1, 1, 2)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_apply, 0, 3)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(label_msg, 1, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - PIN
+ pin_label = QLabel(_("PIN Protection"))
+ pin_button = QPushButton()
+ pin_button.clicked.connect(set_pin)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_label, 2, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_button, 2, 1)
+ pin_msg = QLabel(_("PIN protection is strongly recommended. "
+ "A PIN is your only protection against someone "
+ "stealing your bitcoins if they obtain physical "
+ "access to your {}.").format(plugin.device))
+ pin_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ pin_msg.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_msg, 3, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - Homescreen
+ if plugin.device != 'KeepKey': # Not yet supported by KK firmware
+ homescreen_layout = QHBoxLayout()
+ homescreen_label = QLabel(_("Homescreen"))
+ homescreen_change_button = QPushButton(_("Change..."))
+ homescreen_clear_button = QPushButton(_("Reset"))
+ homescreen_change_button.clicked.connect(change_homescreen)
+ homescreen_clear_button.clicked.connect(clear_homescreen)
+ homescreen_msg = QLabel(_("You can set the homescreen on your "
+ "device to personalize it. You must "
+ "choose a {} x {} monochrome black and "
+ "white image.").format(hs_rows, hs_cols))
+ homescreen_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_label, 4, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_change_button, 4, 1)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_clear_button, 4, 2)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_msg, 5, 1, 1, -1)
+ # Settings tab - Session Timeout
+ timeout_label = QLabel(_("Session Timeout"))
+ timeout_minutes = QLabel()
+ timeout_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
+ timeout_slider.setRange(1, 60)
+ timeout_slider.setSingleStep(1)
+ timeout_slider.setTickInterval(5)
+ timeout_slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow)
+ timeout_slider.setTracking(True)
+ timeout_msg = QLabel(
+ _("Clear the session after the specified period "
+ "of inactivity. Once a session has timed out, "
+ "your PIN and passphrase (if enabled) must be "
+ "re-entered to use the device."))
+ timeout_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ timeout_slider.setSliderPosition(config.get_session_timeout() // 60)
+ slider_moved()
+ timeout_slider.valueChanged.connect(slider_moved)
+ timeout_slider.sliderReleased.connect(slider_released)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_label, 6, 0)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_slider, 6, 1, 1, 3)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_minutes, 6, 4)
+ settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_msg, 7, 1, 1, -1)
+ settings_layout.addLayout(settings_glayout)
+ settings_layout.addStretch(1)
+ # Advanced tab
+ advanced_tab = QWidget()
+ advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout(advanced_tab)
+ advanced_glayout = QGridLayout()
+ # Advanced tab - clear PIN
+ clear_pin_button = QPushButton(_("Disable PIN"))
+ clear_pin_button.clicked.connect(clear_pin)
+ clear_pin_warning = QLabel(
+ _("If you disable your PIN, anyone with physical access to your "
+ "{} device can spend your bitcoins.").format(plugin.device))
+ clear_pin_warning.setWordWrap(True)
+ clear_pin_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_button, 0, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_warning, 1, 0, 1, 5)
+ # Advanced tab - toggle passphrase protection
+ passphrase_button = QPushButton()
+ passphrase_button.clicked.connect(toggle_passphrase)
+ passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP)
+ passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
+ passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_button, 3, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_msg, 4, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_warning, 5, 0, 1, 5)
+ # Advanced tab - wipe device
+ wipe_device_button = QPushButton(_("Wipe Device"))
+ wipe_device_button.clicked.connect(wipe_device)
+ wipe_device_msg = QLabel(
+ _("Wipe the device, removing all data from it. The firmware "
+ "is left unchanged."))
+ wipe_device_msg.setWordWrap(True)
+ wipe_device_warning = QLabel(
+ _("Only wipe a device if you have the recovery seed written down "
+ "and the device wallet(s) are empty, otherwise the bitcoins "
+ "will be lost forever."))
+ wipe_device_warning.setWordWrap(True)
+ wipe_device_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_button, 6, 2)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_msg, 7, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_warning, 8, 0, 1, 5)
+ advanced_layout.addLayout(advanced_glayout)
+ advanced_layout.addStretch(1)
+ tabs = QTabWidget(self)
+ tabs.addTab(info_tab, _("Information"))
+ tabs.addTab(settings_tab, _("Settings"))
+ tabs.addTab(advanced_tab, _("Advanced"))
+ dialog_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
+ dialog_vbox.addWidget(tabs)
+ dialog_vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self)))
+ # Update information
+ invoke_client(None)
diff --git a/plugins/trezor/ b/plugins/trezor/
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-from functools import partial
-import threading
-from PyQt5.Qt import Qt
-from PyQt5.Qt import QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
-from PyQt5.Qt import QVBoxLayout, QLabel
-from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
-from .trezor import TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER, TIM_MNEMONIC
-from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase
-from electrum.i18n import _
-from electrum.plugins import hook, DeviceMgr
-from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled, bh2u
-from electrum.wallet import Wallet, Standard_Wallet
- "Passphrases allow you to access new wallets, each "
- "hidden behind a particular case-sensitive passphrase.")
- "You need to create a separate Electrum wallet for each passphrase "
- "you use as they each generate different addresses. Changing "
- "your passphrase does not lose other wallets, each is still "
- "accessible behind its own passphrase.")
- "You should enable PIN protection. Your PIN is the only protection "
- "for your bitcoins if your device is lost or stolen.")
- "If you forget a passphrase you will be unable to access any "
- "bitcoins in the wallet behind it. A passphrase is not a PIN. "
- "Only change this if you are sure you understand it.")
-class QtHandler(QtHandlerBase):
- pin_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
- def __init__(self, win, pin_matrix_widget_class, device):
- super(QtHandler, self).__init__(win, device)
- self.pin_signal.connect(self.pin_dialog)
- self.pin_matrix_widget_class = pin_matrix_widget_class
- def get_pin(self, msg):
- self.done.clear()
- self.pin_signal.emit(msg)
- self.done.wait()
- return self.response
- def pin_dialog(self, msg):
- # Needed e.g. when resetting a device
- self.clear_dialog()
- dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Enter PIN"))
- matrix = self.pin_matrix_widget_class()
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
- vbox.addWidget(matrix)
- vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog), OkButton(dialog)))
- dialog.setLayout(vbox)
- dialog.exec_()
- self.response = str(matrix.get_value())
- self.done.set()
-class QtPlugin(QtPluginBase):
- # Derived classes must provide the following class-static variables:
- # icon_file
- # pin_matrix_widget_class
- def create_handler(self, window):
- return QtHandler(window, self.pin_matrix_widget_class(), self.device)
- @hook
- def receive_menu(self, menu, addrs, wallet):
- if len(addrs) != 1:
- return
- for keystore in wallet.get_keystores():
- if type(keystore) == self.keystore_class:
- def show_address():
- keystore.thread.add(partial(self.show_address, wallet, addrs[0], keystore))
- menu.addAction(_("Show on {}").format(self.device), show_address)
- break
- def show_settings_dialog(self, window, keystore):
- device_id = self.choose_device(window, keystore)
- if device_id:
- SettingsDialog(window, self, keystore, device_id).exec_()
- def request_trezor_init_settings(self, wizard, method, device):
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- next_enabled = True
- label = QLabel(_("Enter a label to name your device:"))
- name = QLineEdit()
- hl = QHBoxLayout()
- hl.addWidget(label)
- hl.addWidget(name)
- hl.addStretch(1)
- vbox.addLayout(hl)
- def clean_text(widget):
- text = widget.toPlainText().strip()
- return ' '.join(text.split())
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- gb = QGroupBox()
- hbox1 = QHBoxLayout()
- gb.setLayout(hbox1)
- vbox.addWidget(gb)
- gb.setTitle(_("Select your seed length:"))
- bg = QButtonGroup()
- for i, count in enumerate([12, 18, 24]):
- rb = QRadioButton(gb)
- rb.setText(_("%d words") % count)
- bg.addButton(rb)
- bg.setId(rb, i)
- hbox1.addWidget(rb)
- rb.setChecked(True)
- cb_pin = QCheckBox(_('Enable PIN protection'))
- cb_pin.setChecked(True)
- else:
- text = QTextEdit()
- text.setMaximumHeight(60)
- if method == TIM_MNEMONIC:
- msg = _("Enter your BIP39 mnemonic:")
- else:
- msg = _("Enter the master private key beginning with xprv:")
- def set_enabled():
- from electrum.keystore import is_xprv
- wizard.next_button.setEnabled(is_xprv(clean_text(text)))
- text.textChanged.connect(set_enabled)
- next_enabled = False
- vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
- vbox.addWidget(text)
- pin = QLineEdit()
- pin.setValidator(QRegExpValidator(QRegExp('[1-9]{0,9}')))
- pin.setMaximumWidth(100)
- hbox_pin = QHBoxLayout()
- hbox_pin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter your PIN (digits 1-9):")))
- hbox_pin.addWidget(pin)
- hbox_pin.addStretch(1)
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(RECOMMEND_PIN))
- vbox.addWidget(cb_pin)
- else:
- vbox.addLayout(hbox_pin)
- passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP_SHORT)
- passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
- passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- cb_phrase = QCheckBox(_('Enable passphrases'))
- cb_phrase.setChecked(False)
- vbox.addWidget(passphrase_msg)
- vbox.addWidget(passphrase_warning)
- vbox.addWidget(cb_phrase)
- wizard.exec_layout(vbox, next_enabled=next_enabled)
- if method in [TIM_NEW, TIM_RECOVER]:
- item = bg.checkedId()
- pin = cb_pin.isChecked()
- else:
- item = ' '.join(str(clean_text(text)).split())
- pin = str(pin.text())
- return (item, name.text(), pin, cb_phrase.isChecked())
-class SettingsDialog(WindowModalDialog):
- '''This dialog doesn't require a device be paired with a wallet.
- We want users to be able to wipe a device even if they've forgotten
- their PIN.'''
- def __init__(self, window, plugin, keystore, device_id):
- title = _("{} Settings").format(plugin.device)
- super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(window, title)
- self.setMaximumWidth(540)
- devmgr = plugin.device_manager()
- config = devmgr.config
- handler = keystore.handler
- thread = keystore.thread
- hs_rows, hs_cols = (64, 128)
- def invoke_client(method, *args, **kw_args):
- unpair_after = kw_args.pop('unpair_after', False)
- def task():
- client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_id)
- if not client:
- raise RuntimeError("Device not connected")
- if method:
- getattr(client, method)(*args, **kw_args)
- if unpair_after:
- devmgr.unpair_id(device_id)
- return client.features
- thread.add(task, on_success=update)
- def update(features):
- self.features = features
- set_label_enabled()
- if features.bootloader_hash:
- bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash)
- bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]])
- else:
- bl_hash = "N/A"
- noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")]
- endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")]
- disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")]
- setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")]
- version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version,
- features.minor_version,
- features.patch_version)
- coins = ", ".join(coin.coin_name for coin in features.coins)
- device_label.setText(features.label)
- pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection])
- passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection])
- bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash)
- label_edit.setText(features.label)
- device_id_label.setText(features.device_id)
- initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized])
- version_label.setText(version)
- coins_label.setText(coins)
- clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
- clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection)
- pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection])
- pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection)
- passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection])
- language_label.setText(features.language)
- def set_label_enabled():
- label_apply.setEnabled(label_edit.text() != self.features.label)
- def rename():
- invoke_client('change_label', label_edit.text())
- def toggle_passphrase():
- title = _("Confirm Toggle Passphrase Protection")
- currently_enabled = self.features.passphrase_protection
- if currently_enabled:
- msg = _("After disabling passphrases, you can only pair this "
- "Electrum wallet if it had an empty passphrase. "
- "If its passphrase was not empty, you will need to "
- "create a new wallet with the install wizard. You "
- "can use this wallet again at any time by re-enabling "
- "passphrases and entering its passphrase.")
- else:
- msg = _("Your current Electrum wallet can only be used with "
- "an empty passphrase. You must create a separate "
- "wallet with the install wizard for other passphrases "
- "as each one generates a new set of addresses.")
- msg += "\n\n" + _("Are you sure you want to proceed?")
- if not self.question(msg, title=title):
- return
- invoke_client('toggle_passphrase', unpair_after=currently_enabled)
- def change_homescreen():
- dialog = QFileDialog(self, _("Choose Homescreen"))
- filename, __ = dialog.getOpenFileName()
- if filename.endswith('.toif'):
- img = open(filename, 'rb').read()
- if img[:8] != b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00':
- raise Exception('File is not a TOIF file with size of 144x144')
- else:
- from PIL import Image # FIXME
- im =
- if im.size != (128, 64):
- raise Exception('Image must be 128 x 64 pixels')
- im = im.convert('1')
- pix = im.load()
- img = bytearray(1024)
- for j in range(64):
- for i in range(128):
- if pix[i, j]:
- o = (i + j * 128)
- img[o // 8] |= (1 << (7 - o % 8))
- img = bytes(img)
- invoke_client('change_homescreen', img)
- def clear_homescreen():
- invoke_client('change_homescreen', b'\x00')
- def set_pin():
- invoke_client('set_pin', remove=False)
- def clear_pin():
- invoke_client('set_pin', remove=True)
- def wipe_device():
- wallet = window.wallet
- if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()):
- title = _("Confirm Device Wipe")
- msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n"
- "Your wallet still has bitcoins in it!")
- if not self.question(msg, title=title,
- icon=QMessageBox.Critical):
- return
- invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True)
- def slider_moved():
- mins = timeout_slider.sliderPosition()
- timeout_minutes.setText(_("%2d minutes") % mins)
- def slider_released():
- config.set_session_timeout(timeout_slider.sliderPosition() * 60)
- # Information tab
- info_tab = QWidget()
- info_layout = QVBoxLayout(info_tab)
- info_glayout = QGridLayout()
- info_glayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1)
- device_label = QLabel()
- pin_set_label = QLabel()
- passphrases_label = QLabel()
- version_label = QLabel()
- device_id_label = QLabel()
- bl_hash_label = QLabel()
- bl_hash_label.setWordWrap(True)
- coins_label = QLabel()
- coins_label.setWordWrap(True)
- language_label = QLabel()
- initialized_label = QLabel()
- rows = [
- (_("Device Label"), device_label),
- (_("PIN set"), pin_set_label),
- (_("Passphrases"), passphrases_label),
- (_("Firmware Version"), version_label),
- (_("Device ID"), device_id_label),
- (_("Bootloader Hash"), bl_hash_label),
- (_("Supported Coins"), coins_label),
- (_("Language"), language_label),
- (_("Initialized"), initialized_label),
- ]
- for row_num, (label, widget) in enumerate(rows):
- info_glayout.addWidget(QLabel(label), row_num, 0)
- info_glayout.addWidget(widget, row_num, 1)
- info_layout.addLayout(info_glayout)
- # Settings tab
- settings_tab = QWidget()
- settings_layout = QVBoxLayout(settings_tab)
- settings_glayout = QGridLayout()
- # Settings tab - Label
- label_msg = QLabel(_("Name this {}. If you have multiple devices "
- "their labels help distinguish them.")
- .format(plugin.device))
- label_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- label_label = QLabel(_("Device Label"))
- label_edit = QLineEdit()
- label_edit.setMinimumWidth(150)
- label_edit.setMaxLength(plugin.MAX_LABEL_LEN)
- label_apply = QPushButton(_("Apply"))
- label_apply.clicked.connect(rename)
- label_edit.textChanged.connect(set_label_enabled)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_label, 0, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_edit, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_apply, 0, 3)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(label_msg, 1, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - PIN
- pin_label = QLabel(_("PIN Protection"))
- pin_button = QPushButton()
- pin_button.clicked.connect(set_pin)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_label, 2, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_button, 2, 1)
- pin_msg = QLabel(_("PIN protection is strongly recommended. "
- "A PIN is your only protection against someone "
- "stealing your bitcoins if they obtain physical "
- "access to your {}.").format(plugin.device))
- pin_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- pin_msg.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_msg, 3, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - Homescreen
- if plugin.device != 'KeepKey': # Not yet supported by KK firmware
- homescreen_layout = QHBoxLayout()
- homescreen_label = QLabel(_("Homescreen"))
- homescreen_change_button = QPushButton(_("Change..."))
- homescreen_clear_button = QPushButton(_("Reset"))
- homescreen_change_button.clicked.connect(change_homescreen)
- homescreen_clear_button.clicked.connect(clear_homescreen)
- homescreen_msg = QLabel(_("You can set the homescreen on your "
- "device to personalize it. You must "
- "choose a {} x {} monochrome black and "
- "white image.").format(hs_rows, hs_cols))
- homescreen_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_label, 4, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_change_button, 4, 1)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_clear_button, 4, 2)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_msg, 5, 1, 1, -1)
- # Settings tab - Session Timeout
- timeout_label = QLabel(_("Session Timeout"))
- timeout_minutes = QLabel()
- timeout_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
- timeout_slider.setRange(1, 60)
- timeout_slider.setSingleStep(1)
- timeout_slider.setTickInterval(5)
- timeout_slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow)
- timeout_slider.setTracking(True)
- timeout_msg = QLabel(
- _("Clear the session after the specified period "
- "of inactivity. Once a session has timed out, "
- "your PIN and passphrase (if enabled) must be "
- "re-entered to use the device."))
- timeout_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- timeout_slider.setSliderPosition(config.get_session_timeout() // 60)
- slider_moved()
- timeout_slider.valueChanged.connect(slider_moved)
- timeout_slider.sliderReleased.connect(slider_released)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_label, 6, 0)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_slider, 6, 1, 1, 3)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_minutes, 6, 4)
- settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_msg, 7, 1, 1, -1)
- settings_layout.addLayout(settings_glayout)
- settings_layout.addStretch(1)
- # Advanced tab
- advanced_tab = QWidget()
- advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout(advanced_tab)
- advanced_glayout = QGridLayout()
- # Advanced tab - clear PIN
- clear_pin_button = QPushButton(_("Disable PIN"))
- clear_pin_button.clicked.connect(clear_pin)
- clear_pin_warning = QLabel(
- _("If you disable your PIN, anyone with physical access to your "
- "{} device can spend your bitcoins.").format(plugin.device))
- clear_pin_warning.setWordWrap(True)
- clear_pin_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_button, 0, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_warning, 1, 0, 1, 5)
- # Advanced tab - toggle passphrase protection
- passphrase_button = QPushButton()
- passphrase_button.clicked.connect(toggle_passphrase)
- passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP)
- passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN)
- passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_button, 3, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_msg, 4, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_warning, 5, 0, 1, 5)
- # Advanced tab - wipe device
- wipe_device_button = QPushButton(_("Wipe Device"))
- wipe_device_button.clicked.connect(wipe_device)
- wipe_device_msg = QLabel(
- _("Wipe the device, removing all data from it. The firmware "
- "is left unchanged."))
- wipe_device_msg.setWordWrap(True)
- wipe_device_warning = QLabel(
- _("Only wipe a device if you have the recovery seed written down "
- "and the device wallet(s) are empty, otherwise the bitcoins "
- "will be lost forever."))
- wipe_device_warning.setWordWrap(True)
- wipe_device_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red")
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_button, 6, 2)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_msg, 7, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_warning, 8, 0, 1, 5)
- advanced_layout.addLayout(advanced_glayout)
- advanced_layout.addStretch(1)
- tabs = QTabWidget(self)
- tabs.addTab(info_tab, _("Information"))
- tabs.addTab(settings_tab, _("Settings"))
- tabs.addTab(advanced_tab, _("Advanced"))
- dialog_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self)
- dialog_vbox.addWidget(tabs)
- dialog_vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self)))
- # Update information
- invoke_client(None)