commit 826cf467d8638b0e1d17150815738ecb5ffc6c36
parent c9ffe8d48a489028c4bed9f83e1374c84759b082
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:59:05 +0100
Improve wallet history tab:
- use json-serializable types
- add toolbar to history tab
- add button to display time interval
6 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import webbrowser
+import datetime
from electrum.wallet import UnrelatedTransactionException, TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL
from .util import *
@@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.util import block_explorer_URL
from electrum.util import timestamp_to_datetime, profiler
+ from electrum.plot import plot_history
+ plot_history = None
# note: this list needs to be kept in sync with another in kivy
@@ -56,6 +61,9 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
AcceptFileDragDrop.__init__(self, ".txn")
self.setColumnHidden(1, True)
+ self.start_timestamp = None
+ self.end_timestamp = None
+ self.years = []
def refresh_headers(self):
headers = ['', '', _('Date'), _('Description'), _('Amount'), _('Balance')]
@@ -73,41 +81,154 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
'''Replaced in'''
return self.wallet.get_addresses()
+ def on_combo(self, x):
+ s = self.period_combo.itemText(x)
+ if s == _('All'):
+ self.start_timestamp = None
+ self.end_timestamp = None
+ elif s == _('Custom'):
+ start_date = self.select_date()
+ else:
+ try:
+ year = int(s)
+ except:
+ return
+ start_date = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1)
+ end_date = datetime.datetime(year+1, 1, 1)
+ self.start_timestamp = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple())
+ self.end_timestamp = time.mktime(end_date.timetuple())
+ self.update()
+ def get_list_header(self):
+ self.period_combo = QComboBox()
+ self.period_combo.addItems([_('All'), _('Custom')])
+ self.period_combo.activated.connect(self.on_combo)
+ self.summary_button = QPushButton(_('Summary'))
+ self.summary_button.pressed.connect(self.show_summary)
+ self.export_button = QPushButton(_('Export'))
+ self.export_button.pressed.connect(self.export_history_dialog)
+ self.plot_button = QPushButton(_('Plot'))
+ self.plot_button.pressed.connect(self.plot_history_dialog)
+ return self.period_combo, self.summary_button, self.export_button, self.plot_button
+ def select_date(self):
+ h = self.summary
+ d = WindowModalDialog(self, _("Custom dates"))
+ d.setMinimumSize(600, 150)
+ d.b = True
+ d.start_date = None
+ d.end_date = None
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ grid = QGridLayout()
+ start_edit = QPushButton()
+ def on_start():
+ start_edit.setText('')
+ d.b = True
+ d.start_date = None
+ start_edit.pressed.connect(on_start)
+ def on_end():
+ end_edit.setText('')
+ d.b = False
+ d.end_date = None
+ end_edit = QPushButton()
+ end_edit.pressed.connect(on_end)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Start date")), 0, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(start_edit, 0, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("End date")), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(end_edit, 1, 1)
+ def on_date(date):
+ ts = time.mktime(date.toPyDate().timetuple())
+ if d.b:
+ d.start_date = ts
+ start_edit.setText(date.toString())
+ else:
+ d.end_date = ts
+ end_edit.setText(date.toString())
+ cal = QCalendarWidget()
+ cal.setGridVisible(True)
+ cal.clicked[QDate].connect(on_date)
+ vbox.addLayout(grid)
+ vbox.addWidget(cal)
+ vbox.addLayout(Buttons(OkButton(d), CancelButton(d)))
+ d.setLayout(vbox)
+ if d.exec_():
+ self.start_timestamp = d.start_date
+ self.end_timestamp = d.end_date
+ self.update()
+ def show_summary(self):
+ h = self.summary
+ format_amount = lambda x: self.parent.format_amount(x) + ' '+ self.parent.base_unit()
+ d = WindowModalDialog(self, _("Summary"))
+ d.setMinimumSize(600, 150)
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ grid = QGridLayout()
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Start")), 0, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(h.get('start_date').isoformat(' ')), 0, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("End")), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(h.get('end_date').isoformat(' ')), 1, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Initial balance")), 2, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(format_amount(h['start_balance'].value)), 2, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(h.get('start_fiat_balance'))), 2, 2)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Final balance")), 4, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(format_amount(h['end_balance'].value)), 4, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(h.get('end_fiat_balance'))), 4, 2)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Income")), 6, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(h.get('fiat_income'))), 6, 2)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Capital gains")), 7, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(h.get('capital_gains'))), 7, 2)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Unrealized gains")), 8, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(str(h.get('unrealized_gains', ''))), 8, 2)
+ vbox.addLayout(grid)
+ vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d)))
+ d.setLayout(vbox)
+ d.exec_()
+ def plot_history_dialog(self):
+ if plot_history is None:
+ return
+ if len(self.transactions) > 0:
+ plt = plot_history(self.transactions)
def on_update(self):
self.wallet = self.parent.wallet
- h = self.wallet.get_history(self.get_domain())
+ fx = self.parent.fx
+ r = self.wallet.get_full_history(domain=self.get_domain(), from_timestamp=self.start_timestamp, to_timestamp=self.end_timestamp, fx=fx)
+ self.transactions = r['transactions']
+ self.summary = r['summary']
+ if not self.years and self.start_timestamp is None and self.end_timestamp is None:
+ self.years = [str(i) for i in range(self.summary['start_date'].year, self.summary['end_date'].year + 1)]
+ self.period_combo.insertItems(1, self.years)
item = self.currentItem()
current_tx =, Qt.UserRole) if item else None
- fx = self.parent.fx
if fx: fx.history_used_spot = False
- for h_item in h:
- tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance = h_item
+ for tx_item in self.transactions:
+ tx_hash = tx_item['txid']
+ height = tx_item['height']
+ conf = tx_item['confirmations']
+ timestamp = tx_item['timestamp']
+ value = tx_item['value'].value
+ balance = tx_item['balance'].value
+ label = tx_item['label']
status, status_str = self.wallet.get_tx_status(tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp)
has_invoice = self.wallet.invoices.paid.get(tx_hash)
icon = QIcon(":icons/" + TX_ICONS[status])
v_str = self.parent.format_amount(value, True, whitespaces=True)
balance_str = self.parent.format_amount(balance, whitespaces=True)
- label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash)
entry = ['', tx_hash, status_str, label, v_str, balance_str]
fiat_value = None
if value is not None and fx and fx.show_history():
date = timestamp_to_datetime(time.time() if conf <= 0 else timestamp)
- fiat_value = self.wallet.get_fiat_value(tx_hash, fx.ccy)
- if not fiat_value:
- fiat_value = fx.historical_value(value, date)
- fiat_default = True
- else:
- fiat_default = False
+ fiat_value = tx_item['fiat_value'].value
value_str = fx.format_fiat(fiat_value)
# fixme: should use is_mine
if value < 0:
- ap, lp = self.wallet.capital_gain(tx_hash, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
- cg = None if lp is None or ap is None else lp - ap
- entry.append(fx.format_fiat(ap))
- entry.append(fx.format_fiat(cg))
+ entry.append(fx.format_fiat(tx_item['acquisition_price'].value))
+ entry.append(fx.format_fiat(tx_item['capital_gain'].value))
item = QTreeWidgetItem(entry)
item.setIcon(0, icon)
item.setToolTip(0, str(conf) + " confirmation" + ("s" if conf != 1 else ""))
@@ -121,7 +242,7 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
if value and value < 0:
item.setForeground(3, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E")))
item.setForeground(4, QBrush(QColor("#BC1E1E")))
- if fiat_value and not fiat_default:
+ if fiat_value and not tx_item['fiat_default']:
item.setForeground(6, QBrush(QColor("#1E1EFF")))
if tx_hash:
item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, tx_hash)
@@ -183,25 +304,19 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
column_title = self.headerItem().text(column)
column_data = item.text(column)
tx_URL = block_explorer_URL(self.config, 'tx', tx_hash)
height, conf, timestamp = self.wallet.get_tx_height(tx_hash)
tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
is_relevant, is_mine, v, fee = self.wallet.get_wallet_delta(tx)
is_unconfirmed = height <= 0
pr_key = self.wallet.invoices.paid.get(tx_hash)
menu = QMenu()
if height == TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL:
menu.addAction(_("Remove"), lambda: self.remove_local_tx(tx_hash))
menu.addAction(_("Copy {}").format(column_title), lambda:
for c in self.editable_columns:
menu.addAction(_("Edit {}").format(self.headerItem().text(c)), lambda: self.editItem(item, c))
menu.addAction(_("Details"), lambda: self.parent.show_transaction(tx))
if is_unconfirmed and tx:
rbf = is_mine and not tx.is_final()
if rbf:
@@ -219,13 +334,11 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
def remove_local_tx(self, delete_tx):
to_delete = {delete_tx}
to_delete |= self.wallet.get_depending_transactions(delete_tx)
question = _("Are you sure you want to remove this transaction?")
if len(to_delete) > 1:
question = _(
"Are you sure you want to remove this transaction and {} child transactions?".format(len(to_delete) - 1)
answer = QMessageBox.question(self.parent, _("Please confirm"), question, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No)
if answer == QMessageBox.No:
@@ -246,3 +359,48 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeWidget, AcceptFileDragDrop):
# need to update at least: history_list, utxo_list, address_list
+ def export_history_dialog(self):
+ d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Export History'))
+ d.setMinimumSize(400, 200)
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout(d)
+ defaultname = os.path.expanduser('~/electrum-history.csv')
+ select_msg = _('Select file to export your wallet transactions to')
+ hbox, filename_e, csv_button = filename_field(self, self.config, defaultname, select_msg)
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ vbox.addStretch(1)
+ hbox = Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d, _('Export')))
+ vbox.addLayout(hbox)
+ #run_hook('export_history_dialog', self, hbox)
+ self.update()
+ if not d.exec_():
+ return
+ filename = filename_e.text()
+ if not filename:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.do_export_history(self.wallet, filename, csv_button.isChecked())
+ except (IOError, os.error) as reason:
+ export_error_label = _("Electrum was unable to produce a transaction export.")
+ self.parent.show_critical(export_error_label + "\n" + str(reason), title=_("Unable to export history"))
+ return
+ self.parent.show_message(_("Your wallet history has been successfully exported."))
+ def do_export_history(self, wallet, fileName, is_csv):
+ history = self.transactions
+ lines = []
+ for item in history:
+ if is_csv:
+ lines.append([item['txid'], item.get('label', ''), item['confirmations'], item['value'], item['date']])
+ else:
+ lines.append(item)
+ with open(fileName, "w+") as f:
+ if is_csv:
+ import csv
+ transaction = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
+ transaction.writerow(["transaction_hash","label", "confirmations", "value", "timestamp"])
+ for line in lines:
+ transaction.writerow(line)
+ else:
+ from electrum.util import json_encode
+ f.write(json_encode(history))
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ from electrum import Transaction
from electrum import util, bitcoin, commands, coinchooser
from electrum import paymentrequest
from electrum.wallet import Multisig_Wallet
- from electrum.plot import plot_history
- plot_history = None
from .amountedit import AmountEdit, BTCAmountEdit, MyLineEdit, FeerateEdit
from .qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget, QRDialog
@@ -490,9 +486,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
contacts_menu.addAction(_("Import"), lambda: self.contact_list.import_contacts())
invoices_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("Invoices"))
invoices_menu.addAction(_("Import"), lambda: self.invoice_list.import_invoices())
- hist_menu = wallet_menu.addMenu(_("&History"))
- hist_menu.addAction("Plot", self.plot_history_dialog).setEnabled(plot_history is not None)
- hist_menu.addAction("Export", self.export_history_dialog)
wallet_menu.addAction(_("Find"), self.toggle_search).setShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+F"))
@@ -755,7 +748,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
from .history_list import HistoryList
self.history_list = l = HistoryList(self)
l.searchable_list = l
- return l
+ return self.create_list_tab(l, l.get_list_header())
def show_address(self, addr):
from . import address_dialog
@@ -2458,60 +2451,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
except (IOError, os.error) as reason:
self.show_critical(_("Electrum was unable to export your labels.") + "\n" + str(reason))
- def export_history_dialog(self):
- d = WindowModalDialog(self, _('Export History'))
- d.setMinimumSize(400, 200)
- vbox = QVBoxLayout(d)
- defaultname = os.path.expanduser('~/electrum-history.csv')
- select_msg = _('Select file to export your wallet transactions to')
- hbox, filename_e, csv_button = filename_field(self, self.config, defaultname, select_msg)
- vbox.addLayout(hbox)
- vbox.addStretch(1)
- hbox = Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d, _('Export')))
- vbox.addLayout(hbox)
- run_hook('export_history_dialog', self, hbox)
- self.update()
- if not d.exec_():
- return
- filename = filename_e.text()
- if not filename:
- return
- try:
- self.do_export_history(self.wallet, filename, csv_button.isChecked())
- except (IOError, os.error) as reason:
- export_error_label = _("Electrum was unable to produce a transaction export.")
- self.show_critical(export_error_label + "\n" + str(reason), title=_("Unable to export history"))
- return
- self.show_message(_("Your wallet history has been successfully exported."))
- def plot_history_dialog(self):
- if plot_history is None:
- return
- wallet = self.wallet
- history = wallet.get_history()
- if len(history) > 0:
- plt = plot_history(self.wallet, history)
- def do_export_history(self, wallet, fileName, is_csv):
- history = wallet.export_history(fx=self.fx)
- lines = []
- for item in history:
- if is_csv:
- lines.append([item['txid'], item.get('label', ''), item['confirmations'], item['value'], item['date']])
- else:
- lines.append(item)
- with open(fileName, "w+") as f:
- if is_csv:
- transaction = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
- transaction.writerow(["transaction_hash","label", "confirmations", "value", "timestamp"])
- for line in lines:
- transaction.writerow(line)
- else:
- import json
- f.write(json.dumps(lines, indent=4))
def sweep_key_dialog(self):
d = WindowModalDialog(self, title=_('Sweep private keys'))
d.setMinimumSize(600, 300)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class Commands:
from .exchange_rate import FxThread
fx = FxThread(self.config, None)
kwargs['fx'] = fx
- return self.wallet.export_history(**kwargs)
+ return self.wallet.get_full_history(**kwargs)
def setlabel(self, key, label):
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@ from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredOffsetbox, TextArea, DrawingArea, HPacker
-def plot_history(wallet, history):
+def plot_history(history):
hist_in = defaultdict(int)
hist_out = defaultdict(int)
for item in history:
- tx_hash, height, confirmations, timestamp, value, balance = item
- if not confirmations:
+ if not item['confirmations']:
- if timestamp is None:
+ if item['timestamp'] is None:
- value = value*1./COIN
- date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+ value = item['value'].value/COIN
+ date = item['date']
datenum = int(md.date2num(, date.month, 1)))
if value > 0:
hist_in[datenum] += value
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -77,11 +77,47 @@ class UserCancelled(Exception):
'''An exception that is suppressed from the user'''
+class Satoshis(object):
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ self = super(Satoshis, cls).__new__(cls)
+ self.value = value
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Satoshis(%d)'%self.value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return format_satoshis(self.value) + " BTC"
+class Fiat(object):
+ def __new__(cls, value, ccy):
+ self = super(Fiat, cls).__new__(cls)
+ self.ccy = ccy
+ self.value = value
+ return self
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Fiat(%s)'% self.__str__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.value is None:
+ return _('No Data')
+ else:
+ return "{:.2f}".format(self.value) + ' ' + self.ccy
class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
from .transaction import Transaction
if isinstance(obj, Transaction):
return obj.as_dict()
+ if isinstance(obj, Satoshis):
+ return str(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, Fiat):
+ return str(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
+ return str(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, datetime):
+ return obj.isoformat(' ')[:-3]
return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj)
class PrintError(object):
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -948,13 +948,14 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
# return last balance
return balance
- def export_history(self, domain=None, from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None, fx=None, show_addresses=False):
- from .util import format_time, format_satoshis, timestamp_to_datetime
- h = self.get_history(domain)
+ def get_full_history(self, domain=None, from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None, fx=None, show_addresses=False):
+ from .util import timestamp_to_datetime, Satoshis, Fiat
out = []
init_balance = None
+ end_balance = 0
capital_gains = 0
fiat_income = 0
+ h = self.get_history(domain)
for tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance in h:
if from_timestamp and timestamp < from_timestamp:
@@ -965,17 +966,15 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
- 'value': format_satoshis(value, True) if value is not None else '--',
- 'balance': format_satoshis(balance)
+ 'value': Satoshis(value),
+ 'balance': Satoshis(balance)
if init_balance is None:
init_balance = balance - value
+ init_timestamp = timestamp
end_balance = balance
- if item['height']>0:
- date_str = format_time(timestamp) if timestamp is not None else _("unverified")
- else:
- date_str = _("unconfirmed")
- item['date'] = date_str
+ end_timestamp = timestamp
+ item['date'] = timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp) if timestamp is not None else None
item['label'] = self.get_label(tx_hash)
if show_addresses:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
@@ -997,36 +996,44 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
fiat_value = self.get_fiat_value(tx_hash, fx.ccy)
if fiat_value is None:
fiat_value = fx.historical_value(value, date)
- item['fiat_value'] = fx.format_fiat(fiat_value)
+ fiat_default = True
+ else:
+ fiat_default = False
+ item['fiat_value'] = Fiat(fiat_value, fx.ccy)
+ item['fiat_default'] = fiat_default
if value < 0:
ap, lp = self.capital_gain(tx_hash, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
cg = None if lp is None or ap is None else lp - ap
- item['acquisition_price'] = fx.format_fiat(ap)
- item['capital_gain'] = fx.format_fiat(cg)
+ item['acquisition_price'] = Fiat(ap, fx.ccy)
+ item['capital_gain'] = Fiat(cg, fx.ccy)
if cg is not None:
capital_gains += cg
if fiat_value is not None:
fiat_income += fiat_value
- if from_timestamp and to_timestamp:
- summary = {
- 'start_date': format_time(from_timestamp),
- 'end_date': format_time(to_timestamp),
- 'start_balance': format_satoshis(init_balance),
- 'end_balance': format_satoshis(end_balance),
- 'capital_gains': fx.format_fiat(capital_gains),
- 'fiat_income': fx.format_fiat(fiat_income)
- }
- if fx:
- start_date = timestamp_to_datetime(from_timestamp)
- end_date = timestamp_to_datetime(to_timestamp)
- summary['start_fiat_balance'] = fx.format_fiat(fx.historical_value(init_balance, start_date))
- summary['end_fiat_balance'] = fx.format_fiat(fx.historical_value(end_balance, end_date))
- out.append(summary)
- return out
+ result = {'transactions': out}
+ if from_timestamp is not None and to_timestamp is not None:
+ start_date = timestamp_to_datetime(from_timestamp)
+ end_date = timestamp_to_datetime(to_timestamp)
+ else:
+ start_date = timestamp_to_datetime(init_timestamp)
+ end_date = timestamp_to_datetime(end_timestamp)
+ summary = {
+ 'start_date': start_date,
+ 'end_date': end_date,
+ 'start_balance': Satoshis(init_balance),
+ 'end_balance': Satoshis(end_balance)
+ }
+ result['summary'] = summary
+ if fx:
+ unrealized = self.unrealized_gains(domain, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
+ summary['start_fiat_balance'] = Fiat(fx.historical_value(init_balance, start_date), fx.ccy)
+ summary['end_fiat_balance'] = Fiat(fx.historical_value(end_balance, end_date), fx.ccy)
+ summary['capital_gains'] = Fiat(capital_gains, fx.ccy)
+ summary['fiat_income'] = Fiat(fiat_income, fx.ccy)
+ summary['unrealized_gains'] = Fiat(unrealized, fx.ccy)
+ return result
def get_label(self, tx_hash):
label = self.labels.get(tx_hash, '')
@@ -1662,6 +1669,16 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
height, conf, timestamp = self.get_tx_height(txid)
return price_func(timestamp)
+ def unrealized_gains(self, domain, price_func, ccy):
+ coins = self.get_utxos(domain)
+ now = time.time()
+ p = price_func(now)
+ if p is None:
+ return
+ ap = sum(self.coin_price(coin, price_func, ccy, self.txin_value(coin)) for coin in coins)
+ lp = sum([coin['value'] for coin in coins]) * p / Decimal(COIN)
+ return None if ap is None or lp is None else lp - ap
def capital_gain(self, txid, price_func, ccy):
Difference between the fiat price of coins leaving the wallet because of transaction txid,
@@ -1683,7 +1700,6 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(PrintError):
acquisition_price = None
return acquisition_price, liquidation_price
def average_price(self, tx, price_func, ccy):
""" average price of the inputs of a transaction """
input_value = sum(self.txin_value(txin) for txin in tx.inputs()) / Decimal(COIN)