commit 864d9108883afa111ddaec5c3e3d4f4ba8382db3
parent 762d8be84f6a254e359f37bcb48fa37c8b837ad0
Author: Janus <>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 21:43:28 +0100
qt: channel_details: add more info: sent/received, channel id, funding tx, short channel id, node id
4 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/ b/electrum/gui/qt/
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
from electrum.i18n import _
-from electrum.lnchan import UpdateAddHtlc
+from electrum.lnchan import UpdateAddHtlc, HTLCOwner
from electrum.util import bh2u, format_time
-from electrum.lnchan import HTLCOwner
+from electrum.lnutil import format_short_channel_id, SENT, RECEIVED
from electrum.lnaddr import LnAddr, lndecode
+from electrum.bitcoin import COIN
from .main_window import ElectrumWindow
@@ -17,22 +19,38 @@ class HTLCItem(QtGui.QStandardItem):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
+class SelectableLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
+ def __init__(self, text=''):
+ super().__init__(text)
+ self.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse)
+class LinkedLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
+ def __init__(self, text, on_clicked):
+ super().__init__(text)
+ self.linkActivated.connect(on_clicked)
- def make_inflight(self, lnaddr, i: UpdateAddHtlc):
- it = HTLCItem(_('HTLC with ID ') + str(i.htlc_id))
+class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
+ def make_htlc_item(self, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: HTLCOwner) -> HTLCItem:
+ it = HTLCItem(_('Sent HTLC with ID {}' if SENT == direction else 'Received HTLC with ID {}').format(i.htlc_id))
it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('CLTV expiry')),HTLCItem(str(i.cltv_expiry))])
it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Payment hash')),HTLCItem(bh2u(i.payment_hash))])
+ return it
+ def append_lnaddr(self, it: HTLCItem, lnaddr: LnAddr):
invoice = HTLCItem(_('Invoice'))
invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Remote node public key')), HTLCItem(bh2u(lnaddr.pubkey.serialize()))])
- invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Amount in BTC')), HTLCItem(str(lnaddr.amount))])
+ invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Amount in sat')), HTLCItem(str(lnaddr.amount * COIN))]) # might have a comma because mSAT!
invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Description')), HTLCItem(dict(lnaddr.tags).get('d', _('N/A')))])
invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Date')), HTLCItem(format_time(])
+ def make_inflight(self, lnaddr, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: HTLCOwner) -> HTLCItem:
+ it = self.make_htlc_item(i, direction)
+ self.append_lnaddr(it, lnaddr)
return it
- def make_model(self, htlcs):
+ def make_model(self, htlcs) -> QtGui.QStandardItemModel:
model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel(0, 2)
model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['HTLC', 'Property value'])
parentItem = model.invisibleRootItem()
@@ -41,6 +59,8 @@ class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
self.keyname_rows = {}
+ invoices = dict(self.window.wallet.lnworker.invoices)
for keyname, i in folder_types.items():
@@ -51,18 +71,19 @@ class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
mapping = {}
num = 0
if keyname == 'inflight':
- for lnaddr, i in htlcs[keyname]:
- it = self.make_inflight(lnaddr, i)
+ for lnaddr, i, direction in htlcs[keyname]:
+ it = self.make_inflight(lnaddr, i, direction)
mapping[i.payment_hash] = num
num += 1
elif keyname == 'settled':
for date, direction, i, preimage in htlcs[keyname]:
- it = HTLCItem(_('HTLC with ID ') + str(i.htlc_id))
- it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Amount')),HTLCItem(self.format(i.amount_msat))])
- it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('CLTV expiry')),HTLCItem(str(i.cltv_expiry))])
- it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Payment hash')),HTLCItem(bh2u(i.payment_hash))])
- # NOTE no invoices because user can delete invoices after settlement
+ it = self.make_htlc_item(i, direction)
+ hex_pay_hash = bh2u(i.payment_hash)
+ if hex_pay_hash in invoices:
+ # if we made the invoice and still have it, we can show more info
+ invoice = invoices[hex_pay_hash][1]
+ self.append_lnaddr(it, lndecode(invoice))
mapping[i.payment_hash] = num
num += 1
@@ -85,25 +106,65 @@ class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def do_htlc_added(self, evtname, htlc, lnaddr, direction):
mapping = self.keyname_rows['inflight']
mapping[htlc.payment_hash] = len(mapping)
- self.folders['inflight'].appendRow(self.make_inflight(lnaddr, htlc))
+ self.folders['inflight'].appendRow(self.make_inflight(lnaddr, htlc, direction))
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, float, HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes, bytes)
def do_ln_payment_completed(self, evtname, date, direction, htlc, preimage, chan_id):
self.move('inflight', 'settled', htlc.payment_hash)
+ self.update_sent_received()
+ def update_sent_received(self):
+ self.sent_label.setText(str(sum(self.chan.settled[SENT])))
+ self.received_label.setText(str(sum(self.chan.settled[RECEIVED])))
+ @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str)
+ def show_tx(self, link_text: str):
+ funding_tx = self.window.wallet.transactions[self.chan.funding_outpoint.txid]
+ self.window.show_transaction(funding_tx, tx_desc=_('Funding Transaction'))
def __init__(self, window: 'ElectrumWindow', chan_id: bytes):
+ # initialize instance fields
+ self.window = window
+ chan = self.chan = window.wallet.lnworker.channels[chan_id]
+ self.format = lambda msat: window.format_amount_and_units(msat / 1000)
+ # connect signals with slots
- htlcs = window.wallet.lnworker._list_invoices(chan_id)
- self.format = lambda msat: window.format_amount_and_units(msat / 1000)
+ # register callbacks for updating, ['ln_payment_completed']), ['htlc_added'])
+ # set attributes of QDialog
self.setWindowTitle(_('Channel Details'))
self.setMinimumSize(800, 400)
+ # add layouts
vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
+ form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout(None)
+ vbox.addLayout(form_layout)
+ # add form content
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Node ID:'), SelectableLabel(bh2u(chan.node_id)))
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Channel ID:'), SelectableLabel(bh2u(chan.channel_id)))
+ funding_label_text = f'<a href=click_destination>{chan.funding_outpoint.txid}</a>:{chan.funding_outpoint.output_index}'
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Funding Outpoint:'), LinkedLabel(funding_label_text, self.show_tx))
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Short Channel ID:'), SelectableLabel(format_short_channel_id(chan.short_channel_id)))
+ self.received_label = SelectableLabel()
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Received (mSAT):'), self.received_label)
+ self.sent_label = SelectableLabel()
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Sent (mSAT):'), self.sent_label)
+ # add htlc tree view to vbox (wouldn't scale correctly in QFormLayout)
+ form_layout.addRow(_('Payments (HTLCs):'), None)
w = QtWidgets.QTreeView(self)
+ htlcs = window.wallet.lnworker._list_invoices(chan_id)
- #w.header().setStretchLastSection(False)
w.header().setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
+ # initialize sent/received fields
+ self.update_sent_received()
diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/ b/electrum/gui/qt/
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeWidget):
network =
lnworker = self.parent.wallet.lnworker
menu = QMenu()
- channel_id = self.currentItem().data(0, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
+ item = self.currentItem()
+ if not item:
+ return
+ channel_id =, QtCore.Qt.UserRole)
def on_success(txid):
self.main_window.show_error('Channel closed' + '\n' + txid)
def on_failure(exc_info):
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -664,3 +664,9 @@ class EncumberedTransaction(NamedTuple("EncumberedTransaction", [('name', str),
+def format_short_channel_id(short_channel_id: Optional[bytes]):
+ if not short_channel_id:
+ return _('Not yet available')
+ return str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[:3], 'big')) \
+ + 'x' + str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[3:6], 'big')) \
+ + 'x' + str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[6:], 'big'))
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
if report['inflight']:
yield 'Outgoing payments in progress:'
yield '------------------------------'
- for addr, htlc in report['inflight']:
+ for addr, htlc, direction in report['inflight']:
yield str(addr)
yield str(htlc)
yield ''
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
htlc = self.find_htlc_for_addr(addr, None if chan_id is None else [chan_id])
if not htlc:
self.print_error('Warning, in flight HTLC not found in any channel')
- inflight.append((addr, htlc))
+ inflight.append((addr, htlc, direction))
return {'settled': settled, 'unsettled': unsettled, 'inflight': inflight}
def find_htlc_for_addr(self, addr, whitelist=None):