commit 8ba63380b4b3fe7d79432c9d20cb3ba8faf65d22
parent f6763b60846442433ce8ec08f45b88239f56b354
Author: SomberNight <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 13:51:39 +0200
split lnrouter from lnbase
4 files changed, 539 insertions(+), 483 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ from . import constants
from . import transaction
from .util import PrintError, bh2u, print_error, bfh, profiler, xor_bytes
from .transaction import opcodes, Transaction
+from .lnrouter import new_onion_packet, OnionHopsDataSingle, OnionPerHop
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
@@ -562,8 +563,10 @@ def is_synced(network):
synced = server_height != 0 and network.is_up_to_date() and local_height >= server_height
return synced
class Peer(PrintError):
- def __init__(self, host, port, pubkey, privkey, network, request_initial_sync=False):
+ def __init__(self, host, port, pubkey, privkey, network, channel_db, path_finder, request_initial_sync=False):
self.update_add_htlc_event = asyncio.Event()
self.channel_update_event = asyncio.Event() = host
@@ -571,6 +574,8 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self.privkey = privkey
self.pubkey = pubkey = network
+ self.channel_db = channel_db
+ self.path_finder = path_finder
self.read_buffer = b''
self.ping_time = 0
self.futures = ["channel_accepted",
@@ -591,10 +596,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self.commitment_signed = defaultdict(asyncio.Future)
self.initialized = asyncio.Future()
self.localfeatures = (0x08 if request_initial_sync else 0)
- # view of the network
- self.nodes = {} # received node announcements
- self.channel_db = ChannelDB()
- self.path_finder = LNPathFinder(self.channel_db)
self.unfulfilled_htlcs = []
def diagnostic_name(self):
@@ -1333,476 +1334,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
-class ChannelInfo(PrintError):
- def __init__(self, channel_announcement_payload):
- self.channel_id = channel_announcement_payload['short_channel_id']
- self.node_id_1 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_1']
- self.node_id_2 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_2']
- assert type(self.node_id_1) is bytes
- assert type(self.node_id_2) is bytes
- assert list(sorted([self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2])) == [self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2]
- self.capacity_sat = None
- self.policy_node1 = None
- self.policy_node2 = None
- def set_capacity(self, capacity):
- # TODO call this after looking up UTXO for funding txn on chain
- self.capacity_sat = capacity
- def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload):
- assert self.channel_id == msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- flags = int.from_bytes(msg_payload['flags'], 'big')
- direction = flags & 1
- if direction == 0:
- self.policy_node1 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
- else:
- self.policy_node2 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
- self.print_error('channel update', binascii.hexlify(self.channel_id).decode("ascii"), flags)
- def get_policy_for_node(self, node_id):
- if node_id == self.node_id_1:
- return self.policy_node1
- elif node_id == self.node_id_2:
- return self.policy_node2
- else:
- raise Exception('node_id {} not in channel {}'.format(node_id, self.channel_id))
-class ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy:
- def __init__(self, channel_update_payload):
- self.cltv_expiry_delta = channel_update_payload['cltv_expiry_delta']
- self.htlc_minimum_msat = channel_update_payload['htlc_minimum_msat']
- self.fee_base_msat = channel_update_payload['fee_base_msat']
- self.fee_proportional_millionths = channel_update_payload['fee_proportional_millionths']
- self.cltv_expiry_delta = int.from_bytes(self.cltv_expiry_delta, "big")
- self.htlc_minimum_msat = int.from_bytes(self.htlc_minimum_msat, "big")
- self.fee_base_msat = int.from_bytes(self.fee_base_msat, "big")
- self.fee_proportional_millionths = int.from_bytes(self.fee_proportional_millionths, "big")
-class ChannelDB(PrintError):
- def __init__(self):
- self._id_to_channel_info = {}
- self._channels_for_node = defaultdict(set) # node -> set(short_channel_id)
- def get_channel_info(self, channel_id):
- return self._id_to_channel_info.get(channel_id, None)
- def get_channels_for_node(self, node_id):
- """Returns the set of channels that have node_id as one of the endpoints."""
- return self._channels_for_node[node_id]
- def on_channel_announcement(self, msg_payload):
- short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- self.print_error('channel announcement', binascii.hexlify(short_channel_id).decode("ascii"))
- channel_info = ChannelInfo(msg_payload)
- self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id] = channel_info
- self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_1].add(short_channel_id)
- self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_2].add(short_channel_id)
- def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload):
- short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- try:
- channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id]
- except KeyError:
- print("could not find", short_channel_id)
- else:
- channel_info.on_channel_update(msg_payload)
- def remove_channel(self, short_channel_id):
- try:
- channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id]
- except KeyError:
- self.print_error('cannot find channel {}'.format(short_channel_id))
- return
- self._id_to_channel_info.pop(short_channel_id, None)
- for node in (channel_info.node_id_1, channel_info.node_id_2):
- try:
- self._channels_for_node[node].remove(short_channel_id)
- except KeyError:
- pass
-class RouteEdge:
- def __init__(self, node_id: bytes, short_channel_id: bytes,
- channel_policy: ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy):
- self.node_id = node_id
- self.short_channel_id = short_channel_id
- self.channel_policy = channel_policy
-class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
- def __init__(self, channel_db):
- self.channel_db = channel_db
- def _edge_cost(self, short_channel_id: bytes, start_node: bytes, payment_amt_msat: int) -> float:
- """Heuristic cost of going through a channel.
- direction: 0 or 1. --- 0 means node_id_1 -> node_id_2
- """
- channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(short_channel_id)
- if channel_info is None:
- return float('inf')
- channel_policy = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(start_node)
- if channel_policy is None: return float('inf')
- cltv_expiry_delta = channel_policy.cltv_expiry_delta
- htlc_minimum_msat = channel_policy.htlc_minimum_msat
- fee_base_msat = channel_policy.fee_base_msat
- fee_proportional_millionths = channel_policy.fee_proportional_millionths
- if payment_amt_msat is not None:
- if payment_amt_msat < htlc_minimum_msat:
- return float('inf') # payment amount too little
- if channel_info.capacity_sat is not None and \
- payment_amt_msat // 1000 > channel_info.capacity_sat:
- return float('inf') # payment amount too large
- amt = payment_amt_msat or 50000 * 1000 # guess for typical payment amount
- fee_msat = fee_base_msat + amt * fee_proportional_millionths / 1000000
- # TODO revise
- # paying 10 more satoshis ~ waiting one more block
- fee_cost = fee_msat / 1000 / 10
- cltv_cost = cltv_expiry_delta
- return cltv_cost + fee_cost + 1
- @profiler
- def find_path_for_payment(self, from_node_id: bytes, to_node_id: bytes,
- amount_msat: int=None) -> Sequence[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
- """Return a path between from_node_id and to_node_id.
- Returns a list of (node_id, short_channel_id) representing a path.
- To get from node ret[n][0] to ret[n+1][0], use channel ret[n+1][1];
- i.e. an element reads as, "to get to node_id, travel through short_channel_id"
- """
- if amount_msat is not None: assert type(amount_msat) is int
- # TODO find multiple paths??
- # run Dijkstra
- distance_from_start = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))
- distance_from_start[from_node_id] = 0
- prev_node = {}
- nodes_to_explore = queue.PriorityQueue()
- nodes_to_explore.put((0, from_node_id))
- while nodes_to_explore.qsize() > 0:
- dist_to_cur_node, cur_node = nodes_to_explore.get()
- if cur_node == to_node_id:
- break
- if dist_to_cur_node != distance_from_start[cur_node]:
- # queue.PriorityQueue does not implement decrease_priority,
- # so instead of decreasing priorities, we add items again into the queue.
- # so there are duplicates in the queue, that we discard now:
- continue
- for edge_channel_id in self.channel_db.get_channels_for_node(cur_node):
- channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(edge_channel_id)
- node1, node2 = channel_info.node_id_1, channel_info.node_id_2
- neighbour = node2 if node1 == cur_node else node1
- alt_dist_to_neighbour = distance_from_start[cur_node] \
- + self._edge_cost(edge_channel_id, cur_node, amount_msat)
- if alt_dist_to_neighbour < distance_from_start[neighbour]:
- distance_from_start[neighbour] = alt_dist_to_neighbour
- prev_node[neighbour] = cur_node, edge_channel_id
- nodes_to_explore.put((alt_dist_to_neighbour, neighbour))
- else:
- return None # no path found
- # backtrack from end to start
- cur_node = to_node_id
- path = []
- while cur_node != from_node_id:
- prev_node_id, edge_taken = prev_node[cur_node]
- path += [(cur_node, edge_taken)]
- cur_node = prev_node_id
- path.reverse()
- return path
- def create_route_from_path(self, path, from_node_id: bytes) -> Sequence[RouteEdge]:
- assert type(from_node_id) is bytes
- if path is None:
- raise Exception('cannot create route from None path')
- route = []
- prev_node_id = from_node_id
- for node_id, short_channel_id in path:
- channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(short_channel_id)
- if channel_info is None:
- raise Exception('cannot find channel info for short_channel_id: {}'.format(bh2u(short_channel_id)))
- channel_policy = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(prev_node_id)
- if channel_policy is None:
- raise Exception('cannot find channel policy for short_channel_id: {}'.format(bh2u(short_channel_id)))
- route.append(RouteEdge(node_id, short_channel_id, channel_policy))
- prev_node_id = node_id
- return route
-# bolt 04, "onion" ----->
-HOPS_DATA_SIZE = 1300 # also sometimes called routingInfoSize in bolt-04
-class UnsupportedOnionPacketVersion(Exception): pass
-class InvalidOnionMac(Exception): pass
-class OnionPerHop:
- def __init__(self, short_channel_id: bytes, amt_to_forward: bytes, outgoing_cltv_value: bytes):
- self.short_channel_id = short_channel_id
- self.amt_to_forward = amt_to_forward
- self.outgoing_cltv_value = outgoing_cltv_value
- def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
- ret = self.short_channel_id
- ret += self.amt_to_forward
- ret += self.outgoing_cltv_value
- ret += bytes(12) # padding
- if len(ret) != 32:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
- return ret
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
- if len(b) != 32:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
- return OnionPerHop(
- short_channel_id=b[:8],
- amt_to_forward=b[8:16],
- outgoing_cltv_value=b[16:20]
- )
-class OnionHopsDataSingle: # called HopData in lnd
- def __init__(self, per_hop: OnionPerHop = None):
- self.realm = 0
- self.per_hop = per_hop
- self.hmac = None
- def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
- ret = bytes([self.realm])
- ret += self.per_hop.to_bytes()
- ret += self.hmac if self.hmac is not None else bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE)
- if len(ret) != PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
- return ret
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
- if len(b) != PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
- ret = OnionHopsDataSingle()
- ret.realm = b[0]
- if ret.realm != 0:
- raise Exception('only realm 0 is supported')
- ret.per_hop = OnionPerHop.from_bytes(b[1:33])
- ret.hmac = b[33:]
- return ret
-class OnionPacket:
- def __init__(self, public_key: bytes, hops_data: bytes, hmac: bytes):
- self.version = 0
- self.public_key = public_key
- self.hops_data = hops_data # also called RoutingInfo in bolt-04
- self.hmac = hmac
- def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
- ret = bytes([self.version])
- ret += self.public_key
- ret += self.hops_data
- ret += self.hmac
- if len(ret) != 1366:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
- return ret
- @classmethod
- def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
- if len(b) != 1366:
- raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
- version = b[0]
- if version != 0:
- raise UnsupportedOnionPacketVersion('version {} is not supported'.format(version))
- return OnionPacket(
- public_key=b[1:34],
- hops_data=b[34:1334],
- hmac=b[1334:]
- )
-def get_bolt04_onion_key(key_type: bytes, secret: bytes) -> bytes:
- if key_type not in (b'rho', b'mu', b'um', b'ammag'):
- raise Exception('invalid key_type {}'.format(key_type))
- key =, msg=secret, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
- return key
-def get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
- session_key: bytes) -> Sequence[bytes]:
- num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
- hop_shared_secrets = num_hops * [b'']
- ephemeral_key = session_key
- # compute shared key for each hop
- for i in range(0, num_hops):
- hop_shared_secrets[i] = get_ecdh(ephemeral_key, payment_path_pubkeys[i])
- ephemeral_pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(ephemeral_key).get_public_key_bytes()
- blinding_factor = sha256(ephemeral_pubkey + hop_shared_secrets[i])
- blinding_factor_int = int.from_bytes(blinding_factor, byteorder="big")
- ephemeral_key_int = int.from_bytes(ephemeral_key, byteorder="big")
- ephemeral_key_int = ephemeral_key_int * blinding_factor_int % SECP256k1.order
- ephemeral_key = ephemeral_key_int.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big")
- return hop_shared_secrets
-def new_onion_packet(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes], session_key: bytes,
- hops_data: Sequence[OnionHopsDataSingle], associated_data: bytes) -> OnionPacket:
- num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
- hop_shared_secrets = get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
- filler = generate_filler(b'rho', num_hops, PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE, hop_shared_secrets)
- mix_header = bytes(HOPS_DATA_SIZE)
- next_hmac = bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE)
- # compute routing info and MAC for each hop
- for i in range(num_hops-1, -1, -1):
- rho_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'rho', hop_shared_secrets[i])
- mu_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'mu', hop_shared_secrets[i])
- hops_data[i].hmac = next_hmac
- stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(rho_key, NUM_STREAM_BYTES)
- mix_header = mix_header[:-PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE]
- mix_header = hops_data[i].to_bytes() + mix_header
- mix_header = xor_bytes(mix_header, stream_bytes)
- if i == num_hops - 1 and len(filler) != 0:
- mix_header = mix_header[:-len(filler)] + filler
- packet = mix_header + associated_data
- next_hmac =, msg=packet, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
- return OnionPacket(
- public_key=ecc.ECPrivkey(session_key).get_public_key_bytes(),
- hops_data=mix_header,
- hmac=next_hmac)
-def generate_filler(key_type: bytes, num_hops: int, hop_size: int,
- shared_secrets: Sequence[bytes]) -> bytes:
- filler_size = (NUM_MAX_HOPS_IN_PATH + 1) * hop_size
- filler = bytearray(filler_size)
- for i in range(0, num_hops-1): # -1, as last hop does not obfuscate
- filler = filler[hop_size:]
- filler += bytearray(hop_size)
- stream_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(key_type, shared_secrets[i])
- stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(stream_key, filler_size)
- filler = xor_bytes(filler, stream_bytes)
- return filler[(NUM_MAX_HOPS_IN_PATH-num_hops+2)*hop_size:]
-def generate_cipher_stream(stream_key: bytes, num_bytes: int) -> bytes:
- algo = algorithms.ChaCha20(stream_key, nonce=bytes(16))
- cipher = Cipher(algo, mode=None, backend=default_backend())
- encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
- return encryptor.update(bytes(num_bytes))
-ProcessedOnionPacket = namedtuple("ProcessedOnionPacket", ["are_we_final", "hop_data", "next_packet"])
-# TODO replay protection
-def process_onion_packet(onion_packet: OnionPacket, associated_data: bytes,
- our_onion_private_key: bytes) -> ProcessedOnionPacket:
- shared_secret = get_ecdh(our_onion_private_key, onion_packet.public_key)
- # check message integrity
- mu_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'mu', shared_secret)
- calculated_mac =, msg=onion_packet.hops_data+associated_data,
- digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
- if onion_packet.hmac != calculated_mac:
- raise InvalidOnionMac()
- # peel an onion layer off
- rho_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'rho', shared_secret)
- stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(rho_key, NUM_STREAM_BYTES)
- padded_header = onion_packet.hops_data + bytes(PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE)
- next_hops_data = xor_bytes(padded_header, stream_bytes)
- # calc next ephemeral key
- blinding_factor = sha256(onion_packet.public_key + shared_secret)
- blinding_factor_int = int.from_bytes(blinding_factor, byteorder="big")
- next_public_key_int = ecc.ECPubkey(onion_packet.public_key) * blinding_factor_int
- next_public_key = next_public_key_int.get_public_key_bytes()
- hop_data = OnionHopsDataSingle.from_bytes(next_hops_data[:PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE])
- next_onion_packet = OnionPacket(
- public_key=next_public_key,
- hops_data=next_hops_data[PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:],
- hmac=hop_data.hmac
- )
- if hop_data.hmac == bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE):
- # we are the destination / exit node
- are_we_final = True
- else:
- # we are an intermediate node; forwarding
- are_we_final = False
- return ProcessedOnionPacket(are_we_final, hop_data, next_onion_packet)
-class FailedToDecodeOnionError(Exception): pass
-class OnionRoutingFailureMessage:
- def __init__(self, code: int, data: bytes):
- self.code = code
- = data
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr((self.code,
-def _decode_onion_error(error_packet: bytes, payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
- session_key: bytes) -> (bytes, int):
- """Returns the decoded error bytes, and the index of the sender of the error."""
- num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
- hop_shared_secrets = get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
- for i in range(num_hops):
- ammag_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'ammag', hop_shared_secrets[i])
- um_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'um', hop_shared_secrets[i])
- stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(ammag_key, len(error_packet))
- error_packet = xor_bytes(error_packet, stream_bytes)
- hmac_computed =, msg=error_packet[32:], digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
- hmac_found = error_packet[:32]
- if hmac_computed == hmac_found:
- return error_packet, i
- raise FailedToDecodeOnionError()
-def decode_onion_error(error_packet: bytes, payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
- session_key: bytes) -> (OnionRoutingFailureMessage, int):
- """Returns the failure message, and the index of the sender of the error."""
- decrypted_error, sender_index = _decode_onion_error(error_packet, payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
- failure_msg = get_failure_msg_from_onion_error(decrypted_error)
- return failure_msg, sender_index
-def get_failure_msg_from_onion_error(decrypted_error_packet: bytes) -> OnionRoutingFailureMessage:
- # get failure_msg bytes from error packet
- failure_len = int.from_bytes(decrypted_error_packet[32:34], byteorder='big')
- failure_msg = decrypted_error_packet[34:34+failure_len]
- # create failure message object
- failure_code = int.from_bytes(failure_msg[:2], byteorder='big')
- failure_data = failure_msg[2:]
- return OnionRoutingFailureMessage(failure_code, failure_data)
-# <----- bolt 04, "onion"
def count_trailing_zeros(index):
""" BOLT-03 (where_to_put_secret) """
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Electrum developers
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+# subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import queue
+import traceback
+import sys
+import binascii
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
+from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+from . import bitcoin
+from . import ecc
+from . import crypto
+from .crypto import sha256
+from .util import PrintError, bh2u, print_error, bfh, profiler, xor_bytes
+from . import lnbase
+class ChannelInfo(PrintError):
+ def __init__(self, channel_announcement_payload):
+ self.channel_id = channel_announcement_payload['short_channel_id']
+ self.node_id_1 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_1']
+ self.node_id_2 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_2']
+ assert type(self.node_id_1) is bytes
+ assert type(self.node_id_2) is bytes
+ assert list(sorted([self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2])) == [self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2]
+ self.capacity_sat = None
+ self.policy_node1 = None
+ self.policy_node2 = None
+ def set_capacity(self, capacity):
+ # TODO call this after looking up UTXO for funding txn on chain
+ self.capacity_sat = capacity
+ def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload):
+ assert self.channel_id == msg_payload['short_channel_id']
+ flags = int.from_bytes(msg_payload['flags'], 'big')
+ direction = flags & 1
+ if direction == 0:
+ self.policy_node1 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
+ else:
+ self.policy_node2 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
+ self.print_error('channel update', binascii.hexlify(self.channel_id).decode("ascii"), flags)
+ def get_policy_for_node(self, node_id):
+ if node_id == self.node_id_1:
+ return self.policy_node1
+ elif node_id == self.node_id_2:
+ return self.policy_node2
+ else:
+ raise Exception('node_id {} not in channel {}'.format(node_id, self.channel_id))
+class ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy:
+ def __init__(self, channel_update_payload):
+ self.cltv_expiry_delta = channel_update_payload['cltv_expiry_delta']
+ self.htlc_minimum_msat = channel_update_payload['htlc_minimum_msat']
+ self.fee_base_msat = channel_update_payload['fee_base_msat']
+ self.fee_proportional_millionths = channel_update_payload['fee_proportional_millionths']
+ self.cltv_expiry_delta = int.from_bytes(self.cltv_expiry_delta, "big")
+ self.htlc_minimum_msat = int.from_bytes(self.htlc_minimum_msat, "big")
+ self.fee_base_msat = int.from_bytes(self.fee_base_msat, "big")
+ self.fee_proportional_millionths = int.from_bytes(self.fee_proportional_millionths, "big")
+class ChannelDB(PrintError):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._id_to_channel_info = {}
+ self._channels_for_node = defaultdict(set) # node -> set(short_channel_id)
+ def get_channel_info(self, channel_id):
+ return self._id_to_channel_info.get(channel_id, None)
+ def get_channels_for_node(self, node_id):
+ """Returns the set of channels that have node_id as one of the endpoints."""
+ return self._channels_for_node[node_id]
+ def on_channel_announcement(self, msg_payload):
+ short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
+ self.print_error('channel announcement', binascii.hexlify(short_channel_id).decode("ascii"))
+ channel_info = ChannelInfo(msg_payload)
+ self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id] = channel_info
+ self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_1].add(short_channel_id)
+ self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_2].add(short_channel_id)
+ def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload):
+ short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
+ try:
+ channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ print("could not find", short_channel_id)
+ else:
+ channel_info.on_channel_update(msg_payload)
+ def remove_channel(self, short_channel_id):
+ try:
+ channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.print_error('cannot find channel {}'.format(short_channel_id))
+ return
+ self._id_to_channel_info.pop(short_channel_id, None)
+ for node in (channel_info.node_id_1, channel_info.node_id_2):
+ try:
+ self._channels_for_node[node].remove(short_channel_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+class RouteEdge:
+ def __init__(self, node_id: bytes, short_channel_id: bytes,
+ channel_policy: ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy):
+ self.node_id = node_id
+ self.short_channel_id = short_channel_id
+ self.channel_policy = channel_policy
+class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
+ def __init__(self, channel_db):
+ self.channel_db = channel_db
+ def _edge_cost(self, short_channel_id: bytes, start_node: bytes, payment_amt_msat: int) -> float:
+ """Heuristic cost of going through a channel.
+ direction: 0 or 1. --- 0 means node_id_1 -> node_id_2
+ """
+ channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(short_channel_id)
+ if channel_info is None:
+ return float('inf')
+ channel_policy = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(start_node)
+ if channel_policy is None: return float('inf')
+ cltv_expiry_delta = channel_policy.cltv_expiry_delta
+ htlc_minimum_msat = channel_policy.htlc_minimum_msat
+ fee_base_msat = channel_policy.fee_base_msat
+ fee_proportional_millionths = channel_policy.fee_proportional_millionths
+ if payment_amt_msat is not None:
+ if payment_amt_msat < htlc_minimum_msat:
+ return float('inf') # payment amount too little
+ if channel_info.capacity_sat is not None and \
+ payment_amt_msat // 1000 > channel_info.capacity_sat:
+ return float('inf') # payment amount too large
+ amt = payment_amt_msat or 50000 * 1000 # guess for typical payment amount
+ fee_msat = fee_base_msat + amt * fee_proportional_millionths / 1000000
+ # TODO revise
+ # paying 10 more satoshis ~ waiting one more block
+ fee_cost = fee_msat / 1000 / 10
+ cltv_cost = cltv_expiry_delta
+ return cltv_cost + fee_cost + 1
+ @profiler
+ def find_path_for_payment(self, from_node_id: bytes, to_node_id: bytes,
+ amount_msat: int=None) -> Sequence[Tuple[bytes, bytes]]:
+ """Return a path between from_node_id and to_node_id.
+ Returns a list of (node_id, short_channel_id) representing a path.
+ To get from node ret[n][0] to ret[n+1][0], use channel ret[n+1][1];
+ i.e. an element reads as, "to get to node_id, travel through short_channel_id"
+ """
+ if amount_msat is not None: assert type(amount_msat) is int
+ # TODO find multiple paths??
+ # run Dijkstra
+ distance_from_start = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))
+ distance_from_start[from_node_id] = 0
+ prev_node = {}
+ nodes_to_explore = queue.PriorityQueue()
+ nodes_to_explore.put((0, from_node_id))
+ while nodes_to_explore.qsize() > 0:
+ dist_to_cur_node, cur_node = nodes_to_explore.get()
+ if cur_node == to_node_id:
+ break
+ if dist_to_cur_node != distance_from_start[cur_node]:
+ # queue.PriorityQueue does not implement decrease_priority,
+ # so instead of decreasing priorities, we add items again into the queue.
+ # so there are duplicates in the queue, that we discard now:
+ continue
+ for edge_channel_id in self.channel_db.get_channels_for_node(cur_node):
+ channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(edge_channel_id)
+ node1, node2 = channel_info.node_id_1, channel_info.node_id_2
+ neighbour = node2 if node1 == cur_node else node1
+ alt_dist_to_neighbour = distance_from_start[cur_node] \
+ + self._edge_cost(edge_channel_id, cur_node, amount_msat)
+ if alt_dist_to_neighbour < distance_from_start[neighbour]:
+ distance_from_start[neighbour] = alt_dist_to_neighbour
+ prev_node[neighbour] = cur_node, edge_channel_id
+ nodes_to_explore.put((alt_dist_to_neighbour, neighbour))
+ else:
+ return None # no path found
+ # backtrack from end to start
+ cur_node = to_node_id
+ path = []
+ while cur_node != from_node_id:
+ prev_node_id, edge_taken = prev_node[cur_node]
+ path += [(cur_node, edge_taken)]
+ cur_node = prev_node_id
+ path.reverse()
+ return path
+ def create_route_from_path(self, path, from_node_id: bytes) -> Sequence[RouteEdge]:
+ assert type(from_node_id) is bytes
+ if path is None:
+ raise Exception('cannot create route from None path')
+ route = []
+ prev_node_id = from_node_id
+ for node_id, short_channel_id in path:
+ channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(short_channel_id)
+ if channel_info is None:
+ raise Exception('cannot find channel info for short_channel_id: {}'.format(bh2u(short_channel_id)))
+ channel_policy = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(prev_node_id)
+ if channel_policy is None:
+ raise Exception('cannot find channel policy for short_channel_id: {}'.format(bh2u(short_channel_id)))
+ route.append(RouteEdge(node_id, short_channel_id, channel_policy))
+ prev_node_id = node_id
+ return route
+# bolt 04, "onion" ----->
+HOPS_DATA_SIZE = 1300 # also sometimes called routingInfoSize in bolt-04
+class UnsupportedOnionPacketVersion(Exception): pass
+class InvalidOnionMac(Exception): pass
+class OnionPerHop:
+ def __init__(self, short_channel_id: bytes, amt_to_forward: bytes, outgoing_cltv_value: bytes):
+ self.short_channel_id = short_channel_id
+ self.amt_to_forward = amt_to_forward
+ self.outgoing_cltv_value = outgoing_cltv_value
+ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+ ret = self.short_channel_id
+ ret += self.amt_to_forward
+ ret += self.outgoing_cltv_value
+ ret += bytes(12) # padding
+ if len(ret) != 32:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
+ return ret
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
+ if len(b) != 32:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
+ return OnionPerHop(
+ short_channel_id=b[:8],
+ amt_to_forward=b[8:16],
+ outgoing_cltv_value=b[16:20]
+ )
+class OnionHopsDataSingle: # called HopData in lnd
+ def __init__(self, per_hop: OnionPerHop = None):
+ self.realm = 0
+ self.per_hop = per_hop
+ self.hmac = None
+ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+ ret = bytes([self.realm])
+ ret += self.per_hop.to_bytes()
+ ret += self.hmac if self.hmac is not None else bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE)
+ if len(ret) != PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
+ return ret
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
+ if len(b) != PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
+ ret = OnionHopsDataSingle()
+ ret.realm = b[0]
+ if ret.realm != 0:
+ raise Exception('only realm 0 is supported')
+ ret.per_hop = OnionPerHop.from_bytes(b[1:33])
+ ret.hmac = b[33:]
+ return ret
+class OnionPacket:
+ def __init__(self, public_key: bytes, hops_data: bytes, hmac: bytes):
+ self.version = 0
+ self.public_key = public_key
+ self.hops_data = hops_data # also called RoutingInfo in bolt-04
+ self.hmac = hmac
+ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+ ret = bytes([self.version])
+ ret += self.public_key
+ ret += self.hops_data
+ ret += self.hmac
+ if len(ret) != 1366:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(ret)))
+ return ret
+ @classmethod
+ def from_bytes(cls, b: bytes):
+ if len(b) != 1366:
+ raise Exception('unexpected length {}'.format(len(b)))
+ version = b[0]
+ if version != 0:
+ raise UnsupportedOnionPacketVersion('version {} is not supported'.format(version))
+ return OnionPacket(
+ public_key=b[1:34],
+ hops_data=b[34:1334],
+ hmac=b[1334:]
+ )
+def get_bolt04_onion_key(key_type: bytes, secret: bytes) -> bytes:
+ if key_type not in (b'rho', b'mu', b'um', b'ammag'):
+ raise Exception('invalid key_type {}'.format(key_type))
+ key =, msg=secret, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
+ return key
+def get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
+ session_key: bytes) -> Sequence[bytes]:
+ num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
+ hop_shared_secrets = num_hops * [b'']
+ ephemeral_key = session_key
+ # compute shared key for each hop
+ for i in range(0, num_hops):
+ hop_shared_secrets[i] = lnbase.get_ecdh(ephemeral_key, payment_path_pubkeys[i])
+ ephemeral_pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(ephemeral_key).get_public_key_bytes()
+ blinding_factor = sha256(ephemeral_pubkey + hop_shared_secrets[i])
+ blinding_factor_int = int.from_bytes(blinding_factor, byteorder="big")
+ ephemeral_key_int = int.from_bytes(ephemeral_key, byteorder="big")
+ ephemeral_key_int = ephemeral_key_int * blinding_factor_int % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
+ ephemeral_key = ephemeral_key_int.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big")
+ return hop_shared_secrets
+def new_onion_packet(payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes], session_key: bytes,
+ hops_data: Sequence[OnionHopsDataSingle], associated_data: bytes) -> OnionPacket:
+ num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
+ hop_shared_secrets = get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
+ filler = generate_filler(b'rho', num_hops, PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE, hop_shared_secrets)
+ mix_header = bytes(HOPS_DATA_SIZE)
+ next_hmac = bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE)
+ # compute routing info and MAC for each hop
+ for i in range(num_hops-1, -1, -1):
+ rho_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'rho', hop_shared_secrets[i])
+ mu_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'mu', hop_shared_secrets[i])
+ hops_data[i].hmac = next_hmac
+ stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(rho_key, NUM_STREAM_BYTES)
+ mix_header = mix_header[:-PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE]
+ mix_header = hops_data[i].to_bytes() + mix_header
+ mix_header = xor_bytes(mix_header, stream_bytes)
+ if i == num_hops - 1 and len(filler) != 0:
+ mix_header = mix_header[:-len(filler)] + filler
+ packet = mix_header + associated_data
+ next_hmac =, msg=packet, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
+ return OnionPacket(
+ public_key=ecc.ECPrivkey(session_key).get_public_key_bytes(),
+ hops_data=mix_header,
+ hmac=next_hmac)
+def generate_filler(key_type: bytes, num_hops: int, hop_size: int,
+ shared_secrets: Sequence[bytes]) -> bytes:
+ filler_size = (NUM_MAX_HOPS_IN_PATH + 1) * hop_size
+ filler = bytearray(filler_size)
+ for i in range(0, num_hops-1): # -1, as last hop does not obfuscate
+ filler = filler[hop_size:]
+ filler += bytearray(hop_size)
+ stream_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(key_type, shared_secrets[i])
+ stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(stream_key, filler_size)
+ filler = xor_bytes(filler, stream_bytes)
+ return filler[(NUM_MAX_HOPS_IN_PATH-num_hops+2)*hop_size:]
+def generate_cipher_stream(stream_key: bytes, num_bytes: int) -> bytes:
+ algo = algorithms.ChaCha20(stream_key, nonce=bytes(16))
+ cipher = Cipher(algo, mode=None, backend=default_backend())
+ encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
+ return encryptor.update(bytes(num_bytes))
+ProcessedOnionPacket = namedtuple("ProcessedOnionPacket", ["are_we_final", "hop_data", "next_packet"])
+# TODO replay protection
+def process_onion_packet(onion_packet: OnionPacket, associated_data: bytes,
+ our_onion_private_key: bytes) -> ProcessedOnionPacket:
+ shared_secret = lnbase.get_ecdh(our_onion_private_key, onion_packet.public_key)
+ # check message integrity
+ mu_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'mu', shared_secret)
+ calculated_mac =, msg=onion_packet.hops_data+associated_data,
+ digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
+ if onion_packet.hmac != calculated_mac:
+ raise InvalidOnionMac()
+ # peel an onion layer off
+ rho_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'rho', shared_secret)
+ stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(rho_key, NUM_STREAM_BYTES)
+ padded_header = onion_packet.hops_data + bytes(PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE)
+ next_hops_data = xor_bytes(padded_header, stream_bytes)
+ # calc next ephemeral key
+ blinding_factor = sha256(onion_packet.public_key + shared_secret)
+ blinding_factor_int = int.from_bytes(blinding_factor, byteorder="big")
+ next_public_key_int = ecc.ECPubkey(onion_packet.public_key) * blinding_factor_int
+ next_public_key = next_public_key_int.get_public_key_bytes()
+ hop_data = OnionHopsDataSingle.from_bytes(next_hops_data[:PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE])
+ next_onion_packet = OnionPacket(
+ public_key=next_public_key,
+ hops_data=next_hops_data[PER_HOP_FULL_SIZE:],
+ hmac=hop_data.hmac
+ )
+ if hop_data.hmac == bytes(PER_HOP_HMAC_SIZE):
+ # we are the destination / exit node
+ are_we_final = True
+ else:
+ # we are an intermediate node; forwarding
+ are_we_final = False
+ return ProcessedOnionPacket(are_we_final, hop_data, next_onion_packet)
+class FailedToDecodeOnionError(Exception): pass
+class OnionRoutingFailureMessage:
+ def __init__(self, code: int, data: bytes):
+ self.code = code
+ = data
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr((self.code,
+def _decode_onion_error(error_packet: bytes, payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
+ session_key: bytes) -> (bytes, int):
+ """Returns the decoded error bytes, and the index of the sender of the error."""
+ num_hops = len(payment_path_pubkeys)
+ hop_shared_secrets = get_shared_secrets_along_route(payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
+ for i in range(num_hops):
+ ammag_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'ammag', hop_shared_secrets[i])
+ um_key = get_bolt04_onion_key(b'um', hop_shared_secrets[i])
+ stream_bytes = generate_cipher_stream(ammag_key, len(error_packet))
+ error_packet = xor_bytes(error_packet, stream_bytes)
+ hmac_computed =, msg=error_packet[32:], digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
+ hmac_found = error_packet[:32]
+ if hmac_computed == hmac_found:
+ return error_packet, i
+ raise FailedToDecodeOnionError()
+def decode_onion_error(error_packet: bytes, payment_path_pubkeys: Sequence[bytes],
+ session_key: bytes) -> (OnionRoutingFailureMessage, int):
+ """Returns the failure message, and the index of the sender of the error."""
+ decrypted_error, sender_index = _decode_onion_error(error_packet, payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
+ failure_msg = get_failure_msg_from_onion_error(decrypted_error)
+ return failure_msg, sender_index
+def get_failure_msg_from_onion_error(decrypted_error_packet: bytes) -> OnionRoutingFailureMessage:
+ # get failure_msg bytes from error packet
+ failure_len = int.from_bytes(decrypted_error_packet[32:34], byteorder='big')
+ failure_msg = decrypted_error_packet[34:34+failure_len]
+ # create failure message object
+ failure_code = int.from_bytes(failure_msg[:2], byteorder='big')
+ failure_data = failure_msg[2:]
+ return OnionRoutingFailureMessage(failure_code, failure_data)
+# <----- bolt 04, "onion"
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import binascii
import asyncio
-from .lnbase import Peer, H256
from .bitcoin import sha256, COIN
from .util import bh2u, bfh
from .constants import set_testnet, set_simnet
@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ from .storage import WalletStorage
from .wallet import Wallet
from .lnbase import Peer, Outpoint, ChannelConfig, LocalState, RemoteState, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, OpenChannel, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore, aiosafe
from .lightning_payencode.lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode
+from . import lnrouter
is_key = lambda k: k.endswith("_basepoint") or k.endswith("_key")
@@ -90,9 +90,14 @@ class LNWorker:
def __init__(self, wallet, network):
self.wallet = wallet = network
- self.privkey = H256(b"0123456789")
+ self.privkey = sha256(b"0123456789")
self.config = network.config
self.peers = {}
+ # view of the network
+ self.nodes = {} # received node announcements
+ self.channel_db = lnrouter.ChannelDB()
+ self.path_finder = lnrouter.LNPathFinder(self.channel_db)
self.channels ="channels", {})
peer_list = network.config.get('lightning_peers', node_list)
for host, port, pubkey in peer_list:
@@ -102,7 +107,8 @@ class LNWorker:
self.on_network_update('updated') # shortcut (don't block) if funding tx locked and verified
def add_peer(self, host, port, pubkey):
- peer = Peer(host, int(port), binascii.unhexlify(pubkey), self.privkey,
+ peer = Peer(host, int(port), binascii.unhexlify(pubkey), self.privkey,
+, self.channel_db, self.path_finder), asyncio.get_event_loop()))
self.peers[pubkey] = peer
diff --git a/lib/tests/ b/lib/tests/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from lib import bitcoin
import ecdsa.ellipticcurve
from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
from lib.util import bfh
-from lib import bitcoin, lnbase
+from lib import bitcoin, lnbase, lnrouter
funding_tx_id = '8984484a580b825b9972d7adb15050b3ab624ccd731946b3eeddb92f4e7ef6be'
funding_output_index = 0
@@ -254,7 +254,9 @@ class Test_LNBase(unittest.TestCase):
success=True, cltv_timeout=0)
def test_find_path_for_payment(self):
- p = Peer('', 0, 'a', bitcoin.sha256('privkeyseed'), None)
+ channel_db = lnrouter.ChannelDB()
+ path_finder = lnrouter.LNPathFinder(channel_db)
+ p = Peer('', 0, 'a', bitcoin.sha256('privkeyseed'), None, channel_db, path_finder)
p.on_channel_announcement({'node_id_1': b'b', 'node_id_2': b'c', 'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000001')})
p.on_channel_announcement({'node_id_1': b'b', 'node_id_2': b'e', 'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000002')})
p.on_channel_announcement({'node_id_1': b'a', 'node_id_2': b'b', 'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000003')})
@@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ class Test_LNBase(unittest.TestCase):
p.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000005'), 'flags': b'\x00', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(999)})
p.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000006'), 'flags': b'\x00', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(99999999)})
p.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000006'), 'flags': b'\x01', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(150)})
- print(p.path_finder.find_path_for_payment('a', 'e', 100000))
+ self.assertNotEqual(None, p.path_finder.find_path_for_payment(b'a', b'e', 100000))
def test_key_derivation(self):
# BOLT3, Appendix E
@@ -378,7 +380,7 @@ class Test_LNBase(unittest.TestCase):
for i, privkey in enumerate(payment_path_privkeys):
- processed_packet = lnbase.process_onion_packet(packet, associated_data, privkey)
+ processed_packet = lnrouter.process_onion_packet(packet, associated_data, privkey)
self.assertEqual(hops_data[i].per_hop.to_bytes(), processed_packet.hop_data.per_hop.to_bytes())
packet = processed_packet.next_packet
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ class Test_LNBase(unittest.TestCase):
session_key = bfh('4141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141414141')
error_packet_for_node_0 = bfh('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')
- decoded_error, index_of_sender = lnbase._decode_onion_error(error_packet_for_node_0, payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
+ decoded_error, index_of_sender = lnrouter._decode_onion_error(error_packet_for_node_0, payment_path_pubkeys, session_key)
self.assertEqual(4, index_of_sender)