commit 8bcd13242309d5888c92c7a03db60a42f6573446
parent acbe67fd1f4d3bd0755707ee90b97295b5d7ff99
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:54:45 +0100
Merge branch 'master' of git://
11 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ class InstallWizard(WindowModalDialog, MessageBoxMixin):
return self.exec_()
def password_dialog(self):
- msg = _("Please choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys.")+'\n'\
- +_("Leave these fields empty if you want to disable encryption.")
- from password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog
- self.set_layout( make_password_dialog(self, None, msg) )
- return run_password_dialog(self, None, self)[2]
+ from password_dialog import PasswordDialog
+ msg = _("Please choose a password to encrypt your wallet keys.\n"
+ "Leave these fields empty if you want to disable encryption.")
+ dialog = PasswordDialog(self, None, _("Choose a password"), msg, True)
+ return[2]
def run(self, action):
if and action != 'new':
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ from electrum import Imported_Wallet, paymentrequest
from amountedit import BTCAmountEdit, MyLineEdit, BTCkBEdit
from network_dialog import NetworkDialog
from qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget, QRDialog
-from qrtextedit import ScanQRTextEdit, ShowQRTextEdit
+from qrtextedit import ShowQRTextEdit
from transaction_dialog import show_transaction
from installwizard import InstallWizard
@@ -1568,6 +1568,13 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
def paytomany(self):
+ msg = '\n'.join([
+ _('Enter a list of outputs in the \'Pay to\' field.'),
+ _('One output per line.'),
+ _('Format: address, amount'),
+ _('You may load a CSV file using the file icon.')
+ ])
+ self.show_warning(msg, title=_('Pay to many'))
def payto_contacts(self, labels):
paytos = [self.get_contact_payto(label) for label in labels]
@@ -1852,8 +1859,39 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
def change_password_dialog(self):
from password_dialog import PasswordDialog
- d = PasswordDialog(self.wallet, self)
+ if self.wallet and self.wallet.is_watching_only():
+ self.show_error(_('This is a watching-only wallet'))
+ return
+ msg = (_('Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change your '
+ 'password. To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new '
+ 'password.') if self.wallet.use_encryption
+ else _('Your wallet keys are not encrypted'))
+ d = PasswordDialog(self, self.wallet, _("Set Password"), msg, True)
+ ok, password, new_password =
+ if not ok:
+ return
+ try:
+ self.wallet.check_password(password)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ self.show_error(str(e))
+ return
+ try:
+ self.wallet.update_password(password, new_password)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ self.show_error(_('Failed to update password'))
+ return
+ if new_password:
+ msg = _('Password was updated successfully')
+ else:
+ msg = _('This wallet is not encrypted')
+ self.show_message(msg, title=_("Success"))
def toggle_search(self):
@@ -1985,10 +2023,10 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
- def show_qrcode(self, data, title = _("QR code")):
+ def show_qrcode(self, data, title = _("QR code"), parent=None):
if not data:
- d = QRDialog(data, self, title)
+ d = QRDialog(data, parent or self, title)
def show_public_keys(self, address):
@@ -2154,10 +2192,6 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
layout.addLayout(hbox, 4, 1)
- def question(self, msg):
- return QMessageBox.question(self, _('Message'), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes
def password_dialog(self, msg=None, parent=None):
if parent == None:
parent = self
@@ -2205,7 +2239,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
from electrum import qrscanner
data = qrscanner.scan_qr(self.config)
- except BaseException as e:
+ except e:
if not data:
@@ -2495,10 +2529,10 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow, MessageBoxMixin, PrintError):
def do_import_privkey(self, password):
if not self.wallet.has_imported_keys():
- r = QMessageBox.question(None, _('Warning'), '<b>'+_('Warning') +':\n</b><br/>'+ _('Imported keys are not recoverable from seed.') + ' ' \
- + _('If you ever need to restore your wallet from its seed, these keys will be lost.') + '<p>' \
- + _('Are you sure you understand what you are doing?'), 3, 4)
- if r == 4: return
+ if not self.question('<b>'+_('Warning') +':\n</b><br/>'+ _('Imported keys are not recoverable from seed.') + ' ' \
+ + _('If you ever need to restore your wallet from its seed, these keys will be lost.') + '<p>' \
+ + _('Are you sure you understand what you are doing?'), title=_('Warning')):
+ return
text = text_dialog(self, _('Import private keys'), _("Enter private keys")+':', _("Import"))
if not text: return
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -23,84 +23,6 @@ from util import *
import re
import math
-def make_password_dialog(self, wallet, msg, new_pass=True):
- = QLineEdit()
- self.new_pw = QLineEdit()
- self.new_pw.setEchoMode(2)
- self.conf_pw = QLineEdit()
- self.conf_pw.setEchoMode(2)
- vbox = QVBoxLayout()
- label = QLabel(msg)
- label.setWordWrap(True)
- grid = QGridLayout()
- grid.setSpacing(8)
- grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 70)
- grid.setColumnStretch(1,1)
- logo = QLabel()
- lockfile = ":icons/lock.png" if wallet and wallet.use_encryption else ":icons/unlock.png"
- logo.setPixmap(QPixmap(lockfile).scaledToWidth(36))
- logo.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
- grid.addWidget(logo, 0, 0)
- grid.addWidget(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- vbox.addLayout(grid)
- grid = QGridLayout()
- grid.setSpacing(8)
- grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 250)
- grid.setColumnStretch(1,1)
- if wallet and wallet.use_encryption:
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 0, 0)
- grid.addWidget(, 0, 1)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('New Password') if new_pass else _('Password')), 1, 0)
- grid.addWidget(self.new_pw, 1, 1)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Confirm Password')), 2, 0)
- grid.addWidget(self.conf_pw, 2, 1)
- vbox.addLayout(grid)
- #Password Strength Label
- self.pw_strength = QLabel()
- grid.addWidget(self.pw_strength, 3, 0, 1, 2)
- self.new_pw.textChanged.connect(lambda: update_password_strength(self.pw_strength, self.new_pw.text()))
- vbox.addStretch(1)
- vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(self), OkButton(self)))
- return vbox
-def run_password_dialog(self, wallet, parent):
- if wallet and wallet.is_watching_only():
- QMessageBox.information(parent, _('Error'), _('This is a watching-only wallet'), _('OK'))
- return False, None, None
- if not self.exec_():
- return False, None, None
- password = unicode( if wallet and wallet.use_encryption else None
- new_password = unicode(self.new_pw.text())
- new_password2 = unicode(self.conf_pw.text())
- if new_password != new_password2:
- QMessageBox.warning(parent, _('Error'), _('Passwords do not match'), _('OK'))
- # Retry
- return run_password_dialog(self, wallet, parent)
- if not new_password:
- new_password = None
- return True, password, new_password
def check_password_strength(password):
@@ -117,57 +39,89 @@ def check_password_strength(password):
password_strength = {0:"Weak",1:"Medium",2:"Strong",3:"Very Strong"}
return password_strength[min(3, int(score))]
-def update_password_strength(pw_strength_label,password):
- '''
- call the function check_password_strength and update the label pw_strength interactively as the user is typing the password
- :param pw_strength_label: the label pw_strength
- :param password: password entered in New Password text box
- :return: None
- '''
- if password:
- colors = {"Weak":"Red","Medium":"Blue","Strong":"Green", "Very Strong":"Green"}
- strength = check_password_strength(password)
- label = _("Password Strength")+ ": "+"<font color=" + colors[strength] + ">" + strength + "</font>"
- else:
- label = ""
- pw_strength_label.setText(label)
class PasswordDialog(WindowModalDialog):
- def __init__(self, wallet, parent):
- WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, parent,_("Set Password"))
+ def __init__(self, parent, wallet, title, msg, new_pass):
+ WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, parent, title)
self.wallet = wallet
- self.parent = parent
- msg = (_('Your wallet is encrypted. Use this dialog to change your password.') + ' '\
- +_('To disable wallet encryption, enter an empty new password.')) \
- if wallet.use_encryption else _('Your wallet keys are not encrypted')
- self.setLayout(make_password_dialog(self, wallet, msg))
+ = QLineEdit()
+ self.new_pw = QLineEdit()
+ self.new_pw.setEchoMode(2)
+ self.conf_pw = QLineEdit()
+ self.conf_pw.setEchoMode(2)
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ label = QLabel(msg)
+ label.setWordWrap(True)
+ grid = QGridLayout()
+ grid.setSpacing(8)
+ grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 70)
+ grid.setColumnStretch(1,1)
+ logo = QLabel()
+ logo.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter)
+ grid.addWidget(logo, 0, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
+ vbox.addLayout(grid)
+ grid = QGridLayout()
+ grid.setSpacing(8)
+ grid.setColumnMinimumWidth(0, 250)
+ grid.setColumnStretch(1,1)
+ if wallet and wallet.use_encryption:
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password')), 0, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(, 0, 1)
+ lockfile = ":icons/lock.png"
+ else:
+ = None
+ lockfile = ":icons/unlock.png"
+ logo.setPixmap(QPixmap(lockfile).scaledToWidth(36))
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('New Password') if new_pass else _('Password')), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(self.new_pw, 1, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Confirm Password')), 2, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(self.conf_pw, 2, 1)
+ vbox.addLayout(grid)
+ # Password Strength Label
+ self.pw_strength = QLabel()
+ grid.addWidget(self.pw_strength, 3, 0, 1, 2)
+ self.new_pw.textChanged.connect(self.pw_changed)
+ self.conf_pw.textChanged.connect(self.check_OKButton)
+ self.OKButton = OkButton(self)
+ vbox.addStretch(1)
+ vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(self), self.OKButton))
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
+ def pw_changed(self):
+ password = self.new_pw.text()
+ if password:
+ colors = {"Weak":"Red", "Medium":"Blue", "Strong":"Green",
+ "Very Strong":"Green"}
+ strength = check_password_strength(password)
+ label = (_("Password Strength") + ": " + "<font color="
+ + colors[strength] + ">" + strength + "</font>")
+ else:
+ label = ""
+ self.pw_strength.setText(label)
+ self.check_OKButton()
+ def check_OKButton(self):
+ self.OKButton.setEnabled(self.new_pw.text() == self.conf_pw.text())
def run(self):
- ok, password, new_password = run_password_dialog(self, self.wallet, self.parent)
- if not ok:
- return
- try:
- self.wallet.check_password(password)
- except BaseException as e:
- QMessageBox.warning(self.parent, _('Error'), str(e), _('OK'))
+ if not self.exec_():
return False, None, None
- try:
- self.wallet.update_password(password, new_password)
- except:
- import traceback, sys
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- QMessageBox.warning(self.parent, _('Error'), _('Failed to update password'), _('OK'))
- return
+ password = unicode( if else None
+ new_password = unicode(self.new_pw.text())
+ new_password2 = unicode(self.conf_pw.text())
- if new_password:
- QMessageBox.information(self.parent, _('Success'), _('Password was updated successfully'), _('OK'))
- else:
- QMessageBox.information(self.parent, _('Success'), _('This wallet is not encrypted'), _('OK'))
+ return True, password or None, new_password or None
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -160,16 +160,8 @@ class PayToEdit(ScanQRTextEdit):
return len(self.lines()) > 1
def paytomany(self):
- from electrum.i18n import _
- msg = '\n'.join([
- _('Enter a list of outputs in the \'Pay to\' field.'),
- _('One output per line.'),
- _('Format: address, amount.'),
- _('You may load a CSV file using the file icon.')
- ])
- QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Pay to many'), msg, _('OK'))
def update_size(self):
docHeight = self.document().size().height()
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore
import PyQt4.QtGui as QtGui
import os
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import qrcode
import electrum
from electrum import bmp
from electrum.i18n import _
+from util import WindowModalDialog, MessageBoxMixin
class QRCodeWidget(QWidget):
@@ -83,13 +83,11 @@ class QRCodeWidget(QWidget):
-class QRDialog(QDialog):
+class QRDialog(WindowModalDialog, MessageBoxMixin):
def __init__(self, data, parent=None, title = "", show_text=False):
- QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
+ WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, parent, title)
- d = self
- d.setWindowTitle(title)
vbox = QVBoxLayout()
qrw = QRCodeWidget(data)
vbox.addWidget(qrw, 1)
@@ -107,12 +105,12 @@ class QRDialog(QDialog):
def print_qr():
bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, filename)
- QMessageBox.information(None, _('Message'), _("QR code saved to file") + " " + filename, _('OK'))
+ self.show_message(_("QR code saved to file") + " " + filename)
def copy_to_clipboard():
bmp.save_qrcode(qrw.qr, filename)
- QMessageBox.information(None, _('Message'), _("QR code saved to clipboard"), _('OK'))
+ self.show_message(_("QR code copied to clipboard"))
b = QPushButton(_("Copy"))
@@ -124,8 +122,8 @@ class QRDialog(QDialog):
b = QPushButton(_("Close"))
- b.clicked.connect(d.accept)
+ b.clicked.connect(self.accept)
- d.setLayout(vbox)
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from electrum.plugins import run_hook
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from util import ButtonsTextEdit
+from util import ButtonsTextEdit, MessageBoxMixin
class ShowQRTextEdit(ButtonsTextEdit):
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ShowQRTextEdit(ButtonsTextEdit):
-class ScanQRTextEdit(ButtonsTextEdit):
+class ScanQRTextEdit(ButtonsTextEdit, MessageBoxMixin):
def __init__(self, text=""):
ButtonsTextEdit.__init__(self, text)
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ class ScanQRTextEdit(ButtonsTextEdit):
from electrum import qrscanner, get_config
data = qrscanner.scan_qr(get_config())
- except BaseException, e:
- QMessageBox.warning(self, _('Error'), _(e), _('OK'))
+ except BaseException as e:
+ self.show_error(str(e))
return ""
if type(data) != str:
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def show_transaction(tx, parent, desc=None, prompt_if_unsaved=False):
-class TxDialog(QDialog):
+class TxDialog(QDialog, MessageBoxMixin):
def __init__(self, tx, parent, desc, prompt_if_unsaved):
'''Transactions in the wallet will show their description.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TxDialog(QDialog):
vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Transaction ID:")))
self.tx_hash_e = ButtonsLineEdit()
- qr_show = lambda: self.parent.show_qrcode(str(self.tx_hash_e.text()), 'Transaction ID')
+ qr_show = lambda: self.parent.show_qrcode(str(self.tx_hash_e.text()), 'Transaction ID', parent=self)
self.tx_hash_e.addButton(":icons/qrcode.png", qr_show, _("Show as QR code"))
@@ -122,10 +122,7 @@ class TxDialog(QDialog):
def closeEvent(self, event):
if (self.prompt_if_unsaved and not self.saved and not self.broadcast
- and QMessageBox.question(
- self, _('Warning'),
- _('This transaction is not saved. Close anyway?'),
- QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No):
+ and not self.question(_('This transaction is not saved. Close anyway?'), title=_("Warning"))):
@@ -135,7 +132,7 @@ class TxDialog(QDialog):
text = self.tx.raw.decode('hex')
text = base_encode(text, base=43)
- self.parent.show_qrcode(text, 'Transaction')
+ self.parent.show_qrcode(text, 'Transaction', parent=self)
except Exception as e:
@@ -291,8 +288,3 @@ class TxDialog(QDialog):
cursor.insertText(format_amount(v), ext)
- def show_message(self, msg):
- QMessageBox.information(self, _('Message'), msg, _('OK'))
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -193,18 +193,26 @@ class CancelButton(QPushButton):
class MessageBoxMixin:
+ def question(self, msg, parent=None, title=None):
+ Yes, No = QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No
+ return WindowModalDialog.question(parent or self, title, msg,
+ buttons=Yes|No,
+ defaultButton=No) == Yes
def show_warning(self, msg, parent=None, title=None):
- WindowModalDialog.warning(parent or self, title or _('Warning'), msg)
+ return WindowModalDialog.warning(parent or self,
+ title or _('Warning'), msg)
def show_error(self, msg, parent=None):
- self.show_warning(msg, parent=parent, title=_('Error'))
+ return self.show_warning(msg, parent=parent, title=_('Error'))
def show_critical(self, msg, parent=None, title=None):
- WindowModalDialog.critical(parent or self,
- title or _('Critical Error'), msg)
+ return WindowModalDialog.critical(parent or self,
+ title or _('Critical Error'), msg)
def show_message(self, msg, parent=None, title=None):
- WindowModalDialog.information(self, title or _('Information'), msg)
+ return WindowModalDialog.information(self, title or _('Information'),
+ msg)
class WindowModalDialog(QDialog):
'''Handy wrapper; window modal dialogs are better for our multi-window
@@ -216,6 +224,10 @@ class WindowModalDialog(QDialog):
+ def question(*args, **kwargs):
+ return WindowModalDialog.msg_box(QMessageBox.Question, *args, **kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
def critical(*args, **kwargs):
return WindowModalDialog.msg_box(QMessageBox.Critical, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ proc = None
def scan_qr(config):
global proc
if not zbar:
- raise BaseException("\n".join([_("Cannot start QR scanner."),_("The zbar package is not available."),_("On Linux, try 'sudo pip install zbar'")]))
+ raise RuntimeError("\n".join([_("Cannot start QR scanner."),_("The zbar package is not available."),_("On Linux, try 'sudo pip install zbar'")]))
if proc is None:
device = config.get("video_device", "default")
if device == 'default':
diff --git a/plugins/keepkey/ b/plugins/keepkey/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QThread, SIGNAL, QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
+from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QThread, SIGNAL, QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore
from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
from electrum_gui.qt.main_window import StatusBarButton, ElectrumWindow
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Plugin(KeepKeyPlugin):
get_label = lambda: self.get_client().features.label
update_label = lambda: current_label_label.setText("Label: %s" % get_label())
- d = QDialog()
+ d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("KeepKey Settings"))
layout = QGridLayout(d)
layout.addWidget(QLabel("KeepKey Options"),0,0)
@@ -132,10 +132,7 @@ class KeepKeyQtHandler:
return self.passphrase
def pin_dialog(self):
- d = QDialog(None)
- d.setModal(1)
- d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN"))
- d.setWindowFlags(d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
+ d = WindowModalDialog(, _("Enter PIN"))
matrix = PinMatrixWidget()
vbox = QVBoxLayout()
@@ -153,23 +150,18 @@ class KeepKeyQtHandler:
self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else ''
assert type( is InstallWizard
- from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog
- d = QDialog()
- d.setModal(1)
- d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False))
- confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
+ from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import PasswordDialog
+ d = PasswordDialog(, None, None, self.message, False)
+ confirmed, p, passphrase =
if not confirmed:
- QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK'))
+"Password request canceled"))
self.passphrase = None
self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else ''
def message_dialog(self):
- self.d = QDialog()
- self.d.setModal(1)
- self.d.setWindowTitle('Please Check KeepKey Device')
- self.d.setWindowFlags(self.d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
+ self.d = WindowModalDialog(, _('Please Check KeepKey Device'))
l = QLabel(self.message)
vbox = QVBoxLayout(self.d)
@@ -182,5 +174,3 @@ class KeepKeyQtHandler:
def dialog_stop(self):
diff --git a/plugins/trezor/ b/plugins/trezor/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QThread, SIGNAL, QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
+from PyQt4.Qt import QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, QThread, SIGNAL, QGridLayout, QInputDialog, QPushButton
import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore
from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
from electrum_gui.qt.main_window import StatusBarButton, ElectrumWindow
@@ -46,10 +46,7 @@ class TrezorQtHandler:
return self.passphrase
def pin_dialog(self):
- d = QDialog(None)
- d.setModal(1)
- d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN"))
- d.setWindowFlags(d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
+ d = WindowModalDialog(, _("Enter PIN"))
matrix = PinMatrixWidget()
vbox = QVBoxLayout()
@@ -67,23 +64,18 @@ class TrezorQtHandler:
self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else ''
assert type( is InstallWizard
- from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog
- d = QDialog()
- d.setModal(1)
- d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False))
- confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
+ from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import PasswordDialog
+ d = PasswordDialog(, None, None, self.message, False)
+ confirmed, p, passphrase =
if not confirmed:
- QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK'))
+"Password request canceled"))
self.passphrase = None
self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else ''
def message_dialog(self):
- self.d = QDialog()
- self.d.setModal(1)
- self.d.setWindowTitle('Please Check Trezor Device')
- self.d.setWindowFlags(self.d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
+ self.d = WindowModalDialog(, _('Please Check Trezor Device'))
l = QLabel(self.message)
vbox = QVBoxLayout(self.d)
@@ -171,7 +163,7 @@ class Plugin(TrezorPlugin):
get_label = lambda: self.get_client().features.label
update_label = lambda: current_label_label.setText("Label: %s" % get_label())
- d = QDialog()
+ d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Trezor Settings"))
layout = QGridLayout(d)
layout.addWidget(QLabel("Trezor Options"),0,0)