commit a4da04110eab735d635407bd95d85d288b9a7241
parent 12af2dc63b1747328460839b39847db7e3d07d7b
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 16:07:42 +0200
Merge pull request #4442 from SomberNight/bip32_fix_invalid_ecpoint
handle bip32 edge cases
1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -521,6 +521,21 @@ def minikey_to_private_key(text):
BIP32_PRIME = 0x80000000
+def protect_against_invalid_ecpoint(func):
+ def func_wrapper(*args):
+ n = args[-1]
+ while True:
+ is_prime = n & BIP32_PRIME
+ try:
+ return func(*args[:-1], n=n)
+ except ecc.InvalidECPointException:
+ print_error('bip32 protect_against_invalid_ecpoint: skipping index')
+ n += 1
+ is_prime2 = n & BIP32_PRIME
+ if is_prime != is_prime2: raise OverflowError()
+ return func_wrapper
# Child private key derivation function (from master private key)
# k = master private key (32 bytes)
# c = master chain code (extra entropy for key derivation) (32 bytes)
@@ -529,19 +544,25 @@ BIP32_PRIME = 0x80000000
# corresponding public key can NOT be determined without the master private key.
# However, if n is positive, the resulting private key's corresponding
# public key can be determined without the master private key.
def CKD_priv(k, c, n):
is_prime = n & BIP32_PRIME
return _CKD_priv(k, c, bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(n,4))), is_prime)
def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
- keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
+ try:
+ keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
+ except ecc.InvalidECPointException as e:
+ raise BitcoinException('Impossible xprv (not within curve order)') from e
cK = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
data = bytes([0]) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s
I =, data, hashlib.sha512).digest()
- k_n = ecc.number_to_string(
- (ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32]) + ecc.string_to_number(k)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER,
+ I_left = ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32])
+ k_n = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(k)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
+ if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or k_n == 0:
+ raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
+ k_n = ecc.number_to_string(k_n, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
c_n = I[32:]
return k_n, c_n
@@ -551,14 +572,18 @@ def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
# n = index of key we want to derive
# This function allows us to find the nth public key, as long as n is
# non-negative. If n is negative, we need the master private key to find it.
def CKD_pub(cK, c, n):
if n & BIP32_PRIME: raise Exception()
return _CKD_pub(cK, c, bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(n,4))))
-# helper function, callable with arbitrary string
+# helper function, callable with arbitrary string.
+# note: 's' does not need to fit into 32 bits here! (c.f. trustedcoin billing)
def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s):
I =, cK + s, hashlib.sha512).digest()
pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(cK)
+ if pubkey.is_at_infinity():
+ raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
cK_n = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
c_n = I[32:]
return cK_n, c_n