commit af7d7e883c760caedbe8ba738e450fae535b1886
parent 7e8be3d2e7e178cc6534520c07d0af413896f2bf
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 13:01:23 +0200
Rework wallet history methods:
- wallet.get_full_history returns onchain and lightning
- capital gains are returned by get_detailed_history
- display lightning history in kivy
- command line: separate lightning and onchain history
4 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -497,14 +497,11 @@ class Commands:
return tx.as_dict()
- def history(self, year=None, show_addresses=False, show_fiat=False, show_fees=False,
- from_height=None, to_height=None):
- """Wallet history. Returns the transaction history of your wallet."""
+ def onchain_history(self, year=None, show_addresses=False, show_fiat=False, show_fees=False):
+ """Wallet onchain history. Returns the transaction history of your wallet."""
kwargs = {
'show_addresses': show_addresses,
'show_fees': show_fees,
- 'from_height': from_height,
- 'to_height': to_height,
if year:
import time
@@ -516,7 +513,13 @@ class Commands:
from .exchange_rate import FxThread
fx = FxThread(self.config, None)
kwargs['fx'] = fx
- return json_encode(self.wallet.get_full_history(**kwargs))
+ return json_encode(self.wallet.get_detailed_history(**kwargs))
+ @command('w')
+ def lightning_history(self, show_fiat=False):
+ """ lightning history """
+ lightning_history = self.wallet.lnworker.get_history() if self.wallet.lnworker else []
+ return json_encode(lightning_history)
def setlabel(self, key, label):
diff --git a/electrum/gui/kivy/uix/ b/electrum/gui/kivy/uix/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from electrum.util import profiler, parse_URI, format_time, InvalidPassword, Not
from electrum import bitcoin, constants
from electrum.transaction import TxOutput, Transaction, tx_from_str
from electrum.util import send_exception_to_crash_reporter, parse_URI, InvalidBitcoinURI
-from electrum.util import PR_UNPAID, PR_PAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED
+from electrum.util import PR_UNPAID, PR_PAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED, TxMinedInfo
from electrum.plugin import run_hook
from electrum.wallet import InternalAddressCorruption
from electrum import simple_config
@@ -145,34 +145,49 @@ class HistoryScreen(CScreen):
d = LabelDialog(_('Enter Transaction Label'), text, callback)
- def get_card(self, tx_hash, tx_mined_status, value, balance):
- status, status_str =, tx_mined_status)
- icon = "atlas://electrum/gui/kivy/theming/light/" + TX_ICONS[status]
- label = if tx_hash else _('Pruned transaction outputs')
+ def get_card(self, tx_item): #tx_hash, tx_mined_status, value, balance):
+ is_lightning = tx_item.get('lightning', False)
+ timestamp = tx_item['timestamp']
+ if is_lightning:
+ status = 0
+ txpos = tx_item['txpos']
+ if timestamp is None:
+ status_str = 'unconfirmed'
+ else:
+ status_str = format_time(int(timestamp))
+ icon = "atlas://electrum/gui/kivy/theming/light/lightning"
+ else:
+ tx_hash = tx_item['txid']
+ conf = tx_item['confirmations']
+ txpos = tx_item['txpos_in_block'] or 0
+ height = tx_item['height']
+ tx_mined_info = TxMinedInfo(height=tx_item['height'],
+ conf=tx_item['confirmations'],
+ timestamp=tx_item['timestamp'])
+ status, status_str =, tx_mined_info)
+ icon = "atlas://electrum/gui/kivy/theming/light/" + TX_ICONS[status]
ri = {}
ri['screen'] = self
- ri['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
ri['icon'] = icon
ri['date'] = status_str
- ri['message'] = label
- ri['confirmations'] = tx_mined_status.conf
+ ri['message'] = tx_item['label']
+ value = tx_item['value'].value
if value is not None:
ri['is_mine'] = value < 0
if value < 0: value = - value
ri['amount'] =
- if
- fx =
- fiat_value = value / Decimal(bitcoin.COIN) *, fx.timestamp_rate)
- fiat_value = Fiat(fiat_value, fx.ccy)
- ri['quote_text'] = fiat_value.to_ui_string()
+ if 'fiat_value' in tx_item:
+ ri['quote_text'] = tx_item['fiat_value'].to_ui_string()
return ri
def update(self, see_all=False):
- if is None:
+ import operator
+ wallet =
+ if wallet is None:
- history = reversed(
+ history = sorted(wallet.get_full_history(, key=lambda x: x.get('timestamp') or float('inf'), reverse=True)
history_card = self.screen.ids.history_container
- = [self.get_card(*item) for item in history]
+ = [self.get_card(item) for item in history]
class SendScreen(CScreen):
diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/ b/electrum/gui/qt/
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ class HistoryModel(QAbstractItemModel, Logger):
self.view = None # type: HistoryList
self.transactions = OrderedDictWithIndex()
self.tx_status_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]]
- self.summary = None
def set_view(self, history_list: 'HistoryList'):
# FIXME HistoryModel and HistoryList mutually depend on each other.
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ class HistoryModel(QAbstractItemModel, Logger):
tx_item['label'] if 'label' in tx_item else None,
- tx_item['value'].value if 'value' in tx_item else None,
+ tx_item['bc_value'].value if 'bc_value' in tx_item else None,
tx_item['ln_value'].value if 'ln_value' in tx_item else None,
@@ -217,8 +216,8 @@ class HistoryModel(QAbstractItemModel, Logger):
return QVariant(status_str)
elif col == HistoryColumns.DESCRIPTION and 'label' in tx_item:
return QVariant(tx_item['label'])
- elif col == HistoryColumns.AMOUNT and 'value' in tx_item:
- value = tx_item['value'].value
+ elif col == HistoryColumns.AMOUNT and 'bc_value' in tx_item:
+ value = tx_item['bc_value'].value
v_str = self.parent.format_amount(value, is_diff=True, whitespaces=True)
return QVariant(v_str)
elif col == HistoryColumns.LN_AMOUNT and 'ln_value' in tx_item:
@@ -276,44 +275,22 @@ class HistoryModel(QAbstractItemModel, Logger):
fx = self.parent.fx
if fx: fx.history_used_spot = False
wallet = self.parent.wallet
- r = wallet.get_full_history(domain=self.get_domain(), from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None, fx=fx)
- lightning_history = wallet.lnworker.get_history() if wallet.lnworker else []
- #if r['transactions'] == list(self.transactions.values()):
- # return
+ transactions = wallet.get_full_history(self.parent.fx)
+ if transactions == list(self.transactions.values()):
+ return
old_length = len(self.transactions)
if old_length != 0:
self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, old_length)
- transactions = OrderedDictWithIndex()
- for tx_item in r['transactions']:
- txid = tx_item['txid']
- transactions[txid] = tx_item
- for i, tx_item in enumerate(lightning_history):
- txid = tx_item.get('txid')
- ln_value = tx_item['amount_msat']/1000.
- if txid and txid in transactions:
- item = transactions[txid]
- item['label'] = tx_item['label']
- item['ln_value'] = Satoshis(ln_value)
- item['balance_msat'] = tx_item['balance_msat']
- else:
- tx_item['lightning'] = True
- tx_item['ln_value'] = Satoshis(ln_value)
- tx_item['txpos'] = i # for sorting
- key = tx_item['payment_hash'] if 'payment_hash' in tx_item else tx_item['type'] + tx_item['channel_id']
- transactions[key] = tx_item
self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, len(transactions)-1)
self.transactions = transactions
if selected_row:
self.view.selectionModel().select(self.createIndex(selected_row, 0), QItemSelectionModel.Rows | QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent)
- # update summary
- self.summary = r['summary']
+ # update time filter
if not self.view.years and self.transactions:
start_date =
end_date =
@@ -535,7 +512,7 @@ class HistoryList(MyTreeView, AcceptFileDragDrop):
return datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,
def show_summary(self):
- h = self.model().sourceModel().summary
+ h = self.parent.wallet.get_detailed_history()['summary']
if not h:
self.parent.show_message(_("Nothing to summarize."))
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ from .util import (NotEnoughFunds, UserCancelled, profiler,
format_satoshis, format_fee_satoshis, NoDynamicFeeEstimates,
WalletFileException, BitcoinException,
InvalidPassword, format_time, timestamp_to_datetime, Satoshis,
- Fiat, bfh, bh2u, TxMinedInfo, quantize_feerate, create_bip21_uri)
+ Fiat, bfh, bh2u, TxMinedInfo, quantize_feerate, create_bip21_uri, OrderedDictWithIndex)
from .simple_config import get_config
from .bitcoin import (COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS, is_address, address_to_script,
is_minikey, relayfee, dust_threshold)
@@ -482,45 +482,79 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer):
# return last balance
return balance
+ def get_onchain_history(self):
+ for tx_hash, tx_mined_status, value, balance in self.get_history():
+ yield {
+ 'txid': tx_hash,
+ 'height': tx_mined_status.height,
+ 'confirmations': tx_mined_status.conf,
+ 'timestamp': tx_mined_status.timestamp,
+ 'incoming': True if value>0 else False,
+ 'bc_value': Satoshis(value),
+ 'balance': Satoshis(balance),
+ 'date': timestamp_to_datetime(tx_mined_status.timestamp),
+ 'label': self.get_label(tx_hash),
+ 'txpos_in_block': tx_mined_status.txpos,
+ }
+ @profiler
+ def get_full_history(self, fx=None):
+ transactions = OrderedDictWithIndex()
+ onchain_history = self.get_onchain_history()
+ for tx_item in onchain_history:
+ txid = tx_item['txid']
+ transactions[txid] = tx_item
+ lightning_history = self.lnworker.get_history() if self.lnworker else []
+ for i, tx_item in enumerate(lightning_history):
+ txid = tx_item.get('txid')
+ ln_value = Decimal(tx_item['amount_msat']) / 1000
+ if txid and txid in transactions:
+ item = transactions[txid]
+ item['label'] = tx_item['label']
+ item['ln_value'] = Satoshis(ln_value)
+ item['balance_msat'] = tx_item['balance_msat']
+ else:
+ tx_item['lightning'] = True
+ tx_item['ln_value'] = Satoshis(ln_value)
+ tx_item['txpos'] = i # for sorting
+ key = tx_item['payment_hash'] if 'payment_hash' in tx_item else tx_item['type'] + tx_item['channel_id']
+ transactions[key] = tx_item
+ now = time.time()
+ for item in transactions.values():
+ # add on-chain and lightning values
+ value = Decimal(0)
+ if item.get('bc_value'):
+ value += item['bc_value'].value
+ if item.get('ln_value'):
+ value += item.get('ln_value').value
+ item['value'] = Satoshis(value)
+ if fx:
+ timestamp = item['timestamp'] or now
+ fiat_value = value / Decimal(bitcoin.COIN) * fx.timestamp_rate(timestamp)
+ item['fiat_value'] = Fiat(fiat_value, fx.ccy)
+ item['fiat_default'] = True
+ return transactions
- def get_full_history(self, domain=None, from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None,
- fx=None, show_addresses=False, show_fees=False,
- from_height=None, to_height=None):
- if (from_timestamp is not None or to_timestamp is not None) \
- and (from_height is not None or to_height is not None):
- raise Exception('timestamp and block height based filtering cannot be used together')
+ def get_detailed_history(self, from_timestamp=None, to_timestamp=None,
+ fx=None, show_addresses=False, show_fees=False):
+ # History with capital gains, using utxo pricing
+ # FIXME: Lightning capital gains would requires FIFO
out = []
income = 0
expenditures = 0
capital_gains = Decimal(0)
fiat_income = Decimal(0)
fiat_expenditures = Decimal(0)
- h = self.get_history(domain)
now = time.time()
- for tx_hash, tx_mined_status, value, balance in h:
- timestamp = tx_mined_status.timestamp
+ for item in self.get_onchain_history():
+ timestamp = item['timestamp']
if from_timestamp and (timestamp or now) < from_timestamp:
if to_timestamp and (timestamp or now) >= to_timestamp:
- height = tx_mined_status.height
- if from_height is not None and height < from_height:
- continue
- if to_height is not None and height >= to_height:
- continue
+ tx_hash = item['txid']
tx = self.db.get_transaction(tx_hash)
- item = {
- 'txid': tx_hash,
- 'height': height,
- 'confirmations': tx_mined_status.conf,
- 'timestamp': timestamp,
- 'incoming': True if value>0 else False,
- 'value': Satoshis(value),
- 'balance': Satoshis(balance),
- 'date': timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp),
- 'label': self.get_label(tx_hash),
- 'txpos_in_block': tx_mined_status.txpos,
- }
tx_fee = None
if show_fees:
tx_fee = self.get_tx_fee(tx)
@@ -529,10 +563,8 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer):
item['inputs'] = list(map(lambda x: dict((k, x[k]) for k in ('prevout_hash', 'prevout_n')), tx.inputs()))
item['outputs'] = list(map(lambda x:{'address':x.address, 'value':Satoshis(x.value)},
- # value may be None if wallet is not fully synchronized
- if value is None:
- continue
# fixme: use in and out values
+ value = item['bc_value'].value
if value < 0:
expenditures += -value
@@ -550,7 +582,7 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer):
# add summary
if out:
- b, v = out[0]['balance'].value, out[0]['value'].value
+ b, v = out[0]['balance'].value, out[0]['bc_value'].value
start_balance = None if b is None or v is None else b - v
end_balance = out[-1]['balance'].value
if from_timestamp is not None and to_timestamp is not None:
@@ -562,15 +594,13 @@ class Abstract_Wallet(AddressSynchronizer):
summary = {
'start_date': start_date,
'end_date': end_date,
- 'from_height': from_height,
- 'to_height': to_height,
'start_balance': Satoshis(start_balance),
'end_balance': Satoshis(end_balance),
'incoming': Satoshis(income),
'outgoing': Satoshis(expenditures)
if fx and fx.is_enabled() and fx.get_history_config():
- unrealized = self.unrealized_gains(domain, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
+ unrealized = self.unrealized_gains(None, fx.timestamp_rate, fx.ccy)
summary['fiat_currency'] = fx.ccy
summary['fiat_capital_gains'] = Fiat(capital_gains, fx.ccy)
summary['fiat_incoming'] = Fiat(fiat_income, fx.ccy)