commit ca220d8dbbee6a7221a95e619301fe40dca2678a
parent 6b45070b2f7c899dd9bdd1a7bf423ad23a014374
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2017 09:03:39 +0200
Detect blockchain splits and validate multiple chains
7 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+# Release 2.9 - Independence
+ * Blockchain fork detection and management:
+ - The SPV module will download and verify block headers from
+ multiple branches
+ - Branching points are located using binary search
+ - The desired branch of a fork can be selected using the network dialog
# Release 2.8.3
* Fix crash on reading older wallet formats.
* TrustedCoin: remove pay-per-tx option
diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/ b/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ Builder.load_string('''
height: '36dp'
size_hint_y: None
text: '%d'%root.cp_height
- on_focus: root.on_height_str()
text: _('Block hash') + ':'
@@ -85,23 +84,5 @@ class CheckpointDialog(Factory.Popup):
def __init__(self, network, callback):
Factory.Popup.__init__(self) = network
- self.cp_height, self.cp_value =
self.callback = callback
- def on_height_str(self):
- try:
- new_height = int(self.ids.height_input.text)
- except:
- new_height = self.cp_height
- self.ids.height_input.text = '%d'%new_height
- if new_height == self.cp_height:
- return
- try:
- header ='blockchain.block.get_header', [new_height]), 5)
- new_value =
- except BaseException as e:
- new_value = ''
- if new_value:
- self.cp_height = new_height
- self.cp_value = new_value
+ self.is_split = len( > 1
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -190,39 +190,10 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
from amountedit import AmountEdit
grid = QGridLayout(blockchain_tab)
n = len(network.get_interfaces())
- status = _("Connected to %d nodes.")%n if n else _("Not connected")
- height_str = "%d "%(network.get_local_height()) + _("blocks")
- self.checkpoint_height, self.checkpoint_value = network.blockchain.get_checkpoint()
- self.cph_label = QLabel(_('Height'))
- self.cph = QLineEdit("%d"%self.checkpoint_height)
- self.cph.setFixedWidth(80)
- self.cpv_label = QLabel(_('Hash'))
- self.cpv = QLineEdit(self.checkpoint_value)
- self.cpv.setCursorPosition(0)
- self.cpv.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus)
- self.cpv.setReadOnly(True)
- def on_cph():
- try:
- height = int(self.cph.text())
- except:
- height = 0
- self.cph.setText('%d'%height)
- if height == self.checkpoint_height:
- return
- try:
-"fetching header")
- header ='blockchain.block.get_header', [height]), 5)
- _hash =
- except BaseException as e:
- _hash = ''
- self.cpv.setText(_hash)
- self.cpv.setCursorPosition(0)
- if _hash:
- self.checkpoint_height = height
- self.checkpoint_value = _hash
- self.cph.editingFinished.connect(on_cph)
+ n_chains = len(network.blockchains)
+ self.checkpoint_height = network.get_checkpoint()
+ status = _("Connected to %d nodes.")%n if n else _("Not connected")
msg = ' '.join([
_("Electrum connects to several nodes in order to download block headers and find out the longest blockchain."),
_("This blockchain is used to verify the transactions sent by your transaction server.")
@@ -230,23 +201,26 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Status') + ':'), 0, 0)
grid.addWidget(QLabel(status), 0, 1, 1, 3)
grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 0, 4)
- msg = _('This is the height of your local copy of the blockchain.')
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Height") + ':'), 1, 0)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(height_str), 1, 1)
- grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 1, 4)
- msg = ''.join([
- _('A checkpoint can be used to verify that you are on the correct blockchain.'), ' ',
- _('By default, your checkpoint is the genesis block.'), '\n\n',
- _('If you edit the height field, the corresponding block hash will be fetched from your current server.'), ' ',
- _('If you press OK, the checkpoint will be saved, and Electrum will only accept headers from nodes that pass this checkpoint.'), '\n\n',
- _('If there is a hard fork, you will have to check the block hash from an independent source, in order to be sure that you are on the desired side of the fork.'),
- ])
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Checkpoint') +':'), 3, 0, 1, 2)
- grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 3, 4)
- grid.addWidget(self.cph_label, 4, 0)
- grid.addWidget(self.cph, 4, 1)
- grid.addWidget(self.cpv_label, 5, 0)
- grid.addWidget(self.cpv, 5, 1, 1, 4)
+ if n_chains == 1:
+ height_str = "%d "%(network.get_local_height()) + _("blocks")
+ msg = _('This is the height of your local copy of the blockchain.')
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Height") + ':'), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(height_str), 1, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 1, 4)
+ else:
+ checkpoint = network.get_checkpoint()
+ self.cph_label = QLabel(_('Chain split detected'))
+ grid.addWidget(self.cph_label, 4, 0)
+ chains_list_widget = QTreeWidget()
+ chains_list_widget.setHeaderLabels( [ _('Nodes'), _('Blocks'), _('Checkpoint'), _('Hash') ] )
+ chains_list_widget.setMaximumHeight(150)
+ grid.addWidget(chains_list_widget, 5, 0, 1, 5)
+ for b in network.blockchains.values():
+ _hash = b.get_hash(checkpoint)
+ height = b.height()
+ count = sum([i.blockchain == b for i in network.interfaces.values()])
+ chains_list_widget.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem( [ '%d'%count, '%d'%height, '%d'%checkpoint, _hash ] ))
grid.setRowStretch(7, 1)
vbox = QVBoxLayout()
@@ -328,7 +302,7 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
proxy = None
auto_connect = self.autoconnect_cb.isChecked(), port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect)
-, self.checkpoint_value)
+, self.checkpoint_value)
def suggest_proxy(self, found_proxy):
self.tor_proxy = found_proxy
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -32,50 +32,56 @@ from bitcoin import *
MAX_TARGET = 0x00000000FFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+def serialize_header(res):
+ s = int_to_hex(res.get('version'), 4) \
+ + rev_hex(res.get('prev_block_hash')) \
+ + rev_hex(res.get('merkle_root')) \
+ + int_to_hex(int(res.get('timestamp')), 4) \
+ + int_to_hex(int(res.get('bits')), 4) \
+ + int_to_hex(int(res.get('nonce')), 4)
+ return s
+def deserialize_header(s, height):
+ hex_to_int = lambda s: int('0x' + s[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)
+ h = {}
+ h['version'] = hex_to_int(s[0:4])
+ h['prev_block_hash'] = hash_encode(s[4:36])
+ h['merkle_root'] = hash_encode(s[36:68])
+ h['timestamp'] = hex_to_int(s[68:72])
+ h['bits'] = hex_to_int(s[72:76])
+ h['nonce'] = hex_to_int(s[76:80])
+ h['block_height'] = height
+ return h
+def hash_header(header):
+ if header is None:
+ return '0' * 64
+ if header.get('prev_block_hash') is None:
+ header['prev_block_hash'] = '00'*32
+ return hash_encode(Hash(serialize_header(header).decode('hex')))
class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
'''Manages blockchain headers and their verification'''
- def __init__(self, config, network):
+ def __init__(self, config, checkpoint):
self.config = config
- = network
- self.checkpoint_height, self.checkpoint_hash = self.get_checkpoint()
- self.check_truncate_headers()
+ self.checkpoint = checkpoint
+ self.filename = 'blockchain_headers' if checkpoint == 0 else 'blockchain_fork_%d'%checkpoint
+ self.catch_up = None # interface catching up
def height(self):
return self.local_height
- def init(self):
- import threading
- if os.path.exists(self.path()):
- self.downloading_headers = False
- return
- self.downloading_headers = True
- t = threading.Thread(target = self.init_headers_file)
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- def pass_checkpoint(self, header):
- if type(header) is not dict:
- return False
- if header.get('block_height') != self.checkpoint_height:
- return True
- if header.get('prev_block_hash') is None:
- header['prev_block_hash'] = '00'*32
- try:
- _hash = self.hash_header(header)
- except:
- return False
- return _hash == self.checkpoint_hash
def verify_header(self, header, prev_header, bits, target):
- prev_hash = self.hash_header(prev_header)
- _hash = self.hash_header(header)
+ prev_hash = hash_header(prev_header)
+ _hash = hash_header(header)
if prev_hash != header.get('prev_block_hash'):
raise BaseException("prev hash mismatch: %s vs %s" % (prev_hash, header.get('prev_block_hash')))
- if not self.pass_checkpoint(header):
- raise BaseException('failed checkpoint')
- if self.checkpoint_height == header.get('block_height'):
- self.print_error("validated checkpoint", self.checkpoint_height)
+ #if not self.pass_checkpoint(header):
+ # raise BaseException('failed checkpoint')
+ #if self.checkpoint_height == header.get('block_height'):
+ # self.print_error("validated checkpoint", self.checkpoint_height)
if bitcoin.TESTNET:
if bits != header.get('bits'):
@@ -100,70 +106,31 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
bits, target = self.get_target(index)
for i in range(num):
raw_header = data[i*80:(i+1) * 80]
- header = self.deserialize_header(raw_header, index*2016 + i)
+ header = deserialize_header(raw_header, index*2016 + i)
self.verify_header(header, prev_header, bits, target)
prev_header = header
- def serialize_header(self, res):
- s = int_to_hex(res.get('version'), 4) \
- + rev_hex(res.get('prev_block_hash')) \
- + rev_hex(res.get('merkle_root')) \
- + int_to_hex(int(res.get('timestamp')), 4) \
- + int_to_hex(int(res.get('bits')), 4) \
- + int_to_hex(int(res.get('nonce')), 4)
- return s
- def deserialize_header(self, s, height):
- hex_to_int = lambda s: int('0x' + s[::-1].encode('hex'), 16)
- h = {}
- h['version'] = hex_to_int(s[0:4])
- h['prev_block_hash'] = hash_encode(s[4:36])
- h['merkle_root'] = hash_encode(s[36:68])
- h['timestamp'] = hex_to_int(s[68:72])
- h['bits'] = hex_to_int(s[72:76])
- h['nonce'] = hex_to_int(s[76:80])
- h['block_height'] = height
- return h
- def hash_header(self, header):
- if header is None:
- return '0' * 64
- return hash_encode(Hash(self.serialize_header(header).decode('hex')))
def path(self):
- return util.get_headers_path(self.config)
- def init_headers_file(self):
- filename = self.path()
- try:
- import urllib, socket
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
- self.print_error("downloading ", bitcoin.HEADERS_URL)
- urllib.urlretrieve(bitcoin.HEADERS_URL, filename + '.tmp')
- os.rename(filename + '.tmp', filename)
- self.print_error("done.")
- except Exception:
- self.print_error("download failed. creating file", filename)
- open(filename, 'wb+').close()
- self.downloading_headers = False
- self.set_local_height()
- self.print_error("%d blocks" % self.local_height)
+ d = util.get_headers_dir(self.config)
+ return os.path.join(d, self.filename)
def save_chunk(self, index, chunk):
filename = self.path()
f = open(filename, 'rb+') * 2016 * 80)
+ f.truncate()
h = f.write(chunk)
def save_header(self, header):
- data = self.serialize_header(header).decode('hex')
+ data = serialize_header(header).decode('hex')
assert len(data) == 80
height = header.get('block_height')
filename = self.path()
f = open(filename, 'rb+') * 80)
+ f.truncate()
h = f.write(data)
@@ -184,9 +151,12 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
h =
if len(h) == 80:
- h = self.deserialize_header(h, block_height)
+ h = deserialize_header(h, block_height)
return h
+ def get_hash(self, height):
+ return bitcoin.GENESIS if height == 0 else hash_header(self.read_header(height))
def BIP9(self, height, flag):
v = self.read_header(height)['version']
return ((v & 0xE0000000) == 0x20000000) and ((v & flag) == flag)
@@ -195,15 +165,6 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
h = self.local_height
return sum([self.BIP9(h-i, 2) for i in range(N)])*10000/N/100.
- def check_truncate_headers(self):
- checkpoint = self.read_header(self.checkpoint_height)
- if checkpoint is None:
- return
- if self.hash_header(checkpoint) == self.checkpoint_hash:
- return
- self.print_error('checkpoint mismatch:', self.hash_header(checkpoint), self.checkpoint_hash)
- self.truncate_headers(self.checkpoint_height)
def truncate_headers(self, height):
self.print_error('Truncating headers file at height %d'%height)
name = self.path()
@@ -212,6 +173,17 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
+ def fork(self, height):
+ import shutil
+ filename = "blockchain_fork_%d"%height
+ new_path = os.path.join(util.get_headers_dir(self.config), filename)
+ shutil.copy(self.path(), new_path)
+ with open(new_path, 'rb+') as f:
+ * 80)
+ f.truncate()
+ f.close()
+ return filename
def get_target(self, index, chain=None):
if bitcoin.TESTNET:
return 0, 0
@@ -255,7 +227,7 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
previous_header = self.read_header(previous_height)
if not previous_header:
return False
- prev_hash = self.hash_header(previous_header)
+ prev_hash = hash_header(previous_header)
if prev_hash != header.get('prev_block_hash'):
return False
height = header.get('block_height')
@@ -270,21 +242,9 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
data = hexdata.decode('hex')
self.verify_chunk(idx, data)
- self.print_error("validated chunk %d" % idx)
+ #self.print_error("validated chunk %d" % idx)
self.save_chunk(idx, data)
return True
except BaseException as e:
self.print_error('verify_chunk failed', str(e))
return False
- def get_checkpoint(self):
- height = self.config.get('checkpoint_height', 0)
- value = self.config.get('checkpoint_value', bitcoin.GENESIS)
- return (height, value)
- def set_checkpoint(self, height, value):
- self.checkpoint_height = height
- self.checkpoint_hash = value
- self.config.set_key('checkpoint_height', height)
- self.config.set_key('checkpoint_value', value)
- self.check_truncate_headers()
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import random
import select
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, deque
-from threading import Lock
+import threading
import socks
import socket
@@ -204,7 +204,17 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
self.config = SimpleConfig(config) if type(config) == type({}) else config
self.num_server = 8 if not self.config.get('oneserver') else 0
- self.blockchain = Blockchain(self.config, self)
+ self.blockchains = { 0:Blockchain(self.config, 0) }
+ for x in os.listdir(self.config.path):
+ if x.startswith('blockchain_fork_'):
+ n = int(x[16:])
+ b = Blockchain(self.config, n)
+ self.blockchains[n] = b
+ self.print_error("blockchains", self.blockchains.keys())
+ self.blockchain_index = config.get('blockchain_index', 0)
+ if self.blockchain_index not in self.blockchains.keys():
+ self.blockchain_index = 0
# Server for addresses and transactions
self.default_server = self.config.get('server')
# Sanitize default server
@@ -215,13 +225,12 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
if not self.default_server:
self.default_server = pick_random_server()
- self.lock = Lock()
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.pending_sends = []
self.message_id = 0
self.debug = False
self.irc_servers = {} # returned by interface (list from irc)
self.recent_servers = self.read_recent_servers()
- self.catch_up = None # interface catching up
self.banner = ''
self.donation_address = ''
@@ -493,18 +502,15 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
if servers:
- def switch_lagging_interface(self, suggestion = None):
+ def switch_lagging_interface(self):
'''If auto_connect and lagging, switch interface'''
if self.server_is_lagging() and self.auto_connect:
- if suggestion and self.protocol == deserialize_server(suggestion)[2]:
- self.switch_to_interface(suggestion)
- else:
- # switch to one that has the correct header (not height)
- header = self.get_header(self.get_local_height())
- filtered = map(lambda x:x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1]==header, self.headers.items()))
- if filtered:
- choice = random.choice(filtered)
- self.switch_to_interface(choice)
+ # switch to one that has the correct header (not height)
+ header = self.blockchain().read_header(self.get_local_height())
+ filtered = map(lambda x:x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1]==header, self.headers.items()))
+ if filtered:
+ choice = random.choice(filtered)
+ self.switch_to_interface(choice)
def switch_to_interface(self, server):
'''Switch to server as our interface. If no connection exists nor
@@ -688,15 +694,31 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
self.headers.pop(server, None)
- if server == self.catch_up:
- self.catch_up = None
+ for b in self.blockchains.values():
+ if b.catch_up == server:
+ b.catch_up = None
+ def get_checkpoint(self):
+ return max(self.blockchains.keys())
+ def get_blockchain(self, header):
+ from blockchain import hash_header
+ if type(header) is not dict:
+ return False
+ header_hash = hash_header(header)
+ height = header.get('block_height')
+ for b in self.blockchains.values():
+ if header_hash == b.get_hash(height):
+ return b
+ return False
def new_interface(self, server, socket):
interface = Interface(server, socket)
+ interface.blockchain = None
interface.mode = 'checkpoint'
self.interfaces[server] = interface
- self.request_header(interface, self.blockchain.checkpoint_height)
+ self.request_header(interface, self.get_checkpoint())
if server == self.default_server:
@@ -758,26 +780,27 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
index = response['params'][0]
if interface.request != index:
- connect = self.blockchain.connect_chunk(index, response['result'])
+ connect = interface.blockchain.connect_chunk(index, response['result'])
# If not finished, get the next chunk
if not connect:
- if self.get_local_height() < interface.tip:
+ if interface.blockchain.height() < interface.tip:
self.request_chunk(interface, index+1)
interface.request = None
+ interface.mode = 'default'
+ interface.print_error('catch up done')
+ interface.blockchain.catch_up = None
def request_header(self, interface, height):
- interface.print_error("requesting header %d" % height)
+ #interface.print_error("requesting header %d" % height)
self.queue_request('blockchain.block.get_header', [height], interface)
interface.request = height
interface.req_time = time.time()
def on_get_header(self, interface, response):
'''Handle receiving a single block header'''
- if self.blockchain.downloading_headers:
- return
header = response.get('result')
if not header:
@@ -789,20 +812,27 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
self.on_header(interface, header)
+ def can_connect(self, header):
+ for blockchain in self.blockchains.values():
+ if blockchain.can_connect(header):
+ return blockchain
def on_header(self, interface, header):
height = header.get('block_height')
if interface.mode == 'checkpoint':
- if self.blockchain.pass_checkpoint(header):
+ b = self.get_blockchain(header)
+ if b:
interface.mode = 'default'
+ interface.blockchain = b
+ #interface.print_error('passed checkpoint', b.filename)
self.queue_request('blockchain.headers.subscribe', [], interface)
- if interface != self.interface or self.auto_connect:
- interface.print_error("checkpoint failed")
- self.connection_down(interface.server)
+ interface.print_error("checkpoint failed")
+ self.connection_down(interface.server)
interface.request = None
- can_connect = self.blockchain.can_connect(header)
+ can_connect = self.can_connect(header)
if interface.mode == 'backward':
if can_connect:
interface.good = height
@@ -821,36 +851,56 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
interface.good = height
interface.bad = height
- if interface.good == interface.bad - 1:
- interface.print_error("catching up from %d"% interface.good)
- interface.mode = 'default'
- next_height = interface.good
- else:
+ if interface.bad != interface.good + 1:
next_height = (interface.bad + interface.good) // 2
- elif interface.mode == 'default':
+ else:
+ interface.print_error("found connection at %d"% interface.good)
+ delta1 = interface.blockchain.height() - interface.good
+ delta2 = interface.tip - interface.good
+ if delta1 > 10 and delta2 > 10:
+ interface.print_error("chain split detected: %d (%d %d)"% (interface.good, delta1, delta2))
+ interface.blockchain.fork(interface.bad)
+ interface.blockchain = Blockchain(self.config, interface.bad)
+ self.blockchains[interface.bad] = interface.blockchain
+ if interface.blockchain.catch_up is None:
+ interface.blockchain.catch_up = interface.server
+ interface.print_error("catching up")
+ interface.mode = 'catch_up'
+ next_height = interface.good
+ else:
+ # todo: if current catch_up is too slow, queue others
+ next_height = None
+ elif interface.mode == 'catch_up':
if can_connect:
- self.blockchain.save_header(header)
+ interface.blockchain.save_header(header)
next_height = height + 1 if height < interface.tip else None
- interface.print_error("cannot connect %d"% height)
- interface.mode = 'backward'
- interface.bad = height
- next_height = height - 1
+ next_height = None
+ if next_height is None:
+ # exit catch_up state
+ interface.request = None
+ interface.mode = 'default'
+ interface.print_error('catch up done', interface.blockchain.catch_up)
+ interface.blockchain.catch_up = None
+ elif interface.mode == 'default':
+ assert not can_connect
+ interface.print_error("cannot connect %d"% height)
+ interface.mode = 'backward'
+ interface.bad = height
+ # save height where we failed
+ interface.blockchain_height = interface.blockchain.height()
+ next_height = height - 1
raise BaseException(interface.mode)
# If not finished, get the next header
if next_height:
- if interface.mode != 'default':
- self.request_header(interface, next_height)
+ if interface.mode == 'catch_up' and interface.tip > next_height + 50:
+ self.request_chunk(interface, next_height // 2016)
- if interface.tip > next_height + 50:
- self.request_chunk(interface, next_height // 2016)
- else:
- self.request_header(interface, next_height)
- else:
- interface.request = None
- self.catch_up = None
+ self.request_header(interface, next_height)
def maintain_requests(self):
for interface in self.interfaces.values():
@@ -879,8 +929,33 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
for interface in rout:
+ def init_headers_file(self):
+ filename = self.blockchains[0].path()
+ if os.path.exists(filename):
+ self.downloading_headers = False
+ return
+ def download_thread():
+ try:
+ import urllib, socket
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)
+ self.print_error("downloading ", bitcoin.HEADERS_URL)
+ urllib.urlretrieve(bitcoin.HEADERS_URL, filename + '.tmp')
+ os.rename(filename + '.tmp', filename)
+ self.print_error("done.")
+ except Exception:
+ self.print_error("download failed. creating file", filename)
+ open(filename, 'wb+').close()
+ self.downloading_headers = False
+ self.blockchains[0].set_local_height()
+ self.downloading_headers = True
+ t = threading.Thread(target = download_thread)
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
def run(self):
- self.blockchain.init()
+ self.init_headers_file()
+ while self.is_running() and self.downloading_headers:
+ time.sleep(1)
while self.is_running():
@@ -890,35 +965,51 @@ class Network(util.DaemonThread):
- def on_notify_header(self, i, header):
+ def on_notify_header(self, interface, header):
height = header.get('block_height')
if not height:
- self.headers[i.server] = header
- i.tip = height
- local_height = self.get_local_height()
- if i.tip > local_height:
- i.print_error("better height", height)
- # if I can connect, do it right away
- if self.blockchain.can_connect(header):
- self.blockchain.save_header(header)
+ self.headers[interface.server] = header
+ interface.tip = height
+ local_height = interface.blockchain.height()
+ if interface.mode != 'default':
+ return
+ if interface.tip > local_height + 1:
+ if interface.blockchain.catch_up is None:
+ interface.blockchain.catch_up = interface.server
+ interface.mode = 'catch_up' # must transition to search if it does not connect
+ self.request_header(interface, local_height + 1)
+ else:
+ # another interface is catching up
+ pass
+ elif interface.tip == local_height + 1:
+ if interface.blockchain.can_connect(header):
+ interface.blockchain.save_header(header)
- # otherwise trigger a search
- elif self.catch_up is None:
- self.catch_up = i.server
- self.on_header(i, header)
- if i == self.interface:
+ else:
+ interface.mode = 'backward'
+ interface.bad = height
+ self.request_header(interface, local_height)
+ else:
+ if not interface.blockchain.can_connect(header):
+ interface.mode = 'backward'
+ interface.bad = height
+ self.request_header(interface, height - 1)
+ else:
+ pass
+ if interface == self.interface:
+ def blockchain(self):
+ if self.interface and self.interface.blockchain is not None:
+ self.blockchain_index = self.interface.blockchain.checkpoint
+ self.config.set_key('blockchain_index', self.blockchain_index)
- def get_header(self, tx_height):
- return self.blockchain.read_header(tx_height)
+ return self.blockchains[self.blockchain_index]
def get_local_height(self):
- return self.blockchain.height()
+ return self.blockchain().height()
def synchronous_get(self, request, timeout=30):
queue = Queue.Queue()
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -213,12 +213,11 @@ def android_data_dir():
PythonActivity = jnius.autoclass('')
return PythonActivity.mActivity.getFilesDir().getPath() + '/data'
-def android_headers_path():
- path = android_ext_dir() + '/org.electrum.electrum/blockchain_headers'
- d = os.path.dirname(path)
+def android_headers_dir():
+ d = android_ext_dir() + '/org.electrum.electrum'
if not os.path.exists(d):
- return path
+ return d
def android_check_data_dir():
""" if needed, move old directory to sandbox """
@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ def android_check_data_dir():
old_electrum_dir = ext_dir + '/electrum'
if not os.path.exists(data_dir) and os.path.exists(old_electrum_dir):
import shutil
- new_headers_path = android_headers_path()
+ new_headers_path = android_headers_dir() + '/blockchain_headers'
old_headers_path = old_electrum_dir + '/blockchain_headers'
if not os.path.exists(new_headers_path) and os.path.exists(old_headers_path):
print_error("Moving headers file to", new_headers_path)
@@ -236,11 +235,8 @@ def android_check_data_dir():
shutil.move(old_electrum_dir, data_dir)
return data_dir
-def get_headers_path(config):
- if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ:
- return android_headers_path()
- else:
- return os.path.join(config.path, 'blockchain_headers')
+def get_headers_dir(config):
+ return android_headers_dir() if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ else config.path
def user_dir():
if 'ANDROID_DATA' in os.environ:
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class SPV(ThreadJob):
tx_height = merkle.get('block_height')
pos = merkle.get('pos')
merkle_root = self.hash_merkle_root(merkle['merkle'], tx_hash, pos)
- header =
+ header =
if not header or header.get('merkle_root') != merkle_root:
# FIXME: we should make a fresh connection to a server to
# recover from this, as this TX will now never verify