commit d2dfa8c558d81835c801c36b3c655e5357a18f58
parent d9b041e64d0c1451f789c037304fed7445fcb3e8
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2019 15:55:38 +0200
regtest: use while loops instead of fine-tuned delays
1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/tests/regtest/ b/electrum/tests/regtest/
@@ -21,11 +21,16 @@ if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ $1 == "init" ]]; then
+ echo "initializing alice, bob and carol"
rm -rf /tmp/alice/ /tmp/bob/ /tmp/carol/
$alice create > /dev/null
$bob create > /dev/null
$carol create > /dev/null
+ $alice setconfig log_to_file True
+ $bob setconfig log_to_file True
+ $carol setconfig log_to_file True
$bob setconfig lightning_listen localhost:9735
+ echo "funding alice and carol"
$bitcoin_cli sendtoaddress $($alice getunusedaddress) 1
$bitcoin_cli sendtoaddress $($carol getunusedaddress) 1
new_blocks 1
@@ -156,36 +161,56 @@ if [[ $1 == "breach_with_htlc" ]]; then
$bob daemon stop
$bob daemon load_wallet
- sleep 1
- # alice opens channel
+ while alice_balance=$($alice getbalance | jq '.confirmed' | tr -d '"') && [ $alice_balance != "1" ]; do
+ echo "waiting for alice balance"
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ echo "alice opens channel"
bob_node=$($bob nodeid)
channel=$($alice open_channel $bob_node 0.15)
- new_blocks 6
- sleep 5
- # alice pays bob
- invoice=$($bob addinvoice 0.05 "test")
+ new_blocks 3
+ channel_state=""
+ while channel_state=$($alice list_channels | jq '.[] | .state' | tr -d '"') && [ $channel_state != "OPEN" ]; do
+ echo "waiting for channel open"
+ sleep 1
+ done
echo "alice pays bob"
+ invoice=$($bob addinvoice 0.05 "test")
$alice lnpay $invoice --timeout=1 || true
settled=$($alice list_channels | jq '.[] | .local_htlcs | .settles | length')
if [[ "$settled" != "0" ]]; then
- echo 'SETTLE_DELAY did not work'
+ echo "SETTLE_DELAY did not work, $settled != 0"
exit 1
ctx=$($alice get_channel_ctx $channel | jq '.hex' | tr -d '"')
- sleep 3
+ sleep 5
settled=$($alice list_channels | jq '.[] | .local_htlcs | .settles | length')
if [[ "$settled" != "1" ]]; then
- echo 'SETTLE_DELAY did not work'
+ echo "SETTLE_DELAY did not work, $settled != 1"
exit 1
echo $($bob getbalance)
echo "alice breaches with old ctx"
echo $ctx
+ height1=$($bob daemon status | jq '.blockchain_height')
$bitcoin_cli sendrawtransaction $ctx
new_blocks 1
- sleep 10
+ # wait until breach is confirmed
+ while height2=$($bob daemon status | jq '.blockchain_height') && [ $(($height2 - $height1)) -ne 1 ]; do
+ echo "waiting for block"
+ sleep 1
+ done
new_blocks 1
- sleep 1
+ # wait until next block is confirmed, so that htlc tx and redeem tx are confirmed too
+ while height3=$($bob daemon status | jq '.blockchain_height') && [ $(($height3 - $height2)) -ne 1 ]; do
+ echo "waiting for block"
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ # wait until wallet is synchronized
+ while b=$($bob daemon status | jq '.wallets | ."/tmp/bob/regtest/wallets/default_wallet"') && [ "$b" != "true" ]; do
+ echo "waiting for wallet sync $b"
+ sleep 1
+ done
echo $($bob getbalance)
balance_after=$($bob getbalance | jq '[.confirmed, .unconfirmed] | to_entries | map(select(.value != null).value) | map(tonumber) | add ')
if (( $(echo "$balance_after < 0.14" | bc -l) )); then