commit da7e48f3a7e00689e71628f9a39242e10c7b45d4
parent 59ed5932a859fd807232960404764b8686355830
Author: neocogent <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 12:52:54 +0700
ledger new ui and mobile 2fa validation
3 files changed, 417 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/ledger/ b/plugins/ledger/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+import threading
+from PyQt4.Qt import (QDialog, QInputDialog, QLineEdit, QTextEdit, QVBoxLayout, QLabel, SIGNAL)
+import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore
+from electrum.i18n import _
+from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
+from electrum.util import print_msg
+import os, hashlib, websocket, threading, logging, json, copy
+from electrum_gui.qt.qrcodewidget import QRCodeWidget, QRDialog
+from btchip.btchip import *
+DEBUG = False
+helpTxt = [_("Your Ledger Wallet wants tell you a one-time PIN code.<br><br>" \
+ "For best security you should unplug your device, open a text editor on another computer, " \
+ "put your cursor into it, and plug your device into that computer. " \
+ "It will output a summary of the transaction being signed and a one-time PIN.<br><br>" \
+ "Verify the transaction summary and type the PIN code here.<br><br>" \
+ "Before pressing enter, plug the device back into this computer.<br>" ),
+ _("Verify the address below.<br>Type the character from your security card corresponding to the <u><b>BOLD</b></u> character."),
+ _("Waiting for authentication on your mobile phone"),
+ _("Transaction accepted by mobile phone. Waiting for confirmation."),
+ _("Click Pair button to begin pairing a mobile phone."),
+ _("Scan this QR code with your LedgerWallet phone app to pair it with this Ledger device.<br>"
+ "To complete pairing you will need your security card to answer a challenge." )
+ ]
+class LedgerAuthDialog(QDialog):
+ def __init__(self, handler, data):
+ '''Ask user for 2nd factor authentication. Support text, security card and paired mobile methods.
+ Use last method from settings, but support new pairing and downgrade.
+ '''
+ QDialog.__init__(self, handler.top_level_window())
+ self.handler = handler
+ self.txdata = data
+ self.idxs = self.txdata['keycardData'] if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1 else ''
+ self.setMinimumWidth(600)
+ self.setWindowTitle(_("Ledger Wallet Authentication"))
+ self.cfg = copy.deepcopy(
+ self.dongle =
+ = None
+ = ''
+ self.devmode = self.getDevice2FAMode()
+ if self.devmode == 0x11 or self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1:
+ self.cfg['mode'] = 0
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout()
+ self.setLayout(vbox)
+ def on_change_mode(idx):
+ if idx < 2 and
+ = None
+ self.cfg['mode'] = 0 if self.devmode == 0x11 else idx if idx > 0 else 1
+ if self.cfg['mode'] > 1 and self.cfg['pair'] and not
+ self.req_validation()
+ if self.cfg['mode'] > 0:
+ = self.cfg
+ self.update_dlg()
+ def add_pairing():
+ self.do_pairing()
+ def return_pin():
+ = self.pintxt.text() if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else self.cardtxt.text()
+ if self.cfg['mode'] == 1:
+ = ''.join(chr(int(str(i),16)) for i in
+ self.accept()
+ self.modebox = QWidget()
+ modelayout = QHBoxLayout()
+ self.modebox.setLayout(modelayout)
+ modelayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Method:")))
+ self.modes = QComboBox()
+ modelayout.addWidget(self.modes, 2)
+ self.addPair = QPushButton(_("Pair"))
+ self.addPair.setMaximumWidth(60)
+ modelayout.addWidget(self.addPair)
+ modelayout.addStretch(1)
+ self.modebox.setMaximumHeight(50)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.modebox)
+ self.populate_modes()
+ self.modes.currentIndexChanged.connect(on_change_mode)
+ self.addPair.clicked.connect(add_pairing)
+ self.helpmsg = QTextEdit()
+ self.helpmsg.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { background-color: lightgray; }")
+ self.helpmsg.setReadOnly(True)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.helpmsg)
+ self.pinbox = QWidget()
+ pinlayout = QHBoxLayout()
+ self.pinbox.setLayout(pinlayout)
+ self.pintxt = QLineEdit()
+ self.pintxt.setEchoMode(2)
+ self.pintxt.setMaxLength(4)
+ self.pintxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin)
+ pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:")))
+ pinlayout.addWidget(self.pintxt)
+ pinlayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above")))
+ pinlayout.addStretch(1)
+ self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.pinbox)
+ self.cardbox = QWidget()
+ card = QVBoxLayout()
+ self.cardbox.setLayout(card)
+ self.addrtext = QTextEdit()
+ self.addrtext.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { color:blue; background-color:lightgray; padding:15px 10px; border:none; font-size:20pt; }")
+ self.addrtext.setReadOnly(True)
+ self.addrtext.setMaximumHeight(120)
+ card.addWidget(self.addrtext)
+ def pin_changed(s):
+ if len(s) < len(self.idxs):
+ i = self.idxs[len(s)]
+ addr = self.txdata['address']
+ addr = addr[:i] + '<u><b>' + addr[i:i+1] + '</u></b>' + addr[i+1:]
+ self.addrtext.setHtml(str(addr))
+ else:
+ self.addrtext.setHtml(_("Press Enter"))
+ pin_changed('')
+ cardpin = QHBoxLayout()
+ cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("Enter PIN:")))
+ self.cardtxt = QLineEdit()
+ self.cardtxt.setEchoMode(2)
+ self.cardtxt.setMaxLength(len(self.idxs))
+ self.cardtxt.textChanged.connect(pin_changed)
+ self.cardtxt.returnPressed.connect(return_pin)
+ cardpin.addWidget(self.cardtxt)
+ cardpin.addWidget(QLabel(_("NOT DEVICE PIN - see above")))
+ cardpin.addStretch(1)
+ card.addLayout(cardpin)
+ self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.cardbox)
+ self.pairbox = QWidget()
+ pairlayout = QVBoxLayout()
+ self.pairbox.setLayout(pairlayout)
+ pairhelp = QTextEdit(helpTxt[5])
+ pairhelp.setStyleSheet("QTextEdit { background-color: lightgray; }")
+ pairhelp.setReadOnly(True)
+ pairlayout.addWidget(pairhelp, 1)
+ self.pairqr = QRCodeWidget()
+ pairlayout.addWidget(self.pairqr, 4)
+ self.pairbox.setVisible(False)
+ vbox.addWidget(self.pairbox)
+ self.update_dlg()
+ if self.cfg['mode'] > 1 and not
+ self.req_validation()
+ def populate_modes(self):
+ self.modes.blockSignals(True)
+ self.modes.clear()
+ self.modes.addItem(_("Summary Text PIN (requires dongle replugging)") if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else _("Summary Text PIN is Disabled"))
+ if self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 1:
+ self.modes.addItem(_("Security Card Challenge"))
+ if not self.cfg['pair']:
+ self.modes.addItem(_("Mobile - Not paired"))
+ else:
+ self.modes.addItem(_("Mobile - %s") % self.cfg['pair'][1])
+ self.modes.blockSignals(False)
+ def update_dlg(self):
+ self.modes.setCurrentIndex(self.cfg['mode'])
+ self.modebox.setVisible(True)
+ self.addPair.setText(_("Pair") if not self.cfg['pair'] else _("Re-Pair"))
+ self.addPair.setVisible(self.txdata['confirmationType'] > 2)
+ self.helpmsg.setText(helpTxt[self.cfg['mode'] if self.cfg['mode'] < 2 else 2 if self.cfg['pair'] else 4])
+ self.helpmsg.setMinimumHeight(180 if self.txdata['confirmationType'] == 1 else 100)
+ self.pairbox.setVisible(False)
+ self.helpmsg.setVisible(True)
+ self.pinbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 0)
+ self.cardbox.setVisible(self.cfg['mode'] == 1)
+ self.pintxt.setFocus(True) if self.cfg['mode'] == 0 else self.cardtxt.setFocus(True)
+ self.setMaximumHeight(200)
+ def do_pairing(self):
+ rng = os.urandom(16)
+ pairID = rng.encode('hex') + hashlib.sha256(rng).digest()[0].encode('hex')
+ self.pairqr.setData(pairID)
+ self.modebox.setVisible(False)
+ self.helpmsg.setVisible(False)
+ self.pinbox.setVisible(False)
+ self.cardbox.setVisible(False)
+ self.pairbox.setVisible(True)
+ self.pairqr.setMinimumSize(300,300)
+ if
+ = LedgerWebSocket(self, pairID)
+ def pairing_done(self, data):
+ if data is not None:
+ self.cfg['pair'] = [ data['pairid'], data['name'], data['platform'] ]
+ self.cfg['mode'] = 2
+ = self.cfg
+ = 'paired'
+ self.accept()
+ def req_validation(self):
+ if self.cfg['pair'] and 'secureScreenData' in self.txdata:
+ if
+ = LedgerWebSocket(self, self.cfg['pair'][0], self.txdata)
+ def req_updated(self, pin):
+ if pin == 'accepted':
+ self.helpmsg.setText(helpTxt[3])
+ else:
+ = str(pin)
+ self.accept()
+ def getDevice2FAMode(self):
+ apdu = [0xe0, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01] # get 2fa mode
+ try:
+ mode = bytearray(apdu) )
+ return mode
+ except BTChipException, e:
+ debug_msg('Device getMode Failed')
+ return 0x11
+ def closeEvent(self, evnt):
+ debug_msg("CLOSE - Stop WS")
+ if
+ if self.pairbox.isVisible():
+ evnt.ignore()
+ self.update_dlg()
+class LedgerWebSocket(QThread):
+ pairing_done = pyqtSignal(object)
+ req_updated = pyqtSignal(str)
+ def __init__(self, dlg, pairID, txdata=None):
+ QThread.__init__(self)
+ self.stopping = False
+ self.pairID = pairID
+ self.txreq = '{"type":"request","second_factor_data":"' + str(txdata['secureScreenData']).encode('hex') + '"}' if txdata else None
+ self.dlg = dlg
+ self.dongle = self.dlg.dongle
+ = None
+ #websocket.enableTrace(True)
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ = websocket.WebSocketApp('wss://',
+ on_message = self.on_message, on_error = self.on_error,
+ on_close = self.on_close, on_open = self.on_open)
+ def run(self):
+ while not self.stopping:
+ def stop(self):
+ debug_msg("WS: Stopping")
+ self.stopping = True
+ def on_message(self, ws, msg):
+ data = json.loads(msg)
+ if data['type'] == 'identify':
+ debug_msg('Identify')
+ apdu = [0xe0, 0x12, 0x01, 0x00, 0x41] # init pairing
+ apdu.extend(data['public_key'].decode('hex'))
+ try:
+ challenge = bytearray(apdu) )
+ ws.send( '{"type":"challenge","data":"%s" }' % str(challenge).encode('hex') )
+ = data
+ except BTChipException, e:
+ debug_msg('Identify Failed')
+ if data['type'] == 'challenge':
+ debug_msg('Challenge')
+ apdu = [0xe0, 0x12, 0x02, 0x00, 0x10] # confirm pairing
+ apdu.extend(data['data'].decode('hex'))
+ try:
+ bytearray(apdu) )
+ debug_msg('Pairing Successful')
+ ws.send( '{"type":"pairing","is_successful":"true"}' )
+['pairid'] = self.pairID
+ self.pairing_done.emit(
+ except BTChipException, e:
+ debug_msg('Pairing Failed')
+ ws.send( '{"type":"pairing","is_successful":"false"}' )
+ self.pairing_done.emit(None)
+ ws.send( '{"type":"disconnect"}' )
+ self.stopping = True
+ ws.close()
+ if data['type'] == 'accept':
+ debug_msg('Accepted')
+ self.req_updated.emit('accepted')
+ if data['type'] == 'response':
+ debug_msg('Responded', data)
+ self.req_updated.emit(str(data['pin']) if data['is_accepted'] else '')
+ self.txreq = None
+ self.stopping = True
+ ws.close()
+ if data['type'] == 'repeat':
+ debug_msg('Repeat')
+ if self.txreq:
+ ws.send( self.txreq )
+ debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq)
+ if data['type'] == 'connect':
+ debug_msg('Connected')
+ if self.txreq:
+ ws.send( self.txreq )
+ debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq)
+ if data['type'] == 'disconnect':
+ debug_msg('Disconnected')
+ ws.close()
+ def on_error(self, ws, error):
+ message = getattr(error, 'strerror', '')
+ if not message:
+ message = getattr(error, 'message', '')
+ debug_msg("WS: %s" % message)
+ def on_close(self, ws):
+ debug_msg("WS: ### socket closed ###")
+ def on_open(self, ws):
+ debug_msg("WS: ### socket open ###")
+ debug_msg("Joining with pairing ID", self.pairID)
+ ws.send( '{"type":"join","room":"%s"}' % self.pairID )
+ ws.send( '{"type":"repeat"}' )
+ if self.txreq:
+ ws.send( self.txreq )
+ debug_msg("Req Sent", self.txreq)
+def debug_msg(*args):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print_msg(*args)
diff --git a/plugins/ledger/ b/plugins/ledger/
@@ -13,14 +13,12 @@ from electrum.keystore import Hardware_KeyStore, parse_xpubkey
from ..hw_wallet import HW_PluginBase
from electrum.util import format_satoshis_plain, print_error
import hid
from btchip.btchipComm import HIDDongleHIDAPI, DongleWait
from btchip.btchip import btchip
from btchip.btchipUtils import compress_public_key,format_transaction, get_regular_input_script, get_p2sh_input_script
from btchip.bitcoinTransaction import bitcoinTransaction
- from btchip.btchipPersoWizard import StartBTChipPersoDialog
from btchip.btchipFirmwareWizard import checkFirmware, updateFirmware
from btchip.btchipException import BTChipException
@@ -121,8 +119,7 @@ class Ledger_Client():
except BTChipException, e:
if (e.sw == 0x6985):
- dialog = StartBTChipPersoDialog()
- dialog.exec_()
+ self.handler.get_setup( )
# Acquire the new client on the next run
raise e
@@ -172,6 +169,12 @@ class Ledger_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
# device reconnects
self.force_watching_only = False
self.signing = False
+ self.cfg = d.get('cfg', {'mode':0,'pair':''})
+ def dump(self):
+ obj = Hardware_KeyStore.dump(self)
+ obj['cfg'] = self.cfg
+ return obj
def get_derivation(self):
return self.derivation
@@ -209,18 +212,19 @@ class Ledger_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
info = self.get_client().signMessagePrepare(address_path, message)
pin = ""
if info['confirmationNeeded']:
- # TODO : handle different confirmation types. For the time being only supports keyboard 2FA
- confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog()
- if not confirmed:
- raise Exception('Aborted by user')
- pin = pin.encode()
- #self.plugin.get_client(self, True, True)
+ pin = self.handler.get_auth( info ) # does the authenticate dialog and returns pin
+ if not pin:
+ raise UserWarning(_('Cancelled by user'))
+ pin = str(pin).encode()
signature = self.get_client().signMessageSign(pin)
except BTChipException, e:
if e.sw == 0x6a80:
self.give_error("Unfortunately, this message cannot be signed by the Ledger wallet. Only alphanumerical messages shorter than 140 characters are supported. Please remove any extra characters (tab, carriage return) and retry.")
self.give_error(e, True)
+ except UserWarning:
+ self.handler.show_error(_('Cancelled by user'))
+ return ''
except Exception, e:
self.give_error(e, True)
@@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ class Ledger_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
firstTransaction = True
inputIndex = 0
rawTx = tx.serialize()
+ self.get_client().enableAlternate2fa(False)
while inputIndex < len(inputs):
self.get_client().startUntrustedTransaction(firstTransaction, inputIndex,
chipInputs, redeemScripts[inputIndex])
@@ -348,44 +353,24 @@ class Ledger_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
if firstTransaction:
transactionOutput = outputData['outputData']
if outputData['confirmationNeeded']:
- # TODO : handle different confirmation types. For the time being only supports keyboard 2FA
+ outputData['address'] = output
- if 'keycardData' in outputData:
- pin2 = ""
- for keycardIndex in range(len(outputData['keycardData'])):
- msg = "Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" + \
- "Your Ledger Wallet wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" + \
- "For this to work, please match the character between stars of the output address using your security card\r\n\r\n" + \
- "Output address : "
- for index in range(len(output)):
- if index == outputData['keycardData'][keycardIndex]:
- msg = msg + "*" + output[index] + "*"
- else:
- msg = msg + output[index]
- msg = msg + "\r\n"
- confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog(msg)
- if not confirmed:
- raise Exception('Aborted by user')
- try:
- pin2 = pin2 + chr(int(pin[0], 16))
- except:
- raise Exception('Invalid PIN character')
- pin = pin2
- else:
- confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog()
- if not confirmed:
- raise Exception('Aborted by user')
- pin = pin.encode()
- #self.plugin.get_client(self, True, True)
- self.handler.show_message("Signing ...")
+ pin = self.handler.get_auth( outputData ) # does the authenticate dialog and returns pin
+ if not pin:
+ raise UserWarning()
+ if pin != 'paired':
+ self.handler.show_message(_("Confirmed. Signing Transaction..."))
# Sign input with the provided PIN
- inputSignature = self.get_client().untrustedHashSign(inputsPaths[inputIndex],
- pin)
+ inputSignature = self.get_client().untrustedHashSign(inputsPaths[inputIndex], pin)
inputSignature[0] = 0x30 # force for 1.4.9+
inputIndex = inputIndex + 1
- firstTransaction = False
+ if pin != 'paired':
+ firstTransaction = False
+ except UserWarning:
+ self.handler.show_error(_('Cancelled by user'))
+ return
except BaseException as e:
self.give_error(e, True)
@@ -412,23 +397,6 @@ class Ledger_KeyStore(Hardware_KeyStore):
self.signing = False
- def password_dialog(self, msg=None):
- if not msg:
- msg = _("Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" \
- "Your Ledger Wallet wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" \
- "For this to work, please open a text editor " \
- "(on a different computer / device if you believe this computer is compromised) " \
- "and put your cursor into it, unplug your Ledger Wallet and plug it back in.\r\n" \
- "It should show itself to your computer as a keyboard " \
- "and output the second factor along with a summary of " \
- "the transaction being signed into the text-editor.\r\n\r\n" \
- "Check that summary and then enter the second factor code here.\r\n" \
- "Before clicking OK, re-plug the device once more (unplug it and plug it again if you read the second factor code on the same computer)")
- response = self.handler.get_word(msg)
- if response is None:
- return False, None, None
- return True, response, response
class LedgerPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
libraries_available = BTCHIP
diff --git a/plugins/ledger/ b/plugins/ledger/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ from .ledger import LedgerPlugin
from ..hw_wallet.qt import QtHandlerBase, QtPluginBase
from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
+from btchip.btchipPersoWizard import StartBTChipPersoDialog
+from .auth2fa import LedgerAuthDialog
class Plugin(LedgerPlugin, QtPluginBase):
icon_unpaired = ":icons/ledger_unpaired.png"
@@ -17,11 +20,14 @@ class Plugin(LedgerPlugin, QtPluginBase):
def create_handler(self, window):
return Ledger_Handler(window)
class Ledger_Handler(QtHandlerBase):
+ setup_signal = pyqtSignal()
+ auth_signal = pyqtSignal(object)
def __init__(self, win):
super(Ledger_Handler, self).__init__(win, 'Ledger')
+ self.setup_signal.connect(self.setup_dialog)
+ self.auth_signal.connect(self.auth_dialog)
def word_dialog(self, msg):
response = QInputDialog.getText(self.top_level_window(), "Ledger Wallet Authentication", msg, QLineEdit.Password)
@@ -30,3 +36,39 @@ class Ledger_Handler(QtHandlerBase):
self.word = str(response[0])
+ def message_dialog(self, msg):
+ self.clear_dialog()
+ self.dialog = dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Ledger Status"))
+ l = QLabel(msg)
+ vbox = QVBoxLayout(dialog)
+ vbox.addWidget(l)
+ def auth_dialog(self, data):
+ dialog = LedgerAuthDialog(self, data)
+ dialog.exec_()
+ self.word =
+ self.done.set()
+ def get_auth(self, data):
+ self.done.clear()
+ self.auth_signal.emit(data)
+ self.done.wait()
+ return self.word
+ def get_setup(self):
+ self.done.clear()
+ self.setup_signal.emit()
+ self.done.wait()
+ return
+ def setup_dialog(self):
+ dialog = StartBTChipPersoDialog()
+ dialog.exec_()