commit dd7c4b3bab7232366bfd6be9e222be7ae3b357ba
parent d94e40d2be2774aeec63a71add57d6071f94f3d4
Author: Janus <>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2019 20:59:59 +0100
sqlite in lnrouter
8 files changed, 424 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/ b/electrum/gui/qt/
@@ -105,25 +105,21 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
def update_status(self):
channel_db =
- num_nodes = len(channel_db.nodes)
- num_channels = len(channel_db)
num_peers = len(self.parent.wallet.lnworker.peers)
- msg = _('{} peers, {} nodes, {} channels.').format(num_peers, num_nodes, num_channels)
+ msg = _('{} peers, {} nodes, {} channels.').format(num_peers, channel_db.num_nodes, channel_db.num_channels)
def statistics_dialog(self):
channel_db =
- num_nodes = len(channel_db.nodes)
- num_channels = len(channel_db)
capacity = self.parent.format_amount(channel_db.capacity()) + ' '+ self.parent.base_unit()
d = WindowModalDialog(self.parent, _('Lightning Network Statistics'))
vbox = QVBoxLayout(d)
h = QGridLayout()
h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Nodes') + ':'), 0, 0)
- h.addWidget(QLabel('{}'.format(num_nodes)), 0, 1)
+ h.addWidget(QLabel('{}'.format(channel_db.num_nodes)), 0, 1)
h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Channels') + ':'), 1, 0)
- h.addWidget(QLabel('{}'.format(num_channels)), 1, 1)
+ h.addWidget(QLabel('{}'.format(channel_db.num_channels)), 1, 1)
h.addWidget(QLabel(_('Capacity') + ':'), 2, 0)
h.addWidget(QLabel(capacity), 2, 1)
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
def __init__(self, lnworker: 'LNWorker', pubkey:bytes, transport: LNTransportBase,
self.initialized = asyncio.Event()
+ self.node_anns = []
+ self.chan_anns = []
+ self.chan_upds = []
+ self.last_chan_db_upd = time.time()
self.transport = transport
self.pubkey = pubkey
self.lnworker = lnworker
@@ -152,10 +156,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
if channel_id not in self.funding_created: raise Exception("Got unknown funding_created")
- def on_node_announcement(self, payload):
- self.channel_db.on_node_announcement(payload)
def on_init(self, payload):
if self.initialized.is_set():
@@ -175,20 +175,14 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
self.send_message('gossip_timestamp_filter',, first_timestamp=first_timestamp, timestamp_range=b"\xff"*4)
+ def on_node_announcement(self, payload):
+ self.node_anns.append(payload)
def on_channel_update(self, payload):
- try:
- self.channel_db.on_channel_update(payload)
- except NotFoundChanAnnouncementForUpdate:
- # If it's for a direct channel with this peer, save it for later, as it might be
- # for our own channel (and we might not yet know the short channel id for that)
- short_channel_id = payload['short_channel_id']
- self.print_error("not found channel announce for channel update in db", bh2u(short_channel_id))
- self.orphan_channel_updates[short_channel_id] = payload
- while len(self.orphan_channel_updates) > 10:
- self.orphan_channel_updates.popitem(last=False)
+ self.chan_upds.append(payload)
def on_channel_announcement(self, payload):
- self.channel_db.on_channel_announcement(payload)
+ self.chan_anns.append(payload)
def on_announcement_signatures(self, payload):
channel_id = payload['channel_id']
@@ -230,6 +224,15 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
# loop
async for msg in self.transport.read_messages():
+ await asyncio.sleep(.01)
+ if time.time() - self.last_chan_db_upd > 5:
+ self.last_chan_db_upd = time.time()
+ self.channel_db.on_node_announcement(self.node_anns)
+ self.node_anns = []
+ self.channel_db.on_channel_announcement(self.chan_anns)
+ self.chan_anns = []
+ self.channel_db.on_channel_update(self.chan_upds)
+ self.chan_upds = []
def close_and_cleanup(self):
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
+import datetime
+import random
import queue
import os
import json
@@ -33,6 +35,14 @@ import binascii
import base64
import asyncio
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, DateTime, Boolean
+from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
+from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+from sqlalchemy.sql import not_, or_
+from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from . import constants
from .util import PrintError, bh2u, profiler, get_headers_dir, bfh, is_ip_address, list_enabled_bits
from .storage import JsonDB
@@ -41,112 +51,113 @@ from .crypto import sha256d
from . import ecc
+from .lnmsg import encode_msg
from .lnchannel import Channel
from .network import Network
class UnknownEvenFeatureBits(Exception): pass
-class ChannelInfo(PrintError):
- def __init__(self, channel_announcement_payload):
- self.features_len = channel_announcement_payload['len']
- self.features = channel_announcement_payload['features']
- enabled_features = list_enabled_bits(int.from_bytes(self.features, "big"))
- for fbit in enabled_features:
- if (1 << fbit) not in LN_GLOBAL_FEATURES_KNOWN_SET and fbit % 2 == 0:
- raise UnknownEvenFeatureBits()
- self.channel_id = channel_announcement_payload['short_channel_id']
- self.node_id_1 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_1']
- self.node_id_2 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_2']
- assert type(self.node_id_1) is bytes
- assert type(self.node_id_2) is bytes
- assert list(sorted([self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2])) == [self.node_id_1, self.node_id_2]
- self.bitcoin_key_1 = channel_announcement_payload['bitcoin_key_1']
- self.bitcoin_key_2 = channel_announcement_payload['bitcoin_key_2']
- # this field does not get persisted
- self.msg_payload = channel_announcement_payload
- self.capacity_sat = None
- self.policy_node1 = None
- self.policy_node2 = None
- def to_json(self) -> dict:
- d = {}
- d['short_channel_id'] = bh2u(self.channel_id)
- d['node_id_1'] = bh2u(self.node_id_1)
- d['node_id_2'] = bh2u(self.node_id_2)
- d['len'] = bh2u(self.features_len)
- d['features'] = bh2u(self.features)
- d['bitcoin_key_1'] = bh2u(self.bitcoin_key_1)
- d['bitcoin_key_2'] = bh2u(self.bitcoin_key_2)
- d['policy_node1'] = self.policy_node1
- d['policy_node2'] = self.policy_node2
- d['capacity_sat'] = self.capacity_sat
- return d
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, d: dict):
- d2 = {}
- d2['short_channel_id'] = bfh(d['short_channel_id'])
- d2['node_id_1'] = bfh(d['node_id_1'])
- d2['node_id_2'] = bfh(d['node_id_2'])
- d2['len'] = bfh(d['len'])
- d2['features'] = bfh(d['features'])
- d2['bitcoin_key_1'] = bfh(d['bitcoin_key_1'])
- d2['bitcoin_key_2'] = bfh(d['bitcoin_key_2'])
- ci = ChannelInfo(d2)
- ci.capacity_sat = d['capacity_sat']
- ci.policy_node1 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy.from_json(d['policy_node1'])
- ci.policy_node2 = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy.from_json(d['policy_node2'])
- return ci
- def set_capacity(self, capacity):
- self.capacity_sat = capacity
- def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload, trusted=False):
- assert self.channel_id == msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- flags = int.from_bytes(msg_payload['channel_flags'], 'big')
- direction = flags & ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy.FLAG_DIRECTION
- new_policy = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
+class NoChannelPolicy(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, short_channel_id: bytes):
+ super().__init__(f'cannot find channel policy for short_channel_id: {bh2u(short_channel_id)}')
+def validate_features(features : int):
+ enabled_features = list_enabled_bits(features)
+ for fbit in enabled_features:
+ if (1 << fbit) not in LN_GLOBAL_FEATURES_KNOWN_SET and fbit % 2 == 0:
+ raise UnknownEvenFeatureBits()
+Base = declarative_base()
+session_factory = sessionmaker()
+DBSession = scoped_session(session_factory)
+engine = None
+FLAG_DISABLE = 1 << 1
+class ChannelInfoInDB(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'channel_info'
+ short_channel_id = Column(String(64), primary_key=True)
+ node1_id = Column(String(66), ForeignKey('node_info.node_id'), nullable=False)
+ node2_id = Column(String(66), ForeignKey('node_info.node_id'), nullable=False)
+ capacity_sat = Column(Integer)
+ msg_payload_hex = Column(String(1024), nullable=False)
+ trusted = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_msg(channel_announcement_payload):
+ features = int.from_bytes(channel_announcement_payload['features'], 'big')
+ validate_features(features)
+ channel_id = channel_announcement_payload['short_channel_id'].hex()
+ node_id_1 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_1'].hex()
+ node_id_2 = channel_announcement_payload['node_id_2'].hex()
+ assert list(sorted([node_id_1, node_id_2])) == [node_id_1, node_id_2]
+ msg_payload_hex = encode_msg('channel_announcement', **channel_announcement_payload).hex()
+ capacity_sat = None
+ return ChannelInfoInDB(short_channel_id = channel_id, node1_id = node_id_1,
+ node2_id = node_id_2, capacity_sat = capacity_sat, msg_payload_hex = msg_payload_hex,
+ trusted = False)
+ @property
+ def msg_payload(self):
+ return bytes.fromhex(self.msg_payload_hex)
+ def on_channel_update(self, msg: dict, trusted=False):
+ assert self.short_channel_id == msg['short_channel_id'].hex()
+ flags = int.from_bytes(msg['channel_flags'], 'big')
+ direction = flags & FLAG_DIRECTION
if direction == 0:
- old_policy = self.policy_node1
- node_id = self.node_id_1
+ node_id = self.node1_id
- old_policy = self.policy_node2
- node_id = self.node_id_2
- if old_policy and old_policy.timestamp >= new_policy.timestamp:
+ node_id = self.node2_id
+ new_policy = Policy.from_msg(msg, node_id, self.short_channel_id)
+ old_policy = DBSession.query(Policy).filter_by(short_channel_id = self.short_channel_id, start_node=node_id).one_or_none()
+ if not old_policy:
+ DBSession.add(new_policy)
+ return
+ if old_policy.timestamp >= new_policy.timestamp:
return # ignore
- if not trusted and not verify_sig_for_channel_update(msg_payload, node_id):
+ if not trusted and not verify_sig_for_channel_update(msg, bytes.fromhex(node_id)):
return # ignore
- # save new policy
- if direction == 0:
- self.policy_node1 = new_policy
- else:
- self.policy_node2 = new_policy
- def get_policy_for_node(self, node_id: bytes) -> Optional['ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy']:
- if node_id == self.node_id_1:
- return self.policy_node1
- elif node_id == self.node_id_2:
- return self.policy_node2
- else:
- raise Exception('node_id {} not in channel {}'.format(node_id, self.channel_id))
-class ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy:
- FLAG_DISABLE = 1 << 1
- def __init__(self, channel_update_payload):
+ old_policy.cltv_expiry_delta = new_policy.cltv_expiry_delta
+ old_policy.htlc_minimum_msat = new_policy.htlc_minimum_msat
+ old_policy.htlc_maximum_msat = new_policy.htlc_maximum_msat
+ old_policy.fee_base_msat = new_policy.fee_base_msat
+ old_policy.fee_proportional_millionths = new_policy.fee_proportional_millionths
+ old_policy.channel_flags = new_policy.channel_flags
+ old_policy.timestamp = new_policy.timestamp
+ def get_policy_for_node(self, node) -> Optional['Policy']:
+ """
+ raises when initiator/non-initiator both unequal node
+ """
+ if node.hex() not in (self.node1_id, self.node2_id):
+ raise Exception("the given node is not a party in this channel")
+ n1 = DBSession.query(Policy).filter_by(short_channel_id = self.short_channel_id, start_node = self.node1_id).one_or_none()
+ if n1:
+ return n1
+ n2 = DBSession.query(Policy).filter_by(short_channel_id = self.short_channel_id, start_node = self.node2_id).one_or_none()
+ return n2
+class Policy(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'policy'
+ start_node = Column(String(66), ForeignKey('node_info.node_id'), primary_key=True)
+ short_channel_id = Column(String(64), ForeignKey('channel_info.short_channel_id'), primary_key=True)
+ cltv_expiry_delta = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ htlc_minimum_msat = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ htlc_maximum_msat = Column(Integer)
+ fee_base_msat = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ fee_proportional_millionths = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ channel_flags = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ timestamp = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_msg(channel_update_payload, start_node, short_channel_id):
cltv_expiry_delta = channel_update_payload['cltv_expiry_delta']
htlc_minimum_msat = channel_update_payload['htlc_minimum_msat']
fee_base_msat = channel_update_payload['fee_base_msat']
@@ -155,61 +166,52 @@ class ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy:
timestamp = channel_update_payload['timestamp']
htlc_maximum_msat = channel_update_payload.get('htlc_maximum_msat') # optional
- self.cltv_expiry_delta = int.from_bytes(cltv_expiry_delta, "big")
- self.htlc_minimum_msat = int.from_bytes(htlc_minimum_msat, "big")
- self.htlc_maximum_msat = int.from_bytes(htlc_maximum_msat, "big") if htlc_maximum_msat else None
- self.fee_base_msat = int.from_bytes(fee_base_msat, "big")
- self.fee_proportional_millionths = int.from_bytes(fee_proportional_millionths, "big")
- self.channel_flags = int.from_bytes(channel_flags, "big")
- self.timestamp = int.from_bytes(timestamp, "big")
- self.disabled = self.channel_flags & self.FLAG_DISABLE
- def to_json(self) -> dict:
- d = {}
- d['cltv_expiry_delta'] = self.cltv_expiry_delta
- d['htlc_minimum_msat'] = self.htlc_minimum_msat
- d['fee_base_msat'] = self.fee_base_msat
- d['fee_proportional_millionths'] = self.fee_proportional_millionths
- d['channel_flags'] = self.channel_flags
- d['timestamp'] = self.timestamp
- if self.htlc_maximum_msat:
- d['htlc_maximum_msat'] = self.htlc_maximum_msat
- return d
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, d: dict):
- if d is None: return None
- d2 = {}
- d2['cltv_expiry_delta'] = d['cltv_expiry_delta'].to_bytes(2, "big")
- d2['htlc_minimum_msat'] = d['htlc_minimum_msat'].to_bytes(8, "big")
- d2['htlc_maximum_msat'] = d['htlc_maximum_msat'].to_bytes(8, "big") if d.get('htlc_maximum_msat') else None
- d2['fee_base_msat'] = d['fee_base_msat'].to_bytes(4, "big")
- d2['fee_proportional_millionths'] = d['fee_proportional_millionths'].to_bytes(4, "big")
- d2['channel_flags'] = d['channel_flags'].to_bytes(1, "big")
- d2['timestamp'] = d['timestamp'].to_bytes(4, "big")
- return ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(d2)
-class NodeInfo(PrintError):
- def __init__(self, node_announcement_payload, addresses_already_parsed=False):
- self.pubkey = node_announcement_payload['node_id']
- self.features_len = node_announcement_payload['flen']
- self.features = node_announcement_payload['features']
- enabled_features = list_enabled_bits(int.from_bytes(self.features, "big"))
- for fbit in enabled_features:
- if (1 << fbit) not in LN_GLOBAL_FEATURES_KNOWN_SET and fbit % 2 == 0:
- raise UnknownEvenFeatureBits()
+ cltv_expiry_delta = int.from_bytes(cltv_expiry_delta, "big")
+ htlc_minimum_msat = int.from_bytes(htlc_minimum_msat, "big")
+ htlc_maximum_msat = int.from_bytes(htlc_maximum_msat, "big") if htlc_maximum_msat else None
+ fee_base_msat = int.from_bytes(fee_base_msat, "big")
+ fee_proportional_millionths = int.from_bytes(fee_proportional_millionths, "big")
+ channel_flags = int.from_bytes(channel_flags, "big")
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int.from_bytes(timestamp, "big"))
+ return Policy(start_node=start_node,
+ short_channel_id=short_channel_id,
+ cltv_expiry_delta=cltv_expiry_delta,
+ htlc_minimum_msat=htlc_minimum_msat,
+ fee_base_msat=fee_base_msat,
+ fee_proportional_millionths=fee_proportional_millionths,
+ channel_flags=channel_flags,
+ timestamp=timestamp,
+ htlc_maximum_msat=htlc_maximum_msat)
+ def is_disabled(self):
+ return self.channel_flags & FLAG_DISABLE
+class NodeInfoInDB(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'node_info'
+ node_id = Column(String(66), primary_key=True, sqlite_on_conflict_primary_key='REPLACE')
+ features = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ timestamp = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ alias = Column(String(64), nullable=False)
+ def get_addresses(self):
+ return DBSession.query(AddressInDB).join(NodeInfoInDB).filter_by(node_id = self.node_id).all()
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_msg(node_announcement_payload, addresses_already_parsed=False):
+ node_id = node_announcement_payload['node_id'].hex()
+ features = int.from_bytes(node_announcement_payload['features'], "big")
+ validate_features(features)
if not addresses_already_parsed:
- self.addresses = self.parse_addresses_field(node_announcement_payload['addresses'])
+ addresses = NodeInfoInDB.parse_addresses_field(node_announcement_payload['addresses'])
- self.addresses = node_announcement_payload['addresses']
- self.alias = node_announcement_payload['alias'].rstrip(b'\x00')
- self.timestamp = int.from_bytes(node_announcement_payload['timestamp'], "big")
+ addresses = node_announcement_payload['addresses']
+ alias = node_announcement_payload['alias'].rstrip(b'\x00').hex()
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int.from_bytes(node_announcement_payload['timestamp'], "big"))
+ return NodeInfoInDB(node_id=node_id, features=features, timestamp=timestamp, alias=alias), [AddressInDB(host=host, port=port, node_id=node_id, for host, port in addresses]
- @classmethod
- def parse_addresses_field(cls, addresses_field):
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_addresses_field(addresses_field):
buf = addresses_field
def read(n):
nonlocal buf
@@ -248,243 +250,233 @@ class NodeInfo(PrintError):
return addresses
- def to_json(self) -> dict:
- d = {}
- d['node_id'] = bh2u(self.pubkey)
- d['flen'] = bh2u(self.features_len)
- d['features'] = bh2u(self.features)
- d['addresses'] = self.addresses
- d['alias'] = bh2u(self.alias)
- d['timestamp'] = self.timestamp
- return d
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, d: dict):
- if d is None: return None
- d2 = {}
- d2['node_id'] = bfh(d['node_id'])
- d2['flen'] = bfh(d['flen'])
- d2['features'] = bfh(d['features'])
- d2['addresses'] = d['addresses']
- d2['alias'] = bfh(d['alias'])
- d2['timestamp'] = d['timestamp'].to_bytes(4, "big")
- return NodeInfo(d2, addresses_already_parsed=True)
+class AddressInDB(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'address'
+ node_id = Column(String(66), ForeignKey('node_info.node_id'), primary_key=True)
+ host = Column(String(256), primary_key=True)
+ port = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ last_connected_date = Column(DateTime(), nullable=False)
-class ChannelDB(JsonDB):
+class ChannelDB:
def __init__(self, network: 'Network'):
+ global engine = network
- path = os.path.join(get_headers_dir(network.config), 'channel_db')
- JsonDB.__init__(self, path)
+ self.num_nodes = 0
+ self.num_channels = 0
+ self.path = os.path.join(get_headers_dir(network.config), 'channel_db.sqlite3')
+ engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + self.path)#, echo=True)
+ DBSession.remove()
+ DBSession.configure(bind=engine, autoflush=False)
+ Base.metadata.drop_all(engine)
+ Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
self.lock = threading.RLock()
- self._id_to_channel_info = {} # type: Dict[bytes, ChannelInfo]
- self._channels_for_node = defaultdict(set) # node -> set(short_channel_id)
- self.nodes = {} # node_id -> NodeInfo
- self._recent_peers = []
- self._last_good_address = {} # node_id -> LNPeerAddr
# (intentionally not persisted)
- self._channel_updates_for_private_channels = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy]
+ self._channel_updates_for_private_channels = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[bytes, bytes], dict]
self.ca_verifier = LNChannelVerifier(network, self)
- self.load_data()
- def load_data(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.path):
- with open(self.path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- raw =
- = json.loads(raw)
- # channels
- channel_infos = self.get('channel_infos', {})
- for short_channel_id, channel_info_d in channel_infos.items():
- channel_info = ChannelInfo.from_json(channel_info_d)
- short_channel_id = bfh(short_channel_id)
- self.add_verified_channel_info(short_channel_id, channel_info)
- # nodes
- node_infos = self.get('node_infos', {})
- for node_id, node_info_d in node_infos.items():
- node_info = NodeInfo.from_json(node_info_d)
- node_id = bfh(node_id)
- self.nodes[node_id] = node_info
- # recent peers
- recent_peers = self.get('recent_peers', {})
- for host, port, pubkey in recent_peers:
- peer = LNPeerAddr(str(host), int(port), bfh(pubkey))
- self._recent_peers.append(peer)
- # last good address
- last_good_addr = self.get('last_good_address', {})
- for node_id, host_and_port in last_good_addr.items():
- host, port = host_and_port
- self._last_good_address[bfh(node_id)] = LNPeerAddr(str(host), int(port), bfh(node_id))
- def save_data(self):
- with self.lock:
- # channels
- channel_infos = {}
- for short_channel_id, channel_info in self._id_to_channel_info.items():
- channel_infos[bh2u(short_channel_id)] = channel_info
- self.put('channel_infos', channel_infos)
- # nodes
- node_infos = {}
- for node_id, node_info in self.nodes.items():
- node_infos[bh2u(node_id)] = node_info
- self.put('node_infos', node_infos)
- # recent peers
- recent_peers = []
- for peer in self._recent_peers:
- recent_peers.append(
- [str(, int(peer.port), bh2u(peer.pubkey)])
- self.put('recent_peers', recent_peers)
- # last good address
- last_good_addr = {}
- for node_id, peer in self._last_good_address.items():
- last_good_addr[bh2u(node_id)] = [str(, int(peer.port)]
- self.put('last_good_address', last_good_addr)
- self.write()
- def __len__(self):
- # number of channels
- return len(self._id_to_channel_info)
- def capacity(self):
- # capacity of the network
- return sum(c.capacity_sat for c in self._id_to_channel_info.values() if c.capacity_sat is not None)
- def get_channel_info(self, channel_id: bytes) -> Optional[ChannelInfo]:
- return self._id_to_channel_info.get(channel_id, None)
+ def update_counts(self):
+ self.num_channels = DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).count()
+ self.num_nodes = DBSession.query(NodeInfoInDB).count()
+ def add_recent_peer(self, peer : LNPeerAddr):
+ addr = DBSession.query(AddressInDB).filter_by(node_id = peer.pubkey.hex()).one_or_none()
+ if addr is None:
+ addr = AddressInDB(node_id = peer.pubkey.hex(), host =, port = peer.port, last_connected_date =
+ else:
+ addr.last_connected_date =
+ DBSession.add(addr)
+ DBSession.commit()
+ def get_200_randomly_sorted_nodes_not_in(self, node_ids_bytes):
+ unshuffled = DBSession \
+ .query(NodeInfoInDB) \
+ .filter(not_(NodeInfoInDB.node_id.in_(x.hex() for x in node_ids_bytes))) \
+ .limit(200) \
+ .all()
+ return random.sample(unshuffled, len(unshuffled))
+ def nodes_get(self, node_id):
+ return
+ async def _nodes_get(self, node_id):
+ return DBSession \
+ .query(NodeInfoInDB) \
+ .filter_by(node_id = node_id.hex()) \
+ .one_or_none()
+ def get_last_good_address(self, node_id) -> Optional[LNPeerAddr]:
+ adr_db = DBSession \
+ .query(AddressInDB) \
+ .filter_by(node_id = node_id.hex()) \
+ .order_by(AddressInDB.last_connected_date.desc()) \
+ .one_or_none()
+ if not adr_db:
+ return None
+ return LNPeerAddr(, adr_db.port, bytes.fromhex(adr_db.node_id))
+ def get_recent_peers(self):
+ return [LNPeerAddr(, x.port, bytes.fromhex(x.node_id)) for x in DBSession \
+ .query(AddressInDB) \
+ .select_from(NodeInfoInDB) \
+ .order_by(AddressInDB.last_connected_date.desc()) \
+ .limit(self.NUM_MAX_RECENT_PEERS)]
+ def get_channel_info(self, channel_id: bytes):
+ return self.chan_query_for_id(channel_id).one_or_none()
def get_channels_for_node(self, node_id):
"""Returns the set of channels that have node_id as one of the endpoints."""
- return self._channels_for_node[node_id]
+ condition = or_(
+ ChannelInfoInDB.node1_id == node_id.hex(),
+ ChannelInfoInDB.node2_id == node_id.hex())
+ rows = DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).filter(condition).all()
+ return [bytes.fromhex(x.short_channel_id) for x in rows]
+ def add_verified_channel_info(self, short_id, capacity):
+ # called from lnchannelverifier
+ channel_info = self.get_channel_info(short_id)
+ channel_info.trusted = True
+ channel_info.capacity = capacity
+ DBSession.commit()
- def add_verified_channel_info(self, short_channel_id: bytes, channel_info: ChannelInfo):
- with self.lock:
- self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id] = channel_info
- self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_1].add(short_channel_id)
- self._channels_for_node[channel_info.node_id_2].add(short_channel_id)
+ @profiler
+ def on_channel_announcement(self, msg_payloads, trusted=False):
+ if type(msg_payloads) is dict:
+ msg_payloads = [msg_payloads]
+ for msg in msg_payloads:
+ short_channel_id = msg['short_channel_id']
+ if DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).filter_by(short_channel_id = bh2u(short_channel_id)).count():
+ continue
+ if != msg['chain_hash']:
+ #self.print_error("ChanAnn has unexpected chain_hash {}".format(bh2u(msg_payload['chain_hash'])))
+ continue
+ try:
+ channel_info = ChannelInfoInDB.from_msg(msg)
+ except UnknownEvenFeatureBits:
+ continue
+ channel_info.trusted = trusted
+ DBSession.add(channel_info)
+ if not trusted: self.ca_verifier.add_new_channel_info(channel_info.short_channel_id, channel_info.msg_payload)
+ DBSession.commit()'ln_status')
+ self.update_counts()
- def get_recent_peers(self):
- with self.lock:
- return list(self._recent_peers)
- def add_recent_peer(self, peer: LNPeerAddr):
- with self.lock:
- # list is ordered
- if peer in self._recent_peers:
- self._recent_peers.remove(peer)
- self._recent_peers.insert(0, peer)
- self._recent_peers = self._recent_peers[:self.NUM_MAX_RECENT_PEERS]
- self._last_good_address[peer.pubkey] = peer
- def get_last_good_address(self, node_id: bytes) -> Optional[LNPeerAddr]:
- return self._last_good_address.get(node_id, None)
- def on_channel_announcement(self, msg_payload, trusted=False):
- short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- if short_channel_id in self._id_to_channel_info:
- return
- if != msg_payload['chain_hash']:
- #self.print_error("ChanAnn has unexpected chain_hash {}".format(bh2u(msg_payload['chain_hash'])))
- return
- try:
- channel_info = ChannelInfo(msg_payload)
- except UnknownEvenFeatureBits:
- return
- if trusted:
- self.add_verified_channel_info(short_channel_id, channel_info)
- else:
- self.ca_verifier.add_new_channel_info(channel_info)
+ @profiler
+ def on_channel_update(self, msg_payloads, trusted=False):
+ if type(msg_payloads) is dict:
+ msg_payloads = [msg_payloads]
+ short_channel_ids = [msg_payload['short_channel_id'].hex() for msg_payload in msg_payloads]
+ channel_infos_list = DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).filter(ChannelInfoInDB.short_channel_id.in_(short_channel_ids)).all()
+ channel_infos = {bfh(x.short_channel_id): x for x in channel_infos_list}
+ for msg_payload in msg_payloads:
+ short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
+ if != msg_payload['chain_hash']:
+ continue
+ channel_info = channel_infos.get(short_channel_id)
+ channel_info.on_channel_update(msg_payload, trusted=trusted)
+ DBSession.commit()
- def on_channel_update(self, msg_payload, trusted=False):
- short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- if != msg_payload['chain_hash']:
- return
- # try finding channel in pending db
- channel_info = self.ca_verifier.get_pending_channel_info(short_channel_id)
- if channel_info is None:
- # try finding channel in verified db
- channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info.get(short_channel_id, None)
- if channel_info is None:
- self.print_error("could not find", short_channel_id)
- raise NotFoundChanAnnouncementForUpdate()
- channel_info.on_channel_update(msg_payload, trusted=trusted)
- def on_node_announcement(self, msg_payload):
- pubkey = msg_payload['node_id']
- signature = msg_payload['signature']
- h = sha256d(msg_payload['raw'][66:])
- if not ecc.verify_signature(pubkey, signature, h):
- return
- old_node_info = self.nodes.get(pubkey, None)
- try:
- new_node_info = NodeInfo(msg_payload)
- except UnknownEvenFeatureBits:
- return
- # TODO if this message is for a new node, and if we have no associated
- # channels for this node, we should ignore the message and return here,
- # to mitigate DOS. but race condition: the channels we have for this
- # node, might be under verification in self.ca_verifier, what then?
- if old_node_info and old_node_info.timestamp >= new_node_info.timestamp:
- return # ignore
- self.nodes[pubkey] = new_node_info
+ @profiler
+ def on_node_announcement(self, msg_payloads):
+ if type(msg_payloads) is dict:
+ msg_payloads = [msg_payloads]
+ addresses = DBSession.query(AddressInDB).all()
+ have_addr = {}
+ for addr in addresses:
+ have_addr[(addr.node_id,, addr.port)] = addr
+ nodes = DBSession.query(NodeInfoInDB).all()
+ timestamps = {}
+ for node in nodes:
+ no_millisecs = node.timestamp[:len("0000-00-00 00:00:00")]
+ timestamps[bfh(node.node_id)] = datetime.datetime.strptime(no_millisecs, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ old_addr = None
+ for msg_payload in msg_payloads:
+ pubkey = msg_payload['node_id']
+ signature = msg_payload['signature']
+ h = sha256d(msg_payload['raw'][66:])
+ if not ecc.verify_signature(pubkey, signature, h):
+ continue
+ try:
+ new_node_info, addresses = NodeInfoInDB.from_msg(msg_payload)
+ except UnknownEvenFeatureBits:
+ continue
+ if timestamps.get(pubkey) and timestamps[pubkey] >= new_node_info.timestamp:
+ continue # ignore
+ DBSession.add(new_node_info)
+ for new_addr in addresses:
+ key = (new_addr.node_id,, new_addr.port)
+ old_addr = have_addr.get(key)
+ if old_addr:
+ # since old_addr is embedded in have_addr,
+ # it will still live when commmit is called
+ old_addr.last_connected_date = new_addr.last_connected_date
+ del new_addr
+ else:
+ DBSession.add(new_addr)
+ have_addr[key] = new_addr
+ # TODO if this message is for a new node, and if we have no associated
+ # channels for this node, we should ignore the message and return here,
+ # to mitigate DOS. but race condition: the channels we have for this
+ # node, might be under verification in self.ca_verifier, what then?
+ del nodes, addresses
+ if old_addr:
+ del old_addr
+ DBSession.commit()
+ self.update_counts()
def get_routing_policy_for_channel(self, start_node_id: bytes,
- short_channel_id: bytes) -> Optional[ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy]:
+ short_channel_id: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]:
if not start_node_id or not short_channel_id: return None
channel_info = self.get_channel_info(short_channel_id)
if channel_info is not None:
return channel_info.get_policy_for_node(start_node_id)
- return self._channel_updates_for_private_channels.get((start_node_id, short_channel_id))
+ msg = self._channel_updates_for_private_channels.get((start_node_id, short_channel_id))
+ if not msg: return None
+ return Policy.from_msg(msg, None, short_channel_id) # won't actually be written to DB
def add_channel_update_for_private_channel(self, msg_payload: dict, start_node_id: bytes):
if not verify_sig_for_channel_update(msg_payload, start_node_id):
return # ignore
short_channel_id = msg_payload['short_channel_id']
- policy = ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy(msg_payload)
- self._channel_updates_for_private_channels[(start_node_id, short_channel_id)] = policy
+ self._channel_updates_for_private_channels[(start_node_id, short_channel_id)] = msg_payload
def remove_channel(self, short_channel_id):
- try:
- channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[short_channel_id]
- except KeyError:
- self.print_error(f'remove_channel: cannot find channel {bh2u(short_channel_id)}')
- return
- self._id_to_channel_info.pop(short_channel_id, None)
- for node in (channel_info.node_id_1, channel_info.node_id_2):
- try:
- self._channels_for_node[node].remove(short_channel_id)
- except KeyError:
- pass
+ self.chan_query_for_id(short_channel_id).delete('evaluate')
+ DBSession.commit()
+ def chan_query_for_id(self, short_channel_id) -> Query:
+ return DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).filter_by(short_channel_id = short_channel_id.hex())
def print_graph(self, full_ids=False):
# used for debugging.
# FIXME there is a race here - iterables could change size from another thread
def other_node_id(node_id, channel_id):
- channel_info = self._id_to_channel_info[channel_id]
- if node_id == channel_info.node_id_1:
- other = channel_info.node_id_2
+ channel_info = self.get_channel_info(channel_id)
+ if node_id == channel_info.node1_id:
+ other = channel_info.node2_id
- other = channel_info.node_id_1
+ other = channel_info.node1_id
return other if full_ids else other[-4:]
- self.print_msg('node: {(channel, other_node), ...}')
- for node_id, short_channel_ids in list(self._channels_for_node.items()):
- short_channel_ids = {(bh2u(cid), bh2u(other_node_id(node_id, cid)))
- for cid in short_channel_ids}
- node_id = bh2u(node_id) if full_ids else bh2u(node_id[-4:])
- self.print_msg('{}: {}'.format(node_id, short_channel_ids))
- self.print_msg('channel: node1, node2, direction')
- for short_channel_id, channel_info in list(self._id_to_channel_info.items()):
- node1 = channel_info.node_id_1
- node2 = channel_info.node_id_2
+ self.print_msg('nodes')
+ for node in DBSession.query(NodeInfoInDB).all():
+ self.print_msg(node)
+ self.print_msg('channels')
+ for channel_info in DBSession.query(ChannelInfoInDB).all():
+ node1 = channel_info.node1_id
+ node2 = channel_info.node2_id
direction1 = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(node1) is not None
direction2 = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(node2) is not None
if direction1 and direction2:
@@ -514,8 +506,10 @@ class RouteEdge(NamedTuple("RouteEdge", [('node_id', bytes),
+ (amount_msat * self.fee_proportional_millionths // 1_000_000)
- def from_channel_policy(cls, channel_policy: ChannelInfoDirectedPolicy,
+ def from_channel_policy(cls, channel_policy: 'Policy',
short_channel_id: bytes, end_node: bytes) -> 'RouteEdge':
+ assert type(short_channel_id) is bytes
+ assert type(end_node) is bytes
return RouteEdge(end_node,
@@ -582,7 +576,7 @@ class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
channel_policy = channel_info.get_policy_for_node(start_node)
if channel_policy is None: return float('inf'), 0
- if channel_policy.disabled: return float('inf'), 0
+ if channel_policy.is_disabled(): return float('inf'), 0
route_edge = RouteEdge.from_channel_policy(channel_policy, short_channel_id, end_node)
if payment_amt_msat < channel_policy.htlc_minimum_msat:
return float('inf'), 0 # payment amount too little
@@ -611,6 +605,8 @@ class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
To get from node ret[n][0] to ret[n+1][0], use channel ret[n+1][1];
i.e. an element reads as, "to get to node_id, travel through short_channel_id"
+ assert type(nodeA) is bytes
+ assert type(nodeB) is bytes
assert type(invoice_amount_msat) is int
if my_channels is None: my_channels = []
my_channels = {chan.short_channel_id: chan for chan in my_channels}
@@ -657,9 +653,10 @@ class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
# so there are duplicates in the queue, that we discard now:
for edge_channel_id in self.channel_db.get_channels_for_node(edge_endnode):
+ assert type(edge_channel_id) is bytes
if edge_channel_id in self.blacklist: continue
channel_info = self.channel_db.get_channel_info(edge_channel_id)
- edge_startnode = channel_info.node_id_2 if channel_info.node_id_1 == edge_endnode else channel_info.node_id_1
+ edge_startnode = bfh(channel_info.node2_id) if bfh(channel_info.node1_id) == edge_endnode else bfh(channel_info.node1_id)
return None # no path found
@@ -682,7 +679,7 @@ class LNPathFinder(PrintError):
for node_id, short_channel_id in path:
channel_policy = self.channel_db.get_routing_policy_for_channel(prev_node_id, short_channel_id)
if channel_policy is None:
- raise Exception(f'cannot find channel policy for short_channel_id: {bh2u(short_channel_id)}')
+ raise NoChannelPolicy(short_channel_id)
route.append(RouteEdge.from_channel_policy(channel_policy, short_channel_id, node_id))
prev_node_id = node_id
return route
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ from .verifier import verify_tx_is_in_block, MerkleVerificationFailure
from .transaction import Transaction
from .interface import GracefulDisconnect
from .crypto import sha256d
-from .lnmsg import encode_msg
+from .lnmsg import decode_msg, encode_msg
from .network import Network
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class LNChannelVerifier(NetworkJobOnDefaultServer):
NetworkJobOnDefaultServer.__init__(self, network)
self.channel_db = channel_db
self.lock = threading.Lock()
- self.unverified_channel_info = {} # short_channel_id -> channel_info
+ self.unverified_channel_info = {} # short_channel_id -> msg_payload
# channel announcements that seem to be invalid:
self.blacklist = set() # short_channel_id
@@ -65,19 +65,16 @@ class LNChannelVerifier(NetworkJobOnDefaultServer):
self.started_verifying_channel = set() # short_channel_id
# TODO make async; and rm self.lock completely
- def add_new_channel_info(self, channel_info):
- short_channel_id = channel_info.channel_id
+ def add_new_channel_info(self, short_channel_id_hex, msg_payload):
+ short_channel_id = bfh(short_channel_id_hex)
if short_channel_id in self.unverified_channel_info:
if short_channel_id in self.blacklist:
- if not verify_sigs_for_channel_announcement(channel_info.msg_payload):
+ if not verify_sigs_for_channel_announcement(msg_payload):
with self.lock:
- self.unverified_channel_info[short_channel_id] = channel_info
- def get_pending_channel_info(self, short_channel_id):
- return self.unverified_channel_info.get(short_channel_id, None)
+ self.unverified_channel_info[short_channel_id] = msg_payload
async def _start_tasks(self):
async with as group:
@@ -151,8 +148,9 @@ class LNChannelVerifier(NetworkJobOnDefaultServer):
self.print_error(f"received tx does not match expected txid ({tx_hash} != {tx.txid()})")
# check funding output
- channel_info = self.unverified_channel_info[short_channel_id]
- chan_ann = channel_info.msg_payload
+ msg_payload = self.unverified_channel_info[short_channel_id]
+ msg_type, chan_ann = decode_msg(msg_payload)
+ assert msg_type == 'channel_announcement'
redeem_script = funding_output_script_from_keys(chan_ann['bitcoin_key_1'], chan_ann['bitcoin_key_2'])
expected_address = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', redeem_script)
output_idx = invert_short_channel_id(short_channel_id)[2]
@@ -167,8 +165,7 @@ class LNChannelVerifier(NetworkJobOnDefaultServer):
# put channel into channel DB
- channel_info.set_capacity(actual_output.value)
- self.channel_db.add_verified_channel_info(short_channel_id, channel_info)
+ self.channel_db.add_verified_channel_info(short_channel_id, actual_output.value)
def _remove_channel_from_unverified_db(self, short_channel_id: bytes):
@@ -183,8 +180,9 @@ class LNChannelVerifier(NetworkJobOnDefaultServer):
self.unverified_channel_info.pop(short_channel_id, None)
-def verify_sigs_for_channel_announcement(chan_ann: dict) -> bool:
- msg_bytes = encode_msg('channel_announcement', **chan_ann)
+def verify_sigs_for_channel_announcement(msg_bytes: bytes) -> bool:
+ msg_type, chan_ann = decode_msg(msg_bytes)
+ assert msg_type == 'channel_announcement'
pre_hash = msg_bytes[2+256:]
h = sha256d(pre_hash)
pubkeys = [chan_ann['node_id_1'], chan_ann['node_id_2'], chan_ann['bitcoin_key_1'], chan_ann['bitcoin_key_2']]
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ GRAPH_DOWNLOAD_SECONDS = 600
LNPeerAddr('', 9735, bfh('038370f0e7a03eded3e1d41dc081084a87f0afa1c5b22090b4f3abb391eb15d8ff')),
- LNPeerAddr('', 9735, bfh('038863cf8ab91046230f561cd5b386cbff8309fa02e3f0c3ed161a3aeb64a643b9')),
+ LNPeerAddr('', 9735, bfh('021a8bd8d8f1f2e208992a2eb755cdc74d44e66b6a0c924d3a3cce949123b9ce40')), # janus test server
+ LNPeerAddr('', 9735, bfh('038863cf8ab91046230f561cd5b386cbff8309fa02e3f0c3ed161a3aeb64a643b9')), # popular node
LNPeerAddr('', 9735, bfh('02f6725f9c1c40333b67faea92fd211c183050f28df32cac3f9d69685fe9665432')), # Blockstream
@@ -420,26 +421,33 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
def choose_preferred_address(addr_list: List[Tuple[str, int]]) -> Tuple[str, int]:
+ assert len(addr_list) >= 1
# choose first one that is an IP
- for host, port in addr_list:
+ for addr_in_db in addr_list:
+ host =
+ port = addr_in_db.port
if is_ip_address(host):
return host, port
# otherwise choose one at random
# TODO maybe filter out onion if not on tor?
- return random.choice(addr_list)
+ choice = random.choice(addr_list)
+ return, choice.port
def open_channel(self, connect_contents, local_amt_sat, push_amt_sat, password=None, timeout=5):
node_id, rest = extract_nodeid(connect_contents)
peer = self.peers.get(node_id)
if not peer:
- all_nodes =
- node_info = all_nodes.get(node_id, None)
+ nodes_get =
+ node_info = nodes_get(node_id)
if rest is not None:
host, port = split_host_port(rest)
- elif node_info and len(node_info.addresses) > 0:
- host, port = self.choose_preferred_address(node_info.addresses)
- raise ConnStringFormatError(_('Unknown node:') + ' ' + bh2u(node_id))
+ if not node_info:
+ raise ConnStringFormatError(_('Unknown node:') + ' ' + bh2u(node_id))
+ addrs = node_info.get_addresses()
+ if len(addrs) == 0:
+ raise ConnStringFormatError(_('Don\'t know any addresses for node:') + ' ' + bh2u(node_id))
+ host, port = self.choose_preferred_address(addrs)
socket.getaddrinfo(host, int(port))
except socket.gaierror:
@@ -457,7 +465,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
This is not merged with _pay so that we can run the test with
one thread only.
- addr, peer, coro = self._pay(invoice, amount_sat)
+ addr, peer, coro =, amount_sat))
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro,
return addr, peer, fut
@@ -467,9 +475,9 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
if chan.short_channel_id == short_channel_id:
return chan
- def _pay(self, invoice, amount_sat=None):
+ async def _pay(self, invoice, amount_sat=None, same_thread=False):
addr = self._check_invoice(invoice, amount_sat)
- route = self._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr)
+ route = await self._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr)
peer = self.peers[route[0].node_id]
if not self.get_channel_by_short_id(route[0].short_channel_id):
assert False, 'Found route with short channel ID we don\'t have: ' + repr(route[0].short_channel_id)
@@ -498,7 +506,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
f"min_final_cltv_expiry: {addr.get_min_final_cltv_expiry()}"))
return addr
- def _create_route_from_invoice(self, decoded_invoice) -> List[RouteEdge]:
+ async def _create_route_from_invoice(self, decoded_invoice) -> List[RouteEdge]:
amount_msat = int(decoded_invoice.amount * COIN * 1000)
invoice_pubkey = decoded_invoice.pubkey.serialize()
# use 'r' field from invoice
@@ -699,20 +707,14 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
if peer in self._last_tried_peer: continue
return [peer]
# try random peer from graph
- all_nodes = self.channel_db.nodes
- if all_nodes:
- #self.print_error('trying to get ln peers from channel db')
- node_ids = list(all_nodes)
- max_tries = min(200, len(all_nodes))
- for i in range(max_tries):
- node_id = random.choice(node_ids)
- node = all_nodes.get(node_id)
- if node is None: continue
- addresses = node.addresses
- if not addresses: continue
- host, port = self.choose_preferred_address(addresses)
- peer = LNPeerAddr(host, port, node_id)
- if peer.pubkey in self.peers: continue
+ unconnected_nodes = self.channel_db.get_200_randomly_sorted_nodes_not_in(self.peers.keys())
+ if unconnected_nodes:
+ for node in unconnected_nodes:
+ addrs = node.get_addresses()
+ if not addrs:
+ continue
+ host, port = self.choose_preferred_address(addrs)
+ peer = LNPeerAddr(host, port, bytes.fromhex(node.node_id))
if peer in self._last_tried_peer: continue
self.print_error('taking random ln peer from our channel db')
return [peer]
@@ -772,11 +774,12 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
await self.add_peer(, peer.port, peer.pubkey)
# try random address for node_id
- node_info = self.channel_db.nodes.get(chan.node_id, None)
+ node_info = await self.channel_db._nodes_get(chan.node_id)
if not node_info: return
- addresses = node_info.addresses
+ addresses = node_info.get_addresses()
if not addresses: return
- host, port = random.choice(addresses)
+ adr_obj = random.choice(addresses)
+ host, port =, adr_obj.port
peer = LNPeerAddr(host, port, chan.node_id)
last_tried = self._last_tried_peer.get(peer, 0)
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -1181,7 +1181,6 @@ class Network(Logger):
def stop(self):
assert self._loop_thread != threading.current_thread(), 'must not be called from network thread'
fut = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._stop(full_shutdown=True), self.asyncio_loop)
- self.channel_db.save_data()
except (asyncio.TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError): pass
diff --git a/electrum/tests/ b/electrum/tests/
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
fut = self.prepare_ln_message_future(w2)
async def pay():
- addr, peer, coro = LNWorker._pay(w1, pay_req)
+ addr, peer, coro = await LNWorker._pay(w1, pay_req, same_thread=True)
await coro
print("HTLC ADDED")
self.assertEqual(await fut, 'Payment received')
@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
pay_req = self.prepare_invoice(w2)
addr = w1._check_invoice(pay_req)
- route = w1._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr)
+ route = run(w1._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr))
# check if a tx (commitment transaction) was broadcasted:
assert q1.qsize() == 1
with self.assertRaises(PaymentFailure) as e:
- w1._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr)
+ run(w1._create_route_from_invoice(decoded_invoice=addr))
self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), 'No path found')
peer = w1.peers[route[0].node_id]
@@ -257,4 +257,4 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
run(asyncio.gather(w1._pay_to_route(route, addr, pay_req), p1._main_loop(), p2._main_loop()))
def run(coro):
- asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro)
+ return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro)
diff --git a/electrum/tests/ b/electrum/tests/
@@ -45,15 +45,17 @@ class Test_LNRouter(TestCaseForTestnet):
asyncio_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
trigger_callback = lambda *args: None
register_callback = lambda *args: None
- async def add_job(self, *args): return None
+ interface = None
fake_network.channel_db = lnrouter.ChannelDB(fake_network())
cdb = fake_network.channel_db
path_finder = lnrouter.LNPathFinder(cdb)
+ self.assertEqual(cdb.num_channels, 0)
cdb.on_channel_announcement({'node_id_1': b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 'node_id_2': b'\x02cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
'bitcoin_key_1': b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 'bitcoin_key_2': b'\x02cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000001'),
'chain_hash': bfh('43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea330900000000'),
'len': b'\x00\x00', 'features': b''}, trusted=True)
+ self.assertEqual(cdb.num_channels, 1)
cdb.on_channel_announcement({'node_id_1': b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 'node_id_2': b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee',
'bitcoin_key_1': b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 'bitcoin_key_2': b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee',
'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000002'),
@@ -92,12 +94,16 @@ class Test_LNRouter(TestCaseForTestnet):
cdb.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000005'), 'message_flags': b'\x00', 'channel_flags': b'\x00', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(999), 'chain_hash': bfh('43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea330900000000'), 'timestamp': b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'}, trusted=True)
cdb.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000006'), 'message_flags': b'\x00', 'channel_flags': b'\x00', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(99999999), 'chain_hash': bfh('43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea330900000000'), 'timestamp': b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'}, trusted=True)
cdb.on_channel_update({'short_channel_id': bfh('0000000000000006'), 'message_flags': b'\x00', 'channel_flags': b'\x01', 'cltv_expiry_delta': o(10), 'htlc_minimum_msat': o(250), 'fee_base_msat': o(100), 'fee_proportional_millionths': o(150), 'chain_hash': bfh('43497fd7f826957108f4a30fd9cec3aeba79972084e90ead01ea330900000000'), 'timestamp': b'\x00\x00\x00\x00'}, trusted=True)
- self.assertNotEqual(None, path_finder.find_path_for_payment(b'\x02aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', 100000))
+ path = path_finder.find_path_for_payment(b'\x02aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', 100000)
self.assertEqual([(b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03'),
(b'\x02cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01'),
(b'\x02dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04'),
- (b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05')],
- path_finder.find_path_for_payment(b'\x02aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', 100000))
+ (b'\x02eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05')
+ ], path)
+ start_node = b'\x02bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'
+ route = path_finder.create_route_from_path(path, start_node)
+ self.assertEqual(route[0].node_id, start_node)
+ self.assertEqual(route[0].short_channel_id, bfh('0000000000000003'))