commit e165c13a84522c218e95cf027241fc63cc086bfa
parent 2137ab3238163cdeddd5757958715893dc881a35
Author: thomasv <thomasv@gitorious>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 14:16:02 +0200
synchronous_get batch method for interface
3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class InterfaceAncestor(threading.Thread):
result = params[1]
params = [addr]
- self.responses.put({'method':method, 'params':params, 'result':result})
+ self.responses.put({'method':method, 'params':params, 'result':result, 'id':msg_id})
@@ -286,21 +286,22 @@ class TcpStratumInterface(InterfaceAncestor):
def send(self, messages):
+ """return the ids of the requests that we sent"""
out = ''
+ ids = []
for m in messages:
method, params = m
request = json.dumps( { 'id':self.message_id, 'method':method, 'params':params } )
self.unanswered_requests[self.message_id] = method, params
+ ids.append(self.message_id)
# uncomment to debug
# print "-->",request
self.message_id += 1
out += request + '\n'
while out:
sent = self.s.send( out )
out = out[sent:]
+ return ids
def get_history(self, addr):
self.send([('blockchain.address.get_history', [addr])])
@@ -340,9 +341,9 @@ class Interface(TcpStratumInterface, HttpStratumInterface):
def send(self, messages):
if self.protocol in 'st':
- TcpStratumInterface.send(self, messages)
+ return TcpStratumInterface.send(self, messages)
- HttpStratumInterface.send(self, messages)
+ return HttpStratumInterface.send(self, messages)
def parse_proxy_options(self, s):
@@ -378,10 +379,26 @@ class Interface(TcpStratumInterface, HttpStratumInterface):
self.is_connected = False # this exits the polling loop
def is_up_to_date(self):
return self.responses.empty() and not self.unanswered_requests
+ def synchronous_get(self, requests, timeout=100000000):
+ # todo: use generators, unanswered_requests should be a list of arrays...
+ ids = self.send(requests)
+ id2 = ids[:]
+ res = {}
+ while ids:
+ r = self.responses.get(True, timeout)
+ _id = r.get('id')
+ if _id in ids:
+ ids.remove(_id)
+ res[_id] = r.get('result')
+ out = []
+ for _id in id2:
+ out.append(res[_id])
+ return out
diff --git a/scripts/get_history b/scripts/get_history
@@ -11,18 +11,7 @@ except:
i = Interface({'server':''})
+h = i.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.address.get_history',[addr]) ])[0]
+for item in h:
+ print item['tx_hash'], item['value']
-while True:
- try:
- r = i.responses.get(True, 100000000000)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- break
- method = r.get('method')
- if method == 'blockchain.address.get_history':
- confirmed = unconfirmed = 0
- h = r.get('result')
- for item in h:
- print item['tx_hash'], item['value']
- break
diff --git a/scripts/validate_tx b/scripts/validate_tx
@@ -21,29 +21,6 @@ i = Interface({'server':''})
-def get_header(i, block_height):
- i.send([('blockchain.block.get_header',[block_height])])
- while True:
- r = i.responses.get(True, 100000000000)
- method = r.get('method')
- if method == 'blockchain.block.get_header':
- break
- return r.get('result')
-def get_merkle(i, tx_hash):
- i.send([('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle',[tx_hash])])
- while True:
- r = i.responses.get(True, 100000000000)
- method = r.get('method')
- if method == 'blockchain.transaction.get_merkle':
- break
- return r.get('result')
def merkle_root(merkle):
merkle = map (lambda tx_hash: tx_hash.decode('hex')[::-1], merkle)
@@ -70,16 +47,23 @@ def hash_header(res):
def verify_tx(tx_hash):
- res = get_merkle(i, tx_hash)
+ res = i.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle',[tx_hash]) ])[0]
assert tx_hash in res.get('merkle')
assert res.get('merkle_root') == merkle_root(res['merkle'])
block_height = res.get('block_height')
- _hash = None
+ print block_height
+ headers_requests = []
for height in range(block_height-10,block_height+10):
- header = get_header(i, height)
+ headers_requests.append( ('blockchain.block.get_header',[height]) )
+ res = i.synchronous_get(headers_requests)
+ _hash = None
+ for header in res:
if _hash: assert _hash == header.get('prev_block_hash')
_hash = hash_header(header)
- #print _hash
+ print _hash
if height==block_height:
assert header.get('merkle_root') == res.get('merkle_root')