commit e38d19d2109329c844676a50bdc61363137503b3
parent 6e182371b926bdd0f90c399c1c05282d553c43f8
Author: ThomasV <>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 09:38:34 +0100
add help buttons to blockchain tab
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gui/qt/ b/gui/qt/
@@ -100,19 +100,18 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
- msg = _("Electrum sends your wallet addresses to a single server, in order to receive your transaction history.") + "\n\n" \
- + _("In addition, Electrum connects to several nodes in order to download block headers and find out the longest blockchain.") + " " \
- + _("This blockchain is used to verify the transactions sent by the address server.")
- msg2 = _("If auto-connect is enabled, Electrum will always use a server that is on the longest blockchain.") + " " \
- + _("If it is disabled, you have to choose a server you want to use. Electrum will warn you if your server is lagging.")
+ msg = _("Electrum sends your wallet addresses to a single server, in order to receive your transaction history.")
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Server') + ':'), 0, 0)
grid.addWidget(self.server_host, 0, 1, 1, 2)
grid.addWidget(self.server_port, 0, 3)
grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 0, 4)
+ msg = ' '.join([
+ _("If auto-connect is enabled, Electrum will always use a server that is on the longest blockchain."),
+ _("If it is disabled, you have to choose a server you want to use. Electrum will warn you if your server is lagging.")
+ ])
grid.addWidget(self.ssl_cb, 1, 1, 1, 3)
grid.addWidget(self.autoconnect_cb, 2, 1, 1, 3)
- grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg2), 2, 4)
+ grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 2, 4)
label = _('Active Servers') if network.is_connected() else _('Default Servers')
self.servers_list_widget = QTreeWidget()
self.servers_list_widget.setHeaderLabels( [ label, _('Limit') ] )
@@ -195,11 +194,6 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
height_str = "%d "%(network.get_local_height()) + _("blocks")
self.checkpoint_height = self.config.get('checkpoint_height', 0)
self.checkpoint_value = self.config.get('checkpoint_value', bitcoin.GENESIS)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Height") + ':'), 0, 0)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(height_str), 0, 1)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Status') + ':'), 1, 0)
- grid.addWidget(QLabel(status), 1, 1, 1, 3)
self.cph_label = QLabel(_('Height'))
self.cph = QLineEdit("%d"%self.checkpoint_height)
@@ -229,7 +223,27 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
self.checkpoint_height = height
self.checkpoint_value = _hash
+ msg = ''.join([
+ _("Electrum connects to several nodes in order to download block headers and find out the longest blockchain."), " "
+ _("This blockchain is used to verify the transactions sent by your transaction server.")
+ ])
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Status') + ':'), 0, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(status), 0, 1, 1, 3)
+ grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 0, 4)
+ msg = _('This is the height of your local copy of the blockchain.')
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(_("Height") + ':'), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(QLabel(height_str), 1, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 1, 4)
+ msg = ''.join([
+ _('A checkpoint can be used to verify that you are on the correct blockchain.'), ' ',
+ _('By default, your checkpoint is the genesis block.'), '\n\n',
+ _('If you edit the height field, the corresponding block hash will be fetched from your current server.'), ' ',
+ _('If you press OK, the checkpoint will be saved, and Electrum will only accept headers from nodes that pass this checkpoint.'), '\n\n',
+ _('If there is a hard fork, you will have to check the block hash from an independent source, in order to be sure that you are on the desired side of the fork.'),
+ ])
grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Checkpoint') +':'), 3, 0, 1, 2)
+ grid.addWidget(HelpButton(msg), 3, 4)
grid.addWidget(self.cph_label, 4, 0)
grid.addWidget(self.cph, 4, 1)
grid.addWidget(self.cpv_label, 5, 0)