commit f0aae3cc0f587994c86c5bcbc083829c524d3b62
parent 1dfae2618484750a2853ea62f0f5590c8f35c37d
Author: ThomasV <thomasv@gitorious>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 11:39:55 +0300
remove db
D | server/ | | | 383 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright(C) 2012 thomasv@gitorious
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-# License along with this program. If not, see
-# <>.
-from Abe.abe import hash_to_address, decode_check_address
-from Abe.DataStore import DataStore as Datastore_class
-from Abe import DataStore, readconf, BCDataStream, deserialize, util, base58
-import psycopg2, binascii
-import thread, traceback, sys, urllib, operator
-from json import dumps, loads
-class MyStore(Datastore_class):
- def __init__(self, config, address_queue):
- conf = DataStore.CONFIG_DEFAULTS
- args, argv = readconf.parse_argv( [], conf)
- args.dbtype = config.get('database','type')
- if args.dbtype == 'sqlite3':
- args.connect_args = { 'database' : config.get('database','database') }
- elif args.dbtype == 'MySQLdb':
- args.connect_args = { 'db' : config.get('database','database'), 'user' : config.get('database','username'), 'passwd' : config.get('database','password') }
- elif args.dbtype == 'psycopg2':
- args.connect_args = { 'database' : config.get('database','database') }
- Datastore_class.__init__(self,args)
- self.tx_cache = {}
- self.mempool_keys = {}
- self.bitcoind_url = 'http://%s:%s@%s:%s/' % ( config.get('bitcoind','user'), config.get('bitcoind','password'), config.get('bitcoind','host'), config.get('bitcoind','port'))
- self.address_queue = address_queue
- self.dblock = thread.allocate_lock()
- def import_block(self, b, chain_ids=frozenset()):
- block_id = super(MyStore, self).import_block(b, chain_ids)
- print "import block", block_id
- for pos in xrange(len(b['transactions'])):
- tx = b['transactions'][pos]
- if 'hash' not in tx:
- tx['hash'] = util.double_sha256(tx['tx'])
- tx_id = store.tx_find_id_and_value(tx)
- if tx_id:
- self.update_tx_cache(tx_id)
- else:
- print "error: import_block: no tx_id"
- return block_id
- def update_tx_cache(self, txid):
- inrows = self.get_tx_inputs(txid, False)
- for row in inrows:
- _hash = self.binout(row[6])
- address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash)
- if self.tx_cache.has_key(address):
- print "cache: invalidating", address
- self.tx_cache.pop(address)
- self.address_queue.put(address)
- outrows = self.get_tx_outputs(txid, False)
- for row in outrows:
- _hash = self.binout(row[6])
- address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash)
- if self.tx_cache.has_key(address):
- print "cache: invalidating", address
- self.tx_cache.pop(address)
- self.address_queue.put(address)
- def safe_sql(self,sql, params=(), lock=True):
- try:
- if lock: self.dblock.acquire()
- ret = self.selectall(sql,params)
- if lock: self.dblock.release()
- return ret
- except:
- print "sql error", sql
- return []
- def get_tx_outputs(self, tx_id, lock=True):
- return self.safe_sql("""SELECT
- txout.txout_pos,
- txout.txout_scriptPubKey,
- txout.txout_value,
- nexttx.tx_hash,
- nexttx.tx_id,
- txin.txin_pos,
- pubkey.pubkey_hash
- FROM txout
- LEFT JOIN txin ON (txin.txout_id = txout.txout_id)
- LEFT JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id)
- LEFT JOIN tx nexttx ON (txin.tx_id = nexttx.tx_id)
- WHERE txout.tx_id = %d
- ORDER BY txout.txout_pos
- """%(tx_id), (), lock)
- def get_tx_inputs(self, tx_id, lock=True):
- return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT
- txin.txin_pos,
- txin.txin_scriptSig,
- txout.txout_value,
- COALESCE(prevtx.tx_hash, u.txout_tx_hash),
- prevtx.tx_id,
- COALESCE(txout.txout_pos, u.txout_pos),
- pubkey.pubkey_hash
- FROM txin
- LEFT JOIN txout ON (txout.txout_id = txin.txout_id)
- LEFT JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id)
- LEFT JOIN tx prevtx ON (txout.tx_id = prevtx.tx_id)
- LEFT JOIN unlinked_txin u ON (u.txin_id = txin.txin_id)
- WHERE txin.tx_id = %d
- ORDER BY txin.txin_pos
- """%(tx_id,), (), lock)
- def get_address_out_rows(self, dbhash):
- return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT
- b.block_nTime,
- cc.chain_id,
- b.block_height,
- 1,
- b.block_hash,
- tx.tx_hash,
- tx.tx_id,
- txin.txin_pos,
- -prevout.txout_value
- FROM chain_candidate cc
- JOIN block b ON (b.block_id = cc.block_id)
- JOIN block_tx ON (block_tx.block_id = b.block_id)
- JOIN tx ON (tx.tx_id = block_tx.tx_id)
- JOIN txin ON (txin.tx_id = tx.tx_id)
- JOIN txout prevout ON (txin.txout_id = prevout.txout_id)
- JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = prevout.pubkey_id)
- WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ?
- AND cc.in_longest = 1""", (dbhash,))
- def get_address_out_rows_memorypool(self, dbhash):
- return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT
- 1,
- tx.tx_hash,
- tx.tx_id,
- txin.txin_pos,
- -prevout.txout_value
- FROM tx
- JOIN txin ON (txin.tx_id = tx.tx_id)
- JOIN txout prevout ON (txin.txout_id = prevout.txout_id)
- JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = prevout.pubkey_id)
- WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? """, (dbhash,))
- def get_address_in_rows(self, dbhash):
- return self.safe_sql(""" SELECT
- b.block_nTime,
- cc.chain_id,
- b.block_height,
- 0,
- b.block_hash,
- tx.tx_hash,
- tx.tx_id,
- txout.txout_pos,
- txout.txout_value
- FROM chain_candidate cc
- JOIN block b ON (b.block_id = cc.block_id)
- JOIN block_tx ON (block_tx.block_id = b.block_id)
- JOIN tx ON (tx.tx_id = block_tx.tx_id)
- JOIN txout ON (txout.tx_id = tx.tx_id)
- JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id)
- WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ?
- AND cc.in_longest = 1""", (dbhash,))
- def get_address_in_rows_memorypool(self, dbhash):
- return self.safe_sql( """ SELECT
- 0,
- tx.tx_hash,
- tx.tx_id,
- txout.txout_pos,
- txout.txout_value
- FROM tx
- JOIN txout ON (txout.tx_id = tx.tx_id)
- JOIN pubkey ON (pubkey.pubkey_id = txout.pubkey_id)
- WHERE pubkey.pubkey_hash = ? """, (dbhash,))
- def get_history(self, addr):
- cached_version = self.tx_cache.get( addr )
- if cached_version is not None:
- return cached_version
- version, binaddr = decode_check_address(addr)
- if binaddr is None:
- return None
- dbhash = self.binin(binaddr)
- rows = []
- rows += self.get_address_out_rows( dbhash )
- rows += self.get_address_in_rows( dbhash )
- txpoints = []
- known_tx = []
- for row in rows:
- try:
- nTime, chain_id, height, is_in, blk_hash, tx_hash, tx_id, pos, value = row
- except:
- print "cannot unpack row", row
- break
- tx_hash = self.hashout_hex(tx_hash)
- txpoint = {
- "nTime": int(nTime),
- "height": int(height),
- "is_in": int(is_in),
- "blk_hash": self.hashout_hex(blk_hash),
- "tx_hash": tx_hash,
- "tx_id": int(tx_id),
- "pos": int(pos),
- "value": int(value),
- }
- txpoints.append(txpoint)
- known_tx.append(self.hashout_hex(tx_hash))
- # todo: sort them really...
- txpoints = sorted(txpoints, key=operator.itemgetter("nTime"))
- # read memory pool
- rows = []
- rows += self.get_address_in_rows_memorypool( dbhash )
- rows += self.get_address_out_rows_memorypool( dbhash )
- address_has_mempool = False
- for row in rows:
- is_in, tx_hash, tx_id, pos, value = row
- tx_hash = self.hashout_hex(tx_hash)
- if tx_hash in known_tx:
- continue
- # this means that pending transactions were added to the db, even if they are not returned by getmemorypool
- address_has_mempool = True
- # this means pending transactions are returned by getmemorypool
- if tx_hash not in self.mempool_keys:
- continue
- #print "mempool", tx_hash
- txpoint = {
- "nTime": 0,
- "height": 0,
- "is_in": int(is_in),
- "blk_hash": 'mempool',
- "tx_hash": tx_hash,
- "tx_id": int(tx_id),
- "pos": int(pos),
- "value": int(value),
- }
- txpoints.append(txpoint)
- for txpoint in txpoints:
- tx_id = txpoint['tx_id']
- txinputs = []
- inrows = self.get_tx_inputs(tx_id)
- for row in inrows:
- _hash = self.binout(row[6])
- address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash)
- txinputs.append(address)
- txpoint['inputs'] = txinputs
- txoutputs = []
- outrows = self.get_tx_outputs(tx_id)
- for row in outrows:
- _hash = self.binout(row[6])
- address = hash_to_address(chr(0), _hash)
- txoutputs.append(address)
- txpoint['outputs'] = txoutputs
- # for all unspent inputs, I want their scriptpubkey. (actually I could deduce it from the address)
- if not txpoint['is_in']:
- # detect if already redeemed...
- for row in outrows:
- if row[6] == dbhash: break
- else:
- raise
- #row = self.get_tx_output(tx_id,dbhash)
- # pos, script, value, o_hash, o_id, o_pos, binaddr = row
- # if not redeemed, we add the script
- if row:
- if not row[4]: txpoint['raw_scriptPubKey'] = row[1]
- # cache result
- if not address_has_mempool:
- self.tx_cache[addr] = txpoints
- return txpoints
- def memorypool_update(store):
- ds = BCDataStream.BCDataStream()
- previous_transactions = store.mempool_keys
- store.mempool_keys = []
- postdata = dumps({"method": 'getmemorypool', 'params': [], 'id':'jsonrpc'})
- respdata = urllib.urlopen(store.bitcoind_url, postdata).read()
- r = loads(respdata)
- if r['error'] != None:
- return
- v = r['result'].get('transactions')
- for hextx in v:
- ds.clear()
- ds.write(hextx.decode('hex'))
- tx = deserialize.parse_Transaction(ds)
- tx['hash'] = util.double_sha256(tx['tx'])
- tx_hash = store.hashin(tx['hash'])
- def send_tx(self,tx):
- postdata = dumps({"method": 'importtransaction', 'params': [tx], 'id':'jsonrpc'})
- respdata = urllib.urlopen(self.bitcoind_url, postdata).read()
- r = loads(respdata)
- if r['error'] != None:
- out = "error: transaction rejected by memorypool\n"+tx
- else:
- out = r['result']
- return out
- def main_iteration(store):
- try:
- store.dblock.acquire()
- store.catch_up()
- store.memorypool_update()
- block_number = store.get_block_number(1)
- print block_number
- except IOError:
- print "IOError: cannot reach bitcoind"
- block_number = 0
- except:
- traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
- block_number = 0
- finally:
- store.dblock.release()
- return block_number
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- import Queue, ConfigParser
- config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- config.add_section('database')
- config.set('database', 'type', 'psycopg2')
- config.set('database', 'database', 'abe')
- try:
- f = open('/etc/electrum.conf','r')
- config.readfp(f)
- f.close()
- except:
- print "Could not read electrum.conf. I will use the default values."
- address_queue = Queue.Queue()
- store = MyStore(config,address_queue)
- store.main_iteration()