commit bd0f5497d09c336ca58688672f4b941c5ac9c688
parent 9a979e07288739f67b597afc91da21784baa10d9
Author: parazyd <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 12:32:59 +0200
Implement blockchain.scripthash.get_balance
2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/electrumobelisk/ b/electrumobelisk/
@@ -253,7 +253,20 @@ class ElectrumProtocol(asyncio.Protocol): # pylint: disable=R0904,R0902
"""Method: blockchain.scripthash.get_balance
Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balances of a script hash.
- return
+ if "params" not in query or len(query["params"]) != 1:
+ return {"error": "malformed query"}
+ if not is_hash256_str(query["params"][0]):
+ return {"error": "invalid scripthash"}
+ _ec, data = await self.bx.fetch_balance(query["params"][0])
+ if _ec and _ec != 0:
+ self.log.debug("Got erorr: %s", repr(_ec))
+ return {"error": "request corrupted"}
+ # TODO: confirmed/unconfirmed, see what's happening in libbitcoin
+ ret = {"confirmed": data, "unconfirmed": 0}
+ return {"result": ret}
async def blockchain_scripthash_get_history(self, query):
"""Method: blockchain.scripthash.get_history
diff --git a/electrumobelisk/ b/electrumobelisk/
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""ZeroMQ implementation for libbitcoin"""
import asyncio
+import functools
import struct
from binascii import unhexlify
from random import randint
import zmq
import zmq.asyncio
+from bitcoin.core import COutPoint
from electrumobelisk.libbitcoin_errors import make_error_code, ErrorCode
from electrumobelisk.util import bh2u
@@ -47,6 +49,32 @@ def pack_block_index(index):
+def to_int(xbytes):
+ """Make little-endian integer from given bytes"""
+ return int.from_bytes(xbytes, byteorder="little")
+def checksum(xhash, index):
+ """
+ This method takes a transaction hash and an index and returns a checksum.
+ This checksum is based on 49 bits starting from the 12th byte of the
+ reversed hash. Combined with the last 15 bits of the 4 byte index.
+ """
+ mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF8000
+ magic_start_position = 12
+ hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(xhash)[::-1]
+ last_20_bytes = hash_bytes[magic_start_position:]
+ assert len(hash_bytes) == 32
+ assert index < 2**32
+ hash_upper_49_bits = to_int(last_20_bytes) & mask
+ index_lower_15_bits = index & ~mask
+ return hash_upper_49_bits | index_lower_15_bits
def unpack_table(row_fmt, data):
"""Function to unpack table received from libbitcoin"""
# Get the number of rows
@@ -301,7 +329,97 @@ class Client:
return error_code, None
return error_code, bh2u(data)
+ async def fetch_history4(self, scripthash, height=0):
+ """Fetch history for given scripthash"""
+ # BUG: There is something strange happening sometimes, for example
+ # on testnet, where the following scripthash returns as if the
+ # coins are spent, but in fact they are not:
+ # 8cc0f8d0cc3808540466194713e9fe618f57a2585a18d93d6d9542c0b71edd92
+ # 92dd1eb7c042956d3dd9185a58a2578f61fee91347196604540838ccd0f8c08c
+ command = b"blockchain.fetch_history4"
+ decoded_address = unhexlify(scripthash)
+ error_code, raw_points = await self._simple_request(
+ command, decoded_address + struct.pack("<I", height))
+ if error_code:
+ return error_code, None
+ def make_tuple(row):
+ kind, tx_hash, index, height, value = row
+ return (
+ kind,
+ COutPoint(tx_hash, index),
+ height,
+ value,
+ checksum(tx_hash[::-1].hex(), index),
+ )
+ rows = unpack_table("<B32sIIQ", raw_points)
+ points = [make_tuple(row) for row in rows]
+ correlated_points = Client.__correlate(points)
+ return error_code, correlated_points
async def broadcast_transaction(self, rawtx):
"""Broadcast given raw transaction"""
command = b"transaction_pool.broadcast"
return await self._simple_request(command, rawtx)
+ async def fetch_balance(self, scripthash):
+ """Fetch balance for given scripthash"""
+ error_code, history = await self.fetch_history4(scripthash)
+ if error_code:
+ return error_code, None
+ utxo = Client.__receives_without_spends(history)
+ return error_code, functools.reduce(
+ lambda accumulator, point: accumulator + point["value"], utxo, 0)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __receives_without_spends(history):
+ return (point for point in history if "spent" not in point)
+ @staticmethod
+ def __correlate(points):
+ transfers, checksum_to_index = Client.__find_receives(points)
+ transfers = Client.__correlate_spends_to_receives(
+ points, transfers, checksum_to_index)
+ return transfers
+ @staticmethod
+ def __correlate_spends_to_receives(points, transfers, checksum_to_index):
+ for point in points:
+ if point[0] == 0: # receive
+ continue
+ spent = {
+ "hash": point[1].hash,
+ "height": point[2],
+ "index": point[1].n,
+ }
+ if point[3] not in checksum_to_index:
+ transfers.append({"spent": spent})
+ else:
+ transfers[checksum_to_index[point[3]]]["spent"] = spent
+ return transfers
+ @staticmethod
+ def __find_receives(points):
+ transfers = []
+ checksum_to_index = {}
+ for point in points:
+ if point[0] == 1: # spent
+ continue
+ transfers.append({
+ "received": {
+ "hash": point[1].hash,
+ "height": point[2],
+ "index": point[1].n,
+ },
+ "value": point[3],
+ })
+ checksum_to_index[point[4]] = len(transfers) - 1
+ return transfers, checksum_to_index