commit 85a7aa291ed67399f4300ce6ff7a0ad16444e2db
parent b39c51adf7ef9d56bd45b1c30a86d4d415ef7940
Author: SomberNight <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 22:17:06 +0100
bip32: refactor whole module. clean-up.
18 files changed, 361 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# file LICENCE or
import hashlib
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Union, Iterable
from .util import bfh, bh2u, BitcoinException, print_error
from . import constants
@@ -13,257 +13,299 @@ from .bitcoin import rev_hex, int_to_hex, EncodeBase58Check, DecodeBase58Check
BIP32_PRIME = 0x80000000
+UINT32_MAX = (1 << 32) - 1
def protect_against_invalid_ecpoint(func):
def func_wrapper(*args):
- n = args[-1]
+ child_index = args[-1]
while True:
- is_prime = n & BIP32_PRIME
+ is_prime = child_index & BIP32_PRIME
- return func(*args[:-1], n=n)
+ return func(*args[:-1], child_index=child_index)
except ecc.InvalidECPointException:
print_error('bip32 protect_against_invalid_ecpoint: skipping index')
- n += 1
- is_prime2 = n & BIP32_PRIME
+ child_index += 1
+ is_prime2 = child_index & BIP32_PRIME
if is_prime != is_prime2: raise OverflowError()
return func_wrapper
-# Child private key derivation function (from master private key)
-# k = master private key (32 bytes)
-# c = master chain code (extra entropy for key derivation) (32 bytes)
-# n = the index of the key we want to derive. (only 32 bits will be used)
-# If n is hardened (i.e. the 32nd bit is set), the resulting private key's
-# corresponding public key can NOT be determined without the master private key.
-# However, if n is not hardened, the resulting private key's corresponding
-# public key can be determined without the master private key.
-def CKD_priv(k, c, n):
- if n < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
- is_prime = n & BIP32_PRIME
- return _CKD_priv(k, c, bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(n,4))), is_prime)
+def CKD_priv(parent_privkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: int) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+ """Child private key derivation function (from master private key)
+ If n is hardened (i.e. the 32nd bit is set), the resulting private key's
+ corresponding public key can NOT be determined without the master private key.
+ However, if n is not hardened, the resulting private key's corresponding
+ public key can be determined without the master private key.
+ """
+ if child_index < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
+ is_hardened_child = bool(child_index & BIP32_PRIME)
+ return _CKD_priv(parent_privkey=parent_privkey,
+ parent_chaincode=parent_chaincode,
+ child_index=bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(child_index, 4))),
+ is_hardened_child=is_hardened_child)
-def _CKD_priv(k, c, s, is_prime):
+def _CKD_priv(parent_privkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes,
+ child_index: bytes, is_hardened_child: bool) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
- keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
+ keypair = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_privkey)
except ecc.InvalidECPointException as e:
raise BitcoinException('Impossible xprv (not within curve order)') from e
- cK = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- data = bytes([0]) + k + s if is_prime else cK + s
- I = hmac_oneshot(c, data, hashlib.sha512)
+ parent_pubkey = keypair.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
+ if is_hardened_child:
+ data = bytes([0]) + parent_privkey + child_index
+ else:
+ data = parent_pubkey + child_index
+ I = hmac_oneshot(parent_chaincode, data, hashlib.sha512)
I_left = ecc.string_to_number(I[0:32])
- k_n = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(k)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
- if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or k_n == 0:
+ child_privkey = (I_left + ecc.string_to_number(parent_privkey)) % ecc.CURVE_ORDER
+ if I_left >= ecc.CURVE_ORDER or child_privkey == 0:
raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
- k_n = ecc.number_to_string(k_n, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
- c_n = I[32:]
- return k_n, c_n
-# Child public key derivation function (from public key only)
-# K = master public key
-# c = master chain code
-# n = index of key we want to derive
-# This function allows us to find the nth public key, as long as n is
-# not hardened. If n is hardened, we need the master private key to find it.
+ child_privkey = ecc.number_to_string(child_privkey, ecc.CURVE_ORDER)
+ child_chaincode = I[32:]
+ return child_privkey, child_chaincode
-def CKD_pub(cK, c, n):
- if n < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
- if n & BIP32_PRIME: raise Exception()
- return _CKD_pub(cK, c, bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(n,4))))
-# helper function, callable with arbitrary string.
-# note: 's' does not need to fit into 32 bits here! (c.f. trustedcoin billing)
-def _CKD_pub(cK, c, s):
- I = hmac_oneshot(c, cK + s, hashlib.sha512)
- pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(cK)
+def CKD_pub(parent_pubkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: int) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+ """Child public key derivation function (from public key only)
+ This function allows us to find the nth public key, as long as n is
+ not hardened. If n is hardened, we need the master private key to find it.
+ """
+ if child_index < 0: raise ValueError('the bip32 index needs to be non-negative')
+ if child_index & BIP32_PRIME: raise Exception('not possible to derive hardened child from parent pubkey')
+ return _CKD_pub(parent_pubkey=parent_pubkey,
+ parent_chaincode=parent_chaincode,
+ child_index=bfh(rev_hex(int_to_hex(child_index, 4))))
+# helper function, callable with arbitrary 'child_index' byte-string.
+# i.e.: 'child_index' does not need to fit into 32 bits here! (c.f. trustedcoin billing)
+def _CKD_pub(parent_pubkey: bytes, parent_chaincode: bytes, child_index: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
+ I = hmac_oneshot(parent_chaincode, parent_pubkey + child_index, hashlib.sha512)
+ pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(I[0:32]) + ecc.ECPubkey(parent_pubkey)
if pubkey.is_at_infinity():
raise ecc.InvalidECPointException()
- cK_n = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- c_n = I[32:]
- return cK_n, c_n
+ child_pubkey = pubkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
+ child_chaincode = I[32:]
+ return child_pubkey, child_chaincode
-def xprv_header(xtype, *, net=None):
+def xprv_header(xtype: str, *, net=None) -> bytes:
if net is None:
net =
- return bfh("%08x" % net.XPRV_HEADERS[xtype])
+ return net.XPRV_HEADERS[xtype].to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
-def xpub_header(xtype, *, net=None):
+def xpub_header(xtype: str, *, net=None) -> bytes:
if net is None:
net =
- return bfh("%08x" % net.XPUB_HEADERS[xtype])
-def serialize_xprv(xtype, c, k, depth=0, fingerprint=b'\x00'*4,
- child_number=b'\x00'*4, *, net=None):
- if not ecc.is_secret_within_curve_range(k):
- raise BitcoinException('Impossible xprv (not within curve order)')
- xprv = xprv_header(xtype, net=net) \
- + bytes([depth]) + fingerprint + child_number + c + bytes([0]) + k
- return EncodeBase58Check(xprv)
-def serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth=0, fingerprint=b'\x00'*4,
- child_number=b'\x00'*4, *, net=None):
- xpub = xpub_header(xtype, net=net) \
- + bytes([depth]) + fingerprint + child_number + c + cK
- return EncodeBase58Check(xpub)
+ return net.XPUB_HEADERS[xtype].to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
class InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes(BitcoinException): pass
-def deserialize_xkey(xkey, prv, *, net=None):
- if net is None:
- net =
- xkey = DecodeBase58Check(xkey)
- if len(xkey) != 78:
- raise BitcoinException('Invalid length for extended key: {}'
- .format(len(xkey)))
- depth = xkey[4]
- fingerprint = xkey[5:9]
- child_number = xkey[9:13]
- c = xkey[13:13+32]
- header = int.from_bytes(xkey[0:4], byteorder='big')
- headers = net.XPRV_HEADERS if prv else net.XPUB_HEADERS
- if header not in headers.values():
- raise InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes('Invalid extended key format: {}'
- .format(hex(header)))
- xtype = list(headers.keys())[list(headers.values()).index(header)]
- n = 33 if prv else 32
- K_or_k = xkey[13+n:]
- if prv and not ecc.is_secret_within_curve_range(K_or_k):
- raise BitcoinException('Impossible xprv (not within curve order)')
- return xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, K_or_k
-def deserialize_xpub(xkey, *, net=None):
- return deserialize_xkey(xkey, False, net=net)
-def deserialize_xprv(xkey, *, net=None):
- return deserialize_xkey(xkey, True, net=net)
+class BIP32Node(NamedTuple):
+ xtype: str
+ eckey: Union[ecc.ECPubkey, ecc.ECPrivkey]
+ chaincode: bytes
+ depth: int = 0
+ fingerprint: bytes = b'\x00'*4
+ child_number: bytes = b'\x00'*4
+ @classmethod
+ def from_xkey(cls, xkey: str, *, net=None) -> 'BIP32Node':
+ if net is None:
+ net =
+ xkey = DecodeBase58Check(xkey)
+ if len(xkey) != 78:
+ raise BitcoinException('Invalid length for extended key: {}'
+ .format(len(xkey)))
+ depth = xkey[4]
+ fingerprint = xkey[5:9]
+ child_number = xkey[9:13]
+ chaincode = xkey[13:13 + 32]
+ header = int.from_bytes(xkey[0:4], byteorder='big')
+ if header in net.XPRV_HEADERS_INV:
+ headers_inv = net.XPRV_HEADERS_INV
+ is_private = True
+ elif header in net.XPUB_HEADERS_INV:
+ headers_inv = net.XPUB_HEADERS_INV
+ is_private = False
+ else:
+ raise InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes(f'Invalid extended key format: {hex(header)}')
+ xtype = headers_inv[header]
+ if is_private:
+ eckey = ecc.ECPrivkey(xkey[13 + 33:])
+ else:
+ eckey = ecc.ECPubkey(xkey[13 + 32:])
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=eckey,
+ chaincode=chaincode,
+ depth=depth,
+ fingerprint=fingerprint,
+ child_number=child_number)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_rootseed(cls, seed: bytes, *, xtype: str) -> 'BIP32Node':
+ I = hmac_oneshot(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512)
+ master_k = I[0:32]
+ master_c = I[32:]
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPrivkey(master_k),
+ chaincode=master_c)
+ def to_xprv(self, *, net=None) -> str:
+ if not self.is_private():
+ raise Exception("cannot serialize as xprv; private key missing")
+ payload = (xprv_header(self.xtype, net=net) +
+ bytes([self.depth]) +
+ self.fingerprint +
+ self.child_number +
+ self.chaincode +
+ bytes([0]) +
+ self.eckey.get_secret_bytes())
+ assert len(payload) == 78, f"unexpected xprv payload len {len(payload)}"
+ return EncodeBase58Check(payload)
+ def to_xpub(self, *, net=None) -> str:
+ payload = (xpub_header(self.xtype, net=net) +
+ bytes([self.depth]) +
+ self.fingerprint +
+ self.child_number +
+ self.chaincode +
+ self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True))
+ assert len(payload) == 78, f"unexpected xpub payload len {len(payload)}"
+ return EncodeBase58Check(payload)
+ def to_xkey(self, *, net=None) -> str:
+ if self.is_private():
+ return self.to_xprv(net=net)
+ else:
+ return self.to_xpub(net=net)
+ def convert_to_public(self) -> 'BIP32Node':
+ if not self.is_private():
+ return self
+ pubkey = ecc.ECPubkey(self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes())
+ return self._replace(eckey=pubkey)
+ def is_private(self) -> bool:
+ return isinstance(self.eckey, ecc.ECPrivkey)
+ def subkey_at_private_derivation(self, path: Union[str, Iterable[int]]) -> 'BIP32Node':
+ if isinstance(path, str):
+ path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(path)
+ if not self.is_private():
+ raise Exception("cannot do bip32 private derivation; private key missing")
+ if not path:
+ return self
+ depth = self.depth
+ chaincode = self.chaincode
+ privkey = self.eckey.get_secret_bytes()
+ for child_index in path:
+ parent_privkey = privkey
+ privkey, chaincode = CKD_priv(privkey, chaincode, child_index)
+ depth += 1
+ parent_pubkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_privkey).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
+ fingerprint = hash_160(parent_pubkey)[0:4]
+ child_number = child_index.to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=self.xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPrivkey(privkey),
+ chaincode=chaincode,
+ depth=depth,
+ fingerprint=fingerprint,
+ child_number=child_number)
+ def subkey_at_public_derivation(self, path: Union[str, Iterable[int]]) -> 'BIP32Node':
+ if isinstance(path, str):
+ path = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(path)
+ if not path:
+ return self.convert_to_public()
+ depth = self.depth
+ chaincode = self.chaincode
+ pubkey = self.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
+ for child_index in path:
+ parent_pubkey = pubkey
+ pubkey, chaincode = CKD_pub(pubkey, chaincode, child_index)
+ depth += 1
+ fingerprint = hash_160(parent_pubkey)[0:4]
+ child_number = child_index.to_bytes(length=4, byteorder="big")
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=self.xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(pubkey),
+ chaincode=chaincode,
+ depth=depth,
+ fingerprint=fingerprint,
+ child_number=child_number)
def xpub_type(x):
- return deserialize_xpub(x)[0]
+ return BIP32Node.from_xkey(x).xtype
def is_xpub(text):
- deserialize_xpub(text)
- return True
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(text)
+ return not node.is_private()
return False
def is_xprv(text):
- deserialize_xprv(text)
- return True
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(text)
+ return node.is_private()
return False
def xpub_from_xprv(xprv):
- xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
- cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
-def bip32_root(seed, xtype):
- I = hmac_oneshot(b"Bitcoin seed", seed, hashlib.sha512)
- master_k = I[0:32]
- master_c = I[32:]
- # create xprv first, as that will check if master_k is within curve order
- xprv = serialize_xprv(xtype, master_c, master_k)
- cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(master_k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, master_c, cK)
- return xprv, xpub
-def xpub_from_pubkey(xtype, cK):
- if cK[0] not in (0x02, 0x03):
- raise ValueError('Unexpected first byte: {}'.format(cK[0]))
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, b'\x00'*32, cK)
+ return BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).to_xpub()
-def bip32_derivation(s: str) -> int:
- if not s.startswith('m/'):
- raise ValueError('invalid bip32 derivation path: {}'.format(s))
- s = s[2:]
- for n in s.split('/'):
- if n == '': continue
- i = int(n[:-1]) + BIP32_PRIME if n[-1] == "'" else int(n)
- yield i
def convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(n: str) -> List[int]:
"""Convert bip32 path to list of uint32 integers with prime flags
m/0/-1/1' -> [0, 0x80000001, 0x80000001]
based on code in trezorlib
+ if not n:
+ return []
+ if n.endswith("/"):
+ n = n[:-1]
+ n = n.split('/')
+ # cut leading "m" if present, but do not require it
+ if n[0] == "m":
+ n = n[1:]
path = []
- for x in n.split('/')[1:]:
- if x == '': continue
+ for x in n:
+ if x == '':
+ # gracefully allow repeating "/" chars in path.
+ # makes concatenating paths easier
+ continue
prime = 0
- if x.endswith("'"):
- x = x.replace('\'', '')
+ if x.endswith("'") or x.endswith("h"):
+ x = x[:-1]
prime = BIP32_PRIME
if x.startswith('-'):
prime = BIP32_PRIME
- path.append(abs(int(x)) | prime)
+ child_index = abs(int(x)) | prime
+ if child_index > UINT32_MAX:
+ raise ValueError(f"bip32 path child index too large: {child_index} > {UINT32_MAX}")
+ path.append(child_index)
return path
-def is_bip32_derivation(x: str) -> bool:
+def is_bip32_derivation(s: str) -> bool:
- [ i for i in bip32_derivation(x)]
- return True
- except :
+ if not s.startswith('m/'):
+ return False
+ convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(s)
+ except:
return False
-def bip32_private_derivation(xprv, branch, sequence):
- if not sequence.startswith(branch):
- raise ValueError('incompatible branch ({}) and sequence ({})'
- .format(branch, sequence))
- if branch == sequence:
- return xprv, xpub_from_xprv(xprv)
- xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
- sequence = sequence[len(branch):]
- for n in sequence.split('/'):
- if n == '': continue
- i = int(n[:-1]) + BIP32_PRIME if n[-1] == "'" else int(n)
- parent_k = k
- k, c = CKD_priv(k, c, i)
- depth += 1
- parent_cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(parent_k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- fingerprint = hash_160(parent_cK)[0:4]
- child_number = bfh("%08X"%i)
- cK = ecc.ECPrivkey(k).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
- xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
- xprv = serialize_xprv(xtype, c, k, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
- return xprv, xpub
-def bip32_public_derivation(xpub, branch, sequence):
- xtype, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
- if not sequence.startswith(branch):
- raise ValueError('incompatible branch ({}) and sequence ({})'
- .format(branch, sequence))
- sequence = sequence[len(branch):]
- for n in sequence.split('/'):
- if n == '': continue
- i = int(n)
- parent_cK = cK
- cK, c = CKD_pub(cK, c, i)
- depth += 1
- fingerprint = hash_160(parent_cK)[0:4]
- child_number = bfh("%08X"%i)
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
-def bip32_private_key(sequence, k, chain):
- for i in sequence:
- k, chain = CKD_priv(k, chain, i)
- return k
+ else:
+ return True
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from .util import bfh, bh2u, format_satoshis, json_decode, print_error, json_enc
from . import bitcoin
from .bitcoin import is_address, hash_160, COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS
from . import bip32
+from .bip32 import BIP32Node
from .i18n import _
from .transaction import Transaction, multisig_script, TxOutput
from .paymentrequest import PR_PAID, PR_UNPAID, PR_UNKNOWN, PR_EXPIRED
@@ -439,12 +440,11 @@ class Commands:
def convert_xkey(self, xkey, xtype):
"""Convert xtype of a master key. e.g. xpub -> ypub"""
- is_xprv = bip32.is_xprv(xkey)
- if not bip32.is_xpub(xkey) and not is_xprv:
+ try:
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xkey)
+ except:
raise Exception('xkey should be a master public/private key')
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = bip32.deserialize_xkey(xkey, is_xprv)
- serialize = bip32.serialize_xprv if is_xprv else bip32.serialize_xpub
- return serialize(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
+ return node._replace(xtype=xtype).to_xkey()
def getseed(self, password=None):
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
import os
import json
+from .util import inv_dict
def read_json(filename, default):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ class BitcoinMainnet(AbstractNet):
'p2wpkh': 0x04b2430c, # zprv
'p2wsh': 0x02aa7a99, # Zprv
'standard': 0x0488b21e, # xpub
'p2wpkh-p2sh': 0x049d7cb2, # ypub
@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ class BitcoinMainnet(AbstractNet):
'p2wpkh': 0x04b24746, # zpub
'p2wsh': 0x02aa7ed3, # Zpub
@@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ class BitcoinTestnet(AbstractNet):
'p2wpkh': 0x045f18bc, # vprv
'p2wsh': 0x02575048, # Vprv
'standard': 0x043587cf, # tpub
'p2wpkh-p2sh': 0x044a5262, # upub
@@ -99,6 +104,7 @@ class BitcoinTestnet(AbstractNet):
'p2wpkh': 0x045f1cf6, # vpub
'p2wsh': 0x02575483, # Vpub
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -229,6 +229,9 @@ class ECPubkey(object):
def point(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self._pubkey.point.x(), self._pubkey.point.y()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<ECPubkey {self.get_public_key_hex()}>"
def __mul__(self, other: int):
if not isinstance(other, int):
raise TypeError('multiplication not defined for ECPubkey and {}'.format(type(other)))
@@ -375,6 +378,12 @@ class ECPrivkey(ECPubkey):
privkey_32bytes = number_to_string(scalar, CURVE_ORDER)
return privkey_32bytes
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"<ECPrivkey {self.get_public_key_hex()}>"
+ def get_secret_bytes(self) -> bytes:
+ return number_to_string(self.secret_scalar, CURVE_ORDER)
def sign(self, data: bytes, sigencode=None, sigdecode=None) -> bytes:
if sigencode is None:
sigencode = sig_string_from_r_and_s
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@ from typing import Tuple
from . import bitcoin, ecc, constants, bip32
from .bitcoin import (deserialize_privkey, serialize_privkey,
-from .bip32 import (bip32_public_derivation, deserialize_xpub, CKD_pub,
- bip32_root, deserialize_xprv, bip32_private_derivation,
- bip32_private_key, bip32_derivation, BIP32_PRIME,
- is_xpub, is_xprv)
+from .bip32 import (convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32, BIP32_PRIME,
+ is_xpub, is_xprv, BIP32Node)
from .ecc import string_to_number, number_to_string
from .crypto import (pw_decode, pw_encode, sha256, sha256d, PW_HASH_VERSION_LATEST,
SUPPORTED_PW_HASH_VERSIONS, UnsupportedPasswordHashVersion)
@@ -133,6 +131,9 @@ class Software_KeyStore(KeyStore):
def check_password(self, password):
raise NotImplementedError() # implemented by subclasses
+ def get_private_key(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]:
+ raise NotImplementedError() # implemented by subclasses
class Imported_KeyStore(Software_KeyStore):
# keystore for imported private keys
@@ -263,7 +264,8 @@ class Xpub:
def derive_pubkey(self, for_change, n):
xpub = self.xpub_change if for_change else self.xpub_receive
if xpub is None:
- xpub = bip32_public_derivation(self.xpub, "", "/%d"%for_change)
+ rootnode = BIP32Node.from_xkey(self.xpub)
+ xpub = rootnode.subkey_at_public_derivation((for_change,)).to_xpub()
if for_change:
self.xpub_change = xpub
@@ -272,10 +274,8 @@ class Xpub:
def get_pubkey_from_xpub(self, xpub, sequence):
- _, _, _, _, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
- for i in sequence:
- cK, c = CKD_pub(cK, c, i)
- return bh2u(cK)
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub).subkey_at_public_derivation(sequence)
+ return node.eckey.get_public_key_hex(compressed=True)
def get_xpubkey(self, c, i):
s = ''.join(map(lambda x: bitcoin.int_to_hex(x,2), (c, i)))
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class BIP32_KeyStore(Deterministic_KeyStore, Xpub):
def check_password(self, password):
xprv = pw_decode(self.xprv, password, version=self.pw_hash_version)
- if deserialize_xprv(xprv)[4] != deserialize_xpub(self.xpub)[4]:
+ if BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).chaincode != BIP32Node.from_xkey(self.xpub).chaincode:
raise InvalidPassword()
def update_password(self, old_password, new_password):
@@ -360,14 +360,14 @@ class BIP32_KeyStore(Deterministic_KeyStore, Xpub):
self.xpub = bip32.xpub_from_xprv(xprv)
def add_xprv_from_seed(self, bip32_seed, xtype, derivation):
- xprv, xpub = bip32_root(bip32_seed, xtype)
- xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", derivation)
- self.add_xprv(xprv)
+ rootnode = BIP32Node.from_rootseed(bip32_seed, xtype=xtype)
+ node = rootnode.subkey_at_private_derivation(derivation)
+ self.add_xprv(node.to_xprv())
def get_private_key(self, sequence, password):
xprv = self.get_master_private_key(password)
- _, _, _, _, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
- pk = bip32_private_key(sequence, k, c)
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).subkey_at_private_derivation(sequence)
+ pk = node.eckey.get_secret_bytes()
return pk, True
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ def xtype_from_derivation(derivation: str) -> str:
elif derivation.startswith("m/45'"):
return 'standard'
- bip32_indices = list(bip32_derivation(derivation))
+ bip32_indices = convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(derivation)
if len(bip32_indices) >= 4:
if bip32_indices[0] == 48 + BIP32_PRIME:
# m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / script_type' / change / address_index
diff --git a/electrum/ b/electrum/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class Mnemonic(object):
print_error("wordlist has %d words"%len(self.wordlist))
- def mnemonic_to_seed(self, mnemonic, passphrase):
+ def mnemonic_to_seed(self, mnemonic, passphrase) -> bytes:
mnemonic = normalize_text(mnemonic)
passphrase = passphrase or ''
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/coldcard/ b/electrum/plugins/coldcard/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from struct import pack, unpack
import os, sys, time, io
import traceback
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub, deserialize_xpub, InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.plugin import Device
from electrum.keystore import Hardware_KeyStore, xpubkey_to_pubkey, Xpub
@@ -40,12 +40,7 @@ try:
def mitm_verify(self, sig, expect_xpub):
# verify a signature (65 bytes) over the session key, using the master bip32 node
# - customized to use specific EC library of Electrum.
- from electrum.ecc import ECPubkey
- xtype, depth, parent_fingerprint, child_number, chain_code, K_or_k \
- = deserialize_xpub(expect_xpub)
- pubkey = ECPubkey(K_or_k)
+ pubkey = BIP32Node.from_xkey(expect_xpub).eckey
pubkey.verify_message_hash(sig[1:65], self.session_key)
return True
@@ -191,12 +186,12 @@ class CKCCClient:
# TODO handle timeout?
# change type of xpub to the requested type
- __, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
except InvalidMasterKeyVersionBytes:
raise UserFacingException(_('Invalid xpub magic. Make sure your {} device is set to the correct chain.')
.format(self.device)) from None
if xtype != 'standard':
- xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
+ xpub = node._replace(xtype=xtype).to_xpub()
return xpub
def ping_check(self):
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/cosigner_pool/ b/electrum/plugins/cosigner_pool/
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton
-from electrum import util, keystore, ecc, bip32, crypto
+from electrum import util, keystore, ecc, crypto
from electrum import transaction
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node
from electrum.plugin import BasePlugin, hook
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.wallet import Multisig_Wallet
@@ -131,12 +132,12 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
self.cosigner_list = []
for key, keystore in wallet.keystores.items():
xpub = keystore.get_master_public_key()
- K = bip32.deserialize_xpub(xpub)[-1]
- _hash = bh2u(crypto.sha256d(K))
+ pubkey = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub).eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
+ _hash = bh2u(crypto.sha256d(pubkey))
if not keystore.is_watching_only():
self.keys.append((key, _hash, window))
- self.cosigner_list.append((window, xpub, K, _hash))
+ self.cosigner_list.append((window, xpub, pubkey, _hash))
if self.listener:
self.listener.set_keyhashes([t[1] for t in self.keys])
@@ -221,9 +222,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
if not xprv:
- k = bip32.deserialize_xprv(xprv)[-1]
- EC = ecc.ECPrivkey(k)
- message = bh2u(EC.decrypt_message(message))
+ privkey = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).eckey
+ message = bh2u(privkey.decrypt_message(message))
except Exception as e:
window.show_error(_('Error decrypting message') + ':\n' + str(e))
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/digitalbitbox/ b/electrum/plugins/digitalbitbox/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import time
from electrum.crypto import sha256d, EncodeAES_base64, EncodeAES_bytes, DecodeAES_bytes, hmac_oneshot
from electrum.bitcoin import (TYPE_ADDRESS, push_script, var_int, public_key_to_p2pkh,
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub, deserialize_xpub
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node
from electrum import ecc
from electrum.ecc import msg_magic
from electrum.wallet import Standard_Wallet
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ class DigitalBitbox_Client():
# only ever returns the mainnet standard type, but it is agnostic
# to the type when signing.
if xtype != 'standard' or
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub, net=constants.BitcoinMainnet)
- xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub, net=constants.BitcoinMainnet)
+ xpub = node._replace(xtype=xtype).to_xpub()
return xpub
raise Exception('no reply')
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/keepkey/ b/electrum/plugins/keepkey/
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import time
from struct import pack
+from electrum import ecc
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled
from electrum.keystore import bip39_normalize_passphrase
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32
class GuiMixin(object):
@@ -154,7 +155,12 @@ class KeepKeyClientBase(GuiMixin, PrintError):
address_n = self.expand_path(bip32_path)
creating = False
node = self.get_public_node(address_n, creating).node
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, node.chain_code, node.public_key, node.depth, self.i4b(node.fingerprint), self.i4b(node.child_num))
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(node.public_key),
+ chaincode=node.chain_code,
+ depth=node.depth,
+ fingerprint=self.i4b(node.fingerprint),
+ child_number=self.i4b(node.child_num)).to_xpub()
def toggle_passphrase(self):
if self.features.passphrase_protection:
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/keepkey/ b/electrum/plugins/keepkey/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import sys
from electrum.util import bfh, bh2u, UserCancelled, UserFacingException
from electrum.bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS, TYPE_SCRIPT
-from electrum.bip32 import deserialize_xpub
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node
from electrum import constants
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.transaction import deserialize, Transaction
@@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ class KeepKeyPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
label, language)
def _make_node_path(self, xpub, address_n):
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_num, chain_code, key = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
+ bip32node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
node = self.types.HDNodeType(
- depth=depth,
- fingerprint=int.from_bytes(fingerprint, 'big'),
- child_num=int.from_bytes(child_num, 'big'),
- chain_code=chain_code,
- public_key=key,
+ depth=bip32node.depth,
+ fingerprint=int.from_bytes(bip32node.fingerprint, 'big'),
+ child_num=int.from_bytes(bip32node.child_number, 'big'),
+ chain_code=bip32node.chaincode,
+ public_key=bip32node.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True),
return self.types.HDNodePathType(node=node, address_n=address_n)
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/ledger/ b/electrum/plugins/ledger/
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ import hashlib
import sys
import traceback
+from electrum import ecc
from electrum.bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS, int_to_hex, var_int
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.keystore import Hardware_KeyStore
from electrum.transaction import Transaction
@@ -112,8 +113,12 @@ class Ledger_Client():
depth = len(splitPath)
lastChild = splitPath[len(splitPath) - 1].split('\'')
childnum = int(lastChild[0]) if len(lastChild) == 1 else 0x80000000 | int(lastChild[0])
- xpub = serialize_xpub(xtype, nodeData['chainCode'], publicKey, depth, self.i4b(fingerprint), self.i4b(childnum))
- return xpub
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(publicKey),
+ chaincode=nodeData['chainCode'],
+ depth=depth,
+ fingerprint=self.i4b(fingerprint),
+ child_number=self.i4b(childnum)).to_xpub()
def has_detached_pin_support(self, client):
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/safe_t/ b/electrum/plugins/safe_t/
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import time
from struct import pack
+from electrum import ecc
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled
from electrum.keystore import bip39_normalize_passphrase
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32
class GuiMixin(object):
@@ -156,7 +157,12 @@ class SafeTClientBase(GuiMixin, PrintError):
address_n = self.expand_path(bip32_path)
creating = False
node = self.get_public_node(address_n, creating).node
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, node.chain_code, node.public_key, node.depth, self.i4b(node.fingerprint), self.i4b(node.child_num))
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(node.public_key),
+ chaincode=node.chain_code,
+ depth=node.depth,
+ fingerprint=self.i4b(node.fingerprint),
+ child_number=self.i4b(node.child_num)).to_xpub()
def toggle_passphrase(self):
if self.features.passphrase_protection:
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/safe_t/ b/electrum/plugins/safe_t/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import sys
from electrum.util import bfh, bh2u, versiontuple, UserCancelled, UserFacingException
from electrum.bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS, TYPE_SCRIPT
-from electrum.bip32 import deserialize_xpub
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node
from electrum import constants
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.plugin import Device
@@ -244,13 +244,13 @@ class SafeTPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
label, language)
def _make_node_path(self, xpub, address_n):
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_num, chain_code, key = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
+ bip32node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
node = self.types.HDNodeType(
- depth=depth,
- fingerprint=int.from_bytes(fingerprint, 'big'),
- child_num=int.from_bytes(child_num, 'big'),
- chain_code=chain_code,
- public_key=key,
+ depth=bip32node.depth,
+ fingerprint=int.from_bytes(bip32node.fingerprint, 'big'),
+ child_num=int.from_bytes(bip32node.child_number, 'big'),
+ chain_code=bip32node.chaincode,
+ public_key=bip32node.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True),
return self.types.HDNodePathType(node=node, address_n=address_n)
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/trezor/ b/electrum/plugins/trezor/
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import time
from struct import pack
+from electrum import ecc
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.util import PrintError, UserCancelled, UserFacingException
from electrum.keystore import bip39_normalize_passphrase
-from electrum.bip32 import serialize_xpub, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32 as parse_path
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32 as parse_path
from trezorlib.client import TrezorClient
from trezorlib.exceptions import TrezorFailure, Cancelled, OutdatedFirmwareError
@@ -120,7 +121,12 @@ class TrezorClientBase(PrintError):
address_n = parse_path(bip32_path)
with self.run_flow(creating_wallet=creating):
node = trezorlib.btc.get_public_node(self.client, address_n).node
- return serialize_xpub(xtype, node.chain_code, node.public_key, node.depth, self.i4b(node.fingerprint), self.i4b(node.child_num))
+ return BIP32Node(xtype=xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(node.public_key),
+ chaincode=node.chain_code,
+ depth=node.depth,
+ fingerprint=self.i4b(node.fingerprint),
+ child_number=self.i4b(node.child_num)).to_xpub()
def toggle_passphrase(self):
if self.features.passphrase_protection:
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/trezor/ b/electrum/plugins/trezor/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import sys
from electrum.util import bfh, bh2u, versiontuple, UserCancelled, UserFacingException
from electrum.bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS, TYPE_SCRIPT
-from electrum.bip32 import deserialize_xpub, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32 as parse_path
+from electrum.bip32 import BIP32Node, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32 as parse_path
from electrum import constants
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.plugin import Device
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ class TrezorPlugin(HW_PluginBase):
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported recovery method")
def _make_node_path(self, xpub, address_n):
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_num, chain_code, key = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
+ bip32node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
node = HDNodeType(
- depth=depth,
- fingerprint=int.from_bytes(fingerprint, 'big'),
- child_num=int.from_bytes(child_num, 'big'),
- chain_code=chain_code,
- public_key=key,
+ depth=bip32node.depth,
+ fingerprint=int.from_bytes(bip32node.fingerprint, 'big'),
+ child_num=int.from_bytes(bip32node.child_number, 'big'),
+ chain_code=bip32node.chaincode,
+ public_key=bip32node.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True),
return HDNodePathType(node=node, address_n=address_n)
diff --git a/electrum/plugins/trustedcoin/ b/electrum/plugins/trustedcoin/
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ from aiohttp import ClientResponse
from electrum import ecc, constants, keystore, version, bip32, bitcoin
from electrum.bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS
-from electrum.bip32 import (deserialize_xpub, deserialize_xprv, bip32_private_key, CKD_pub,
- serialize_xpub, bip32_root, bip32_private_derivation, xpub_type)
+from electrum.bip32 import CKD_pub, BIP32Node, xpub_type
from electrum.crypto import sha256
from electrum.transaction import TxOutput
from electrum.mnemonic import Mnemonic, seed_type, is_any_2fa_seed_type
@@ -59,9 +58,8 @@ def get_signing_xpub(xtype):
raise NotImplementedError('xtype: {}'.format(xtype))
if xtype == 'standard':
return xpub
- _, depth, fingerprint, child_number, c, cK = bip32.deserialize_xpub(xpub)
- xpub = bip32.serialize_xpub(xtype, c, cK, depth, fingerprint, child_number)
- return xpub
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
+ return node._replace(xtype=xtype).to_xpub()
def get_billing_xpub():
@@ -388,20 +386,26 @@ def get_user_id(storage):
short_id = hashlib.sha256(long_id).hexdigest()
return long_id, short_id
-def make_xpub(xpub, s):
- version, _, _, _, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
- cK2, c2 = bip32._CKD_pub(cK, c, s)
- return serialize_xpub(version, c2, cK2)
+def make_xpub(xpub, s) -> str:
+ rootnode = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
+ child_pubkey, child_chaincode = bip32._CKD_pub(parent_pubkey=rootnode.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True),
+ parent_chaincode=rootnode.chaincode,
+ child_index=s)
+ child_node = BIP32Node(xtype=rootnode.xtype,
+ eckey=ecc.ECPubkey(child_pubkey),
+ chaincode=child_chaincode)
+ return child_node.to_xpub()
def make_billing_address(wallet, num, addr_type):
long_id, short_id = wallet.get_user_id()
xpub = make_xpub(get_billing_xpub(), long_id)
- version, _, _, _, c, cK = deserialize_xpub(xpub)
- cK, c = CKD_pub(cK, c, num)
+ usernode = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub)
+ child_node = usernode.subkey_at_public_derivation([num])
+ pubkey = child_node.eckey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
if addr_type == 'legacy':
- return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pkh(cK)
+ return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2pkh(pubkey)
elif addr_type == 'segwit':
- return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2wpkh(cK)
+ return bitcoin.public_key_to_p2wpkh(pubkey)
raise ValueError(f'unexpected billing type: {addr_type}')
@@ -538,9 +542,9 @@ class TrustedCoinPlugin(BasePlugin):
assert is_any_2fa_seed_type(t)
xtype = 'standard' if t == '2fa' else 'p2wsh'
bip32_seed = Mnemonic.mnemonic_to_seed(seed, passphrase)
- xprv, xpub = bip32_root(bip32_seed, xtype)
- xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", derivation)
- return xprv, xpub
+ rootnode = BIP32Node.from_rootseed(bip32_seed, xtype=xtype)
+ child_node = rootnode.subkey_at_private_derivation(derivation)
+ return child_node.to_xprv(), child_node.to_xpub()
def xkeys_from_seed(self, seed, passphrase):
@@ -721,9 +725,8 @@ class TrustedCoinPlugin(BasePlugin):
challenge = r.get('challenge')
message = 'TRUSTEDCOIN CHALLENGE: ' + challenge
def f(xprv):
- _, _, _, _, c, k = deserialize_xprv(xprv)
- pk = bip32_private_key([0, 0], k, c)
- key = ecc.ECPrivkey(pk)
+ rootnode = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv)
+ key = rootnode.subkey_at_private_derivation((0, 0)).eckey
sig = key.sign_message(message, True)
return base64.b64encode(sig).decode()
diff --git a/electrum/tests/ b/electrum/tests/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from electrum.bitcoin import (public_key_to_p2pkh, address_from_private_key,
is_compressed_privkey, EncodeBase58Check,
script_num_to_hex, push_script, add_number_to_script, int_to_hex,
-from electrum.bip32 import (bip32_root, bip32_public_derivation, bip32_private_derivation,
+from electrum.bip32 import (BIP32Node,
xpub_from_xprv, xpub_type, is_xprv, is_bip32_derivation,
is_xpub, convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32)
from electrum.crypto import sha256d, SUPPORTED_PW_HASH_VERSIONS
@@ -405,19 +405,18 @@ class Test_xprv_xpub(SequentialTestCase):
'xtype': 'p2wpkh'},
- def _do_test_bip32(self, seed, sequence):
- xprv, xpub = bip32_root(bfh(seed), 'standard')
+ def _do_test_bip32(self, seed: str, sequence):
+ node = BIP32Node.from_rootseed(bfh(seed), xtype='standard')
+ xprv, xpub = node.to_xprv(), node.to_xpub()
self.assertEqual("m/", sequence[0:2])
- path = 'm'
sequence = sequence[2:]
for n in sequence.split('/'):
- child_path = path + '/' + n
if n[-1] != "'":
- xpub2 = bip32_public_derivation(xpub, path, child_path)
- xprv, xpub = bip32_private_derivation(xprv, path, child_path)
+ xpub2 = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xpub).subkey_at_public_derivation(n).to_xpub()
+ node = BIP32Node.from_xkey(xprv).subkey_at_private_derivation(n)
+ xprv, xpub = node.to_xprv(), node.to_xpub()
if n[-1] != "'":
self.assertEqual(xpub, xpub2)
- path = child_path
return xpub, xprv
@@ -474,7 +473,7 @@ class Test_xprv_xpub(SequentialTestCase):
def test_convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32(self):
self.assertEqual([0, 0x80000001, 0x80000001], convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32("m/0/-1/1'"))
self.assertEqual([], convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32("m/"))
- self.assertEqual([2147483692, 2147488889, 221], convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32("m/44'/5241'/221"))
+ self.assertEqual([2147483692, 2147488889, 221], convert_bip32_path_to_list_of_uint32("m/44'/5241h/221"))
def test_xtype_from_derivation(self):
self.assertEqual('standard', xtype_from_derivation("m/44'"))